I 02 05 10 13 16 20 30 Jewelry 40 Misc For Sate 45 Musical Instruments Office Furniture Pets Ptioto Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 65 Stereos/TVs 70 Ticket Exchange 410HousingWar Rooms/Rent 46 50 55 420 I 430 Houses/Rent 440 DuptodRer* 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 MoMe Homee/Rent 480 VacattorVRent 490 Homes/Sale SERVICES 500s 90 Vehicles 500 Adoption 505 Alterations & Sewing 510 Automotive NOTICES 200s 515 Bicycle Service I Bridal 200 Rides 203 Spring Break Trips 206 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetngs 220 Greek Affairs 230 Student-Government 240 Pereoneie 242Pbtoing& „ 5201 525 Catering 528 Chid Care 530 Cleaning/Laundry 531 Homingfl loitoiihnfcln 535 Computer Service 540 Entertainment 545 GM Mens 548 HakstySng Health & Fitness 5501 553 Insurance 565 toeSudiorVTutoring 250 Wanted AflA r*. in ih ii cw Mjnaratsmg 270 900 Numbers ) Lawn care > LegalServices 573 Music Exchange 575 Photography 578 Pregnancy •W^.CoWn, 300 Help'Wanted 310 Chid Care 320 Work Study Jobs 330 Summer Jobs irnernsnips 563 nolriiom i Rentals 585 I 588 Tanning 560 Tattooing 593 Travel 566 Typing A Resumes $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan wifl not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basts of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national The Daity Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or MjartfMK, advertisement at any time which does bo| ooa&Dr*# the pcjjoiea end Jwfcmenfc of $e MMVMJMc!A.et;r??y;£U{'9f «ruA jiiue The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Ne braskan. For Sale Trek M800,24’frame, 1 month old, $280 Rob, 465-02S8. 13 Clothinci f of Sale $299 Bridal Gowns 25% off accessories. MM Trous 1,3200 “O'St, 477-4747. 20 Furniture For Sale Velour teal love seat/chair-and-a-haif and large ottoman. $500. Begutaiion size state top pool table. $400. (402) •10 Mist: For Salt BACKTRACK RECORDS Uncotn’s tdnlage record strop. QuaMy used CDs, $7.50 or less, LPs, Cassettes, Posters. 38338ouii 40th, 489-3B17. 1 VCR«rfremote$8S; also. COLORTVexce*ent$75; cal 466-8520. ADVOIT Home Speakers; Heritage Dual 8* Woofers $350 ' ■ “ .j| $200 pair. Center Chanrair $68. pair, Procigy 8* Wooter f MM with stands $125 pair, <402) 786-7985. r0 I kike! F xt F0« SAIE 4 GarthBrooks tickets. Ames, Iowa, Oct 17#l $75 each, obo. Cal Tammy 486-7721 or leave r Hsms3 KISS concert «ckets ter sate, for October 23. Ask for Tonya, 4368719. 92 Stanza XE 4-door, 5-epeed. a*. 57K, nice $8960.91 CMc DX 3-door hatch, 5-speed, air, 86K, ctean. $6350 86 Sentre wagon, auto air, 85K, $2850.84 900BX, Mop, 5-speed, at, 96K, $3600. Otters accepted. Saar's Auto Sales, 1647 S. 3rd St 477-6442. 4 AM IlMMMiCanfi renaMillfliln ia^99> rlr»4afir>nli^ I»re■ ■ ten i■ i iw» Mercury uapn convenne wttn oetacnaote naiutop. 8,000 mass. Book-$10,750 Askmg-$10,000. 4364466, 200s Noticei fSSmmMn&SSSSaSmSSS^tmmmm/t |210 Announcements ASIS Association of Students for International Study wifl meet Tuesday, October 8tfi at &30pm In to International Af fairs boBemonLAI study abroad returnees Wolcomei ATTENTION Homecoming Carnival Booth Participants Become a member of Student Foundations We re an active organization involved in fundraising projects tor the unMrdty, looking tor a few good new members. AppScations are now out in the Student involve ment Office, 200 Nabraska Union. DISC GO ROUND WE BUY A SBX USED CD'S Ueed CD’s, $5.98-87.99. hacky sacks, nd CD tween DISC ^ 50to and 0,486-0047. JwnvnBmDefS Wun Union, 7M pm. speak tonight at the Earn MONEY and FREE TRIPS promoting SPRING fail INTER-CAMPUS BREAK TRAVEL PACKAGES!! Call PROGRAMS 1-800-327-6013 httpVAvwwJcpt.com INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL Tueedey, Octobers te tie tost deyto enter Men's and Women s V - — .— - . Don’t delay! Enter ydur team now at the Office of Caimpus Recreation. Cal472-3467 for more INTRAMURAL FAQULTY/STAFF VOLLEYBALL Tueedey, October»Is tie last day to emer OoRec Fac uky/StoilVotieyfaBR. Don't delay! Enter vote team now at theOMWat Campus nocreaken. Cal 472-3467 tor more MMIMMb Cau-w* •aaw,v'~», ■ ■■'-Li' INTRAMURAL RIFLE SHOOT The Men’s, Women's, and Co-Rec flffie Shoot has been canceled due to toe ctoeure of the MMtary and Naval Sci ence BuOdtog’s rifle range. Cal 472-3467 If you have any questions. JOIN THE NSE TEAM! are avanaoie nuw ax vtafosowaig locations. •Office lor StudannnwjveiT^ goth campuses) ; • AM ^-»^a-—-i a — m a-_■>,» *n-a-—1' . * #• nesiaence rtai rount ussks •Ctffiure Center : . v ' rAvi: n ■ i n III n wmce Of AumwaJOnS Appticaticns are due October 28th, 5 p.m.1! LESBIAN DISCUSSION GROUP Meets Monday 12-1:30 in Nebraska Union room 338. A irMsptorwinrl witSan.flerminl. imrtOueellnningVYnfnon to meet, dtocuse our luee, and explore other issues in an intoonal atmosphere. Cal foe women's Cantor at 472 *—* rormore Rim*motion. NATIONAL PARKS HIRING Positions are now avstabio at National Partes, Forest & WBdffia Preaareea. tsaosMant bonoffia t bonucoo. Calk 1 206-971-3620 ext N57784. WANTED.. .A few Good Men Om 90 boys are waiting fora (pedal Mend, a rote modal, a Big Brother OMraUHe of yourself, make a Big differ A.MI I--Ml-» n, j| .r rr. rinlnm -- enct.i'ainearaana Big Brothers tag Sisters at464-BBtw Women In Graduate Studies Support Group Are you entering or returning to grad studies? The Women's Center offers a supportive environment where you can explore both the stress and excitement of grad school Group meets Tuesdays 12-1:30pm Nebraska Union, room338. CaH 472-2597 for more information. -V Women’s Personal Growth Group Meets Tuesdays 3:30-5:00pm in Nebraska Union, room 338-Caii the Women's Center at472-2597 tor more infer 215 Meetings Ag Econ Agribusiness Club Meeting Oct. 8th, 5:45pm Room 45, Riley Hall, Homecoming activities and pizza! Circle K Want to be part of the world’s largest collegiate service organization? Then come to the Circle K meeting tonight at 7:30pm in the Union, room to be posted. Collegiate 4-H General meetingOctS, 6:30pm at City Union. T'sOdTHeW 438*7983. FFA Alumni Meeting. Join us Tuesdm Oct 8 for Burger Madness and sand vol leyball at P.O. Pears. We will depsvt from East Campus Union at 7 PM. Bring a friend) P.E.O.’s if you have been initiated into your home PEO chapter, we would Nkaiyou to join our college group. Sunday, Octo ber 13 at 6:00pm. Cali 46+4340 tor more information. Pre-Dental Club Meeting tonight at 7:00 PM, City Union, to discuss DAT. Room posted. Pre-Physical Therapy Club Tuesday, Oct 8th, 7pm Union. Director of Creighton's PT Program speaking. Room to be announced. Raquetball Club Organizational meeting Monday at 5:30 PM inTV Lounge at Campus Rec. 220 Greek Affairs AT AncnorepiiBii i iTeemsl Your coaches are coming over tonight during house an nouncements—«o be ready to meot and greet‘emt __ AY Thanks for the shanber party! -You know who The Men of Delta Tau Dell* would Hce to congratulate all rtttweorort^whogartl^^to in theftomecomingToi 230 Student Government Law College Students Opening for Law College representative for ASUN Sen ate. Application available atASUN office, 115 Nebr. Union, deadline October 1a 240 Personals Hey BS, Congratulations on beta choeen to the University Judi cial Appeals Board. You're so awesome! 24s Lost & Found FOUND: Glasses. Near Alpha Gamma flho Fraternity and 33rd St 436-6395. » FOUND: Near ISdi &R, female kitten, about 3 months old, must Identify. 438-4508. FOUND: Nissan car key found SW of the East Campus Union. 436-6385. 260 Fundraising FAST FUNDRAISER-RAISE $500 IN 5 DAYS-GREEKS, GROUPS, CLUBS, MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS. FAST EASY-NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION (800)862-1962 EXT. 300 Help Wanted Part-Time $10.85 to start, flexible hours, Wing 29 positions by 10/ 0096.477-8695 Let us help. 1 Courier needed Wednesdays and Fridays. Must have own car. Approximately $5.5