The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 11, 1996, Page 4, Image 4

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Doug Kouma
Anne Hjersman
Doug Peters
Paula Lavigne
Mitch Sherman
Beth Narans
New stadium policy
leaves smokers out
It was a good compromise.
When the University of Nebraska Ath
letic Department decided that Husker fens
who smoke shouldn’t be allowed to light up
in their Memorial Stadium seats, no more
than a muted whimper was heard from any
one. Even smokers.
The smokers were moved to designated
smoking areas in the lower level of the sta
dium. They were moved away from the
people in the stands, away from those who
wanted to breathe only the air of Husker vic
That’s the way it was, and except for a
few complaints of people lighting up in their
seats, the deal woriced.
But on Saturday, at the Huskers’ season
opener; fans who smoke were greeted with a
new policy: No smoking inside the stadium
— at all.
Smokers must now go outside to light
The move can be described only as cos
metic —perhaps a bow to apolitical climate
stacked against tobacco.
Fans were not put out by the designated
smoking areas. Some smokers complained,
but most went to the designated areas to light
Regardless, enforcement was lax, at best
Rarely did ushers bother to remind those
smoking in the stands of the policy.
When the weather is nice, as it was this
weekend, going outside to smoke probably
isn’t any greater hassle than going to a des
ignated area.
But come November, when Nebraska
plays Colorado, it could be. Nebraska No
vembers aren’t warm. Gamedays have a nasty
habit of being bitter cold.
The thought of going outside for a smoke
in a stiff 10-below wind chill will not appeal
to most At least not as much as a designated
area out of the wind.
And if enforcement doesn’t get better,
the temptation to light up in the stands will
continue to grow, anyway.
Sure, smoking is unhealthy. It’s a bad
habit And fans in the stands shouldn’t have
to breathe secondhand smoke.
But the old stadium policy accounted for
that. The new one goes too fox: Fans who
smoke are still fans, and they shouldn’t be
left in the cold.
Editorial Policy
j ' i.
Unsigned editorials dne the opinions of the
Fall 19% Daily Nebraskan. They do not nec
essarily reflect the views of die University
of Nebraska-Lincoln,,its employees, its stu
dent body or the University of Nebraska
Board of Regents. A column is soley the
opinion of its author. The Board of Regents
serves as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan;
policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Edito
rial BoanL The UNL Publications Board, es
tablished by the regents, supervises the pn>
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policy set by the regents, responsibility for
the editorial content of the newspaper lies
■ solely in the hands afits student employees.
Letter Policy
The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief let
ters to the editor and guest columns, bat
does not guarantee their publication. H»e
Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit
or reject any material submitted. Submit
ted material becomes die property of die
Dufy Nebraskan and cannot be returned.
Anonymous submissions will not be
published. Those who submit letters
must identify themselves by name, year
in school, major and/or group affilia
tion, if any. Submit material to: Daily Ne
braskan, 34 Nebraska Unkm, 1400RSt
Lincoln. Neb. 68588-0448. E-mail:
Critique didn’t fty
To the Seifikars, thank you very
much for your guest column defining
the criteria that make things beautiM
or make things art. Gosh, if it weren’t
for your enlightening piece I would
still be stumbling in a dark wilder
ness —waking up in a cold sweat
every night, asking myself: What is
beauty? What is art?
You said you hadn’t heard ‘Tom
Notebook” referred to as beautiful by
anyone. Well, now you have. I think
it’s beautiful. I love it. Beauty, by the
way, is in the eye of the beholder.
There’s another sculpture on campus
called “Prismatic Flake.” Now, I
don’t happen to think it’s particularly
beautiful, and I don’t even know if I
would call it art. But it is art to
someone, so I’m glad it’s here. ‘Tom
Notebook doesn’t fly as art?” That’s
your opinion. If you had your way
maybe you’d rid the campus of
everything you don’t categorize as
art. If I had my way, I would have
rather read something more interest
ing on the opinion page than your
ridiculous “guest view.”
Jean DeShazer
publications specialist
Publications & Photography
Herbie needs help
I couldn’t agree more with the
DN’s comment about the new
mascot. I shuddered when I saw
Herbie, wondering what the national
TV audience thought about Nebras
kans when they saw him. Somebody
do something quick! And while
Russ Johnson/DN
you’re at it, think about the fact that
Herbie Husker and Lil’ Red are both
male—rather inappropriate for a
modem (?) university with equal
numbers of male and female sports
programs. How about coming up
with something neutral? Since we’re
stuck with the name Comhuskers,
maybe something as simple as a
partially husked ear of com with a
big smile. You wouldn’t even have to
worry about what clothes to put on it
—it has its own!
• Also, I have held season football
tickets for over two decades in the
south, north, and now east stadium,
and I’m tired of feeling like a
second-class fan when it canes to the
marching band. I understand why the
band favors the west stadium with its
press boxes, honored guests and rich
patrons, but I see no reason why the
band should play exclusively to that
side as it did Saturday. We in the
other stadiums are supposed to feel
honored when one song during the
season is played to each of the other
three sides. I think we deserve better
than that. I suggest either using
formations that allow the entire
stadium to hear parts of all songs as
the band moves around, or at the
very least play one song to the non
west seats each game.
Pam Murray
Center for Grassland Studies
and Center for Sustainable
I must agree with the notion that
Herbie’s new “look” is part of Bill
Byrne’s evil plot to ditch Herbie. A
design so ugly could not have been
an accident.
Anita Jackson
Just stuped
You hit the nail right on the head!!
My first impression was that if they
couldn’t get rid of Herbie, they were
going to make him look so stupid
that no (me would support him. Why
else would they give him big clown
feet, and a padded gut and butt? I
was one of die many who supported
Herbie last year, but this is just
Rick Porter
P.S. Write Back
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