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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1996)
02 Appliances 05 Bicycles 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computers 20 Furniture 30 Jewelry 40 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office Furniture 50 Pets 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 65 Stereos/TVs 70 Ticket Exchange 90 Vehicles 200 Rides 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Affairs 230 Student Government 240 Personals 242 Pinning & Engagements 205 Lost & Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising 270 900 Numbers 300 He* Wanted 310 CMd Care 320 Work Study Jobs 330 Summer Jobs 340 Internships 400 Roommates 410 Housing Wanted 420 Rooms/Rent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Duplex/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 480 VacatkxVRent 490 Homes/Sale_ 500 Adoption 505 Alterations & Sewing 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 528 Child Care 530 CleaningiLaundry 531 Cieaning'Households 535 Computer Service 540 Entertainment 845 6» Ideas 548 550 553 Insurance 555 InshuctioiVTuloring 558 Job Placement 560 Lawn care 565 Legal Services 573 Music Exchange 575 Photography 578 Pregnancy 5851 588 Tanning 590 Tattooing 593 Travel 595 Typing & Resumes $3.25 par day for ISwords on individual student and student organization ads. $4.50 par day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each addMonal word. $.75 bMng charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan win not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any parson on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebraskan. 00s For Sale Cycle Works See Lincoln's largest selection of bicycles and accesso ries. Packs, hats, and glasses too. Blow out prices on all '96 bicycles now! Cycles Works 27th And Vine 475-2453. Paramount Series 70. Deore XT. Suspension fork. 18 inch. $500 o.b.o. Contact Justin, 438-6090. Mac LC2. 8 meg RAM 80meg hard drive. Starwriter printer. Apple scanner. $1,000 o.b.o. 435-3936. Macintosh Powerbook 100 with disk drive, power adapter, carrying case, extras. $500. Can Andy 475-7011. 8V 4V 21 Free-standing Bar, Black wrap-around padding with marble top, 3 matching Bar stools. $100/060. Nice computer desk with chair, $185, KHpsch oak speak ers (KQ4.2), $375, KHS 12speed bike, $75,421-7673. Used double mattress and box springs. WM sell cheap! 477-4151. BACKTRACK RECORDS Lincoln's vintage record shop Quatty used CDs, $7.50 or Mae, LPa, Cassettes, Posters. 3833 South 48th, 489 3817. 2-3 student season footba* tickets needed. Also buying single-game student tickets. Hob 467-3866. For Sfee: One NU-CU Ticket Best Offer. Can Usldate. 436-0756, leave message. ■90 Dodge Dynasty, automatic, air-condHioning, power windows, cruise, loaded, 130K. Great condWon. $1940. 474-0277 ■90 Mazda 323 (hbk),lght blue, automatic, A/C, new tires, 54000 miles. $4300080. 420-1143. 1987 Nissan 30QZX. Husker Red. Vtery good condition, T top, ooM ac, pb, pm, pw, Clarion stereo and od, 2 amps and equator, sub woofers and box. $5300 or best offer. 402-781-2212. evenings or weekends. 200s Notices Active Way to Weight Control Classes Forming MOW!! Call 472-7478 for mote info. Classes start September 16. Sponsored by the Unrversfcy Health Center. ALASKA SUMMER JOBS Fishing industry. Earn to $3000 - $60004- /month + ben efits. Male/female. No experience necessary. (206) 971 3510 ext A57786 Birth Mothers Support/Discussion Come to the Women's Center NU 340, Sept. 25th, 6:30 p.m. A time for Birth mothers (post adoption) to share their stories. For more information Call Samantha at The Women’s Canter at 472-2597. Callman Wake Up Service now provkfng wake up calls between 5:30 and 9 a.m. Monday-Friday. 438-2243. COMM TERS We need V! Come to a special presentation, by com muters for commuters, to help you get involved with your campus. Free food & door prizes. Bring a friend! Come to one of the tolowinfl.sessions: SepL 9 East Campus Union 3-5pm Sept. 10 Culture Center 6-8pm Sept tl CKy Campus Union 3-5pm CRUISE SH1PSHIR1NG •Earn up to $2£86* Month. World travel. Seasonal & fuS-time positions. No exp. necessary. For Mo. cal 1 206-971-3550 ext C57785.__ DISC OO ROUND ~ WE BUY A SELL USED CD’S UMd CD's, $6.9*47.99. T thiili, posters. Imports, lucky tgffrt, pnutkc books, song books and CD towers. New CD's $11.99-$12.99 DISC GO ROUND 50th and 0,486-0047. Disorder Qpbmp Women: Do you find yourself struggling with an eating disorder, needing support in coping wlh an eating disor der, or thinking you may have an eating dborder? If so, you are hwHedlo the Eating Disorder Support Group. This group meets every Tuesday, teginnipg Aug. 27th, from 5:30-7:00pm in the Women's Carter, MJ 338. Questions? Cal Kris at 472-9428. ■ HEY OFF CAMPUS STUDENTS! Would you like $10 cash and 30% off your long-distance biB? 435-5683. Homecoming 1996 Royalty Applications are available at the Mowing loca tions: ASUN office. Culture Center, Office tor Student In volvement (city & east campus), Greek Affairs, Multi-Cul tural Affairs, Campus Recreation, RHA office. University Program Council, Alumni Assoc., and at the Vice Chan cellor tor Student Affairs office. The application must be returned by September 13 at 12 noon to the ASUN office (115 Nebr. Union) ★ FOOTBALL The last day to enter Co-Rec Flag Football is Tuesday, September 10. Don't delay. Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Can 472-3467 for more information. INTRAMURAL INNERTUBE WATER BASKETBALL The last day to enter Men’s, Women’s and Co-Rec Innertube Water Basketball is Tuesday, September 10. Don't delay. Biter your team now at the Office of Cam pus Recreation. Cal 472-3467 for more information. INTRAMURAL GOLF TOURNAMENT The last day to enter the Men’s, Women's and Co-Rec Golf Tournament la Tuesday, September 10. Don't delay! Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Cal 472 3467 for more information. INTRAMURAL SPORTS TOURNAMENT NIGHT Don’t miss the Intramural Sports tournament Night this Friday, September 13, at the Campus Recreation Cerv terll The action starts at 6:00pm and includes the follow ing events: Innertube Water Basketbal, Soccer Skills, Badminton Doubles, 4-on-4 Volleybaii, 2-on-2 Basketball, and a Tug-of-War Contest Cal 472-3467 for more Infor mation. NATIONAL PARKS HIRING Wfidlte Preserves, rirnNit honaflti It horn woe Cal 1 206-971-3620 ext. N577&3. NUMeds NU Mods is an organization made up of students who are intorested In the Said of mecScine. Our meetings offer ideas on poestole career opportuntoee and help in plan ning for graduate school. We are having our first metMtog of tia year Tuesday, Sept 10,7 p.m„ In the ME Union, room wtt be Everyone is Waloome and We Hope to See Ybu There! Questions? Can 4364100. OFF TO OXFORD WE GO! Spend (our fun-filled summer weeks In England. Windsor Castle, London, and Shakespeare’s hometown are just a few of the places you can explore aspart of the Nebraska At Oxford Program. Earn 6 hours Of 300/400 level credit in business and the arts. Come find out how exciting your next summer can be! Sessions will be held inCBA 138. Monday, September 9 -1:30-2:30; 2:30-3:30: Tuesday, September 10 -12:30-1:30; 2:00-3:00: Wednesday, September 11 • 9:30-10:30; 10:30-11:30: Thursday, September 12 -1:00-2:00; 2:00-3:00. For more information, contact: D'vee Buss, CBA 138, or phone 472-2310. PICK UP TEACHERS COLLEGE STUDENT ALUMNI AMBASSADORS APPLICATIONS NOW. 105 HENZLIK. DUE SEPTEMBER 19, 5:00PM. PRE-DENT STUDENTS! UNMC Dentistry at the Arts&Sciences Advising Center, 107 Okffather, Monday September 9,1-5. Call 472-4190 for appointment. Pre-Paid Phone Cards 54 minutes-$10. 108 minutes-$20, Anytime,, anyplace. Competitive international rates. 435-8818,488-8411. Ski with the Comhusker Ski Club in Colorado and Lake Tahoe. CaB 423-5926 for more information. TROPICAL RESORTS HIRING Entry-level & career positions available worldwide (Ha waii, Mexico, Caribbean, eld.). Waitstaff, housekeepers, SCUBA rive leaders, fitness counselors, and more. Call Resort Employment Services 1-206-971-3600 ext R57783. Volunteer! Interested in getting involved oncampus? Come join The Women's Center staff to get the tie* school yeer stented. Stop in or call 472-2597. _ Want your Name/Addresa/ Phone Removed from the UNL Student Directory? The 1996-97 UNL Student Directory wH be oq’campus mid-October. Your name, campus address/phone, and homo address/phone will autocnaticaUy appear in the dt rectory. If you don't want to appear in the dkactory, you must restrict your directory information betas Friday, September 13,1996. You can restrict directory informa tion by going to the Records Office, Service Counter 107C, Canfield Administration Building. Please have your stu dent ID available. If you have prevtouafy requestBcf direc tory restriction on a Change of Address Form, youdo not need to take any further action. WANTED...A Few Good Men Heartland Big Brothers Big Sisters is looking for volun teer Big Brothers. The rewards are BIG and al it takes is a little time. Cab 464-BBBS to make a difference that will last a lifetime. Weightloss Breakthrough Lose up to 14 lbs in 14 days for $49.95.1-800-320-8832 Ext 3634. Where The Money Is How To Get Itt A comprehensive guide to grants, private scholarships, hilly paid internships, and stipends. Miffions available through foundations, corporations and other private or ganizations. $89.95. Visa and Mastercard Accepted. Money back guarantee. 1-800-225-4200. WOMEN’S CLUB SOCCER Anyone interested in joining, come to a meeting Monday, Sept 9th, at 7:30 p.m.; in the Rec.- Center T.V Lounge. Everyone Welcome! Questions? Cali Christie at438-7116. 3rd ANNUAL AGMEN LITTLE SISTER RUSH Information meeting Monday Sept 9. YAiem 8:00pm. City Union. Room posted. Meet some great people and make some new friends. Actuarial Science Club Meeting Tuesday night at 6:30 in C8A140. We wiil have resume help, so bring a draft of your resume, or any ques tions you have. There wi> be refreshments. New mem bers welcome. Ag Econ Agribusiness Club Fab picnic Tuesday Sept 10, 5:30pm at Peter Pan Park. New members welcome! Block and Bridle Meeting Wed. Sept. 11 that the Animal Science Bldg. 7 p.m. Initiates; 7:30 p.m. Everyone. CBA Students Join the CBA Student Advisory Tbam. Applications avail able at CBA room 138/139. Applications due...Sept 16,...5pm. Meet the^SJrter Night Nebraska Union Tonight Speaker Paige Sanford, Mar keting director for The Lincoln Stars Hockey Item. Busi ness attire. Questions? Can Justin 476-3529. Free pizza! Pi Lambda Theta wM be holding an informational meet ing for new & old members Wednesday, September 11 at 7:00pm in Henzfik Hall Room 35. Come & find out more about upcoming events including the new Pi Lambda Theta partnership wtthLincoln Public Schools! MEMBERS WANTED! m Kappa Phi, A Christian Group for UNL students, is look ing for new members. Established in 1920, KO offers sis terhood, low dues, and minimal time committment-Also, year round open rush. lHaoiinQ WM. nights at Corner stone Church from 6p-7p. To arrange to vis# cat Jen 486 4469 or Christina 467-5464 Itactem. American Student Association (MASA) Meeting* every Tuesday et £30 in the Union. Room will be posted. Everyone is welcome. Pre-Physical Therapy Glob Our first masting wH be Tuesday, Sept 10, 7 p.m., NE Union, room posted. Al Students WWoomel Show your environmental concern. Join IM. Ecology Now. Mootings 6:30 Wednesday, City Union -Food| Court Study in Toledo, Spain, bdbanslion meeting Thursday, September 12,7pm. 1237 R St basement lounge. v. *" ’ Rrst Meeting Tuesday, Sept 10,6:15pm, Henzfik, Room THE PARABLES OF JESUS What does the Bible say about the future? Why did Jesus teach in parables? What is a parable? How did Jesus say people would respond to Him? Come to the student Union this Tuesday night at 8:00 as we begin studying "The Parables of Jesus.’ Sponsored by IHCC College Group, 483-4541. Undergraduate Women in Business First meeting Tuesday Sept 10 at 5:30pm in the Union (room posted). Speaker: Linda Robinson-Rutz of Princi pal Financial Group. Topic: Building a career, one step at a time. New members welcome! For more information contact Kim Spanel, 436-9046. UNIVERSITY AMBASSADORS Welcome back! Our first meeting is Sept. 10 at 6:00pm in the Union. Room posted See you there! University Health Center Student Advisory Board Members of the UHC Advisory Board w* be having our first meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept 10. UNLFFA Alumni Meeting Tues Sept 10, 7:30pm, East Campus Union. Speaker from theAgronomy Dept Applications are stii available tor Greek Yearbook Staff Positions. Oeadtos: Friday, Sept 13. Turn them in to Greek Affairs, 332 NE Union. _ The Lades of Chi Omega. For mat tush too formal? Try openiush! Meet new friends and find out about sorority Me. Cal Beth, 436-9041, leave message. J3WB A big congrats to HosyKoemerlor getting accepted into nursing school. Way to go! Love, Your sisters LamDaa urn Aipna AnocMi Class *96 Mike Petermann Scott Fdbert Dustin Dahii Todd Gtorvick sa-i- IntifiMnn rNCK AnOGfSOn Rich.Stomm Joe Voder Ben McKenzie Chad Zimmerman EricChartier Nate Darling Jay Schmofce Chris Borgmeyer Rob Cook NateDrimi Brad Copple Dan Edwards _ Andy Waite._ Recycled Sounds lOOKTs of posters, 1000's of cds, Ips, new releases, cas settes. Always buying good Mies. 824 P Street 476-8240. iUUi_ ~ GET INVOLVED! STUDENT GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION NEEDED There are many committee openings tor student repre sentatives. Check the ASUN office tor current open posi tions. Applications available at 115Nebraska Union. Dead line Sept. 18. * Blonde; last Tuesday; 1:00; under LL. I'D bet you’re trouble? Another biker FOUND: Hat. 8/29, 3:30 pm, Outside Love Library. Call The Dally Nebraskan to claim, 472-2688. FOUND; Watch, by Sheldon Gallery, in the Sculpture Garden. 430-9468. . ^ m .: j Wanted: 100 students. Lose 5-100 pounds. New metabo lism breakthrough. RN assisted. Free gift $35 fee. .1-800 579-1634. 300s Jobs Arts & Sciences Student Advisers Applications are available for Arts and Sciences Student Adviser positions in 107 Okffather. Deadline is Monday, September 16,1996. Ask Yourself 1. Are you dependable? 2. Am I hardworking? 3. Do I want a job that helps me grow? 4. Do I want to make a lot of money? 5. Do I know how to be part of a team? If you answer yes to all of these questions and you are ready to work with the best of the best in Lazio’s kitchen. Don’t worry about experience, that is something you will receive from us. If interested, apply in person, Monday, Tuesday or Thursday between 2:30 and 4pm. at Lazios Brewery & Grill. 710 P Street Business Major Wanted To work part-time with clients at local veterinary hospital. For inquiries call 435-4947 ask tor Vicky. Send resume to Belmont Veterinary Center, 2200 Comhusker Hwy, Lin coln, NE. 68521. Can You Shake Ratte & Roll? Can You Chew Gum, Wear Bobby Socks, & Act Like A Nerd Without Getting •A* Shook Up?- . Rock *n Rob Runza Lincoln’s 50’s restaurant is currently seeking part-time kitchen, drive-thru and (fining room employees to fM day and evening positions. If you’re a student looking to do something wtth a couple hours be tween desses or just looking to make a few extra $$$, Rock *n Rob’s is the piece tor you. In return for your hard work and dedteation we wM offer you the tobowing ben OfttS! * flexible schedule * fun and exciting atmosphere * 50% meal dtecount * advancement opportunities * scholarship program * great co-woricere and more DonT wait head on down to Rock Yt Rob Runza at 14th & V and apply today! CASH PAID DAILY Domino's Pizza is now hiring tor deftvery drivers. Must haw own whicte and proof of inauranca. Ftonbto hours to meet yew schedule at school. Apply at any Domino's Pizza location. ChMd care staff needed tor before school program, 6:30am-&00am, more hours avalabto on non-school days. Creative, responsible people needed to work with school age child care located in elementary school, 475 0805. CNA or experienced person tor overnights. Free room and board-wages, 489-4904. Colby Ridge/Goodrich Dairy taking applications immedi ately for full-time help. Must enjoy serving the public, ap ply in person at 48thAPioneer, 11th A South, or 1417 N St, The Original Com Popper. COMPUTER CLERK University of Nebraska Computing Services fjtotwork Assist with the daily processing of scfcninistrative com puter jobs, updating of tape library files, daily scratch tape maintenance, re-label and re-dip tapes for tape library use, maintain tape racks in machine room, and daily pro zationai skitts^nd famUiaib^wtbfthEfoperation oTcom puter work stations and basic software preferred. 10-20 hours per week, between 7:30am-5:30pm Monday-Fri day. Complete application at 235 Nebr. Hail. . . DELIVERY PERSONS Straight buck drivers and pick-up buck drivers. Fufl or part time. CDL not required. Apply Lincoln Lumber Co., 932 N . 23. Dietary Aide Applications are being taken for a part-time evening shift position (5pm-8:15pm), $5.83lhr. 120 shift dHtorentia. And 155 weekend differential. Vacation, sick-leave, and holi days. Apply at: Lancaster Manor, 1001 South St., Lincoln, EOE/AA. Do you have a light schod load? Are you iked of sacking groceries and food service? Looking tor 20-35 hours/week wibi retail experience? Permanent part-time positions with rapid advancement and flexible schedule. Call Jim or Kirk at Hoiway Formal Wear, 476-2262 tor appointment. Do You Need $$$ We need motivated people that want to earn extra cash in their spare time. 474-5646. Experienced harvest help wanted, dose to Lincoln. Call Keith Stewart at 665-2464,6-9pm. ■ Experienced aerobic instructor for older adults. Available mornings, 441-7575. 436-9661. Leave name and p^one number.