The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1996, Page 2, Image 2

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    Rebels battle while Iraq urges peace talks
A Kurdish taction
Sulaymaniyah and
ejects the opposing
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP)—Kurdish
rebels recaptured a key city Sunday
from a rival faction that seized control
of northern Iraq last month with the
help of President Saddam Hussein.
Iraq urged the two groups to settle
their differences through talks and
sternly warned the advancing faction
against “dealing with foreign powers,”
a reference to the group’s ties to Iran.
Clashes between the two Kurdish
factions in August led Saddam to send
forces into the northern sate haven
protected by U.S.-led forces. The
United States responded by bombing
Iraqi military sites in the south.
There was no indication Iraqi
troops were involved in the latest fight
A statement by the Patriotic Union
of Kurdistan said its forces entered
Sulaymaniyah, the region’s second
largest city with 1 million people, at
dawn Sunday after a “spontaneous up
rising” that ejected the forces of the
Kurdistan Democratic Party.
It said Massoud Barzani, the KDP
leader, fled the city and took refuge in
the northern oil city of Kirkuk, which
is controlled by the Iraqi government.
In a statement, the KDP’s office in
London confirmed that its forces
“evacuated the city to avoid bloodshed
and fighting.”
The group claimed Iran had “en
tered the war” and that thousands of
Iranian Revolutionary Guards, backed
by. artillery, had pushed through the
border into Iraq.
Later Sunday, the KDP claimed that
it repulsed movement west of
Sulaymaniyah by Patriotic Union
forces that were “relying On heavy Ira
nian shelling.”
“The attackers lost dozens of men
and members of the Iranian Revolu
tionary Guards were identified among
the dead,” the KDP claimed.
The PUK has denied Iranian forces
were involved. There was no immedi
ate comment from Iran.
In Baghdad, the Revolutionary
Command Council — chaired by
Saddam—and the ruling Baath Party
issued a blunt statement.
“We have consistently given severe
warnings in the past against dealing
with foreign powers,"it said. “We call
upon the parties that have returned to
fighting to expel the foreign forces and
not to deal with them.”
The Iraqi leadership said it was pre
pared to invite all parties to peace talks
in the capital, Baghdad.
Saddam’s intervention was pun
ished with U.S. missile attacks on Sept.
3 and 4 and led to an American mili
tary buildup in the Persian Gulf.
The recapture of Sulaymaniyah fol
lowed a statement Saturday by the
Kurdistan Democratic Party that PUK
forces backed by Iranian troops and
artillery crossed into Iraq from Iran the
previous day. On Saturday, the PUK
recaptured several towns in northern
Iraq that form an arc about 30 miles
northeast of Sulaymaniyah.
The two Kurdish groups have been
at odds for years.
They differ over what policies
should be adopted in dealing with the
Iraqi government, with the KDP favor
ing finding an accommodation with
Baghdad over their demands for au
The United States mediated a
cease-fire last year between the
Kurdish factions. But it collapsed Aug.
17 when the two groups resumed fight
ing amid differences over customs rev
enues from a road between Turkey and
northern Iraq.
FBI to investigate assault case
Agents attempt to settle dispute in visit to U.S. base in Antarctica
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) — FBI
agents and an Australian mediator are
making what are believed to be unprec
edented visits to Antarctica to investi
gate an assault and staff dispute at two
They will be visiting a region whose
harsh winters have a history of send
ing people over the edge.
The Australian Antarctic Division
confirmed Sunday it was sending a
mediator to the Casey base to deal with
an “interpersonal dispute.”
An official denied a rebellion had
broken out among the 15 staffers and
said the base was functioning normally.
The mediator, however, was to stay on
through early January, when the next
relief ship is due.
Meanwhile, three FBI agents were
expected Sunday at the U.S. Antarctic
base at McMurdo Sound to investigate
an assault case.
The agents will take the alleged
assailant into custody, according to an
announcement to McMurdo staff by
Stan Wisneski, the area manager for
Antarctic Support Associates, the com
pany that staffs and supplies the base.
A fight broke out between two
cooks in the galley on Wednesday, in
which one attacked another with the
claw end of a hammer. A third cook
who tried to break up the fight was also
The suspect, who has not been
named, has been held in custody and
watched around the clock, he said.
The case provides a novel legal test
for the FBI, since it appears to be the
first time the United States has sent
federal law enforcement officials to a
U.S. Antarctic base to investigate a
serious crime.
It is unusual, if not unprecedented,
for nations to send law enforcement
officials and mediators to Antarctica,
which, under the Antarctic Treaty, be
longs to no nation.
Routine offenses are usually dealt
with by refusing to renew a staffer’s
contract or a scientist’s grant, in effect
exiling them from Antarctica.
Visitors who taunt the penguins and
seals, remove rock samples or break
other strict environmental laws are
normally handled by the station’s chief
scientist, who is a deputized U.S. Mar
Stress induced by harsh winter con
ditions on the continent has been
known to take its toll on residents and
explorers of the Antarctic.
In the 1950s, a violently deranged
staffer at Australia’s Mawson base had
to be locked in a storage room for the
winter months out of fear for the safety
of the rest of the employees. Only the
base doctor could safely approach him.
The doctor at Argentina’s
Almirante Brown station on the Ant
arctic Peninsula couldn’t stand the iso
lation as winter closed in during 1983.
He forced his own evacuation, and that
of his colleagues, in the only way he
could: He burned the station down.
One of the Soviet Antarctic staff
ers in the past got fed up with a col
league over a chess game—and killed
him with an ax.
French creator of embroidered
alligator dies of heart failure
PARIS (AP) — Rene Lacoste,
the French tennis champion of the
1920s who transformed his nick
name — “Le Crocodile” — into a
status symbol on polo shirts around
the world, died Saturday. He was
Catherine Lacoste said Sunday
her father’s heart failed while he
slept in a hospital room in his home
town of St. Jean de Luz after sur
gery on a broken leg. Lacoste also
suffered from prostate cancer.
Lacoste was the world’s No. 1
player in 1926 and 1927 and won
seven major singles titles in his ca
reer: Wimbledon twice, the U.S.
Open twice and the French Open
three times.
He was also the last survivor of
the “Four Musketeers” of French
tennis — Lacoste, Henri Cochet,
Jean Borotra and Jacques Brugnon.
Frenchmen won all six Wimbledon
singles titles from 1924 to 1929.
Lacoste is perhaps equally fa
mous for creating the embroidered
alligator that has adorned millions
or shirts.
His nickname, “Le Crocodile,”
or the alligator, apparently came
about after he admired a crocodile
suitcase in a store window, and his
Davis Cup captain promised to buy
it for him if he won an important
upcoming match. He never got the
bag, but U.S. sports writers took up
the name, he said, because it de
scribed his style on the court.
“The public must have been
fond of this nickname, which con
veyed the tenacity I displayed on the
tennis courts, never letting go of my
prey,” he said. “So my friend Rob
ert George drew an alligator, which
I then had embroidered on the
blazer I wore on the courts.”
Bom in Paris on July 2, 1904,
Lacoste did not pick up a tennis
racket until he was 16. His playing
career ended with a respiratory ail
ment at age 25, but in the interven
ing nine years he was recognized as
perhaps tennis’s greatest ground
stroker and one of its most astute
Bom-again groups not supporting I
WASHINGTON (AP)—A number of reli
gious conservatives are planning to stay home
Election Day rather than vote for Bob Dole,
according to Martin Mawyer, president of the
Christian Action Network.
Dole is not addressing the concerns of “pro
family conservatives” who consider themselves
born-again Christians, Mawyer wrote in an opin
ion piece published in Sunday’s editions of The
Washington Post. That is (me reason Dole is lag
ging behind President Clinton in opinion polls,
he said.
Dole’s only chance for recovering the dis
enchanted Christian right vote is to change his
message — from concentrating on his 15 per
cent tax cut plan to emphasizing issues of mo
rality and values, Mawyer said.
“When a candidate ignores our issues, we
ignore him,” said Mawyer, who founded the
Forest, Va.-based group that claims a member
ship of250,000. “He seems not to have noticed
that our schools have begun to teach our chil
dren that homosexuality is normal, natural and
Christina Martin, a spokeswoman for Dole,
said the campaign believes Christian voters
know what’s at stake and will turn out for Dole.
“Pro-life, pro-family conservatives will be
active on Election Day because there is only one
candidate out there who favors such liberal ideas
as nine-month abortions, as gays in the military,
as condoms for school kids, and that is Bill
Clinton,” she said.
Members of the much larger Christian Coa
lition, which boasts several million members
nationwide, also have expressed concerns about
Last month, Dole directly appealed for sup
port from the Christian Coalition after its founder
Pat Robertson said it would take a “miracle” for
Dole to win, especially if he doesn’t change his
campaign emphasis.
“It s not the economy, stupid. It’s morality,
stupid, and that’s where the issue’s going to be
decided in this campaign,” Robertson said.
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Tuesday, Oct. 15
The Comedy of Errors
Howell Theatre
8:00 p.m.
Career Connections Fair
Bob Devaney Center
For more information:
Call Career Services Cen
ter at 472-3145
Publicity for Student
Organizations, seminar
Instructional design center,
Henzlik Hall
4:30 p.m.
Sponsored by Student In
volvement office
For more information call:
Wednesday, Oct. 16
The Comedy of Errors
Howell Theatre
8:00 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 17
The Comedy of Errors
Howell Theatre
8:00 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 18
Red Letter Days
For more information, call
Kelly Legg at 472-4646
The Comedy of Errors
Howell Theatre
8:00 p.m.
44th Annual Midwest
Registration 12:45 p.m.
Room 112, Hamilton Hall
Program continues Satur
day, 8:00 a.m. at Brace
Fee: $30.00
For more information call:
Dept, of Physics and As
tronomy at 472-9223
Saturday, Oct. 19
The Comedy of Errors
Howell Theatre
8:00 p.m.
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