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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1996)
ii hf-^r I |i r *-r*- * |: m : ■ * *• \ p: r~ i v ■ Procrastinators get last chance atcranfidtkxi By Kasey Kerber Senior Reporter t ; . , " “ Upperclass students who still need to take freshman composition classes may find the spring semester to be their last chance. Incoming freshmen will have priority in reg istering forfireshman composition classes next fall, and the classes usually fill up fast The English department is encouraging upperclass students who still need to fulfill the freshman composition requirements to take ad vantage of an increased number of classes of fered in the upcoming spring semester. The College of Arts and Sciences will offer 10 more sections of English 102 (Composition and Literature II), English 150 (Composition I), English 151 (Composition II) and English 254 (Composition) for the spring semester. Linda Pratt, chairwoman of the Department of English, said 400 to 600 students still needed to fulfill the requirement “For whatever reason they've decided not to take the classes, they need to take them now,” Pratt said. She said the additional sections would only - be temporary. •tk. Anne Kopera, coordinator of the College of Arts and Sciences Advising Center, said a “bubble” situation was being created when it came to the freshman composition class. She said upperclass students who had not fulfilled their composition class requirements often would take up places in the freshman com position classes, squeezing out incoming fresh men. Those freshmen become upperclass students and the situation repeats, she said. To solve the problem, additional classes were offered so all freshmen would have a chance to get the requirement exit of the way in their freshman year, Kopera said. Gory Brookes, vice chairman of the Depart ment of English, said the department normally offered about 50 sections of freshman compo sition classes. Michael Steinman, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, said funding for additional sections of freshman composition classes had created a budget dilemma. “It’s money that could be certainly used in other places,” he said. “But we view this as something important—giving all freshmen an equal chance. This is something we just have to do.” ■ •*_ . s- ' ' > < / A new world? BRIAN KELLY, an undeclared freshman, and Jenefer 1 fejhf a^sfpTtlondayduKng a Columbus'Say protest at the “Tbrn Notebook* sculpture at claimed the national holiday honored a “mass murderer,* saying: “Columbus didn’t discover Ahfertca, ByChad Lorenz Senior Reporter One year after helping save a man’s life, Lincoln police officer Chris Peterson says he doesn’rfeel like a hero. The National Association of Police Organi zations thinks otherwise. Earlier this month, Peterson was (me of 10 officers to receive the nation’s highest award for a police officer from the organization. Peterson helped save a veteran’s life last August when the man attempted to jump off die roof of the Veteran’s Administration Hospital, 600 S. 70th St Although he traveled to Washington, D.C., Oct 2 to accept the Top Cop award from NAPO, Peterson said he didn’t want to take aU the credit. “There were four other officers involved,” hesaid. *1 guess I just wish there had been more pats on the bac around.” ing to him and 4 down his emotion not running at M2 was on the ro Peterscm^during tl Johnson by the sh When the offi< minutes later, Pet < 'L . .... _ ... around the man’s wrist and around a cable bolted to the building. “If the other guys hadn’t been there, tilings would’ve moved a lot faster,” Peterson said. “We wouldn’t have been able to save him.” But it was Peterson’s quick thinking that earned him hero status. The Top Cop award was the highest honor Peterson ever received, he said, but he shrugged off his status as a hero. The rescue, he said, was simply part of his job. ^ He doesn’t see himself any differently, he said, and his day-to-day duties haven’t changed. What has changed is the way people view police, he said. Police usually get a lot of pub licity only when they make mistakes, but the rescue showed the officers in a good light. . Please see PETERSON on 3 By Darren Ivy Staff Reporter Things are better here. Students at die University of Ne braska-Lincoln College of Law have a better than average chance of getting a job when they graduate. This is good news for UNL law stu dents, because a 1995 national survey showed that 84 percent of pre-law stu dents perceived the job outlook as bleak. That’s not the case at the Univer sity of Nebiaska-Lincoln, a law school “\tfPare continually above the na tional job placement average for law schools in the United States,”, said Suzanne Kirkland, assistant dean and direc$af:0f career services attbe law school.. Statistics from the 1995 National Association for Law Placement showed that 92 parent of UNL’s law graduates found jobs within six months of graduation. The national average was 86.7 parent Nebraska’s 1995 job placement ratewas the school’s highest in the last five years. Thenumbaof UNL law graduates who found jobs outside the legal field contributed to the increase. In 1990,9 percent took jobs outside the legal field. By 1995, the number jumped to 22 percent “The jobs outside the legal field fessional jobs,” aren’t flipping burners or Dumoine eas somewhere.” But even though UNL law students have a better chance of getting jobs than other law students, their jobs may not yield better pay than the jobs other law students get. — NALP statistics reveal that starting salaries at UNL lag behind the national average by more than $12,000. UNL graduates’ average starting salary for the class of 1995 was $33,000. The national average was $45,590. Despite the disparity, starting sala ries at UNL have improved—die av erage first-year salary in 1986 was $25,000. The job placement rates UNL graduates now enjoy haven’t always been so favorable in recent years. In the early 1990s, national job placement rates for law school gradu ates hit all-time lows. Please see PLACEMENT on 3