The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 09, 1996, Page 14, Image 14

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Stuart Davis
“Nomen Est Numen”
Triad Entertainment
Grade: A
You’ll have to actually write or call
Triad Entertainment to get a copy of
Minnesotan Stuart Davis’ album
“Nomen Est Numen” (which translates
from Latin to “To Name is to Know”)
but it is well worth the time.
Davis is a brilliant songwriter who
combines lyrics that hold meaning and
> weight with catchy melodies and a
I strong, healthy dose of cynicism.
There are 11 songs on “Nomen Est
■ Numen” and most of them are master
j pieces. Davis plays folk-laden rock (or
I rock-laden folk) and gives up a song
| for anyone and everyone.
Take your pick.
Doubts and religion? The chorus of
“Disciple” goes “I saw a demon stare .
into my face / And an angel touch my
breast / Each one softly calls my name
/ And the demon scares me less.”
Platonic relationships? “Female
Friend” lets loose a chorus of “I make
a female friend and the minute it oc
curs / The adrenaline flows and the
boundaries blur / They keep it all pla
tonic and I wish I could / But her hair’s
too soft and she smells so good / If I
act decent, that’s pretend /1 really
wanna sleep with my female friends.”
Technology and the changing
world? Davis has a whole song called
“Progress” in which he declares “It’s
been downhill since we stood up
straight / Progress /1 hope it abates.”
You don’t even need to guess what
“Asshole World Renown” is about.
We’ve all met the character of this song
at some time in our lives.
The best song of all, however, is the
catchy, thought-provoking “Fall
Awake,” which doesn’t provoke spe
cific thoughts, but rather the desire to
sit down and just think for a while.
At least one of Davis’ songs will
strike home and even the ones that
won’t refer to you personally still could
talk about someone you know. Even if
they don’t, they make great listening.
Davis is a fantastic musician and
probably one of the best songwriters
the Midwest has ever produced. To get
a copy of “Nomen Est Numen,” call
Triad at (612) 942-5775 or write to
them at 7578 Market Place Drive, Eden
Prairie, MN 55344. You’ll be glad you
— Cliff Hicks
Shakur shot
in Vegas
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Rapper
Tupac Shakur and a record com
pany executive were shot in a car
as they rode down the city’s busy
casino strip. Shakur was in critical
condition Sunday.
It was the second shooting in
two years for Shakur, who has a his
tory of violence and trouble with the
Police didn’t know yet if Shakur
and Death Row Records Chairman
Marion “Suge” Knight were delib
erately targeted or if the shooting
was random, said Metro Police
spokesman Greg McCurdy.
“It’s very unclear because of
some of his past problems, some
may think someone may have
singled him out,” McCurdy said.
Police had made no arrests Sun
Shakur and Knight were travel
ing in a convoy of about 10 cars late
Saturday, apparently headed to a
nightclub, police said.
Police said Knight was driving
and no one else was in the car with
A car with four people inside
pulled alongside at an intersection
and one person opened fire, riddling
the passenger side of Knight’s car
with bullets, police said.
The 25-year-old Shakur, in the
passenger seat, was shot several
times in the chest and was in criti
cal condition following surgery
Sunday, said Pat Morris, a nursing
administrator at University Medical
A police communications super
visor who would only identify her
self as Mrs. Coleman said Shakur
“will survive.”
★ ★ ★
time poeUon—see for your—it
Apply in person or call Heidi EOE.
Suite 304 Golds GoHsrte
National Research Corporation, the healthcare industry's
leading provider of market research is NOW accepting
applcatfone for Is professional interviewing staff, ffyou
am MamataH In knattiBm kuuiaa aniOV taking to
—mis could be
•Evening/Weekend hours
•Flexible scheduling —You choose the days you work)
•Convenient downtown location
•Casual and smoke free work environment
•Paid training
•Competitive hourly wage
For more information or to schedule an interview, please
call the Data Collection department @ 475-4520, M-F
between Sam &5prr
The Garden Cafe
70th & A Streak
KKchen & Dining Room
Fleidble Scheduling and a great starting wage are ava*
ablefor Ine cooks, dishwashers, servers andnosts atThe
Garden Cato. You can work 2-5 days per weak and 15-40
hours per week. We are also WrinoforposWone at our new
location at 5100 North 27th. APPLY* PERSON AT
70TH A A, ClockSower OhopplWB Ceeler. Ask tor Rob
ert, Craig, Chuck or Anne.
Tire techs needed. Morning and afternoon shifts avai
able. Big O Urea. 474-2446
Tutors Needed
Hewn nCoatmiic uftfier soil nfKrcs uJixs in rotr loitowiny
areas: Accounting, AoEcon, Animat Science; Astronomy,
Computer Science, Engineering, Upper Laval Criminal
Justice and Geography, ManaoemenF Mirfwtlng. Upper
Level KKP.T, Italian, Portugese, and Spanish. Must be
upper leva! undergraduate or graduate with GPA of 3.0
and have excellent communicmon skills. Tutors wM earn
(5.50/hour and wM have fleidble and variable hours. If
Interested please apply st 300 West Stadium or cal 472
WMamson Auto vehicle prep, wash and vacuum <mrs.
Monday through Saturday. wBI work around your school
JdUSSlTMurt heveviJW driver’s Bcense! Apply
WIBamson Auto, 21etAN, ask tor Mary.
Morning and occasional evening chid care, toy change
ayxjsisjfi: i^iSRiarJiUSS
Great part time opportunity for students working 22 hours
a week as a Product Selector. Duties Include selecting
orders for curtoiviffs which requite continuous Wring end
stacking products on pdets* House: Sunday, Monday,
Wednesday, A Thursday 230 p.m. - 730 p.m.. Piudewta
awat be eUe to echedule Mr daaeae around Ike
wolt hours.
We need workers who can read and write tee English
language, are ratable, take pride in completing teeinmtk,
able to work at a last pace, able to HR repetitively ip to 100
fee., able to operate a motorized palet Jack, and able to
withstand coutemparaturea while working In cold units ot
the warehouse. Prior warehouse, restaurant, or grocery
store experience is helpful.
Lincoln Poultry, a complete food service distributor and
locally owned, considers its associates famHy and that's
how we treat you. We ctler competitive pay, free parking,
does proximity to campus, and a friendly work environ
ment. If you are quallied and interested then we are
interested in YOU I
730 am - 430 pm
Attention Students. The NE Republican Party is looking
for several permanent part time telemarketers who relate
wetiovar the phone. Hours are Sunday thru Thursday 5
9pm in a laid back environment Please cal Krts Neteon or
Brian Herialey at 475-2122 from 2-5 pm._
"Flexible Hours"
Work study students needed at cty/eest campus libraries.
Day, evening or weekend hours. $4.75-$5.00/hr. Apply
Love Library, Rm. 136.472-3963.
Dependable and motivated Individual needed to assist In
care and maintenance of tropical fish. Flexble hours. Cal
472-0682 or come to Room 2, Manter Hal.
In time for the holidays, earn money in your spare time.
Company wil train sal motivated individuals. Free infor
mation Sept. 12,12pm and 6pm at the Clfford Harden
Nebraska Center for Continuing Educalton. 33 &
HokJrege St. Lincoln No.
Wanted: Ticket seiers for planetarium and laser I
shows. Need Friday, Saturday nights, Sunday I
afternoons. Apply ■ the Planetarium 472-2641. I
Work study preferred I
$17MweeW^possble mailing our circulars. For Mo cal
ATTENTION EVERYONE! Earn 1900 to $1,500 Weekly
Working From HomWDorml No Experience Necessary!
Set Your Own Hours) Serious Individuals Cal TOLL
FREE 1-800-977-7262.
N you would lie to start your own business today, I wil
400s Housing
Publisher’s Notice
Almalaalba athmtbltti li thb naantiaiwt b tiihferffr
tl, „ «--»-• r.L. » I-lJl Ar* -At-L *ml|. nr a at--« .
IDO fOOOrEU raw nOUSing ACL, WMCn nUmBS f UBym TC
advertise any preference, imitation or diacrtmfnation
«-» —- «— - i-n — —
Dosoo on race, coror, reupion, sex, nenotcap, ramtnai
aUA» or national origin, or Mention to tnaka any auch
prafenncaa, Umtationa or discrimination. Tha Daty No
braakan wtt not knowingly aooapt any athrartblng lor raa
aatata which b In vtolaoon of tha bar or dbcranlnatae
again* ttcnial prafarancaa Our randan an hereby
inrormeomat anaweiangs eovenmeoare avaaeare on an
aqua! opportunty baala.
3 female UNL Students, need 1 female roommate, to
share a large 3-story house, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, W/D,
dose to campus, $175 ♦ utilties. 438-9097.
Female non-smoking roommate needed. Rent $147.50 +
deposit ♦ 1/2 utltles. Cal Heather at 4764)541.
Female roommate needed for Sept 1,2 bedroom house,
$212 plus hal utilities. If Interested call 438-7356.
Non-smoker, graduate student preferred, own bath,
washer/dryer, off-street parking, utilities paid. Must see.
One roommate needed for 5-bedroom house. Close to
both campuses. Cheap bMs a $150 rent Call 477-9280,
474-4904 or leave note at DN.
1237 Court, near campus. 3 bedroom, air, garage, park
ing, $625,432-8644 or 432-0644.
2301 Vine, very nice , 4.bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, near
campus. $750.432-6644 or 432-0644.
2311 U ST., 5-bedroom house, just remodeled, central
air, washer/dryer hookup, no pets. Only $695, cal Phoe
nix Properties Management 421-8996.
3202 *S* Four bedroom. Two baths. Central air. Parking.
No pets. $650.430-6328.
4-5 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, near stadium, central air,
dishwasher, washer/dryer. Lawn work done. $750.489
$100.00 OOwwy Gift Certificate
If you qualify and rent our 1 or 2 Bedroom unit for one yr,
we 'give' you $100.00 certficate. $50.00 for nine month
1 lease. Laundry, Bus. Rent from $329 to $419.640 South
20, five minutes from campus, 475-7262.
311N 24th, 1 bedroom duplex, unique, wait to class, new
heating and central air, spacious. $275.
2504 vine, 1 bedroom, middle or lower level, on ske
management $340-$360.
2504 vine, 2 bedroom, paint stil fresh, all amentias,
peach or beige, SHARP! $460-9475.
1109,1121 N 28th, 1 bedrooms, choose your style, huge
bedrooms, private patios, $340-9365.
1 bedrooms from $340. ANO newer 2 bedrooms, al
appiances, grey and beige. BEAUTIFUL! with washer
and dryer hookups. From $510.
Cherry Hill Management
2 bedroom, $375. 2444 E St. new carpet off-street
parking, no pets, quiet 436-0116. _■
2533 Washington. Clean, light furnished basement One
bedroom. Laundry. Non smokers/non drinkers. $300477
' 9032.-■ _ •
2740 R. Large three bedroom. Laundty. Garage. No pets.
$450.430-6326.. _
2938 PSL 3 bedroom, large rooms, central air, dff-street
parking, garbage and water paid, new carpets. Avalable
now, to see cal 435-8765._ '
Close to campus
6.9. and 12 month teaMS available on t and 2 bedroom
Onebedtoom $260-9375.
2 bedroom $385-9625.
Management One
Cotonial Heights
Embassey Park Apartments, 31st ft OW Cheney, 2 bed
room, $495-$630, no pete. 483-1130,483-6057.
Ideal for graduate students. 2501 E Street 2 bedroom in
newer sevenplex. 1000 square foot with huge
doeets,mlcrowave, central air, rSshwasher, disposal,
Callomlabath, locked entrance. On bus »ne. No smoking
or pets. Birds or Wsh OK. $450.432-3686 or 4384282.
Large one bedroom, completely remodeled. $350 plus
electricity, 2400 Q, 467-1788.
Nice 2 bedroom apt with fireplace. Central heat/air. large
al electric kitchen. D/W, laundry facilities, parking, dose
to downtown campus. $420 + deposl, call 435-1378.
Nice basement apartment dose to campus, avalabte
now. Al applancee. $300. Call HoMy 4754932.
-1 ■ - - ‘
One-two bedrooms, central air, washer/dryer, fireplace.
utWtles paid. Avalabte now. $435/month phis deposit
4764328 _
Parents can buy a their students a house with minimum
down. Call Cnuck Waldron 430-7119 for details.
Homeowner sales.
Two-bedroom unis avalabte. Close to campus, off-street
parking, water paid, aAc, washer/dryer hook-ups, lease for
$385.00. Cal 423-5544, leave message.
Victorian Charm
Second floor one bedroom with wood floors $275/month.
489-1938 or 450-2545.
•ADOPTION* Give us achance. Give your baby achance.
We wU give your baby every opportunity in lie. Expenses
paid. Please call Carolyn and Michael collect to tdk. 647
We offer couneetng and adoption services to help you
plan the best Mure for you and your baby. No fees or
oMgadons. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Chldren's
Home, 4800 Valley Rd. Sule 314,483-7879.
A caring alternative.
Plan the beet future for you and your baby. No tees/
comKjemm counseling, iidovsmb wmvn a no*t.
4808 Vsftey na.8ufte814.
Birth Mother*
Come to the wmenS Canter NU 340, SepL 25th, 630
p.m.Atimo for Birth mothers (poet adoptlon)to share their
stories. For more informationCal Samantha at The
Women's Center at 472-25S7.
Cycle Works
Flat tires to tune ups we do It alfl Qualiywotk with fast turn
around on all brands. Cycle Works Z71h And Vine 475
2453. _
Binary Net, 484-5211_
Criminal Defense
DWI, minor in posession, and other criminal matters.
Sanford Polack 434-9496._
LECTURE NOTES We t*e notes in your classes. Many
sets to choose from. Stop In and browse our selection.
Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore, 1300 Q St Lower
Level 477-7400 __.
Pregnancy Test
BWTHRtQHT Is a confidential helping hand. Please cal
for appointment or mote Information. 483-2809.
Planned Parenthood
of Lincoln
Pregnancy testing and referral by professional and chring
staff. Information on ALL OPTIONS.CertifiBd counselors
RESUMES FAST Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore
typesets your resume. Stopln or cal for information. 1300
Need Bucks for Books?
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(within a 15-day period)
To find out more about thm
opportunity to earn cash while
helping others. visit our friendly,
modern center with TV and movies
available. Convenient hours.
•After 2 months • 1442 'O' Street • 475-8645