The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 20, 1996, Page 9, Image 9
Peacestock offers fun, donations From Staff Reports Tie-died hippies and naked bod ies not included, Peacestock at An telope Park this Sunday hopes to capture the spirit of the 1960s to solve a 1990s problem. Peacestock is a collaboration of efforts between local band Peace ful Conspiracy, 89.3-FM (KZUM.) Nebraskans for Peace and The Way Home Music & Books to raise food for the Lincoln Food Bank. Canned good donations will be accepted. “We thought it would be a fun thing to do a music concert, going bock to the’60s when people actu ally helped each other,” Scott Colbom, guitarist for Peaceful Con spiracy. Peacestock is from 1 pm to 5 pm Although this is the event’s first year, organizers hope to have it again next year. “We hope to make it an annual, full-day event, but this year people are stuck with us,” Colbom said. I---■—. ' JL£ :'-'—\ Correction In the Futftrtainmmt Guide tha* ran won’t be playing in Omaha, but at Sept. 12, it was reported that Harry the Music Hall in Kansas City, Mo. Connick^ Jr., wouldplay at Omaha’s Oct. 11. Tickets can be ordered by Music Hall in October. Connick calling (816) 931-3330. - _ , : American Heart M Association*^^ BAllaiimkBiBAilQ Fighting Heart Disease and Stroke Pro-Boxing World Boxing Federation Tide Bout State Fair Park 4-H Building Friday, Sept 20,7:30 pm Advance tickets SIS Available at: J.Ryaas Fat Backs 27th ft Holdrege 2055 O Street Cheerleaders 1106 N. 27th St 48th ft Hwy 2 Body Basics Fart Plates 200 N. 66th 1035 K Street •and from the fighters* At the door-$20." W Fights Start 7:30 pm ■ ■1 •1 MUELLER PLANETARIUM EXPERIENCE EXCITING LASER LIGHT SHOWS This weekend: Posuril eUannm Friday and Saturday Night, Sept 20 & 21 8H)0, 9&0 and 11KX) pan. Admission: UNL (w/TJNL ID.): $4, all others: $5 A different exciting show every weekend! Call for our current scheduhle or visit us on the internet! (402) 472-2641 University of Nebraska State Museum (Morrill Hall), 14th and UJStreets, City Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska 472-2641 _ V . •_i_ • - — stating up You don’t have to be one of the guys to Versatile solid separates. Elegantly simple appreciate the value of a good suit. prints. Fluid fabrics and easy-wearing silhouettes with In fact, the ladies of the day are, them- updated hues and textures, inspired from traditional selves, suiting up more than ever, thanks to the menswear fabrications. ( newest H. Powell & Co. line of career oriented New inspirations to take you uptown, ladies’ suitings from Harold’s. downtown or even out of town. New Ladies' Suitings by H. Powell & Co, Orve Padfk Race, Omaha To receive Harold’s free men's and laches' catalogs call 1-800-676-5373 Actual Styles may vary from those shown here. Quantities limited. and student organization ads. $4.50 par day for 15 words on non-student au». $.15 each additional word. $.75 bMng charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. =^=' ■ . 00s For Sale ===== 11 | i-1 ^ppi» JHfWWBBT II, DtoCK CD«u Whw DihnWi M nW, $198 Cal Rodene. 4688378. Brand New Bubble Jet Printer. Cannon 200, + MS95/ MSOfflce, $150,421-6624/aAer 6pm. Intel Pentium 100,1.2 GB Hard Drive, 16 MB RAM, 3.5" MB Floppy Drive, 1MB PCI Video Adapter, 14" SVGA Monitor, Quad Speed CD-ROM, 16 Bit Sound Card, Speakers, 28.8 Internal Data/Fax/Voice Modem, Keyboard, Mouse, 3 Year Limited Warranty. MS-DOS/Windows - $1351.98. Windows 95 - $1386.99. Call TVavis at 46+435? TUCfcTOSH P6*EBd06k 820c: 12MB'«*C 80MB haid driee. color monitor, bul-ln modem. Only 1 year old, rarely used. <1800. Cel 477-8935. Mtcrowodcs computers - rent, rent to own, purchase week, month or semeeter. 486 and Pentium systems. Free delvary. 477-2994,4383871. Decorate your dorm or mtwtmont. Beef selection ol neons, boor signs, mirrors, tins, beer clocks and brewery lights in town. Gram prices. Al MAC. Burgees-East Perk Plaza- 4688071. Bearedul auaanaizs wsterfoad wfoookcass six-drawers Dark oak. newhmwer, frosted 3aar4889V72. *'* » LARGE SALE! Saturday. 9am-5pm, 2784 S. 33rd, Fumi tura. Kitchen. Bedding. Trumpet, Boys and Ladies dothes, refer blade*, ifed 484-5680. 1 VCR Wremote $85: also. COLOR TV axcetort *75; cal 486-8520.-.■» _ Newer 19-inchcoiorTV,$95, and a VMS VCR, $85.488 8251. I-133 1 FOR SALE: 1 East Stadium Colorado ticket 4368935. KISS tickets lor sale. Omaha show. 477-2953. Need 3 vafemed Colorado Stme tickets (together). East Stadhen Only. Csi Laura 489-2898. _ Numerous Nebraska vs K3U student tickats.Tddng bast offer. Cal (913) 537-4232 or (913) 587-4636. , Wfefefc4t5ifcfctits tor NU vs. Cdotado State, Sept. 29th, Con>aCt ****'■ Wanted: Stootbal tickets for CSU game. Cal 438-9281. ‘ Waned: one Baylor and Wo Kansas ticked. Cal 438 0540. *88 tan Dodge Shadow, 4 doors, A/C, power steering, interior in excellent condition. Great student car. $24% 080. Cal 379-1222, ask tor Todd or Larry, 92 Geo Metro. 2-door, whta. 38K. excefent condition. AM/FM-cassette, 4 spedters. $4500. 468-0687. Eve nings 6-10 PM. 1990 Geo Prtzm 4 dr. LL Blue. 76K. Good Cond. AC, PB, Auto, Very dean. $5000. Cal 483-7575 days: 488-0699 Eves. _■_' 1967 Ford Esoort, good condition $t975 435-6833. ' v • •• 200s Notices I The "Fun Ships? of I H Carnival. s3fSEo5S^7TC?S^1oraSuEury5ng^re* cruise to the Western Caribbean. Prices startinQ as low as $705per pemon al inclusive. Space is very limited! Cal Oiaen today* RapWlas Tmerf Arts & Sciences Student Advisory Board Annlinatinnc - v-k/o/i frSJsBJlEn^Tfi zbnuo?. Armirations mb aual^h^i Am A-SdeflCflSJtlvMMi ?vTrn?.? ns* _™t: Center {to# wBammet ShwWT newatnaii\^iic8 and MutJcuHural Main Office. Deadline: Sept 27,5pm. 9th Diversity Retreat October 5-6,1996 NE Youth Leadership ' Aurora. NE Applications avalabia at MutticulturaJ Attain, StoSSHrSohrement, Cutture Career. ASUN, . 1||iimin‘a P&ntor Pamnitt Don Qtiuiflflt Awfllfg women s weinert uwiipw wece ■"•anB wivw» Sponsored by RPAT and Student Attain. For more Into calf John Harris, 472-3755. , . I • • - 1 ..