The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 19, 1996, Page 14, Image 14
Dancer stresses class interaction during two-weekvisit to UNL COLEMAN from page 13 able.” “The results are very satisfying. There’s varying degrees of how people respond,” she said. “There’s always a couple ofkids whose eyes light up—they see an alternative. They come up to me and say, ‘Where can I find more of this?’” As for those who are scared of dancing, as Coleman puts it, the gap between breathing and moving, and moving and dancing, isn’t so big. “What’s important is not so much what I teach, but if they can interact with their fellow students or themselves in a way that they hadn’t before, that’s what’s valu “It's unique in a university set ting,” she said, “it’s receiving infor mation in other ways—pro-active learning. It’s giving them an alter native to what they’d normally get.” But getting students to respond to a new form of learning can prove to be a difficult task, she said. “It's hard work to introduce people to something they didn’t nec essity know they wanted to be in troduced to,” she said. “It's a chal lenge for me, just as it’s a challenge for students.” But for foe most part, Coleman said, her classes go well. Cigar bar serves exotic martinis By Sean McCarthy Staff Reporter _ - Have a martini? What kind? At Libations, 317 S. 11th St., you get a jaw-dropping 30 selections of martinis. Banana split, raspberry truffle and black forest are some of the more colorful martini concoctions. The upscale cigar bar has been in business since last February. Along with martinis, Libations also has a wide variety of single malts scotches. Un like traditoinal bottled scotches, single malt scotches are more refined and are usually aged longer. One scotch they have has been aged 25 years, and need less to say, the price for a shot of that one will set you back a paycheck. If it’s a lounge you seek, Libations definitely has the look. The oak tables and chairs and a colorful wall mural give it a nice, relaxed feel. It also has a great ventilation system for those who don't want to smell like a cigar after going into a lounge. Ken Sender, owner of Libations, said he saw a need for Lincoln to have a cigar bar. Drawing inspiration from the cigar bars on the East and West Coasts, he spent four months working on Libations before it opened. He said most customers tend to be white-col lar workers in the 25-45 age group. He added that though it is upscale, every one is welcome. "Youhave to come down and see it to believe it,” he said. Sender said that having a prime lo cation near die Comhusker Hotel has been beneficial to his business, which he described as booming. Game players should enjoy Liba tions. Chess boards, checkers, back gammon and cards are available for customer use. The tables are big ■ enough to easily play chess, as well as enjoy a martini and a cigar. But style does have a {vice. Unless you have cash, don't expect to become a Libations regular. Most of the drinks fall between $4 and $5. $3.25 par day and student organization ads. $4.50 par itay for 15 words on non-student ads. AlSeach additional word. $.75 bMling charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, reli gion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. • ATTENTION WOMEN LEADERS The 1997 Women * Leader*!*) Conference Planning Commit** w« be holding te flret meeting on Thursday, September 26 at 6:15pm in the City Onion. Anyone interested in serving on the committee is encouraged to attend. _ LESBIAN DISCUSSION GROUP Meets Monday 12-130 in Nebraska Union worni33fL A safe place for Lesbian. Bisexual, and Questioning Women to meet, discuss, our Ives, and explore other issues in an informal atmosphere. Cal the Women's Center at 472-2897 tor moreintonnation.__ Lincoln Gaming Guild Meeting every Sunday in the Student Union, City Cam pus. Cal 438-0580 for details. MEMBERS WANTED! K<D ' - ' .atTvVttfC Kappa PN, A Christian Grotc for UNL students. Is looking for new members. Established In 1920. we olfer sister hood. tow duet, and minimal time committmenL Also, year round open rush. Meeting Wed. r*Ms at Corner stone Church from *>-7p. To arrange a visit cal: Jen 486 4469 or Christina 467-5464. TRI-BETA Mandatory meeting inltialion into. Sept 28.630 Rm 118. UNL Model United Nations Thursday nights 7pm in the Cty Union. Com* loin the FUN! UNL WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL CLUB unl women • voueyDBi wta meet KKwy irom o*opm n Mabel Lae Hal's nortngym. Ws'l elect officers, meet new coach, and PRACTICEl Everyone and el tevefswelcomel AO OPEN Sunday, September 29th at Holme’s Park Gold Course. Tee It high, let I flyl For more Information see your PMarthropy Chair or contact Leah at 436-7083. Regis tration deeolne Is Tuesday, September 24th. ATQ Thanks to our coaches for al the effort, patience and fun spirit; you guys are great! Lowe the Women of Gamma Phi Beta ATA MUD TUG Friday, Sept. 20th. Cal 436-7941. AY RoUemkatingjust isn't any fun If you don! tall down. We had a biastl Thanks again. Lose Gamma Phi Beta Four-on-four voUeybal tournament Sept. 27-29. First plaoe-<7S: Seoondplaoe-$SO. Al atudenfa welcome. Cal Brad 436-6403 or ftew477-0630. Lease message. Friday, September 20,1996. TogW* AT yob zoe <DK*P iibo ____— CongraMnonsto. • anu Mwsy rwicnertot being selected into Golden r Honor Society . lose your ataters Congrats tool the G.PhLB* on their awesome grades. ZS.'&XtglS&.vm.Y'm, ffl inourbookl Lose your attorns KA KD SchotaraWpCongrtoulations gMs for being to the top third of al sororflles met semester! Congratulations to Staph Frager on being accepted to Golden Key National Honor Society. Low, Your Sleiera AXA s Buffalo Roeat IV Nov. 21 BLUE MOON GHETTO Paul and Joyce If BMalracIra * »— -» « «« * •-a-- - - Hey. me Dunsjo nv own oesxen, but we sW got to do Via aetlif. Are YOU hungry?? Cal Bran. 436-7112 , MASTERS *96 AXQ ATZ .oSZSS&Er**' ConnhiMlona to our nowJmwdate OWtaersI PraSSentTOudy Vaughan: Jr. FC: Duetto Mion; SodafcCory Rhone; Special ActMttee: Cody Carlow. _ GET INVOLVED! STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION NEEDED Thera are many committee, Deadlns extended to Sept 20. You are the one! AiMVta ANm 1 " □ FOUND: Glasses. Near AM* Gamma Rho Fratorntty and 33rd St 4366395. FOUND: Sungtaaeae, on corner al 14th 6 Vine. Cal 436 8060. Wanted: 100 students. Loe* 5-100 pounds. New metab? Mem breakthrough. RN assisted. Free git 835lee. 1-806 579-1634. Wanted: used Tl 86 calculator (good condition). Cal Kkr at 436-9240. FAST FUNDRAISER • RAIs£ 8600 IN 6 DAYS GREEKS. GROUPS. CLUBS. MOTIVATED MDIVIOU ALS. FAST, EASY - NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATE* (800)862-1982 EXT. 33 FREE T-SHIRT +$1000 Credit Can! fundraisers for fnftsmUea. aorordaa ft groups. Any campua organization can raiaa up to $1000 Qualfied caHere receive FREE T-SHIRT. ★ ★ ★ Part-Time $10.86 toatart, flattofs hours, (Ming 37 posMons until 9/ ★ ★★ !! EXTRA $$4 HOMECOMING! I Ws hare many temp potlfont open for Otvaney Product Show. Within walJrg distance of UNL City Cainpus. Good pay, hours fat wB workwtth your chaw schaduisl WewMbeapen Sal, 9(21 from 9a-1p for applications. Cal 466-1996 for apt or apply hr parson at; $17,900yr Fultime lawn care apacMstnascmd. $17,600 phis com mission. Fun benefit p-**-p». trNning provided. Please cal 477-0303 for en fmeryfew. _■ ***FREE TRIPS & CASH!*** Find out how hundreds of student representa tives are already earning FREE TRIPS and LOTS OF CASH wMi America’s *1 Spring Break Cespanyt Sal only 15 trips and bawl Fto^aTcAMPuTMANAGER POSITIONS ALSO AVAILABLE. Cal Nowi TAKE A BREAK STUDENT TRAVEL (800) 95-BREAK! A Few Good Hashers Needed. ^^^rJsxsss^s1S'‘“*, A greet part-time job lor a responsfcie student. Two evenlngwCijaliApply In parson* Apple Sbe* Laundry, . .. »ccfflin*™Sir*i*e rti*i_i IS . apply lee Aircraft dateing. <6 - <Slhr. Fui end part time posMons. Male or female. Fksrand second sMLCal Gary Smith, 479-1688 tor an appointment_ ... C£ •' BOOKKEEPER Up to $8 per hour Pay and Benefits * Excellent Pay & Benefits * Gre* Wodt Environment * 50% Me* Discount * Ftexbie Schedule * Paid Vacetion * Frequent Reviews *■ *40IK Plan * STEP Tuition Mmbursed Scholarship Plan f you are apemm who has a strong need to ham things donejMtjfeapd to make fogs happen, 1 < booWweoer pos Won.20 raping ana NHiore _^ ipm* 4 days per pm on Monday. Mu* be aperson who e*oys a fast. Intense pace and Ukes to atotk hard. Explore how you can earn 100% colegs tuMon reimbursement 14th &Q UNL UNION Assistant teacher, 230-6pm Monday through Friday. Come join our exciting early childhood program. Little Kingdom, 5100 Old Cheney. _ Attention studentslli Are you short of cash? Need MS for college expenses? Make $$$ money al Island winter. Let us hep. 1-800-400-0209.• Attitude over Resume Our comQpny It growing fail l naad 2 quriht IndMduate toflMjUQt Bn expanding sbIbsIbbivi. Cj si 474-5646 for two >studonts>U)*answer^e^teiephones. perform wordprocessing using WordPerfect 6.1, Nng, typing TOfTTiB, xeroxing ana omer on ice proceauree. cacn siu dent can aroik 15-20 hours per weak. I you have good organizational and connutsr skits, cal Rhonda * 472 2952orcomelnto 120 Veterinary Das Ic Science Buldbo. ■ Ea* Campus. Beil darks nsodsd, excellent opporturtty for hotsiriestau rant management majors, wearewMinptotrWn ths right lndhridu*for a management position, pleats apply * fly Vse 70th AO St, or contact, Dave Whetstone 483-7707. DELIVERY PERSONS Straight track driven and pick-up truck driven. Ful or part time. CDL not required. Apply Lficdn Lumber Co., 832 N. 99, _ DO YOU LIKE BEING #1? Come work tor Lincoln's #1 Pizza Restaurant. Efriov* *TuMon Reimbunemen tor Coiisge •rsindilk» »*■ LrOmpSUIlW Waytio •Oawihla ttrhnrhihi twxkw ocnoouie eAimwe ll&uL rnuirn nm n nt uhwu wont tnvronmem •Knowing you're associated with the BEST1 Valentino's Restaurant al 13th ft Q is now ac cepting acpkcaHonefrom 8am-11am, and 2pm 5pm for Mia PM Kitchen and Dining Room Postions. Downtown YMCA hiring swim instructors for special 5 weekgrogram. T/Th 12:45-2:15pm. Apply at 1039 P St. Experienced aerobic Inetractor lor older adubs.Avalab(s mominge. 441-7578. Grisantl’s Or IsantT, Is now taking applications for Ine cooks and dishwashers. Comparable pay for hardworidng and Mar gate IndMdMls. Harveet hep wanted, doee to Lincoln, 666-2567 or 665 3641. _ ■ HASHERS NEEDED AT KAPPADELTA a few hours over a Mr wage In Hashers Needed Free meels, compensation. wet be sole to work dinners, - including Monday. Cal House Mom at Gamma Phi Bata. 436-70^or472-7027. > ^ ■ HASHERS NEEDED AT ALPHA CHI OMEGA Abbs Chi Omega is locklno for hasham. If you are ernkMcratomM^MctfChMM CEdlJat 4$ WS208 eanng great mea»Tree or cnarge, caii jenetieaiede-o^uo or slop by and fW out an application. Hillcrest Country Club has openings for day end evening FT end PT wait staff and banquet staff. Excellent wortdng oondMons and wageiApply Tueeday-Sunday from 9AM-7 PM. 8801E. It’s the Pits Now hiring at postions. Very flaxMe scheduling. 4947 Holdrege. 488-1668. Kfcchen heto—Lunch hashers needed at Kappa Kappa Gwnma. 11:15-130;flexible. Excellent pay/CalCard 436-8291._ Lawn care personnel needed. Part time and ful time positions available. FlexMe houm. Morning and dter noon positions available. Call 432-6602 to apply. Loan originator United Companies Landtag Corp Is currently seeking IrKWIQUalS Tor mnpioyfliwn nalKHVig LfiCOwl, Nt BIWL Candidate must have exceleni sales skis, must ba sed motkrated. and goal oriented. Finance background helpful but not required. Please send resume to UCLC, 11860 Nicholas & Bte 110, Omaha NE 88154 Attn. Branch emST Ambassador j LINCOLN to cither weak and OOQj JO Please send resume or stop in to apply. Hw Ambassador Lincoln, 110C Normal Blvd., Ltacota, NE 68606. Attn. Mark Andrews. EOE Lookfogforful and part-time help. Fow locations. FlaxMe hours. Apply at Kapredtos, Wlbst Comhuaksr. Mature, responsible, friemfly Individuals wanted for PT employment In sendee tltori Dulles Include customer swvtoe. pumptag gas, sometke work, some riaantagand stocking. Pay based on performance. Range |5-$7/hr. Washd^evsntaqs and soma weekends. Apply In parson Nattmte Dank of Cwpiwe h nirisrtly wr spring • aBBatomtor.’ ■■ - -- .« > Part-time Customer Service Representative BankCard Servae as an advocate for our customers by providing courteous and etnciaiii aatvice hi leapomaa tolnnuhloc Must have typing abitty of 45 wpm accurately .Strong amphaaia waf be pieced on organizational Mk, ecple tUn end the Arifcy to apeak and write professionally. Heavy phone axperwnce preferred with the abttty to worn well under ccnetant interruptions. 930aja.-130 pja. Monday-Friday (2) Part-timeTellers Superior Facility and Main Bank Prater six monthe teler experience with good customer aervi»«k»tt or a minimum of ah months cashing checto and balancing transactions in a business environment. Sitearior-fMbie starting time between 1130 am.-130 pm. to 5:45 p.m. Monday - Friday and 830 am -1230 pm. Saturdays. Main Bank -1230 p.m. to 530 pm. Monday - Friday and 830 am. -1230pm. Saturdays. For mote data*, cal the First Commerce Jab Hawnri 434-4700 Ovemight-frslght company seeking PT and FT srraioy aas tor dakiwry and pick-up. Must be 21 years old. Good driving record. $S30i/hr.Rexfoto hours. Apply at 2200 Wrist Adam* No. Sort) Airborne Express betwasn 10 AM 5 PM. Part tlma stackers and checkers. Flaxtola hours. Apply In parson. Wrignats Food Pride. 3308 A Sheet Part-time alterations postion avaiabls at J. Braggs greet opportunity for design majors. Contact Connie467-2302. Part-time driver postion wmitebte Monday-Frtday. Hours 230 PM-8 PM or3PM3 PM. Need pod driving record. Apply in person at 5005 South 16th Street Part-time Weekend housekeeper needed for local B8S. Some weekdays possble. $6/hr to start Stave, 475 3351. Permanent Part-time desk clerk. Need 23 afternoons (12303pm) and weekend days- Must hart excellent . communication skll*. Apply in person Town House Motet, 1744 M Street' Personable general support staff position tar 5am-1pm shift Monday-Friday, A a small animal veterinary ptac tlca. Janltortai duttea. backup forrocepttaniA anawaring with ttw computer and abteto work quickly. For mom MormAtott stopin or cal Pits Veterinary HoapitA PC, 2225 Hwy 2, Lbooin. NE 68502,423-4120. PHONE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Excels* experience for Human SanricaAPeychotagy Mafors.UncotnParsonai Crisis Service wtthoidaonaciav volunteer training aesaion SAurday Sept 21, horn 9-430 A Community Mantel Heath Canter, 2200 St Mary's (near Lincoln General).To register call 4753171 or489 3275 and tamre your name artd number. _ PHOTOGRAPHERS Tha Picture Man la looking tar energetic, out-going, re wtttngnesato toavAandbe avSlabls tor night and week and work. Caff 487-257713 M-F tar more Into. Runner/W# dark needed pait-ttM In emat taw firm. Mai resume to 1033 OStraat. Suite 621, Uncoin. 68508. SALES POSITION Takina aoolcationa tar aaoar. rstabte seif-motivated llnrltn.Zmr! llni ,1.7.iSilfa personrei to worn tux ena/or pan ume in eewDiwneo reias store. WtoAandsamabta part of the schedule. 5500 Old Cheney Road. Capital Pattamw Flame Shop. Taking npps«winqi botwoen DAM to ‘TTjil SPRING BREAK! EARN CASH) HIGHEST COMMIS SIONS! TRAVEL FREE ON... ONLY 13 SALES!! FREE INFO! CALL SUNSPLASH 1-800-426-7710 . Taste of India tow hiring watery and ktchen positions, lunch and waning shite. Apply in parson at 1320 O St or cal 475 1642. - , ~ ;' ★ ★ ★ TELEMARKETERS Fastgrowingllrmwherathewotkenvironmentiesttmuiat Ing and fun and where YOU CAN MAKE BIG BUCKS! Souring with a guaranteed $6.50 rate, you can earn $10.00 wKh good perform an cs. We also offer paid training,casual drase coda, awesome non-cash bonuses and fleKtee hours. Waking distance from campus. In al. a great part-time postion— see lor yourasl Apply in person or cal Heidi. EOE. IMS 434-2626 Suffe M4 GoMe Gateria k k k TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS National Research Corporation, the healthcare Industry* tending provider of market research Is NOW accepting appleatfons tor te ptofsee tonal totenriawlng staff. If you are interested In healthcare keuee, enjoy taking to people, and are in need of apart-lme job—trie could be Swpraiortunlty tor VOW NRC offers: •ABSOLUTELY NO SELUNGIII •Eventng/Wsekend hours •FtadUe schedulng—You choose the days you work! •Convtntent downtown frrcwfftn •Casual and smoke free work environment •Paid training •Competitive hourly wage For mow information or to schedule an interview, please caff the Date Cotectton department # 4754620, M-F between Sam 65pm. ■ w NC _ EOEAA Travel USA Large organization expanding wth 10 immediate open ings for anargatic people to work. Casual woiklng condi tions, no experience necessary, transportation provided, must ba 18 or oldor. wsl groomed and fraa totrawsi major dries wfth business group. Return transportation guaran teed. Far interview cal 4754400 or apply in person to Mrs. Taylor at the Comfort Inn. Mon-Wed. ONLY/Parents welcome at interview. VOGUE Heath ard beauty company needs ambitious, motivated individuals. Cel 474-5646 for Interview. WOMEN NEEDED (18-27 years) for a3-yr calcium study. If you era a non-smoker, in good heath, and have a poor diet etp. dairy products, you may quaflfy. Call Betty Chin, 1-800-368-5097, Creighton University Osteoporosis Re search Canter. Youth Director/Coach rmitimh nnhasshalarnlhiwlietiall fitetJaniiaHida 20-30 hrs/Weak, $7/hr. East Lincoln ana. 467-2682. Need cMd can In my home ter 2 pre-schoolers. Tues days and Thursdays, 1230-530pm, cal Cotime 421 i' .i “Flexible Hours** Wort ilmly an Miami iwertsrtNrlyflsaatratnpiisIlTtariefl Day, evening or weekend hours. $4.75-$5.00/hr. Apply Love Ltxary, Rm. 136.4723963. Management/Marketing Internship If you ere interested in inngint/nnfkfg. opportunities after oredustlon you need to get sRponMce iKMri kliiitle*---*-I U **r»naiteM«■*■ aWfc" Inrnnst Nonnweeiem Mutual Lie ■ ronune s seen largest end has ft paid intemsS|^2wft that, if you quaNfy. in prepenng you tor we iw greouanon. ueecxine tor 9/27. Cal Mtasy at 463-7871. St 750 weakly posable mailing our drcutais. For tato oa PI-306-1207. ATTENTION EWRVONEI Earn $800 to $1,500 Weakly n Pmum LIahia/OamiI k|fk CnfiAflaAAe wonung rrofn i tomerUOnni wo txpenence wecessary! Set Your Own Hoursl Serious Individuals Cal TOLL FREE 1-300-977-7262. Part time, ful time, spare tkne, any time k the time to be your own boss. For Information send SASE to Kepple, Dept 124,7283 Oawmi Branch. Woodtewn, MC 21244. START YOUR OWN CAREER in afast growing business. Stfss^Mgerience or training not necessary. For appt cal Publisher’s Notice At real estste advertising In this newspaper Is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, wh&i makes tdegal to advertise any preference, tmtation or dlaorimtnotion based on race, color, religion, sea, handicap, famUal status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, tintadom ordkcrimlnatlon. The D«y Ne braskan wtl not knowhgly accept any advertising for real against sexual preferences. Our readers ate hereby Honmd that at dwaltngs advertised are avalable on an equal opportunity heals.