The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 10, 1996, Page 9, Image 9

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featured show
at planetarium
From Staff Reports
This fall, the Mueller Planetarium
is featuring an educational and enjoy
able production starring our closest
neighbor—the moon.
“Moonwitch” is a family-oriented
show that explores the moon and its
mysteries in an exciting way.
The opening sequence includes a
look at evening stars and fall constel
lations. Later, the audience is intro
duced to siblings Bill and Diana. When
this duo are Halloween trick-or-treat
ing, Diana notices that the moon ap
pears to follow her. Upon their return
home, Bill and Diana’s parents explain
the motion and appearance of the
“Moonwitch” will be running
through Dec. 1. It will be shown ev
ery Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m.,
except for Saturday Nebraska home
football games.
Admission for this show is $3 for
adults and $2 fen* children and students.
Tickets may be bought up to 30 min
utes before the show in the planetarium
lobby. Mueller Planetarium is on the
first floor of Morrill Hall.
For additional information call 472
2641, or visit the Internet web site at
You have your reasons.
,,, ^^^^S.uJ30NDS
A public soviet of this newspaper
Tfursdoy-AI Campus Pep Roly Tonigfitl 700 FM In Tfie Coliseum
• Celebrate Big Red Stye Witfi Or, Tom Osborne Footbal Players, Women's Voleybal Team
UR Pep Band Yel Squad Tfie Higfi-Flying Scarlets, Homecoming Royalty and morel
• Nationaly Touring Comedian Torrrry Blaze Wl Be Tfie Master Of Ceremonies.
Friday-Big Red Carntd 530 FM At Bro^il Plaza
• Live Music By "Aces Higfi"
• Fairbury Brand Hot Dogs, Co6e And Free Ice Cream From Colby Ridge &
Nebraska Bookstore giveaways.
• Paint Your Face Or Tfrow A Pie to Someone flse's — We Have Games For Everyone!
au iiNivt»$rrr nomkcomimo damcc
y 10:00pm to 1:00am Friday October 1 lift gg
• Students, Bum One OfTnese; iocat,°*-la*ca«tb.uil»n«.*
-H /i j. ^ j j_/^i -r./' j _ o ADMIT ONE an"meooorADMIT ONE
Ticket Sales tfiis Thursday & l~~—-—■—•—
Friday"From 900 AM - 400 RM to A5HS office (ti5 NE IMbn) Or Visit Dor Bootfi Friday to City
IMbn From top AM -COM ^£5"
npO COlATOfl Parfaaric Coinci
r r L^UMluL^ Residence Wd Association BfflSpjKitSjKn
IO | 4 5tudent Awm Association
IJ U diversity Program Cotncl KSBBHBBMBm
y Agri Sciences & Nat. Res Student Adu Bd ^JL^d^dJkZdAiSf
' J.. . Student foundation - i300 Q Strte«t *476-011t' > 4
An^/icuHnrc ;f~ ^ »"*>■ «*• M«l<*w%twrw»irA'4>i‘<fci»» itoaL -a- oio;
$3.25 par day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$4.50 par day for 15 words on non-student ads.
t15 each additional word_
75 billing charge.
Personal ads must be prepaid.
Found ads may be submitted free of charge.
DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior.
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which does
not comply with the policies and judgments of the
00s For Sale
1994 Ralegh M20 tor sale. Bast offer. 420-5706.
Bke sale. 15%d)scount on all 96 models instock. Honker
Hangar, 3655 South St 486-0323,
Cycle Works
See Lincoln's largest selection of bicycles, clothing and
accessories. We have mountain, road, and hybrid bi
cycles ki Mock and ready to rol. Huge savings on any
remaining D6 models. Writer clothing now in stock.
Cycle Works
27th & Vine
TrekMSOO. 24" frame, t month old, *280. Rob. 465-0258.
leaps message.
Package Bel 486 33MHZ, 340MB Hard, 4MB Ram, CO
tom. sound card, fax modem, plus loaded software, *800
OBO. 486-8431.
Beige couch, excellent condition, *50. Ful-siza redner,
*35-obo. Must sell! Leave a message: 435-8566.
Lincoln's vintage record shop. Qualty used CDs, $7.50 a
lass, LPs, Cassettes, Posters. 3833 South 48th, 489
pgfiu: wiTw newwneets, sizes i/^mctio
850,060. ANDfltl bp Magnum 360 wotk out bench
0, with weights and bar$36.483-5177.
27-Inch starso color TV, $275. 4-head VHS VCR, $65
2 tickets needed for Baylor Game. Oct. 12. TOP $$$ Cal
Have 3 KISS concert tickets (or sale, for October 23. Ask
for Tonya. 436-8719.
H_Rows 1-5
Two Baylor tickets for sale, $40 each. 438-0540,
Wanted: 2 tickets to Baylor Game. Ask for Jenn at 438
6516._- .
'87 Toyota Tercel hatchback, 4 speed, 69,000 mites,
great condition. $2200.423-3160.
1993 Mercury Capri convertfcle with detachable hardtop.
8,000 mles. Book-$10,750 Asking-Si0,000. 436-4466,
leave message.
200s Notices
- _
Flu Shots/Wellness Profiles
~ Today
For students,, faculty/stafl and general public. - City
Union, H a.m. -1 p.m.
There wil be officer elections for Golden Key on Tuesday.
Oct 15. at 7 pm in NE Union; Room to be posted. Al new
members (juniors) who are interested in running for office,
please attend.
AMA Luncheon:
Oct. 10th, either meet at 11:45in209 CBA, or 12:00 at the
University Club. Cost: S&00/H you save your recent
Maikelng Club w« reimburse you $4.00!__
Attention: Inroortant Message
to follow...
I you are leadershiporfenuid, sociable, and want to
become active In the University. STUDENT FOUNDA
Broke? Want Free Money?
Criminal Justice Study Tour—
Costa Rica
Jan. 3-13. $875RTairfare and room. 3 hour credit course.
872-2219 or 423-7867 altar 6.
-1 z<,-.*•p Hacky-Sack
Maatfno 730-9:30 Thursday night, on CRC badminton
courts. New members welcome.
Hayrack rides and bam avalabie lor activities. 402-797
2066 evenings.
Homecoming Dance Tickets
On Sale This Week
Stop by ASUN office (115 Nebraska Union) anytime
9am to 4pm on Wed., Thu., & FH. OR visit our booth in
City Union over lunch on Wed. and Fri.
Tickets $2 in advance. Limled availability. BUY NO Will
Homecoming ’96
Congratulations to the
Office of Admissions
Winner of the Office
Display contest
The Manager Meeting for Men', Women's, and Faculty/
Staff Voileybal wfll be held Thursday, October 10. at 5:00
p m. in the Nebraska Union. Each team must have one
representative present to be eligible for competition. Cal
472-3467 for more information.
Take Four - minutes f your time to register for ULC.
can sa-arateiRSSssr;
Positions are now available at National Parks. Forest &
Wildlife Preserves. Excellent benefits & bonuses. Call: 1 -
206-971-3620 ext N57784.
UNMC Dentistry at the Arts&Sdences Advising Center,
107 Okflather, Monday. October 14.1-5. Call 472-4190
for appointment.
I Oct. IS.. 430 Henzfik Hall. Call Student I
Invovlement for reservations, 472-2454. I
Chances Are... Introduction Service.' Mfe can Introduce
you to someone who warns to meet someone Just Hke you.
It's afun and great way to meet newpeopiel Call434-5360
and leave a message for more Information.
iipcise>|rf4t4fy accepting applications tor event director
and execute postions. Applications can be picked up in
the UPC office, 117 Nebraska Union, and are d ue October
15th. Call 472-6146 tor more Information.
Attention Women W
The 1997 Wbmen* Leadership Conference Planning
Committee wN be meeting every Thursday from 123£
130 In the City Union. Anyone interested in being involved
with Itwi rommlitew Is enr ramped tn rani
Advisory Boeid meeting tonight, 8 PM. MeetingwM be M
Children's Museum. (Entsrfrom 13th Stmt) PIscMbs
on time for entrances into the buldlDQ.
Campus Red Cross
Campus Peer Program
If you’re interested In beincf involved in teaching HIV/AIDS
to your peers, cal Becky, 438-3543 or come »;oui
meeting tonight, 9pm in the food court, NE Union, room
Nebraska Semester Abroad
Spend a semester In Greece and Czech Republic and
earn 12 credit hours In 12 weeks! Info meeting October
17,4.-00 at International Affaire. 1237 R St. 472-5358.
Pre-Pharmacy Club Meeting
Wednesdy Oct 16 at 6pm n the Nebraska Union, room
posted, t-800-626-8431.■
Society for Human
Resource Management
Meeting Oct 10 at 530pm in NE Union, room posted.
Speaker. Lu Motes, Job Search Techniques.
Students for Hagel
Students for Christensen
Students for Bereuter
wil meet at 11am in the City Union on Saturday to
distribute rosters and stickers before the game. Free
UNL Marketing Club ,
Meeting, Thursday, Oct. 10t 6:00pm. City Union, room will
be Dosted. Speaker
Baity Swanson, for Sports Marketing.
Dues ate due, $18fyear or <10/Semestef.
UNL Model United Nations
Thursday nights 7pm in the Cky Union. Come join the
FUNI 7*_’_
777 Mn
Thank you tor the dinner exchange. We had a areal time.
The Men of Theta CN
Thanks tor coming over afterthegameon Saturday. We'l
gril out with you anytime!
Men of Triangle
Thank you to David Ames tor visftlng.
Congratulations to Derek Famstrom on being elected to
Parking Appeals Commttee.
WMcome to the famty: Liea V., Monya D„ KMy K., and
SaraS. We love you al !i
XI Love, Your Mommies
Aida Desiree and Kale, hope your waek Is fun. We’re so
exdled to have you In our awesome family and can 1 wait
urn* Sunday.
_XI Love, your mommies
. - A.P.A ••
Baby Amy, welcome to the BEST fsmlfy. Wlele proud to
TFJ, your mommy, grammy, and MANY more
Carta, Amanda, Niki, Tina, Mary, Cathy, Kelly, and
Welcome to the biggest and best family in the house.
We can't wait until Sunday!
_ Xi Love, Your Mommies
Diana and Andee, welcome to the family! You're awe
some and we love you lots! ~
Ram ah Eisenbei! and Mastaya Mier, We're watching you!
See you Sunday!
XI Love, your pledge moms.
Baby Greenwood,
Do you know who your Mommy Is? Beware, she is
_ ~ * ' 1 ‘ Xi Love
Bam Bash .
October 11,1996
at Nebraski
Congratulations to the academic standouts with a 4.0
GPAI Aerni, Blair, Bond, Crawford, Dahl, Kiser, Lang ran,
Penner, Rose, Stewart, Vincent, Weaklend.
Also, Congratulations to those DU's that will be attenging
the Scholarship dinner!
Lambda Chi Alpha
75th Anniversary Celebration
White Rose Formal
Friday, October 11th
Recognizing 75 year* of frieniehip and
_ _ 0X
Congratulations to our new initiates: Nate Bereuter, Nate
Fredrickson, Nick Lovett, Nick Meinke, Trevor Johnson,
Jason Skyta, and Sean Young.
_Your Brothers
Recycled Sounds
lotto's of posters, 1000's of cds, Ipe. new releases,
cassettes. Always buying good tlt)es/824 P Street 476
Phi Alpha to the Brottao^hefsLk:
Matthew Ryan Bender
You made O'Gnarty unmemoratole.
The Brethren of SAE.
Friday, October 11