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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1996)
WITH ANY PURCHASE Free 4 oz. bag. 994 value. Expires 10-31-96. it* m ms Eg *♦* i Nowin POLBY RIDGE1 f POPOCOHN ♦ ICE CREAM ♦ YOGURT M i, I Malts & Shakes • Hot Fudge Sundaes I Cappucino • Latte • Popcorn • Ice Cream Brass Rail est. 1935 A/WE RICE, STEPHEN KING, SUE GRAFTON, Patricia Cornwell, dean Koontz... r^"HQftROR^ f and ^ 4i ^ CA 'JVovel iJdea 118 N. 14th SL • Lincoln, NE 68508 • (402) 475-TOME HOURS: Mon-Sat 10am - 6pm Thurs 10am - 9pm Sun 1pm - 5pm American Heart Associations^^ I Fighting Heart Disease BECOME AN ■ iHH AIRFORCE s zBs The Air Force has a special place for you. As an Air Force nurse officer you can put your professional skills to work and enjoy: ■ • a team approach to health care • 30 days vacation with pay per year ■ • complete medical and dented care I • opportunities to advance Serve your country while you advance your career. ■ USAF HEALTH PROFESSIONS TOLL FREE 1-800-423-USAF Dance Contest Every Tuesday 9:00 pm pfoj 'O' Street » HO COVER Edge sparks deep hatred EDGE from page 9 Kurt Cobain did not write the cavernous, haunting guitar intro to “Come As You Are” so The Edge could make a few more bucks, and Billy Corgan did not write the carpe diem ditty, “Today” to convince lis teners that The Edge is his choice for rock ‘n’ roll. This comment by The Edge absolutely berates and derides all integrity and ideals of the great rock figure heads of our day. ^ This radio station operates only as an exercise in corporate greed and callousness, and every time we tunc in, we join its ranks. Schulte is a j unior English ma jor and a Daily Nebraskan staff reporter. Dilily 34 Nebraska Union Mrvhrn 1 1400 R Street 68588-0448 I I INCDDdoKdJLl (402)472-2588 FAX 472-1761 | I I j CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM j J Name — ■ Address—— I Phone — | STUDENT RATES: $3.25 includes 15 words. NON-STUDENTS: $4.50 includes 15 words. $.15 for each additional word. $75. billing charge. ■ Date(s) to run: - ■ Advertising text: I Special repeat rates and features are available. For information call 472-2588 Classified Advertising Deadline is 2:00 p.m. weekday before publication. I l l_-.___--J I . ' I Classified $3.25 par day for 15 words on individual student ana student organization ads. $4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, reli gion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. 1 The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newsoaner Tne advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Ne ““ 300 HELP WANTED Earn MONEY and FREE TRIPS promoting SPRING BREAK TRAVEL PACKAGES!! Cal INTEf+CAMPUS PROGRAMS 1-600-327-6013 mip://www.icptcom Employment Opportunity ■ ttS&psSBaeafiSsrar* I Evening and/or weekend work. Resume experience. $10.85 to start. Filing 39 positions by 10/21. cal M-W 3 7 PM 477-8663. ★ ★ ★ Exercise daily and be paid for it! Delwer Daily Nebraskans to East Campus every week day. Must be available from 7-9 a.m„ have own vehicle and a UNL student with at least a 2.0 G.P A Contact Dan, 34 Nebraska Union. 472-1769. Full or part-time available, depending on qualifications. There are opportunitites of any nature in running a hard ware store. Apply in person. Sutter Place Ace Hardware, 46th 8 Hwy F _' Game Room attendant needed at Champions In Lincoln. Friday evenings, Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. Give out change, take care of minor machine mafunctions, light cleaning. Flexble scheduling. Would consider spitting hours between two or more. 1 -800-658 4343 GREAT HOURS FOR COLLEGE STUDENT! PART-TIME EVENING CUSTODIAN DOWNTOWN OFFICE FIRST FEDERAL LINCOLN BANK has an opening for a part-time Custodian at our downtown Home Office. Work schedule is Mon. through Fri. from 5150-10:45 p.m. Main responsMIy is maintaining alitiard floor areas, stripping, waxing and buffing Doors. Also policing outside building, removing trash and performing snow removal. Apply 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday through Thursday (ctoeed Monday, Oct 14thVat our Human Resources Department. FIRST FEDERAL LINCOLN BANK 1235NSL _ , Lincoln, NE " ■ -. An Equal Oppbrtunky/AfHrmative Action Employer M/F Immediate Part-Time positions available moving furniture at auctions. 477-9256. Inside Sales Rep Cellular One is seeking energetic, service-oriented indi viduals with retail sales experience for our Wal-Mart communications center. We have part-time and full-time positions open Immediately. Both require the ability to work flexble hours, including evenings and weekends. Salary Is $5.75/hour plus commissions. Call Rich Tavls at (402) 466-1400. Join our team! Super 8, West “0" now hiring: housekeeping and front desk. 'Competative starting wage 'Flexible schedules » 'Greet bonus program 'Apply in person. Super 8, West ‘Or, 2635 West “O'. EOE Employer Knolls Restaurant Several positions available for evening dining room/ban quet staff. Perfect hours for students’ schedules. DON’T WAIT! Cal NOW for more information: 423-2843. LaundryLand is hiring lor the 1:45pm-730pm shift and the 7pm-Mnnight shift at the 21st & J location. $5.25/hr to train, Apply wfthln.* . . .. Lawn care personnel needed. Part time and ful time positions avalabie. Flexble hours. Morning and after noon positions available. Call 432-5602 to apply. Lazio’s Brewery & Grill 'Come see whaf we can offer you! *Wage6 that only the most successful restaurant in town can-offer) 'Team work at It’s be6t1 'Unparalleled training and support! 'Paid vacations! *Cloeed on mpior holidays! 'Some daytime avalabtty required! *50% employee discounts! •You Do Not have to wear a name tag! 'Arid nobody Nngs Nappy Bkthdayf Apply Inpemdn for a seriously unique opportunity wth Lazio’s, 710 P Street between Infpm, Monday, Tuesday, orThurway. • "n ■ ■ Lee's Propane Service is looking for reliable part-time hep; filling bottles and in-store help. Flexble hours and competitive wages. Cat 474-3235. Looking forful and part-time help. Four locations. Flexible hours. Apply at Kabredlos, West Comhusker. Morning student computer lab consultants wanted. Excel lent customer service and PC skits required. Cal 472 5630 or visit 201 Miller Hal. Music industry Internship Asylm Markeing seeks intern in Lincoln, sophmore/ above, 15-25/week required. Knowledge of new music and your market a must. Abiity to get college credit a plus. Call Linda 213-368-4738 or FAX Resume to 213-954 7622. NEED SOME CASH? Immediate telemarketing posNons available, set your own schedule and we wH pay you weekly! JRW SALES Is expanding and needs you to loin our wel-trained and highly paid staff. Call today. START TOMORROW! 436 PART TIME —~~ $6.00/hour are you avalable half days? We can possbly work around your classes. Clean warehouse day time hours, moderate lifting required. Wa have several posi tions open to males and females apply at: NEBRASKA BOOK CO. 4700 SO. 19TH EOE Parttime Maintenance Technician Deeter Foundry. Inc. currently has two openings for part time maintenance technicians on our third shift. The Ideal candidate wil be able to work approx. 12am-4amrand wil have experience in the general maintenance and repair work of industrial machines. We offer a flexble work schedule and the staring wage of $9/hour. Interested * PT Computer Operator PT position for knowledgeable, detail-oriented person in computer operations department. Responsbilities in clude operation of IBM mainframe ES-900 process, tape drive, primers, PCs and other equipment. Submit jobs and monitor computer runs modlying JCL in a VAX environ ment and distrbute reports. Hours are 11 AM-3 PM Mon Thurs; 7 PM-Midnight Friday. High School diploma re quired and computer-related experience preferred. Apply in person or send resume before October 25,1996. Security Mutual Life, 200 Centennial Mall North, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508. EOE Schlotzsky’s Part-time day and evening help needed. Free uniform, employee discount. Flexble schedule and no late hours. Apply In person at the Gateway Mai location. A A A TELEMARKETERS Fast growing firm where the work environment is stim ulat ing and fun and where YOU CAN MAKE BIG BUCKS! Starting with a guaranteed $6.50 rate, you can earn $10.00 with good performance. We also offer paid training,casual dress code, awesome non-cash bonuses and flexble hours. Waking distance from campus. In al, a great part-time position— eee for yourself Apply in person or call HeidL EOE. IMS J 434-2626 Suite 304 Golds Galleria ★ The National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting applications for: * Encoder • Item Processing * Teller - Campus * (2) Teller - Rampark For more detals, please call the First Commerce job hoMne, 434-4700. Equal Opportunity Employer