The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 19, 1996, Page 15, Image 15
1 male notvsmofcer. 3 bedroom house, dog kver, Indian VBape, bus-route, $163 plus udBbes, $200 deposfc, 421 6677/_ fern ate nonsmoker to share house. $250/mor*h, utttdes included. Close to campus. 476-2330/ M/F to share 2bedroomspt with smokec/cW owner, $190 _ 1/2 utfl 4664636. M stalemate roommate needed to share a specious apartment $ 150/month * 1/3 udWss. 436-8792. learn message. __' Non-smoking roommate for 2 bedroom house, quiet neighborhood, dose to campus, $32S/month, plus 1/2 utwSas. Indosed gangs with opener. 488-3902. Room for Rent! 919 A St Paid utflWes.ofl-street parking, W/D, A1C. Nice place, $2S0/mo. CalBlalr 4760046. Room to rent to student 18th6R, $150,utiWas included, 477-3023. 1237 Court near campus, 3 bedroom, at, garage, park ing, $625,432-6644 or 4324)644. 2301 Vine, very nice . 4 bedroom. 1 1/2 baths, near campus. $760.432-6644 or 432-0644. 2311 U ST., ^bedroom house. |ust remodeled. certrW air, washer/dryer hookup, no pels. Only $885, cal Phoe ntx rropOTw ManagBmeni, _ 3202*8' Four bedroom. Two baths. Central air. Parking. No pets. $650.430-6326. 909 N 23rd. 3 bedroom, $600.432-6644 or 432-0644. Large, 4BR. 1 bath. $850/mo plus daposft. 315 N. 34th. 420-2930. ^ iill nrdMJ&tH. ' .' ; _ v /* . ; .■ r iummiimiimi H you qual^andwntourTor 2 Bedroom unit tor oneyr. we 'giver you $100.00 cefincate. $50.00 for nkie month tewy#! Laundry, Bu«. Rent from $329 to $419.640 SoKh 20, five mlnutee from campua. 475-7262. 2252 Sheldon. 2 BR. 1 hath. Ctoae to campua. $380/ month. 470-2717 or 488-9162. 2533 Washington. Clean, light, fumlehed baaemert. One bedroom. Laundry. Non smokers/non drinker*. $300 477 5032. 2740 R. Large three bedroom. Laundry. Garage. No pett. $450.430-6328. _ 2938 P St 3 bedroom, large rooms, central air, off-ctreet 3-4-5 bedrooms, 2 bath, cartral air, D/W, WD, wak to UNL, yard work paid, 4894294. 518 N 26th #1. 2 bedroom, oak floor*, between cam puees. $395 pkiauflMe*. Rant reduced in exchange for fejhttwWmcnanc*. 475-2123. Intel Pentium 100,1.2 GB Hard Drive, 16 MB RAM, 3.5" MB Floppy Drive, 1MB PQ Video Adapter, 14" SVGA Monitor, Quad Speed CD-ROM, 16Bit Sound Card, Speakers, 28.8 Internal Data/Fax/Voice Modem, Keyboard, Mpuse, 3 Year Limited Warranty. MS-DGS/Windows - $1351.98. Windows 95 - $1386.99. Call Tkavis at 464-4357 Avakabie Now, or Oct 1at. CtoaalociMua.2a04 Vine. 1109,1121 Hath, $340, heat paid, on sfc management 2S15 Vine One bedroom spit level duplex. tola of adn doivt, aNutiWnpild, 2604 Vine, 2 bedroom top floor, apactous, $475. 4300 Comhusker, 2 bedrooms. 1 1M bath, townhouee, fbedrooml 1 bath, W/D hooker. nauwl cotore, baautllul. $630. Clteny HiH Management 4894857 Brand New 3 bedroom apartment. Own Bedroom wth Bathroom ltd Waft-In Closet, $225townth, 1/3 uMMes. 4M-RA9* Claremont Paik Apts. 1 Bedroom waMMe in Ortober Close to campus and downtoum, 9th ft Claremont. Cal 474-7276. Close to campus 6.9. and 12 month leases aareflabie on 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. One bedroom $2604375. 2 bedroom $3864626. Management One 477-2600 Colonial Heights $275 plm met wwtncti. wowo ssvemsss&iiBUn'** niV 488-2088. Need Privacy? 1-Bedroom near CapMoi. fumlehed/unfumlehed. nc Smoking/Pets. Grads Welcome, Security. Available $230 ♦ utMdes. 478-7416/438-1537. NEW LYNNCREEKAPTS 920 GARBBt STREET 10th A Comhuefcer Hwy Area *2BR.$550 * 1 WHEELCHAIR ACC. * WD HOOK-UPS * MICROWAVES * MMI-BUNOS •WALK-f* CLOSET WRNn 1 block, banking, grocery shopping, autorspair gas station, hmdvmra and shoe stores, several faet tax outlets. The apartments In this Splex hnveaprkrate entrance wtt off-street parWnojO electric, wtti central ate. Garage* $40-060. fcPffS. ***» Au^* 1IJ996. EOH. Have you ever enjoyed a... Any mixed drink you want served in a real fishbowl. You’ll love drinkin' them as much as our bartenders love makin' them. ' v' _ ' MB :k" *.;t •’•*/:*?*** • jij** i The Dining Experience •Choose from our traditional Italian Pasta, steak, pizza and seafood specialties •Sunday group dining, reservations for parties ___ of 8 or morel .. ... -y... - 464-8444 • Mon-Thurs 11-10, Fri & Sat 11-11, Sun 11-9 New. extra dean, 2 bedroom, 3rd floor, 9435-rant, off street parking, $435 deposit, 433-8280. SNjl. - ' *v-' ' >'■■■' * ; Patents oin buy a their atudenli a house with minimum down. Ceil Chuck Waldron 430-7119 for details. _ PRIMETIME RENTALS Itoo-bodtoom utils avalabie. dose to campus, off-street narking. water paid. ate. washsr/dtver hook-ms. iease lor 938&00. Cal iS^lHMiMMge. TWO bedroom condo In Nstortc Hwmrd Ptoce.Iffl North 9th. Reduced atanMcwdy below madiat $37,000. CaB Bryan MWe or Kewn Rhodes at Mega Corporate! of Uncoki 467-1234 or mbl 432-1727. 500s Services ■ 11 ■ j ADOPTION We offer couneefeg>andadap8on services to help you plan the best future tor you and your baby. No foes or oMgadons. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska ChMren's LUmm iAM \/dUdM DH Qiifta All iAA.7A7fl \ riD°altematlve ^u«ndyqurb^.Not^/ Adoption: We Ions to gNe your newborn m*n tow. sB?a^pSraSayMi«ss 984-9429.__ Birth Mothers — COMPUTER? THINKING OF BUYNG OR UPGRAD ING? BEFOREYOU DECIDE. DO VISIT: M+-JI i . - NEEDg):^anWiJtOnutor. flexble schedule, good pay. Criminal Defense . DWI. minor in ponnlon. and other criminal matters. . Sanfont Polar* 1U41K LECTURE NOTES Wet*# no»« m your classes. Many sets to choose from. Step In and brows# our selection. Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore, 1300QSL Lower Pregnancy Test BSmsiQHT Is a conManiWMtpIng hand. Please cal for appolmwwnt or more Information. 463-2606. Lincoln Crisis Pregnancy Center Fra# pregnanqr tost.confIdentlal counseling. Call for Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Pregnancy testing and referral by professional and caring stif. Information on ALL OPTKJNB. Certified counselors available. Donations appreciated. Call for hours: 441 3300. Facts-of-Uf# Line: 434-1990. Resumes By Ann Quatty resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven resuts. 464-0775. RESUMES FAST Grad# A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore typesets your resume. Stop In or cal for Information. 1300 Q SL Lower Level 477-7400 Dailt Nebraskan Comics « The Norm By Michael Jantze WHAT 00 you CALL peoRje who noe ON VOUft COATTAILS... of j AND LAU6M AT WAY TOO MANY of vour Joices,... BUT Feeo OFF \ou IN MeeTlNOS? f I-I tried ^ l\o tell him.../ I *-/ II —' NonSequttur , 7 ' Wiley 9-19 t!\/i=i/ ThfDffpEnd By Chad Strawderman • ...9oo* ?«WtUC unue amms. t, ■ i IT ACROSS 1 Nissan or Nash 4 Up arid about • Wanton woman 13 Dagon or Baphomet 15 Construction-sit apparatus 16 Anagram for sur 17 Patriarch 1« Speak frankly aoPuniSh 22 Lawman : . portrayer 23 Maze!— j 24 Adjunct to a mosque 28 Modified 29 “When I was Gilbert 30 PatriotTom 31 Changeachoice 30 Hue 30 Sub detector s 37 Peck role: 1956 30 Resumed a e a*****0" 41 Make (grimace) 42 Review, of a kind 43 Montana ;■ neighbor 46 Decorated walls 46 Labor gp. 40 Take it with of salt I ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLI so Recommenda tion, in a way 55 Stock-market activity 57 Peace Nobefist 1984 58 Game linked to lotto 88 Ruth specialty 80 Rose’s attribute 81 Espied 82 Swiss town 83 Lothian uncle DOWN 1 Pres. Bush title 2 One of Esau’s wives aSub (clandestine) a 4 Functioning 5 Mmes., in Madrid E 6 Account 1 7 Lithography 1 equipment j 8 Wholesale buyer, | usually f 8 Refuse advise i lOPetitioner I 11 Famous Dodger ■ 12 Romeo and Juliet r get-together r 14 Pay heed I 1« Of a sepulchral object bnreaoea r —Israel nmounteinlop fortress 28 Skilful tttfideaway zt Prong l» Uttered in a monotone at Ending for ethyl 33 Carbonize 34 Core of rapport ae Musk^l intervals •f IV1U9M1 H lid »OW 3t Actress Arthur 4t Stayer of AcNfae 41 Competent 44 Three-time lose 46 Prepares to mo* 46 Be in harmony 47 Recumbent 80 Kingly name in Thailand 51A London s : protagonist ie 92 Unmannered 89 Molecular unit 84 Device for Walton 88 Balderdash