The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 05, 1996, Page 15, Image 15

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    Hedbeck heads Husker defense
Knee and Back injuries
limit NU senior to role as a
defensive specialist.
Bt Jay Saunders
Staff Reporter
A career-threatening injury and the leader
ship position on a highly ranked volleyball team
could have intimidated senior Maria Hedbeck.
But instead it provided her with an opportu
nity to excel both on and off the court fen* the
Hedbeck, a 5-foot-10 defensive specialist
from Sollentuna, Sweden, came to Nebraska in
1993 with aspirations of being a solid defensive
player and outside hitter.
Hedbeck made an instant impact in her first
two years. She was third on the team in kills her
freshman year and played in 32 matches as a
Shoulder and back injuries have moved her
to the role of defensive specialist. She excelled
last season, anchoring the defense of national
champions and gaining the honor of Big Eight
co-backcourt specialist of the year.
Hedbeck said she was pleased with her new
“It wasn’t that big of a deal,” Hedbeck said. !
“Defense is my favorite part of the game be- ]
cause it takes more knowledge of the game.**
Her injuries have limited her ability but they
never stopped her from playing volleyball,
something she has done since she was 9 years
Volleyball is big in her hometown. When
Hedbeck started playing, both the Sollentuna
men’s and women’s teams were national cham
Hedbeck said Swedish high schools don’t
have sports teams like those in die United States,
but cities have club teams for children who are
interested in sports.
“Coaches would come and talk to us about
volleyball and hold open tryouts,” Hedbeck said.
She played many club sports, but she ulti
mately chose to focus on volleyball.
Volleyball gave her the opportunity to do
something die had always wanted: to have her
education paid for doing something she loves.
She sent films to several colleges in the
United States and settled on Nebraska because ,
of the volleyball program and the scholarship
“The attendance at the games was a big fac- j
tor,” Hedbeck said. “I had no idea where Ne- t
braska was. I had to look it up on a map.”
She has found Nebraska, and she loves the i
school, the program and especially the fans. 1
This year, she is one of two seniors on a
foung team and has vaulted into a leadership 1
xisition, which die openly accepts. The 3-1 <
I had no idea where
Nebraska was. I had to
look it up on a map.”
Maria Hedbeck
NU outside hitter
Huskers, ranked No. 4, play host to No. 5 Michi
gan State Friday and Saturday night at the NU
“Since I am a senior, I know what the coaches
want and what we need to do to succeed,”
Hedbeck said.
Each of the last three years, she has earned a
>pot on the academic all-conference team.
“She js our best defensive player and she has
nade a difference coming off of the bench,” NU
Assistant Coach Cathy Noth said. “When she
jets out on the court, you can guarantee she will
jet 12 to 15 digs per match. It helps give the
earn confidence.”
When Hedbeck is not playing volleyball for
he Huskers, she has a spot on the Swedish na
ional team. ;
“We suck,” Hedbeck said. “We have the po
ential to have a good team, but we don’t have ]
mough money and time to practice.” J
_ Jon Waller/DN
MARIA HEDBECK, an outside hitter from
Sweden, is one of two seniors on this year’s
*U volleyball team The 3-1 Huskers play
lost to No. 5 Michigan State Friday and
Brown adapts as a reserve
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Carl Smith said.
As a nickel back this fall, Brown
will see playing time primarily in third
down and passing situations, Smith
In 1995, Brown played in 16 games
and rushed for 159 yards and a touch
down, but he led the Saints running
backs with 35 catches for 266 yards
and a touchdown.
Brown said he’s not concerned
about playing every down.
“I’m just out there working,” he
said, “doiagthehestthaH cat and giv^
ing it my all every time I touch the
Comer of 11th & K
Smith has seen Brown improve
throughout his career, especially as a
“He’s got great hands,” Smith said.
“He’s got sane elusiveness and real
good quickness. ”
At the end of this season, which
began Sunday with a loss to San Fran
cisco, Brown’s contract expires.
But right now, he said, he isn’t con
cerned that he hasn’t yet reached a star
level in the NFL.
“He wants to be out there, and he’s
full speed all the time,” Smith said.
“He’s the kind of person you want on
the football field.”
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.... jilt