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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1996)
2291 Holdrege. 3 bedroom. 13/4 baths. $650/month plus 1 month dead and utMUss. Call Jim 475-7990. 432 4414, Of 425-6304. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J1—J9 minrny Oil Oeifcam ■ you quaMy and mnt our 1 or 2 Bedroom unit for one yr, we ‘give’ you $100.00 cerdncam. $50.00 for nine month lease. Laundry. Bus. Rent from $329 to $419.640 South 20. five minutes from campus. 475-7262. 2S33 Washington. Clean, Ight, furnished basement. One bedroom. Laundry. Non smokers/hon drinkers. $300477 5032. ★ AvaitaWe Now, or Oct 1st, dose to campus, 2504 Vine, 1109.1121N. 28th, $340. hast paid, on stamanagement 2615 Vine One bedroom spit level duplex, lots of wln OMvSefl^rown top floor. spadous. $475. 4300 Comhusker, 2 bedrooms, 1 1/4 bath, townhouse. $490-$525. 2bedroom.1 bath.W/D hooker, neutral colom.boaUlful, $830. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 Midwest. / * 4Wt JtO •Crain—, P/T d drift (must be 19). •NU* Stockers, F/T graveynd drift. •Deli Sales Associates, P/T ail date. •Grocery Cleris, P/T flexible boors. 27th AHwy.2 •Night Stockers, F/T gravcyawl drift •Floor Crew, F/T graveyd drift •Forklift Drivers, F/T graveynd, will bin. •Cadrins, P/T eveangs. •Grocery Clerks, P/T dl drift. •Bakery Fryer, 3 nn to 11 am, iacL weekend. Sd*AHwy2 •Floor Crew, F/T graveynd shift •Night Stockers, r/T graveyard shift •Cadrien, P/T dl shift (and be 19). •Bakery Sdes Associates, P/T dl drift. Smr Saver is an Eqad Opportunity Employer offering exceDcnt benefits nd competitive wages. W - -, 2740 R. Lame throe bedroom. Launrfcy. Garage. No pets. $450.430-6328. 3-4-6 bedrooms. 2 bath, central air, DM, \NK>, wait to UNL, yard work paid. 488-8284. AVAILABLE NOW 2 BR, big kitchen, wafc4n dosed, WO. pkg, 27th and R area. $350/mo. 4788443.___ Brand Now 3 bedroom apartment. Own Bedroom wfth Bathroom and Wak-h Closet, $225/morth, 1/3 utilfties, 438-6428. Close to campus 6,9, and 12 month leam amiable on 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. t Onebedroom $280-8375. 2 bedroom $385-8525. Management One 477-2600 Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor heated pool. 421-3070. We currently have several exciting job opportunities available. See the Store Director at one of the following locations to apply for a position on our hometeam. 17th & Washington •Stockers, F/T days w/ some evening hours •Cashiers, P/T eves. A weekend hours. 66th A O •Cake Decorators, F/T day hours, will train. •Bakery Sales Associates, P/T eves. A weekends •Cashiers, P/T eves. A weekends (Must be 19) 27th A Owy. 2 •Cashiers, P/T all shifts (must be 19) •Courtesy Clerks, P/T eves. A weekends 63rd A Havelock •Checkers, P/T all shifts (must be 19) •Courtesy Clerks, P/T (retirees welcome) •Night Stockers, F/T graveyard shift 70th A Vaa Dora •Fruit A Juice Bar Clerk, F/T. •Carriers, F/T A P/T all shifts, (must be 19) •Courtesy Clerks, F/ThP/T •Night Stockers, F/T graveyard shift 33rd A Hwy 2 •Cashiers, P/T all shifts (must be 19) •Courtesy Clerks. P/T day A evening shift •Deli Sales Associates, F/T A P/T all shifts •Gourmet Coffee Comer Clerk, F/T A P/T all shifts An E.O.E. establishment offering excellent benefits and wages. $7-5Q/hour Full-time $7uOQ/hour Part-time FLEXIBLE HOURS •Paid Training •Benefit Package •Casual Dress CALL IIS TODAY Job Hotline 466-8293 EOE RKETINGh ' - : ■ — fU/SMfMW«A4flM ■ VENTU .476-1010 y - 4?-.- . , - tv r' .* _____I_I_I_^_,_: Downtown studio, .secure bulling, best paid, no pats 9275 plus deposland references. 435-6866_ Efficiency apartments dose to cfty campus, water, heat, gas paid, cal 477-4490. Embassey Park Apartments, 31st 8 Old Chaney, 2 bed room, 9485-9630, no pets, 483-1130,483-8057. Near Cly Campus. Large one bedroom apartment Park ing. 9285/month, depost. 2403 Lynn Street Available now 488-2088. Newer, extra dean, 2 bedroom, 3rd floor. 9*35-rem, off street parking. $435 deposit 483-6280, Nice 2 bedroom apt with fireplace. Central haat/air, large al electric kitchen. D/W, laundry facilities, parking, dose to downtown campus. 9420 ♦ depost csilt435-1378. Parents can buy a twir students a house wlh minimum down. Cali Cnuck Waldron 430-7119 for details. Homeowner sales. PRIMETIME RENTALS Two^redroom unis aredabie. Close to campus, off-street parking, water paid, ate, wesheddryer hook-ups. lease for 9386.00. Cal Aon 5644. leave massage. 500s Services •ADOPTION* Give us a chance. Glvu your baby achance. Wiwll g^» your tMtycvBryappoftunfty In Expenses piid. Please cel Carolyn end Idcheei coded to trek. 847 ADOPTION We altar camming and adopdon services to help you plan tha boat future for you and your baby. No fees or abigations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska ChMren's. Home, 4600 Valley Rd.Sute 314,463-7879. ADOPTION A caring alternative. Plan the beet future for you and your baby. No fees/ conitoenuai counseang. imrara UMmi himm. 46eeVNtay Rd.aube314. Adoption: We long to give your newborn endless love. opportunMes and security. Perhaps wre can hep each other Expenses paid. Cedi Rosemary and John. 1-600 Birth Mothers Support/Discussion Come to the WxnenS Carter NU 340, Sept 25th. 6:30 pjn. A time for Birth mothers (post adoption) to share their stories. For more information Cal Samantha at The Women's Center at 472-2597. COMPUTER? THINKING OF BUYING OR UPGRAO iNG^ETOREYOUJDEdOE, DO VISIT: http:// FREE INTERNET ACCESS http://www.bin not. com Binarv Nat 4&4-5211 Criminal Defense DWI, minor In poooraion, and other criminal matters. Sanford Polacfc 434-9496._ LECTURE NOTES We take notee In your daseas. Many sets to chooeo from. Stop In and browse our selection. Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore, 1300 Q St. Lower Level, 477-7400 FREE Pregnancy Test BSTTMEGHT lea confidential hewing hand. Please cal for appohtmant or more Information. 483-2609. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Pregnancy testing and referral by professional and caring stdi. Information on ALL OFTKM&.Ce>tMad counselors available. Donations appreciated. Call for hours; 441 3390. Facts-d-Lle Line: 434-1990. Resumes By Ann Quatty resumes, profession^ writers. Over 14 years experience, proven resdts. 464-0775. RESUMES FAST Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore typesets your resume. Step In oroalfor Information. 1300 A Ct I NMV I au.I ATT.7ado Dlb-vvjAJ Daily Nebraskan Comics The Norm By Michael Jantze uerrs admit, rr. wosAeN lil espcciauv wHewl ...which-is I in my opmion PUT UP WITH A LOT ®MeN ARe TALONS. ALL THe TIM6. WOiWeN SHOULD _g FROM AAeN. / Hor^ on I'm CARRY CONM0BSA I mjw. Rj*e 6UNs| i so in +he second P\ erode... NonSeQUTTUR By Wiley ' " -— -——1 fefl-ni WHEN UU6BAND4 ARE f 'N - DRAGGED To TUE 4o qW PCfOAlKTOC YWD’4 ^ ySu r\ $ ANNUM MIXEIL nut&? 1 V r& J vbk» i90iHiWknM4 mmsmmmm u I The Deep End Bv Chad Strawderman 1} ROfeWfe tttt 8tCjDHL 3 MORE- trn MORL Ap090lNklHE5l 0AV5.' | .1—Til l: _ % « |->v I I * ACROSS • I 4 Calyx segment 1 • Puddle Jio Parent’s I nickname I 14 Wear away isjGet one’s goat li^denic victim 17 Between universities 20 Stagger 21 Great Barrier island 22Change > 23 Necessary 2S Bear witness 23 Law 23 Winter mo. 23 Wharf M Idea 33 Footless 3T Sicilian volcano 98 Unseal: Poet. 90 Moon goddess 40 Ooze 41 Brotherhood 49 Word with rara 48 Lincoln’s “Cap’n-” 48 We: Lat. 47 Sway ... 80 Button-up alternative 82 Links nickname stFog accompaniment 84 Trucks ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 57 Mickey Mouse is-famous 60 Debt document ei Hodgepodge 62 Wreaths for Bors, Gawain et al. 63 Noted muralist 64 Miss, neighbor 65 Adjust a timer DOWN 1 Esau’s land 2 Sea eagle 3 Monarch or - dictator 4 Astaire’s dancing sister 5 Neptune, to Celts 6 Bodyguards 7 Lubricated 6 Wide-mouthed Jar o Golfer Trevino 10 Jesse James’s target 11 Lessen it Deals out 12 At the ready it Secret messages it Garden entrance 24 Author Ferber 28 Point 20 Arab cloaks 27 Canadian Indian 2e Claim or title to si Hospitalized one aW.W. It agency M Aspirin etal. as Upon at Week units at Tap problem 41 Evergreen 43 Poetry Muse 44 Swerve 47 Follows 48 Banks or Ford 48 Turnstile sign 80 Demonstration of a kind si Arrow poison 83 Cob or drake si Kind of dub 88 Network: Abbr. 88 “Tell it-in Gath” 88 Scand. land