Meeting spurs debate on climate for women atL etes WOMEN from page 1_ damaged the reputation of UNL seri ously? Ford saia. “We hired somebody to come in and lode at the athletic de partment, and they said everything was fine” But everything isn’t fine, Ford said. Ford said women athletes may have felt uncomfortable talking to the male NCAA representative who interviewed women on campus. Faculty may have been hesitant to report problems to someone they knew was hired by Bill Byrne, Ford said. The investigator may |ave also spent too much time looking at statistics (such as how much money is spent on women’s sports) instead of individual situations. “Now there are continuing Stories of harassment that come out,” Ford said. For example. Ford said the chan cellor had heard of problems at the ath letic training table, where many ath letes eat. Women had to walk the length of the room while being verbally ha rassed by men, Ford said, and there were very few women who ate at the training table. Ford said the athletic department reorganized the training tabic and made sure there was a better balance of men and women. He agreed with the cau cus—those changes were not enough. “You shouldn’t have to rearrange the training table,” he said. “You need John Bender, assistant news-edito rial professor and a member of the Academic Senate.said athletes have undergone “intense sensitivity train mg. , Moeser responded to critics by call ing in another consultant, probably a woman, to review the climate for women in theathletic department. The chancellor does have a com mittee specifically set up to deal with women’s issues. Members of the Chancellor’s Committee on the Status ofWomen include faculty and students who consult him an matters such as the climate fix female athletes. Associate economics professor and chairwoman of the Faculty Women’s Caucus Mary McGarvey said some members of the committee (who are also in the caucus) have told her they don’t feel empowered to make speak out, and some feel obligated to support the chancellor because it is officially his committee, McGarvey said. “There's a sense that they’re be hooved to the chancellor,” McGarvey said. Moeser has been reluctant to meet with the Women's Faculty Caucus. Moeser said he thought talking with the women’s committee was adequate, and the caucus was not an official campus group. McGarvey said if Moeser wanted to convince women that they're a pri ority, he should look into getting more funds for hiring women as associate or full professors. “When chancellors do make issues priorities, things tend to get done,” McGarvey said. MfKsersagd women’s issues were apriority. " “I'fn verjtconcemed about die cli mate dir women on this campus,” he said. Moeser said McGarvey recently had thanked him for bringing up the issue of paid maternity leave at a meet ing. He said he hadn’t been aware of any problems. “I’m really sorry she took another nnsitim when I wasn't there.” Student makes fragrance, image for men, women FRAGRANCE from page 1 -ing him out, he said, and he had some money from investments he made in high school. Loqu&tion should be on Lincoln shelves in less than a year, he said. Malcom’s “small start” is 20,000bottles. They will eventually sell for about $29 for 1.7 oz. Inter ested buyers on the East Coast are calling, Mateomsaid, and he spends about three hours a day on the phone with potential buyers and advertis ing agencies. “I don't know if it will sell bet ter than CKOne; that's big Malcom said. “But it's a good im age fragrance for men and women.'' And at the very least, if his fra grance doesn’t sell asquickly as he expects, Malcom will have settle s good-smelling friends and relatives. “I guess 111 haven lot of Christ mas gifts ready.” Students hope to promote campus diversity DIVERSITY from page 1 achieve a unified campus, she said. Adams said participants planned to form a political student group that could represent the student bod/ bet ter than current campus organizations. She said participants were all very politically concerned students who Adams hopes will work to reverse a lack of minority representation in the administration, faculty and curriculum. . r “Thecurrieulum is very biased and needs to be changed,” Adams said. *Ybu can take an English course and not have to read a woman author or a work that's not WestentT2^ J • Benjamin Wallace, a sophomore • _ • French and English major, said the re treat was “an awesome experience” that dealt with a lot of diverse ideas. Wallace said he was excited about forming a group that could accurately represent all students and effect changes on campus. “Unknowingly, we put together a representation of die majority of stu dents at UNL,” Wallace said. “And we’re all willing to make a difference.” Harris said although the group could be themost effective at promot ing diversity through grassroots efforts on campus, students have limited power at aimi versify. “Iftheleadershipatthetopdoesn’t believe diversity is vital to our cam pus, we wiU see gains that are marginal at best,** Harris said. Tina Vergil, a junior member of the Mexican American Students Associa tion, said hearing about campus diver sity concerns at the retreat was good for participants with no previous ex posure to diverse groups. The overall success of the retreat will be evident later, if students follow through with their yearlong commit ment to promoting cultural understand ing, Vergil said. “Everyone made the commitment,” she said. “1 just hope that they follow through with it.” ——“■■■Tl If you’re into computer science, data processing, accounting, auditing, math or law... get in touch with State Farm. Our career opportunities are many and varied for qualified grads. If you’re selected, you’ll enjoj the advantages of working with a respected leader in the insurance industry. Expert training State-of-the-art equipment. Excellent pay and benefits. Plenty of room to grow. And you’ll enjoj Bloomington, Illinois, too. It’s a thriving community with the social, cultural and recreation^ activities afforded by two universities. Contact your Placement Director, or write to: Assistant Director Corporate Human Resources; Three State Farm Plaza-Kl, Bloomington, Illinois 61791-0001. 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