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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1996)
.1 02 Apptences 400 Roommates 05 Bicycles 410 Housing Wanted 10 Books 420 Rooms/Rent 13 Clothing 430 Houses/Rent 16 Computers 440 Duplex/Rent 20 Furniture 450 Apartments/Rent 30 Jewelry 460 Summer Housing 40 Misc. For Sale 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 45 Musical Instruments 480 Vacation/Rent 46 Office Furniture 490 Homes/Sale 50 Pete -- 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods . - 65 Stereos/TVs 500 Adoption 70 Ticket Exchange 505 Alterations & Sewing 90 Vehicles 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 200 Rides 528 Child Care 203 Spring Break Tops ^ Cteaningrt^ry 205 Career Events §31 ClearengAtouseholds pin AnnminramCTitc 535 Computer S©IV?C© 540 Entertainment cio Meetings cac ms ryv\ OhuiL Alfnlm VJIII IUUUO 220 Greek Affairs 54- nairsMina 230 Student Government S5 [H&^itness 240 Personals 553 insurance 242 Pinning & 555 instmctiorVTutoring Engagements 558 Job Placement 245 Lost & Found 560 Lqwn care 250 Wanted 565 Legal Services 260 Fundraising 573 Music Exchange 270 900 Numbers 575 Photography - 578 Pregnancy 580 Printing & Copying _ 582 Recycling mu.huhrt.ri 583 Retigious *9 ™2l"anted 585 Rentals 310 Chid Care 588 Tanning 320 Work Study Jobs 590 Tattooing 330 Summer Jobs 593 Travel 340 internships 595 Typing & Resumes $4.5! $.15 word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status orhational origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all1 Contents-of aft= ads 'printMv «s well as any dlairtr arisihg therefrom made against the Ddily Nebraskan. * 00s For Sale mBSBBmBBm Macintosh Powerbook 140, new HD, and Imagewriter II. $650 for both. Cal 477-4338. New gueervstfir sofa sleeper 3-pieca Irving room set blue; $890. AiMiueudresser with mirror, $250. Entertain mentcenter,$86.421-9281 . , Blue papasan couch, chair. Queen-size waterbed w/book case, six-drawer pedestal Good condition. 489-9772. I SZ BACKTRACK RECORDS Lincoln’s vintage record shop. Quality used CDs, $7.50 or lees, LPs, Cassettes, Posters. 3833 South 48th, 489 3817. 1 VCR w/remote $85; aiso, COLOR TV excellent $75; cal 466-8520. 19-inch color TV, $50.25-inch floor model color console, $40. VHS VCR. $50. 488-8251. ’83 Ntesan Sentra $1200 060 464-6465 evenings. ’83 Pontiac Grand Prix, power windows, needs some work. $500 060.474-9455 1990 Pontiac Grand Am, 2-door, automatic, white, 4-cyl inder, A7C, excellent condtion. $3500. 421-8682. 1967 Nwsan Sentra, 102,600 mies, 2-door, 5-speed, runs great $2250 or best Oder, 402-465-8498 2Ws „ Notices r r r*»o,rn»,Ti. Active Way to Weight Control Classes Forming NOW!! CaN 472-7478 for more info. Classes start September 16. Sponsored by the University Health Center. ALASKA SUMMER JOBS Fishing industry. Earn to $8000 - $6000+ /month + ben efits. Male/female. No experience necessary. (206) 971 3510 ext A57786 Birth Mothers Support/Discussion Come to the Women’s Center NU 340, Sept. 25th, 6:30 stories. For more information^aH°S£imantha at The Women’s Center at 472-2597. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING -Earn up to $2,000+ /month. World travel, full-time positions. No exp. necessary. For 206-971-3550 ext. C57785. Don’t Forget! East Campus Invotvsmsnt Fair 11-1:30 East Union, this Wednesday. FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 BIMon in pubHc and private sector grants & schol arships is now available. All students are eligible regard less of grades, income or parent’s income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext FS7786 Get Involved University Ambassadors Give Campus Tours for Special Events Host University Functions Participate in Philanthropic & Social Activities Meet Energetic People Lite Yourself Applications available: Student Involvement 200 City Union 300 East Union Student Affairs 124 Administration Building AH Residence Hall Front Desks Completed applications are due on Friday, September 27, by 5:00 p.m. to 124 Administration For more information, please contact Jason Reno at 436-7976 Half priced hotel rooms For Nebraska-ASU game. Free shuttle from hotel to game. 1-800-334-8160. TOURNAMENT The last day to enter the Men’s and Women’s Pre-sea son Flag FootbaH Tournament is Tuesday, September 17. Don't delay. Enter now at the Office of Campus Recre ation. Call 472-3467 for more information. LESBIAN DISCUSSION GROUP Meets Mondays 12-1:30pm starting Sept. 16 in Nebraska Union rm 338. An opportunity for Lesbian, Bisexual and Questioning women to explore and discuss their lives. Call the Women’s Center at 472-2597 for more info. NATIONAL PARKS HIRING Positions are now available at National Parks, Forest & Wildlife Preserves. Excellent benefits & bonuses. Call: 1 206-971-3620 ext N67783.__ OXFORD CREW Spend time this summer rowing and punting on the River Thames as part of the Nebraska at Oxford Program. Study business and the arts while immersing yourself in English culture at Oxford University. Sign up now for the four-week summer session. Dr. Martin Holmes, of Oxford Univer sity, is hosting information sessions in CBA 138, *in OkJH 203/204: Monday, September 16,10:30-11:30; 11:30-12:30*: Tuesday, September 17,3:00-4:00; 4:00-5:00*: Wednesday, September 18,12:30-1:30; 1:30-2:30: Thursday, September 19,11:00-12:00; 12:00-1:00. For more information contact: Dvee Buss, CBA 138 or phone 472-2310. pm Beta cm Looking For New Members! Meeting Sept 16th, 6 p.m., Neihardt Blue TV Lounge. Questions? CaH Shannon McGauhy 436-9476/leave message. PICK UP TEACHERS COLLEGE STUDENT ALUMNI AMBASSADORS APPLICATIONS NOW, 105 HENZLIK. DUE SEPTEMBER 19,540PM. PRE-PT STUDENTS! UMCC PT at the Aits&Sdences Advising Center, 107 Otdfatfier, Tuesday, September 17,10-2. CaH 472-4190 for appointment f RECRUITING & RETAINING MEMBERS FOR STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Tuesday, Sept 17,4:30 PM, NE Union. CaH 472-2454. Talking About Food and Weight New Discussion Group Beginning September 19,12:00 1:00 Sponsored by Womens Center and Univeristy Health Center. CaH 472-9428 or 472-7478 tor more information. TROPICAL RESORTS HIRING Entry-level & career positions available worldwide (Ha waii, Mexico, Caribbean, etc.). Waitstaff, housekeepers, SCUBA dive leaders, fitness counselors, and more. Call Resort Employment Services 1-206-971-3600 ext R57783. Weightloss Breakthrough Lose up to 14 lbs in 14days for $49.95.1-800-320-8832 Ext 3634. Where The Money Is ' * How To Get HI A comprehensive guide to grants, private scholarships, fully paid internships, and stipends. Millions available through foundations, corporations and other private or ganizations. $89.95. Visa and Mastercard Accepted. Money back guarantee. 1-800-225-4200. WOMEN IN GRADUATE STUDIES SUPPORT GROUP Starts Tuesday Sept 17,12:00-1:30pm, Nebraska Union rm 338. Offers a supportive enviroment for women enter ing or returning to graduate studies. CaH the Women's Center at 472-2597 for more info. WOMEN’S PERSONAL GROWTH GROUP A supportive and challenging environment for women to work on personal issues, improve communication skills, and explore interpersonal relations. Meets Tuesdays 3:30 5:00pm in Nebraska Union rm 338, beginning Sept 17. CaU the Women’s Center at 472-2597 for more info. National Honor Society in Psychology General Meeting Wednesday Sept 18,4:30pm City Union Presenter Dr Marcela Raffaelti Free Food! All Students Welcome! CAMPUS RED CROSS Our first meeting of the year wilt be Wed., Sept. 18th at 5 p.m., in the Health Center. Register to Win a FREE SHIRT at the Meeting!!! > Ag Econ Agribusiness Club Meeting Sept. ! 7 5:45pm Room 45. Filley Hall Axn Meet the Chapter Night Nebraska Union Tonight Speaker. Steve LeFeber, Dis trict Manager at Norwest Financial. Business attire. Ques tions? Caff Justin 476-3529. MEMBERS WANTED! KO Kappa Phi, A Christian Group for UNL students, is look ing for new members. Established in 1920, we offer sis terhood, low dues, and minimal time committment. Also, year round open rush. Meeting Wed. nights at Corner stone Church from 6p-7p. To arrange a visit call: Jen 486 4469 Of Christina 467-5464. Phi Beta Lambda Want a break from those long hours of studying?? Come join the fun and meet new people on Tues, Sept. 17, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Union. Please wear business attire. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!! PRE-DENTAL CLUB First MeetingTuesday, Sept 17,7:00pm, NE Union, room posted. Pre-Pharmacy Club Meeting Wed Sept 18, 6pm at Nebraska Union, room posted. 1 800-626-8431. i CAB Teachers' CoHeoe Advisory Board applications avail* able in Room 105HenzBkHalL TRI-BETA Mandatory meeting initiation info. Sept. 06,6:30 Rm 118. UNL Baseball Club ASA Congratulations to these Ladies: JShejjy Ctpunse, Kim Mason, and Emily Wray on your readings. We feel sorry for all those oysters! Cami nckner on your engagement this summed Andes Cummings and Carta Baumert on your President We are very proud daH of^f8 Need Bucks for Books? ...donate Plasma! ^ $55 NEW DONORS (within a 10-day period) $90* RETURN DONORS (within a 16-day period) To find out more about the opportunity to earn cash while 1 helping ottiers, visit our friendly, j modem center with TV and movies 1 available. Convenient hours. 1 \fter2 months • 1442 ’O' Street • 475-8645 AHA LT Sisters, We are so happy to have your her! You Ladies brighten up our lives! _ : Xi Love, ___T , . Your BIG Siatets. ^KA Scholarship Week Congratulations to these Kappa Delta’s for making a 3.5 and up last semester Jen Bandy, Jahna Danielson, Jaime Dworak, El# Erickson, Jessica Fargen, Erin Haligan, Leigh Heier, Shannon HUt, Tami Hylland, Melissa Kamler, Tami Kaschke, Katie Kiekhaefer, Michele Lewon, Steph Ma ser, Cheri Mlady, Tara Mueller, Susan Newhaus, Angie Piontek, Shari Reimer, Becky Sahl, Jami Schulte, Kris Sedivy, and Jill Staehr. Recycled Sounds 1000’s of posters, 1000's of cds, Ips, new releases, cas settes. Always buying good titles. 824 P Street 476-8240. GET INVOLVED! STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION NEEDED There are many committee openings for student repre sentatives. Check the ASUN office for current open posi tions. Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union. Dead line Sept. 18. Laundry Boy, Thanks for putting up with all my moods, silliness, and funky laundry. No matter how life turns out you’ll always make me smile love the funk-de-fied girl Christina, Let’s go out dancing again! MarkB. P.S. I’m in the Book! To Colleen, Ever since you found me under your sink the last full moon night, I’ve been sweating buckets. Ours is a true love, the way you do my dance. It makes me sweat buckets. I'll be hiding. Can't wait til you find me! As long as you say you love me. I sure do love you. _Sweating buckets for your love, Macarena Wanted: 100 students. Lose 5-100 pounds. New metabo lism breakthrough. RN assisted. Free gift $35 fee. 1 -800 579-1634. FAST FUNDRAISER - RAISE $500 IN 5 DAYS - GREEKS, GROUPS, CLUBS, MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS. FAST, EASY - NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION (800)862-1982 EXT. 33 ★ ★ ★ Pert-Time $10.85 to start, flexible hours, titling 37 positions until 9/ 17/96. 477-8663 ★ ★ ★ : " ' .. A Few Good Hashers Needed. Delta Gamma now hiring to serve food-talk to cooks at 17th ft R, or leave massage at 436-7092. Accounting Assistant Part-Time We are looking for a reliable accounting student to handle accounts receivable duties 15 hours/week. Please apply between 10-5, Tuesday-Satuiday. Glaser Ceramics, Inc 2325 Kimarra Place Ask Yourself 1. Are you dependable? 2. Am I hardworking? a Do I want a job that helps me grow? 4. Do I want to make a lot of money? 5. Do I know how to be-part of a team? if you answer yes to al of these questions and you are ready to work with the best of the best in Lazio's kitchen. receive from us. If interested, apply in pemon, Monday Tueeday or Thursday between 2:30 and 4pm. at Lazloe Brewpry ft GriD. 710 P Street _ Attention students!!! Are you short of cash? Need $$$ for college expenses? Make $$$ money aR tall and winter. Let us help. 1-800-400-0209. City-Wide Delivery Driver Needed. 8:30-5:30 MWF only. Some restrictions. 475-3031. Cooks Assistant For sorority kitchen, $6/hour, 25 hours per week, M.W.Th.F, 8am-1:30pm and M 3-6pm. Call House Mom at Gamma Phi Beta 436-7073 or 472-7027. Exercise daily and be Paid for it! Deliver Daily Nebraskans to East Campus every week day. Must be available from 7-9 a.m., have own vehicle and a UNL student with at least a 2.0 G.P. A. Contact Dan, 34 Nebraska Union. 472-1769. Experienced aerobic instructor for older adults. Available mornings, .441-7575. FORTUNE PALACE Need front counter help on day shift (11-2) and/or night (5-9). Apply in person at 5740 Old Cheney Rd. Suite 11. Grisanti’s Grisanti’s is now taking applications for line cooks and dishwashers. Comparable pay for hardworking and en ergetic individuals. HASHERS NEEDED AT ALPHA OMICRON PI Hash for this sorority and you’H get free meals, a pay check and lots of new friends, 475-0232. Hashers Needed Free meals, compensation. Must be able to work dinners, including Monday. Call House Mom at Gamma Phi Beta, 436-7073 or 472-7027. HASHERS NEEDED AT KAPPA DELTA SORORITY Kappa Delta is seeking hashers to work a few hours over lunch & dinner. We provide free meals and a fair wage in exchange for kitchen help over lunch and/or dinner. Please, call Mary or Arlene immediately, at 436-6293 - if you are interested! Help needed for lawn and landscape company. Must have neat appearance and good driving record. Call Lawnscape, 464-2631. INTERNS WANTED ( NEED CREATIVE, INNOVATIVE INDIVIDUALS. GRAPHIC GURUS, INSPIRED WRITERS, HUMAN NET BROWSERS. FOR QUICK CASH - WEEKLY SCHOL ARSHIPS. INTRAMURAL FLAG FOOTBALL OFFICIALS The Office ot Campus Recreation is currently hiring offi cials for Intramural Flag Footbal. Starting pay is $5.25/ hour, 6-12 hours per week. If interested, please attend the Intramural Officials' meeting Monday, September 16 at 4:00pm in the Nebraska Union. CaH 472-3467 for more information. Light office cleaning, nights and weekends. Starting pay $6/hr. Car needed. Call 463-0367 Loan originator United Companies Lending Corp is currently seeking in dividuals for employment handling Lincoln, NE area. Can didate must have excellent sales skills, must be self mo tivated, and goal oriented. Finance background helpful but not required. Please send resume to UCLC, 11850 Nicholas St Ste 110, Omaha NE 68154Attn. Branch Man ager EOE/AA * MONO ^ Have you had mono nucleosis within the last month? If so, your plasma could make a valuable contribution to research & earn you $SOJQOat the same time. I For details please call Tam at 474-2335. nabi BiqMedical Center MX) South 17th Street "to,,c* 1 r*l. i&e* ■