Debates will make little impact, professor says -LiS from page 1 One exception was Chris Herron, si junior marketing major, who said he did not watch the de bates because he was studying few a test. Herron said the debate might have affected his decision between Clinton or Dole. Unlike Herron, Sittig said, most voters have either already made, or are close to making, their choice. With the debates coming so late in the campaign season, voters have had time to make up their minds. With Dole’s lag in the polls, Sittig said, he expected the Repub lican challenger to be much more aggressive and expected the debate to be “bombastic.” The debate was, at times, gentlemanly, with both can didates saying they liked each other personally. “I didn’t anticipator expect^ that,” Sittig said. “That it wasn’t (turbulent) doesn’t disappoint me. “I am sure Dole was more re strained than some of his handlers wanted him to be.” With the nextdebate a little more than a week away—and Dole more than 12 points behind in most polls — Sittig said Dole might be more aggressive in the next debate. History is not on Dole’s side, Sittig slid, because candidates be hind in the polls have never turned an election around by an aggressive debate performance. However, with the election in the “23rd hour,” Sittig said, Dole would have to take more chances and be more wide open in the debate. “I am sure the temptation will be there.” Campus groupiaiftis to ‘write’ wrongs Write a letter, save a life. These are the words members of Amnesty International believe in. They mean trying to assure the rightful treatment of “world citizens” and enabling them to have basic hu man rights. And it means a lot of writing. Each Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., UNL’s Amnesty International chapter convenes for its regular meeting where it writes letters to those governments, organizations or governmental figures i playing a part in violating human rigtes. * This seme^er the group focuses on Turkey.wherelhe Turidsh government . is continually violating human rights, said Lisa Sock, president of Amnesty International’s University of Ne braska-Lincoln chapter. _ Sock said the Turidsh government was guilty of denying people the right to a fair and speedy trial and creating inhumane prison conditions. She said the letters Amnesty Inter national members write are aimed at a variety of Turkish sources, including the media, prime minister and mental institutions. Sock said Amnesty International tends to focus its letter-writing cam paigns on one main topic for a period of time, and then switches to another one out of necessity.- , “Next spring we’ll probably be fo cusing on refugees in general, mainly those within the United States,” Sock said. She said the United States had been scrutinized for the number of refugees it allows within its borders. the success of past Amnesty Inter “Several of ourmeanbers haxejgpt ten back feplies ini ity, but when it i feel like writing 100 letters. Bereuter tells students their votes count BEREUTER from page 1 But Bereuter stressed his commit ment to reducing the debt and there fore stimulating the economy as his most important obligation to students. “Mostly we need to keep the economy very much alive,” he said. “Or when they move into the work force after graduation, they won’t have as great opportunities as they would in a vibrant economy.” Ri/wgr CMtk Hnilf# ^ r” ^ wn § ume tn*| * ^ ' .»•■*•';'. ■'-?mi*f^w-?*- . -• - v■': ^7-.,**^r ' ■*■**•*. . - V* ■ * J+ J | Oil Change Service , with UNL student ID. j Now only 19.70 ■ (reg.$25.70, Environmental disposal fee included.) ■ • Oil & filter change (op tplgto) "r§ • Lubricate zeric fittings • Check & fill fluids: break, power | steering, battery, washer, and automatic transmission fluid only J • Check antifreeze- air filter, wiper * blades, and tire pressure j( • Vacuum interior & wash windows i Most brands available. J Expires 1241^s# - j 1 n E i N | LusdousCream Cheeses ~ ■ I.. ■ . : * Sun.-Thurs. 9 pm-12 pm _/v with Student ID ^ Expires 11/27/96 I f J