The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 19, 1996, Page 16, Image 16
' r'! v ;‘V* ;P ' * * - t'.r '■■ • * Jrm.‘ f£L'iL-jh$-*r. ** .v ;■■ ’,>•: *'*x* • ’ •;>:- • '•'• ’ _______—___ 02 Appliances 05 Bicycles 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computers 20 Furniture 30 Jewelry 40 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office Furniture 50 Pets 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 65 Stereos/TVs 70 Ticket Exchange 90 Vehicles 200 Rides 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events * 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Affairs 230 Student Government 240 Personals 242 Pinning & Engagements 245 Lost & Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising 270 900 Numbers 300 Help Wanted 310 Chid Care 320 Work Study Jobs 330 Summer Jobs 340 Internships 400 Roommates 410 HoosingWanted 420 Rooms/Rent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Duplex/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sale 500 Adoption 505 Alterations & Sewing 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Sendee 520 Bridal 525 Catering 528 Child Care 530 Cleaning/Laundry 531 Cleaning/Households 535 Computer Sendee 540 Entertainment 545 Gift Ideas 548 Hairstyling 550 Health & Fitness 553 Insurance 555 Instruction/Tutoring 558 Job Placement 560 Lawn care 565 Legal Services 573 Music Exchange 575 Photography 578 Pregnancy 580 Printing & Copying 582 Recycling 583 Religious 585 Rentals 588 Tanning 590 Tattooing 593 Travel 595 Typing & Resumes A l_ and student organization ads. $4-50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. 1 The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status onnational origin. * The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebraskan. 00s For Sale 150 Mhz, 16MB EDO RAM, 1Gig HD. SVGA, 8xCDRom, 28.8 Modem, 14" Monitor. $1485. 477-1252 Apple Stytewriter II, Black and white printer, like new, $195. Call Rodene, 466-9378. Brqad New Bubble Jet Printer, Cannon 200, + MS95/ MSOffice, $150, 421 -6624/after 6pm. MACINTOSH POWERBOOK 520c: 12MB RAM, 80MB hard drive, color monitor, built-in modem. Only 1 year old, rarely used. $1800. Calf 477-8935. ... Beautiful queen-size waterbed w/bookcase, six-drawers. Dark oak, new heater, frosted glass. 489-9772. For Sale: Single Papasan chair, mauve color $85, call 435-1684. Sofa w/ fold out hideaway mattress - very good shape. $100 060. 476-8738, leave message. LARGE SALE! Saturday, 9am-5pm, 2764 S. 33rd, Furni ture, Kitchen, Becking, Trumpet, Boys arxf Ladies clothes, roller blades, Mtsc. 484-5560. We currently have several exciting job ' opportunities available. See the Store Director at one of the following locations to apply for a position on our home team . 17th & Washington •Stockers, F/T days w/ some evening hours •Cashiers, P/T eves. & weekend hours. 66th & O •Cake Decorators, F/T day hours, will train. •Bakery Sales Associates, P/T eves. & weekends •Cashiers, P/T eves. & weekends (Must be 19) 27th & Hwy, 2 •Cashiers, P/T all shifts (must be 19) •Courtesy Clerics, P/T eves. & weekends 63rd & Havtlock •Checkers, P/T all shifts (must be 19) —' -Courtesy Clerks. P/T (retirees welcome) •Night Stockers, F/T graveyard shift 70th & Van Dorn “ •Fruit & Juice Bar Clerk, F/T. •Cashiers, F/T & PAT all shifts, (must be 19) •Courtesy Clerks, F/T & P/T •Night Stockers, F/T graveyard shift 33rd & Hwy 2 •Cashiers, P/T all shifts (must be 19) •Courtesy Clerks, P/T day & evening shift •Deli Sales Associates, F/T & P/T all shifts •Gourmet Coffee Comer Clerk, F/T & P/T all shifts An E.O.E, establishment offering 1. excellent benefits and wages. BACKTRACK RECORDS Lincoln’s vintage record shop. Quality used CDs, $7.50 or less, LPs, Cassettes, Posters. 3833 South 48th, 489 3817. -----_ 1 VCR w/remote $85; also, COLOR TV excelent $75; caH 466-8520. --- ■ • 1 ~” • ’ 4 NE-Kansas State tickets for sale, 316-941-4669, eve nings or leave message at any time. FOR SALE: 1 East Stadium Colorado ticket 436-0935. Four football tickets needed for CSU game, Sept 28. Will pay $$$. 436-0716. KISS tickets for sale. Omaha show. 477-2953. Melissa Etheridge - 2 tickets, good seats for sale. $50 (cost $75). 488-0588, leave message. Need 3 validated Colorado State tickets (together). East Stadium Only. Will trade CU/NU ticket. Call Laura 489 2896. Wanted: 1-4 football tickets for ail home games. John, 484-7713, leave message if not home. Wanted: 2-5 tickets for NU vs. Colorado State, Sept. 29th, in Non-student section. Contact Molly at 438-4951. Wanted: 4 CSU football tickets. Willing to pay. 475-2623. Wanted: one Baylor and two Kansas tickets. Call 438 0540. 92 Geo Metro. 2-door, white, 38K, excellent condition, AM/FM-cassette, 4 speakers. $4500.466-0867. Evenings 6-10 PM. 1990 Geo Prizm 4 dr. LL Blue. 75K. Good Cond. AC, PB, Auto, Very dean. $5000. Cal 483-7575 days: 488-0699 Eves. 1987 Ford Escort, good condition $1975 435-6833. 2flfo.iVorices Arts & Sciences Student Advisory Board Applications They’re Out! Applications are available at Ails & Sciences Advising Centea(107 Otdfather Hal), Student Involvement Office and Multicultural Affairs Office. Deadfoe: Sept 27,5pm. ' i— Comind Soon... } > Fishing industry. Earn to $3000 - $0000* /month + ben efits. Male/female. No experience necessary. (206) 971 3510 ext A57786 BASKETBALL PLAYERS LAST DAY TO REGISTER FOR 3-0N-3 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT! CaH Champions Fun Center 438-7362. Birth Mothers Support/Discussion Come to the Women’s Center NU 340, Sept. 25th, 6:30 p.m. A time for Birth mothers (post adoption) to share their stories. For more information CaH Samantha at The Women’s Center at 472-2597. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING -Earn up to $2,000* /month. World travel. Seasonal & full-time positions. No exp. necessary. For info, call 1 206-971-3550 ext. C57785. DISC GO ROUND WE BUY ft SELL USED CD’S UaacLCD’a, $5.99-$7.99. T-shirts, posters, imports, hscfcy sscki, music song books snd CD towsrs. New CD’s $11.99-$12.99 DISC GO ROUND __50th and O, 486-0047. FREE FINANCIAL AIDl Over $6 Billion in public and private sector grants & schol arships ie npw available. AH students are eligible rearrd less w grades, income or parenrs income.Tet us help. CaH Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext F57786 University Ambassadors" Give Campus Tours for Special Events Host University Functions Participate in Philanthropic & Social Activities Meet Energetic People Like Yourself Applications available: Student Involvement 200 City Union 300 East Union Student Affairs 124 Administration Building All Residence Hall Front Desks Completed applications are due on Friday, September 27, by 5:00 p.m. to 124 Administration For more information, please contact Jason Reno at 436-7976 INTRAMURAL FLAG FOOTBALL The last day to enter Men’s and Women’s Flag Football is Tuesday, September 24. Don’t delay! Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more in formation. NATIONAL PARKS HIRING Positions are now available at National Parks, Forest & Wildlife Preserves. Excellent benefits & bonuses. Call: 1 - 206-971-3620 ext N57783. SAND VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS LAST DAY TO REGISTER for Battle of the Beach Sand Volleyball Tournament! Call Champions Fun Center 438 7362. Summer clothes 40% off. Teva Sandals 20% off. Moose's Tooth, 40th and O. Talking About Food and Weight New Discussion Group Beginning September 19,12:00 1:00 Sponsored by Women’s Center and Univeristy Healtt Center. Call 472-9428 or 472-7478 for more information TED SORENSON Former Spoech writer to JFK Booksigning Reception Nebraska Bookstore Friday, Sept. 20 10:00 AM-11:00 ' AM. UNL Young Democrats can receive student discount of his recent, "WHY I AM A DEMOCRAT*. Contact 475-4584. TROPICAL RESORTS HIRING Entry-level & career positions available worldwide (Ha waii, Mexico, Caribbean, etc.). Waitstaff, housekeepers, SCUBA dive leaders, fitness counselors, and more. Call Resort Employment Services 1-206-971-3600 ext R57783. Watchbands Get yours at The Moose's Tooth, 40th & 0. Weightloss Breakthrough Lose up to 14 lbs in 14 days for $49.95.1-800-320-8832 Ext. 3634. , 4 Where The Money Is How To Get It! A comprehensive guide to grants, private scholarships, fully paid internships, and stipends. Millions available through foundations, corporations and other private or ganizations. $89.95. Visa ahd Mastercard Accepted. Money back guarantee. 1-800-225-4200. WOMEN’S CENTER OPEN HOUSE Friday, September 20, 2-5 pm Leam About Our Services Meet Our Friendly Staff Enjoy Refreshments The Women's Center is About Women for Everyone. We are located on the third floor of the Nebraska Union, room 340. Need Bucks for Books? ^ ...donate Plasma! $55 NEW DONORS 4 (within a 10-day period) $90* RETURN DONORS * (within a 15-day period) To find out more about the opportunity to earn cash while helping others, visit our friendly, modem center with TV and movies available. Convenient hours. * After 2 months * 1442 'O' Street * 475-8645