The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1996, Page 11, Image 11
I " -I---5”T Variety is the Spice of Life! Our company fe expanding and so should your resume Valuable part-time positions available that offer future opportunities with our company. Please call 475-4002ext 3341 or 3367. EOE. Wakresses/Waiters needed. FT/PT, day and evening hours. Great wages! 10 minutes from campus. Apply a HAPPY CHEF, *29 NW 12th. WANTED TO HIRE: Handiperson (well train) to work weekends—about 3 hours each week. Yard work, minor carjien^. picture hanging, odd jobs. Start $6. Cal Nancy COMPUTER OPERATOR IndMdual needed to operate computers and at other peripheral devices In accordance with de partment poldes and procedures; acts as re source person to users; processes reports. Re quires any combination of training and/or expe rience that w«l alow the individual to meet the knowledge requirements noted above and per form the duties. Prefer previous experience with Digtal computers (Le. vax cluster). Abiily to (au>oreur8ungf sorting and OMfim reports to spftffflsd ftstt li ft timely nvanfMN* PT-11 2OOpm-7:O0ftm (Sat/Sun) NURSE TECHNICIAN Individual needed to provide direct or indirect patient care as determ med/delegated by an RN. raises meal trays, dismisses patients, answers call lights and based on activities of daiy living, reports patient response to LPN/RN. Assists with the tasks necessary for the general man agement and organization of the nutsing unit, being flexfcie in meeting the patient or unit needs. EUgbte candidates must have obtained certification in a ‘certified nursing assistant* course or currently be In enroled in a school of nursing program having had experience with baths, vital mans and assisting with activity. FT7PT positions aval able PATIENT ACCESS ASSOCIATE Individual needed to perform various reception ist duties, schedule hospital procedures and services; perform reservation, preadmission, registration, dismissal, transfer process; per form customer service functions; assist patients with financial/blling questions; performs various collection functions. Requires any combination ot training and/or experience that will allow the indMdualto meet the requirements noted above and perform the duties. Knowledge of medical terminology preferred. One to two years related experience preferred. Skill in typing 30 wpm. PT positions available * DINING SERVICE ATTENDANT Individual needed to perform a variety of routine duties such as dishing salads, serving on the cafeteria line, operating a cash register and cleaning up after each meaL Must have ability to lit up to 25 be. and communicate effectively with others. FT/PT positions available PATIENT DIETETIC SERVICES ATTENDANT Individual needed to assemble and set up food trays for patients in accordance with department poficies and diet orders; strps and cleans food carts and dishes. Requires any background/ experience that wM allow the mahriduafto per form the Med duties. PT positions avalable FOODSERVICE ATTENDANT ' Individual needed to receive, soak and feed dirty dishes into the dish machine, as wel as unload ing dean dishes and putting them away. Must have manual dexterity and abilty to lift up to 25 PT -4:45pm-8fl0pm 2-3 evenings AND/OR 7fl0am-230pm on Sat or Sun We offer: ‘a competitive aeiery (new starting wege/pey differential for weakenda, evenlnga and overnights) •contact us to loam more about using tuition reimbursement and benefit dollars to further your education. Please submit resume/application to: BRYAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Human Resources 1600 South 48th Street Lincoln. Nebraska 68506 (402)483-8610 Clerks needed afternoons and nights. Apply in person: Mire's O Street Drive-In, 22nd A O Street. Data entry. 50 wpm, 25 hrs/week. Cal Joyce, 476-8818. Desk Clerk 11p.m. to 8a.m. Two to three nights per week. Apply In person at Stop'n Stepp Motel, 1140 Calved St. Drug-free and looking for work? Tlco'a restarturant Is looking for you! APPLY TODAY! 475-1048,317 S. 17th Street. Lincoln. • ' •; r • --- Part-time chid care assistant. Persons needed 730-930. Monday-Friday to provide direct care of children. Abo. al day suo positions avalabte. Flextote days. Cal Trinity Infant A Childcare, 475-9731. needed, 2-3 afternoons per ran and k«b> with houaahoid and referencee required, cell |J maihfl our chwHare. For W° ea1 4@Qs__JlQMsing Publisher’s Notice At real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to the federal Fat Housing Act, which makes 11legal to advertise any preference. Imitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex. handicap, famtlal status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, Hmltaiions or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan wU not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby Informed that at dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Female roommate. $150 + 1/4 utlitles. 475-0932. Large dean house, dose to campus, all utilities paid, washer/dryer, cable, males only. $280.477-0227 Mate/femaJe roommate needed by Nov. l.$n s/month + 1/4 uttMes. Cal 477-7418. _ NEEDED: Male roommate to share large dean home. Close to campus, al utlitles paid, W/D, cable. $280.477 0227. Roommate for 6-bedroom house. $150 deposit, $165/ month + utikies. 5211 S 50th, 483-2589. 2311 U ST., 5-bedroom house. Just remodeled, central air, washer/dryer hookup, no pets. Only $695, cal Phoe nix Properties Management 421-8996. 2424 W, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, parking, $750. 909 N. 23rd. 3 bedroom. $575. 1237 Court near campus. 3 bedroom, air, garage, parking, $575 2301 Vine, very nice, 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, near campus, $750.432-0644 or 432-6644. 6 bedroom and three bath. Just redone, central air, and washer/dryer. 1144 "F* St $1200. WHI hold until Jan. 1st. 430-9012. Campus Close 3202 “S" Four bedroom. Two baths. Central air. Parking. No pets. $650.430^328. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Bedroom $299-$359; 2 Bedroom $335-$439. Laundry. Busline. $100.00 rebate on first month's rent. JONES APTS, 475-7262. 211S. 28th, One bedroom. Small pet allowed, completely renovated, heat paid, $275/montn. 477-1489. 240 S. 26th. Modem 2 bedroom. Bui! in microwave. Balcony. Off street parking. Leave message 483-2357. 2533 Washington. Clean, light, furnished basement. One bedroom. Laundry. Non smokers/non drinkers. $300 477 5032. 940 S. 32nd. 2 BR. 1st floor, AC, garage, no pets, $460. 483-6862 or 476-7722. Close to campus 6,9. and 12 month leases available on 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. $32S-$510 477-2600 _Management One Colonial Heights Apartments One, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor heated pooL421-3070. Emjjwgr Paik API. 31 st 4 Old Cheney;land 2 bedroom, $405-$530. 1814 F St, 2 bedroom, $450. 515 W Saunders, 1 bedroom, $365. No pets, 483-1130. 483 6057._ ^ New Carpet/UNL Close 2740 R. Large three bedroom. Laundry. Garage. No pets. $495.430-6328. Newer, extra dean, 2 bedroom, 3rd.floor, $435-rent, off street parking. $435 deposit, 483-6280. NEW STUDENT ENROLLMENT The Building Blocks To Success ►New Student Enrollment is currently accepting applications for 1997 Orientation Leaden. If you are interested in becoming part of the NSE team, please plan to attend one of the information sessions we ofTer. The meeting times are: •Tuesday, October 1,7pm, Neibardt Blue TVJLounge Tuesday, October 8,4pm, Nebraska Union y Wednesday, October 9,4pm, Culture Center - rf.eSr Thursday, October 17,7pm, NjS East Union Tuesday, October 22,7pm, Nebraska Union . Thursday, October 24,4pm, Nebraska Union Applications are NOW available at the following locations: Office for Student Involvement (both campuses), Office of Admissions, Culture Center, Multi-Cultural Affairs, and all Residence Hall Front Desks. Welcome 1109,1121 N. 28th, meat your new neighbors, huge BR, 2615 Vine One bedroom spit level duplex, lots of win dows, all unities paid, one of a kind 2504 Vine, 2 bedroom top floor, spacious, $475. 4300 Comhusker, 2 bedrooms, 11/4 bath, spit-level, lire a house. $490-$525. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. VWD hookups, neutral colors, beauti ful. $530. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 ADOPT: Kindergarten teacher & successful businessman long to shower your baby with love, laughter and a promisng future. Let's help each other. Exp. pd. Liz & Emanuel 1 600-631-2644. ADOPTION A laving alternative We offer counselng and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Chldren's Home. 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. Affectionate and loving stay-at-home mom, proud dad, and want-to-be big brother. wMi to share our Ives filled with love, laughter, security, and warmth with newborn. Confidential. LegaL Expenses paid. Cal Diane and Eddie at 1-800-452-6441. « Cycle Works Don't mbs out on Nebraska’s best riding weather 'cause your bite has a flat tire. Get I fixed now! so you can ride everyone else. Flat firestotune-upe, yobV always get fast and friendly service at Cycle Woks. Cycle Works 27th & Vine 475-2453 Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential affordable prescription birth control HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Dbeases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. "Cr Str. 441 3300. South Str. 441-3333. FREE INTERNET ACCESS Binary Net. 464-5211 LECTURE NOTES We take notes in your classes. Many sets to choose from. Stop In and browse our selection. Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore. 1300 Q St, Lower Level, 477-7400 FREE Pregnancy Test BWTHRtGHT is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information. 483-2609. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on ALL OPTIONS. Certified Counselors available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal for infor mation and hours 441-3300, Facts of Life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska ChriBtian Services. 1 800-727-3084. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven resuts. 464-0775. RESUMES FAST Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore typesets your resume. Stop In or cal for Information. 1300 Q St, Lower Level, 477-7400 Daily Nebraskan Comics The Norm By Michael Jantze eveN HOT X *£€? EXPECTING k PAT\N6 h& KATHy APEUMAN T<? 1 a^t^f au. x walked MAIKfpENAN^fc WITH HER TO 5C&WV IN KlNP6R6ART£N.„ I b» ^ 1014 _L—xL NON OEQUITUR By Wiley JO&OMIN& IN TUE NINETIES ^ —imn-^- S I*HE Deep End_^ ___ By Chad Strawderman XT'S NO WONDER PEOPLE THOSE IN CHARGE UA\)E TrEY ARE PART OP THE I OOU0T The ARE LESS INTERESTED IN I LITTLE IN COHHON NSW WEil-OIR WELL* EOOCWED. PRESIDENT Rw E-OER politics these qays.J tre people trey represent, ue\i-breo, cultural llite. pato ms electric T»tRTt£M, • They are p\gt sill in penny rolls. like You mo p\e. ACROSS 31 Windblown ST Funny situation i Small flounders 33 “■ • •and be thou 60Amanuensis,at 5 Woodv’s scion ,iket0-t,mes s wooay s scion Song of f t singer Brickell ..PHHresdate Solomon MObtaaa i 3 Foil for a fencer M several kings of 4 borrower 14 Ore stratum Norway 'S3 Raised select is Theda of silents 39 Author animals 16 Fun in numbers, Deighton 64 Kind of touch , , with “the” 39 Void 6S"--8-— is Resembling 40 Safari hat Perpetua," «Conductor Idaho motto ao A haft is one Bruno_ 2' schoolhouse 4s,P8'<oe O®*" supplies 45 Elongated ' 1 Remove a spar ”?^rn,n9 “aut »■—/.b«to “®°naps.8® a Family of a*™: “Xdi ssssr 30 Lacking *» T rumpet fanfare chief direction 56 It has its tricks 4 Takes care S Rowan AWSWEB TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE J5SV? [sTlTaTtVtTe]a1mTaTnHo]?]a] #Th®*ast 11 tol LIE MM7~TTTn |TTtTr|T~‘^B I ll Ll 6 Overseas IsMElEillsIolRlRIolwBDlAtil 10 Small town’s {sjElxlTiEMiHiirfiutT^BrtnrtAi b*9street; ■ | Ll I r>MAklliCTl mU Slang ■S|Pl?MotutT®R E In E MaTU 11 Sinful emotion 1* Musician’s LLLB.I. attribute lull nmilMiilii nil Bnli Im 17‘ -416 pIr o wmfmKnTTiHrtlzTiBy rub”: Hamlet BMMi 111 > 1111 Bi'In is Type of candle 22 Sellout notice lElXiBBrnTT^Wc U 1 a Li t 24 Republic near rfTnrBi li / InLL mMiii r T En9,and - li II B I I H 1111 rr1! 2S Skyway saucers igiriEBRlElPlA|H|TBA|L]Q|A] 99 Editor’s O K. r. -'Jx- ^v"if