The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 06, 1996, Page 9, Image 9

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    Ft ay be revoked
By Chad Lorenz
Senior Reporter
Although Lawrence Phillips’ court
date for drunken driving in California
has been delayed, officials in Nebraska
want to revoke the former Comhusker
I-back’s probation right away.
Lancaster County Attorney Gary
Lacey said Thursday he had to start
getting Phillips’.^probation revoked
before itends on Nov. 29.
Phillips was sentenced to a year of
probation far assaulting his fbrmer girl
friend last September.
Lacey said Phillips broke his pro
bation in June when he was arreked
for drunken driving in California.
“He agreed not to engage in unlaw
ful conduct,” Lacey said
Lacey said he had planned to wait
until Phillips was convicted on those
charges, but Phillips’ arraignment was
postponed last Wednesday until Sept.
- “T- T- "* ” -
Lacey said he asked that Phillips
appear in Lancaster County court on
Oct 10 when a judge will set a date
for a preliminary hearing to revokothe
Lacey will then have to prove that
Phillips broke his probation and should
be sentenced again for the assault,
If a judge agrees, Phillips could be
sentenced to up to six months in prison
and $500 fine.
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