VOL. 90 No. :jo By John King AP Political Writer HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) - President Clinton and Bob Dole clashed vigorously over tax cuts, Medicare, education and the economy Sunday night in a spirited prime-time debate over who should be trusted to lead America into the 21st century. “I think the best thing going for Bob Dole is that Bob Dole keeps his word,” the Republican challenger said in a 90-minute debate critical to his hopes of launching an October comeback. “It is not midnight in America, senator We are better off than we were four years ago,” Clinton said in making his case for a second term. The Democratic incumbent and his Repub lican challenger stood just a few feet apart on a red-carpeted stage, challenging each other again and again in a showdown that ushered in the final month of the White House campaign. Clinton took credit for an economy that had create^ more than 10 million jobs, few cutting the deficit by 60 percent and for vetoing Dole backed Republican budgets he asserted would have cut $270 billion from Medicare and an other :$30 billion from education. Choking ahead, Clinton said his $100 tnl lion in tax credits targeted to making college more affordable woe far more responsible than Dole’s “$550 billion tax scheme.” “We have the right approach for the future,” Clinton said. Dole forcefully disagreed, and accused Clinton of running a campaign designed to scare elderly Americans. “I am trying to save your Medicare, just as I rescued Social Security,” Dole said. The former Kansas senator told the viewing audience, “If I could not cut taxes and balance the budget at the same time I would not look you in the eye tonight.” Entering the debate, Clinton was ahead by a dozen points or more in most national polls and in surveys from the major Electoral College battleground states. The two candidates will meet again in 10 days, in another one-on-one encounter because of the controversial decision to exclude Ross Perot Dole was die aggressor throughout the night, asserting time and again that Clinton’s conser vative election-year rhetoric about curfews, school uniforms and welfare reform was at odds with a liberal record of giant tax increases and a giant government takeover of health care. Please see DEBATE on 6 ^ . . ,r _, . ... . ...... ... ,r. ._.' >;V._'l. vJMarni Speck/DN THE DONIPHAN HIGH SCHOOL BAND marches down North Eddy Street in Grand Island Saturday. The band was (Hie of the world-record 128 Nebraska bands in die 55th Annual Harvest of Harmony. One for the record books Grand Island festival tops new Guinness Book category By Erin Gibson Staff Reporter GRAND ISLAND—They said the drumbeats marched them in. Thousands of onlookers con verged on Grand Island Saturday to see 128 Nebraska high school bands set a new world record. Bands marched a two-mile route through downtown Grand Is land, showing off fine-timed march ing routines to crowds lining the Harvest of Harmony parade route. Flag squads joined many of the bands, which pounded out fantas tic rhythms and charmed the audi ence with music during die three and a half hour parade. As a result, the Guinness Book of World Records will accept the teen-agers for the inaugural world record in die “most bands march ing and playing simultaneously in a parade” category. Matt Sheppard, baud director for Grand Island Northwest High School, said die weald record would make the 55th year of die annual parade especially memorable. Kirsten Mans, a senior in the Lexington High School band, called the record-setting parade an aarenaime rusn. When the new world record is published, Mans will be able to show it to friends and family for a---— I’ll say, ‘Look! That’s me. I was there.’” ' ' Kirsten Mans senior at Lexington High School ■ years to come, she said. ‘Til say, ‘Look? That’s me. I was there,’” she said. But Darryl Miles, a (hum major of the Lincoln High School band, said celebrating music and march ing with many different bands were just as important as the world record. “It’s great being able to see all the other bands and their marching styles,” Miles said, amidst a sea of red links uniforms. “But when it’s all said and done ... it’s bragging rights,” he said. Brent Sinsel, a senior in the Lex ington High School band, agreed that bragging rights were a prize Please see PARADE on 7 - UNKbans student play KEARNEY(AP)—A University of Nebraska at Kearney theater pro fessor said he was ordered by a school administrator to remove node scenes ' or be marked as “i$si& sor and directs of the pfay “Its Pity She’s A Whore,” said he never made any secret of the play’s nudity, vio lence or subject matter when produc tion began last spring. The play, which is scheduled to open Oct. IS, details the tragedy that arises from an incestuous relationship between a brother and sister. A male and a female student would have been nude, although there were no frontal scenes, the professor said. But the bare is no longer there, Garrison said. “The nudity has been removed from the scenes,” Garrison told the Kearney Hub. “I’m not stupid enough to put myself in a position to be la beled insubordinate.” Gene Wubbels , UNK vice chancel lor for academic affairs, said UNK Chancellor Gladys Styles Johnston made the decision to have the nudity removed and he gave that message to the professor. ne saia me acaon was permuted by the bylaws of the University of Nebraska, citing a potion which states “Where the University’s interest as an academic community is clearly in volved, the authority of the University may be asserted.” Johnston was out of town Friday and unavailable feu comment. Garrison, who has taught at UNK for 28 years, said he is unhappy about the decision but said he may have been fired had he not changed the play. Wubbels said he agreed with Johnston that the play could be pre sented without nudity. He said die University of Nebraska at Omaha has never presented a play that contained nudity and they are rarely performed at the Lincoln cam pus. But Garrison said those who can’t take it shouldn’t watch. He said stu dents weren’t forced into participating or watching and said performers went to a half-hour session on sexual ha rassment. “Quite honestly, the cast and crew are angry, they’re hurt and they’re very . disappointed,” he said. - € ••