The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 28, 1996, Page 20, Image 20

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02 Appliances 400 Roommates
05 Bicycles 410 HousmgWanted
10 Books 420 Rooms/Rent
13 Clothing 430 Houses/Rent
16 Computers 440 Duplex/Rent
20 Furniture 450 Apartments/Rent
30 Jewelry 460 Summer Housing
40 Misc. For Sale 470 Mobile Homes/Rent
45 Musical Instruments 480 Vacation/Rent
46 Office Furniture 490 Homes/Sale
50 Pets -
55 Photo Equipment
60 Sporting Goods -
65 Stereos/TVs 500 Adoption
70 Ticket Exchange 505 Alterations & Sewing
90 Vehicles 510 Automotive
515 Bicycle Service
520 Bridal
525 Catering
200 Rides 528 Child Care
203 Spring Break Trips 530 Cleaning/Laundry
205 Career Events 531 Cleaning/Households
210 Announcements “5 ComputerService
c M/mfjnn** o»v tntofuuninont
^STfiairs gggSrSS&r
230 Student Government 550 Health&Pitness
240 Personals 553 insurance
242 Pinning & 555 Instruction/Tutoring
Engagements 558 Job Placement
245 Lost & Found 560 Lawn care
250 Wanted 565 Legal Services
260 Fundraising 573 Music Exchange
270 900 Numbers 575 Photography
578 Pregnancy
580 Printing & Copying
582 Recycling
3“ panted Hsr^ST
310 Child Care 588 Tanning
320 Work Study Jobs 590 Tattooing
330 Summer Jobs 593 Travel
340 Internships 595 Typing & Resumes
$3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads.
$.15 each additional word.
$.75 billing charge.
Personal ads must be prepaid.
Found ads may be submitted free of charge.
DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior.
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
religion, age, disability, marital status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
of the newspaper.
The advertisers agree to assume liability for
all contents of all ads printed, as well as any
claim arising therefrom made against the Daily
00s FbrSale
94 Trek 700, 23", Sharp looking, mechanically sound,
Cycle Works
See Lincoln's largest selection of bicycles and accesso
ries. Packs, hats, and glasses too. Blow out prices on all
'96 bicycles now! Cycles Works 27th And Vine 475-2453.
Trek 720 21" hybrid bike, 1 year old $150.477-0805 leave
message, no calls after 9pm.
Part time. At Home. Toll Free (1)800-898-9778
Ext R-1843 for Listings
Be prepared to impress, Canon StarWriter 30 Word Pro
cessor, $220. Great Quality Prints, can Jay 477-7791.
Hewlett-Packard 48SX expandable calculator with book,
barely used. $100. 475-2446
Microworks computers - rent, rent to own, purchase week,
month or semester. 486 and Pentium systems. Free de
livery. 477-2994,438-3871.
Printer Panasonic XK-P1180, IBM compatible, includes
cable and ream of paper. $85.477-4203.
11 yr old sofabed, queen-size coi mattress, good condi
tion, looks like Rosearme’s, $100 OBO. Oak-look shelv
ing/entertainment center, $50 OBO. Oak-look w/ glass
doors stereo unit, $65 OBO. Oak-look swiveHopTV stand,
$80 OBO. Need to se> ASAP so make us an offer) Days
441-7716. Evenings 476-6848.
Charcoal Couch, love seat, redner, fee new, also, smoked
end tables, tail microwave cart, table and chairs, and Nttie
tike outside play toys, 438-7073.
King size watotbed, complete, very good condkion, $200.
4^9464, leave message.
Sega Genesis, 12 gamee, 2 consolers, $200,786-0206
TV-85 Graphing Calculator. $75,474-5267.
Tamrac Camera Bag. Bn new. $40. CaKTanna 472-2S88.
m 1
For Sale: %>Mt Blade by raHer blade, size 8. Used once
$85. ratal $100.470-4137.
1 VCR w/remote $85; alao. COLOR TV excellent $75;
W, remote, color TV, $86, and VHS VCR, $85, bodt late
models. 441-9504.__
27-inch stereo color tv, $200.3VHSvcrs, Emerson $55,
Flatter $75,5-head RCA $90.488-8251.
BIG SPEAKERS! Perfect for house parties. Used Ameri
can Acoustics. 2 woofers/speaker. Call Kyle at 475-0355.
Need 2 season tickets or 2 tickets to single game. East or
West stadium only. Ron, 489-3358 or 483-2519.
Wanted: Two tickets for the Colorado University football
game on November 29. John, 303-344-8503.
1986 Merkur XR4TI. Blue, 5 speed, turbo, B5K. Runs great,
new tires, $2350. 483-4698.
200s Notices
Fishing industry. Earn to $3000 - $6000+ /month + ben
efits. Male/female. No experience necessary. (206) 971
3510 ext A57786
Save money on your long distance. Pay one flat rate with
pre-paid calling cards. No surprise phone charges, no
monthly bid to pay, no card to apply for, no collect calling.
Very competative rates. Cad 476-8098/leave message.
Wake Up Service now providing wake up cads between
5:30 and 9 a.m. Monday-Friday. 438-2243.
The Campus Recreation Information meeting wid be held
on Wednesday, August 28 at 6:00pm, in the Nebraska
Union. Everything you need to know about Campus Rec
reation will be covered. For more information call 472
Are you tired of riding alone? Find someone to share the
ride. Stop in the Commuter and Student Services Center,
Rm. 116 Nebr. Union for more info.
-Earn up to $2,000+ /month. World travel. Seasonal &
full-time positions. No exp. necessary. For info, call 1
206-971-3550 ext. C57785.
Used CD’s, $5.99-37.99.
T-shirts, posters, Imports, hacky sacks, music
books, som books and CD towers.
New ays $11.99-312.99
50th and O, 486-0047.
Over $6 BNRon in pubic andprtvate sector grants 8 schol
arships is now available. All students are eligible regard
less of grades, income or parent’s income. Let us help.
Cad Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext
Homecoming 1996
Royalty Applications are available at the following loca
tions: ASUN office, Culture Center, Office for Student In
volvement (city & east campus), Greek Affairs, Multi-Cul
tural Affairs, Campus Recreation, RHA office. University
Program Council, Alumni Assoc., and at the Vice Chan
cellor for Student Affairs office. The application must be
returned by September 13 at 12 noon to the ASUN office
(115 Nebr. Union)
Aviation Institute
Fall pilot ground schools now forming at UNL. Call 472
4432 for more infoimatton.l
Positions are now available at National Parks, Forest &
WWlife Preserves. Excellent benefits & bonuses. Call: 1
206-971-3620 ext. N57783.
Prairie Stomp
Aces High Band, Friday Sept 6th 8-midnight in the East
Union parking lot. Free dance.
Entry-level & career positions available worldwide (Ha
waii, Mexico, Caribbean, etc.). Waitstaff, housekeepers,
SCUBA dhre leaders, fitness counselors, and more. Cat
Resort Employment Services 1-206-971-3600 ext
UNL Wildlife Club
Back to school picnic, Wednesday, Aug. 28,6 p.m. at Pio
neer Park. Everyone is Welcome.
Interested in getting involved on campus? Come join The
Women's Center stall to get the new school year started.
Stop in or cal 472-2597.
Want 2 Get Involoved?
The Residence Hal Association is Focused, and to now
accepting applications tor committee chars tor the fol
lowing committees: Social, Student Action Team, Resi
dential Enhancement, and Advertising and Marketing.
Applications available: RHAoffice, Room 237 City Union,
472-1095. Due Sept 6.
Where The Money Is
How To Gat Id
A comprehensive guide to grants, private scholarships,
tolly paid internships, and stipends. Millions available
forough foundations, corporations and other private or
ganizations. $89.95.Money back guarantee. 1-800-225
1st meeting of the year. Wed. Aug. 28,8&0 pm, at the
Outturn Center. BE THERE! __
Block & Bride meeting Wednesday August 28, attha Eaat
Campus Union. 6pm axacuHves, 7pm MHaies, 7:30pm
Meetly Wed. Aug. 28, In Union, 5:30-7:30pm, GET EX
Gay/Lesbian Resource Center, Open House Thursday
7:00pm. Room posted. 472-5644.
Fall kick-off BBQ, Wed. 28th at Holmes Lake. Meet at
Broyhill Fountain at 5:30 pm to car pool.
Row forTfieBig Red! Ifs ntrt an ivy leaguesport any
more. Informational meetings -
Wed 8/28 7:00pm
Thurs 8/29 7:00pm
at the boathouse, 16th&Y. Be there!
Get ready for MBNA update at the meeting tommorow 5
p.m, at the Wick Center.
Teachers College Student
Alumni Ambassadors
Welcome back meeting 5 p.m. room 102 Henzlik Thurs
day, August 29. Be there or see Laurie!
The UNL Publications Board will meet at 2:30 p.m., Thurs
day, in the Nebraska Union to discuss Daily Nebraskan
policies. All are welcome to attend.
UNL Men’s Club Soccer
Meeting Aug. 29 in the Campus Rec. T.V. Lounge at 6pm.
International students welcomed. Immediate fee of $14
required. Volunteer coach requested.
Congratulations to our newest initiates, Heather Bendfeidt
and Shannon Hildebrandt. Xi love, your sisters!
We hope everyone had a great summer, and welcome
back to campus!
Chi Omega
Chi Omegas are going places....
K. Olson - Study Abroad in Mexico, B. Schardt & T.
Brockmeier - Study Abroad in England, A. Roger - Lead
ership Institute Intern in DC, S. Clement - KMGH Chan
nel 7 Intern in Denver, A. Miller - Kock Intern in Wichita
The ladies of Tri Delt ^ul^l^o wish everyone good
luck this first week of school. WELCOME BACK!
To all sororities and students participating in RUSH this
upcoming weekend - GOOD LUCK, have a GREAT TIME
Congratulations to Renee Hoskins on her acceptance to
nursing. Way to go Renee! Good luck!
A belated CONGRATULATIONS to Angie Ringling on her
engagement! We wish you all the best!
Congratulations go to Kris Sedny and Tiffany Koiar. UNL
FlagTeam gets better every year!
Huge congrats to Shari Reimer on receiving the “Schol
arship of Kappa Delta.’
Recycled Sounds
1000’s of posters, 1000's of cds, Ips, new releases, cas
settes. Always buying good titles. 824 P Street 476-8240.
Congratulations and welcome to the 1996 Sigma Phi
Epsilon pledge class: Steve Allen, Kenny Bauer, Steve
Bazis, Ben Bissetl, Tony Collins, Mike Duff, Nate Edie,
Jeremy Frankin, John Grebe, Ben Harry, Spencer
Hawkins, Matt Hergenrader, Jason Herz, Mike Jorgensen,
Allen Klingsick, Brian Leach, Aaron Lee, Andy Ucnt, Matt
McCtymont, Brian Miles, Tyler Moore, Rich Otto, Mike
Preston, Ed Ring, BiH Shellpepper, Jeff Whitney, Jason
from the Men of Sigma Phi Epsilon
Campus Recreation Adv. Council - res hall rep., Campus
Safety Subcommittee, Commencement, Comm, for Fees
Allocation - off campus rep., Computational Serv. and
Facilities, Convocations, Electoral Commission, Freshmen
Action Committee, Government Uason Comm., Grading
& Examinations, Homecoming Steering Comm. Chair ’97,
Honors Convocation, Human Rights, International Stu
dents Committee, Parking Advis. Bd., Parking Appeals,
Publications Bd., Racial Affairs Subcommittee, Sexual
Orientation Subcommittee, Students with OMbWes Sub
committee, Teaching Council, UNL Campus Police and
Univ. Judicial and Appeals Bd.
Deadline for above positions: Sept 18.
Applications available at the Student Government office,
115 Nebr. Union.
Looking for enthusiastic and customer-oriented FT or FT
persons to join our team) Benefits include competitive
wages, flexible schedules, and more. Apply in person at
14th and Q or any Lincoln location. EOE
Lincoln Public Schools is
. seeking qualified
for tne following
10 month, lull time. Hours MJO-11:30pm
$6.68 per hour, pfcjs $132 per month discretion
ary benefits allowance.
12 month, tul Urns. Hours, MO-1130pm.
$6.68 per hour, plus $204 per month dtecretion
ary benefits aficwence.
Complete benefit package
available. Apply at Human
Resources, 5901 O Street
UNL Student Government
Wed., Aug. 28 -6:30 p.m.
City Campus Union
Information And Agenda Available
115 Nebraska Union
I am alone; I’m not lonely.
Wanted; 100 students. Lose 5-100 pounds. New metabo
lism breakthrough. RN assisted. Free gift. $35 fee. 1 -800
Meet new people the fun way today. 1 -900-656-5050, ext.
2233. $2.99/min. Must be 18 yrs. Serv-U 619-645-8434.
300s Jabs
★ ★ ★
$10.85 to start, flexible hours, filling 37 positions until 9/
17/96. 477-8663U.
★ ★ ★
Alterations positions available at J. Braggs. Fu#/jaart-time.
Some evenings and weekends. Contact Connie 467-2302.
Arts & Sciences Student
Applications are available for Aits and Sciences Student
Adviser positions in 107 Okffather. Deadline is Monday,
September 16,1996.
Assistant Teachers
Early Childhood EduCare Center
Are you looking for a job working with children? Are you
seeking a position to assist teachers in creating a posi
tive learning environment? Part-time and subsitute hours
available apply to YWCA, 1432 N St. or Carol Yoakum,
Family Resources Center, 4621 N.W. 48th St. EOE
Assistant teacher, 2:30-6pm Monday through Friday.
Come join our exciting early childhood program. Little
Kingdom, 5100 Old Cheney.
Assistant cook needed 4pm-7pm, Monday-Friday. $6/
hour. Contact Dee at 436-6295.
Domino’s Pizza is now hiring for delivery drivers. Must
have own vehicle and proof of insurance. Flexible hours
to meet your schedule at school. Apply at any Domino’s
Pizza location.
Centennial Mall Child Care
is taking applications for AM and PM assistant teachers.
Apply Centennial Mall North room 140,15th and O Street
Child care staff needed for before school program,
6:30am-9:00am, more hours available on non-school
days. Creative, responsible people needed to work with
school age child care located in elementary school, 475