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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1996)
School but driver needed, ^tamoon route WKi/brsutad tut®. Contact Denise Hoffman.464-7544 or Bev Sprouse. 464-0604. - Sinclair Oi has part-time hours cashiering. Experience a plus, EveningAwekend hours. 474-6274, ask for Debbie. Steer needed Wednesday morning for mom's group. $10/ hr. 435-6620. _, SPRING BREAK) EARN CASH! HIGHEST COMMIS SIONS! TRAVEL FREE ON... ONLY 13 SALESI! FREE INFO! CALL SUNSPLASH 1-600-426-7710 • , TCBY Now Hiring HAVE WE GOT A DEAL FOR YOU AT CAROL WRIGHT GIFTS, ; . i; INC.!! WOULD YOU UKE A JOB THAT ONLY WORKS 3,4. OR 5NJGHTSA WEEK7HOWABOUT ONE THAT ALLOWS YOU TO PICK THE NIGHTS THAT YOU WANT TO WORK? THE HOURS ARE 330 PAL TO MIDNIGHT. YOU COUUJ WORK ' Y. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY, OR MONDAY. M_DAY, FRIDAY. OR TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY* THURSDAY,£fliDAY. ANY COMBINA TION! YOU PI&K THE NIGHTS!!! (EXCELLENT1A!) AND THEN. (HANG ONTO YOUR DRAWERSQw__ YOU COULD ALSO BE ELIGIBLE FOR 90% TUITION REIMBURSEMENT FOR QUALIFYING DEGREES/ COURSES AFTER THREE MONTHS!!! WE ALSO THROW IN S50.0Q/CLASS FOR BOOKS JUST IN TME FOR NEXT SEMESTER. (GSZ, WE'RE GfVMG AWAY THESTOREI) HELP US FILL OUR CHRISTMAS ORDERS We are now hiring for poeteone in the production depart ment of our direct mail order fad Ity. Duties include picking, packing, taping, sotting, and loading orders for shipment to our customers. (On. and we do have other openings, too J If you are interested in taking me up on this, please HI out an appfcaSon at: CAROL WRIGHT GIFTS. INC. 340 APPLECREEK ROAD LINCOLN. NE 68528 (402)437-2257 (ITS THAT REALLY COOL BUILDING LOCATED JUST OVER THE VIADUCT ON WEST "O' STREET) EOE M/F/O/V TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS National neaoan^CofporaBon^eheaMijiaw Induanys applcatlona forte professional Intoivlowrtng ataiO you are Interested In healthcare issues, enjoy taking to people, and are In need ofagarMhne Job—mie could be •J&SSSsl&b NO SELLING!!! *Ftodble achedulng—You ehooaa the days you wotk! "Convenient downtown location 'Casual and smoke free work environment 'Competitive hourly wage For more information or to schedule an interview, please call the Data Collection dapwtment @ 475-4520, M-F between 8wn & 6pm. NC Newer, extra dean, 2 bedroom. 3rd floor, $435-rent, off street paiklng, $435 deposit. 483-5280. Welcome Vincenzo’s Now hiring waft staff, cocktai. bums, line cooks and dishwashers. Apply in person to 808 P Sheet. WaftressesMfelters needed, FT/PT. day and evening Ba&ayag arisr ^ Fai or part-time babysitter need in home for chfldren 8,7, 4. Must have own transportation. Please cal Joe 441 8132 or 483-5570. £1750 weekly posslrie mailing our circulars. For Info cal 202-290-8368. 400s Housing P Notice ^ISdara^akhtoualrv ^A^dSdhmSbtJ1 to advertise any pfsfcfWQJi tontoabofi or dtscrimmatioo DeKreo on tace, color, toxfffon, box, nsncjtuop, FanwiQi status or national origin, or MaMon ta make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Oafy Ne braskan wll not knowingly accept any advertising lor real estate which Is In violation of the mr or rSscnminatee septal sexual jwnftmnnu Ota tendon ate hereby informed that at dwellings advertised are avatable on an equal opportunity basis. Female roommate wanted for alarge smoke free house. $250, ufHes paid, cal 4754)294. M/F Roommate wanted. Nice 2 bedroom apartment ftaiconyv dMwvhir, laundry, secured entry. October Roommate wanted, house on, 188t & R, 8150/month, utlities Included. 477-3023.> UNL student looking for f non-smoking female room mate, to share 3 bedroom house, 2 bath, 15 min. from campus. $200 + 1/3 utlftfas. 484-6208. ----— 2311 U ST., 5-bedroom house, Just remodeled, central air, washer/dryer hookup, no pets. Only $685. cal Phoe nix Properties Management, 421-8996._ 2424 W, 4 bedrooms, 2 bams, parking. $750. 909 N. 23rd. 3 bedroom. $575* 1237 Court, near campus, 3 bedroom, air, garage, 2301 Vine, very ntoe, 4 bedroom, 11/2 bathe, near campus, $750.4320644 or 432-6644. 2828 N 4th. Ctnn 4-bedroom, 2-balh, 2-garage, central f,U AgmllAAAAe .giAah Ar/itn#Ql)C AiiaIaWIa a*, nppilqnC6S, WBSn6f/0fY8f• nO D0(8, pocO, nV&H8DI6 now. 435-7807. 3,4, or 5 bedroom house, 2 bath, 712 Chartaeton. Many extras Including washer/dryer. $800.489-9294. Campus Close 3202 "S’Four bedroontTwo baths. Central air. Parking. No pets. $650.430-8328. 2-bedroom duplex near East Campus. Available soon, Laundry, remodeled, must see! $495.441-9665, learn r— minmfimm!! Buslne. $1 OMKHebai^onltaiMTi onlVrfrwrt.LJONE& APTS, 475-7282. 2533 Washington. Clean, light, furnished basement One bedroom. Laundry. Non smokers/hon drinkers. $300 477 S032. 3 and 7 bedroom tpfc., no pets, inquire after 5pm 423 0389,_ Close to campus 6.9, and 12 month leases available on 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. $3254510 A77-9SA0 Donate Plasma T^gj I Earn pj this week • Cash - Nocheck hassle f] • TV Entertainment r • Free parking at the doer _ I_____—________ ^ _ ____ FREE Pregnancy Test MnHMGHT Is a confidential helping hand. Please cal for appointment or more information. 483-2609. PREGNANCY P^>on-lncoSn,>OM<1 Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion aid referral on ALL OPTIONS. Certified Counselors available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal for infor mation and hours 441-3300. Facts of Ufe Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Services. 1 800-727-3084. Resumes By Anti - Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 yearn experience, proven resale. 464-0775. _' RESUMES FAST Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore typesets your resume. Stop in or cal for information. 1300 Q St, Lower Level, 477-7400 Dads Nebraskan Comics The Norm By Michael Jantze ' THe NORM'S ^ HISTORY 1 [ ‘ 1 [ 1 1 OF *HAN6[N' OUT.' school pizza Joint College campus bar Povortown coffeehouse I i I I Ms and my chopped Schwinn at -Hie five-and-ten. m. wecome+ol be cool-not I to order. J ~rW*l aSSBLC&tyC r Maybe if we acted! tme ^intellectuals? s i — 1ST"** _\ ) r r t If I How can we be \ l coot when weve | \ wired? ^ JNON OEQurruR oy wuey E f § I'M SofifiY ■s HoEWNl, BUT « WE WIVE K . ir CERTNN o= mz. To g UPHOLD N a 1 THIS offlCE 0 111 ___, in The Deep End By Chad Strawderman wbe mats enough LOOSE. CHANGE. fcETvteEX The Sofa cosmows To m A SNACK. § 1 i m "Tt «! ACROSS i An order of angels • Telamon ruled here is Practical person ic Fuss over, English style 17 One who transfers property IS “I Puritani” heroine and namesakes is Turandot" role 20 Factions 22 Roman-fleuve 23 Handel hero 24 Bundle of hides 25 Cradle rocker 2S Dancer-mime Parenti 28 Baltic island, to a German 30 Carry on 31 Irruptions 33 Calls it a day 38 Tinstone, e.g. 38* Wednesday,” Harold Lloyd film 37 Caligula and Herod 4i Released conditionally 48 Greek military gp. inW.W.II 48Conspue 40 Milne’s "When We—-Very Young" 40 Wrestler’s objective [I ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZU J i i i i mm i i i i m i i i so Part of a shandy si Channel between sandbanks 92 Horn; shaft; Sp. 54 Sky Dragon so English river S7 Theater district! SO “Adagia* autho 01 Shared annuity os Menu entry os Polisher of docks’ interion 04 Boxes DOWN 1 Sidiian seaport 3 Abode of the Muses 9 Monaco monarch 4 Founder of Kievan Russia ; s “Solar Barque" author 0 Those, inTaxct 7 Marks for Davie Ozio v#liliOdy Allen film 5 Bothers 10 -Bensey, in “Tobacco Road 11 Flavoring for a Cannes cordial OBES?* introduction to 14 Opening woJds? ' fi “The Big— 1990film X7 Cloverteaf lanes M “Night Music" nlnmnriJiht . piaywngm 2» Swiss lake ' ae incomplete line, to a printer atOrinoco tributary 34 Pitch 37 Takes off - l/ninf|l jwiineinil IpfYowoi omission 00 Sarto Domingo's S4 Cooked first president sufficiently 40 Less dense so Son of 41 Herald Jerahmeel: 40 Greengrocers’ . I Chron. 2:25 wares so Mountain in 40 Deier’s choice Tasmania 44 Execrates soE. Indian herb 47 Gums oo Inst, at so Choir voices Savannah