Students police arrest V iiVUUVjCS By Chad Lorenz Senior Reporter Many UNL students partied hard during their first weekend back. Some partied a bit too hard. University of Nebraska-Lincoln police arrested nine students over the weekend on drug and alcohol charges. Four were freshmen preparing to be gin their first semester at UNL. A UNL police officer was on the 12th floor of Abel Residence Hall Fri day afternoon responding to a nonemergency eall when he smelled marijuana smoke coming from a room, UNL police Sgt. Mylo Bushing said. Three students inside the room let the officer in, where he found a clear plastic bag of suspected marijuana. One of the students had a wad of cash in his hand, so the officer sus pected one student of selling to the others. When the officer questioned them, one admitted he had bought a half ounce of marijuana for $60. The two freshmen roommates, Chad Henggeler and Chantz Hanson, both of Fremont, were arrested for marijuana possession. . The third, Andrew Finley, an off campus student from Fremont, was cited for possession and sale of mari juana. Just before noon on Sunday, UNL police were called to Selleck Residence Hall by a student assistant who smelled marijuana on the floor below him. The investigating officer found a small amount of suspected marijuana, a piece of papa* with green, leafy seeds on it and other drug paraphernalia. Two freshmen, Jeffery Sheets of Des Moines, Iowa, and Nathan Brad ley of Lincoln, were cited for mari juana possession. On Saturday night, UNL police made four separate arrests for alcohol violations on campus, three for minor in possession and one for public con sumption. Law&Ordeivi^ A man Who couldn’t wait until Monday to buy beer was taken into custody by Lincoln police after al legedly breaking into a liquor store and stealing 54 cans of Busch Light. A city ordinance prohibits the sale of alcohol in Lincoln on Sun days. At about 10:20 a.m. Sunday, a McDonald’s customer told an em ployee he saw a man break a glass door at Mum’s Liquor, 841N. 27th St., and leave with three 18-packs of beer, Lincoln police Sgt. Ann Heermann said. Police found the man walking at 25th and T streets, still carrying the beer. Davis Rush, 26, was ar rested for burglary. The owner of Mum’s reported $700 damage to the door and a $21 loss of beer. A traffic stop in north Lincoln Sunday night led to a drug bust for Lincoln police. Police stopped a 1978 Buick Riviera at 27th and T streets just after midnight Sunday because they thought a man in the car was wanted on a warrant, Heermann said. During a search, police found 10 rocks of suspected crack cocaine in a passenger’s pocket and a hand gun under the hood, wedged next to the car’s battery, Heermann said. The three passengers, Jason Robertson, 20, Darren Herring, 28, and Charlie Busch, 26, were ar rested for weapon possession. Robertson was also cited for pos session of cocaine. Police made another drug-re lated arrest Saturday at a residence after a tip from a confidential in former. When police arrived at the house on the 2400 block of W Street, they saw a suspicious man throw something into a toy box. In the box, police found five rocks of suspected crack cocaine and a glass pipe. After searching the house further, the police found more drug paraphernalia, Heermann said. Eight adults were in the house when police arrived and two chil dren were found neglected, Heermann said. Eric Harris, 32, was arrested for possession of cocaine and para phernalia. The resident, Bridie Williams, 21, was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia, maintaining a dis orderly house and child abuse. Brashear will plead guilty to drunken driving charges OMAHA (AP) — State Sen. j Kermit Brashear of Omaha says he ! will plead guilty to drunken driving. Brashear was ticketed near his west Omaha home early Sunday after a state trooper stopped him for making 1 an improper lane change. Brashear said he is not making ex cuses and admitted he had been chink ing white wine at a restaurant where he had dinner Saturday night. “There are no excuses,” he said Sunday evening. “I’m grateful there was no one involved and there were The 52-year-old, first-term senator said he took a breath test, which proved he was over the legal limit. Braahear is a former state chairman of the Republican Party and made an unsuccessful bid for the gubernatorial nomination in 1986. “I admit I made a serious mistake and am very sorry for all the people I’D disappoint—especially my fam ily and all the people I work with and for” Brashear said. *1*11 have to suf fer the consequences and see if I can leant anything from my mistake.” I KODAK GOLD Super200 Film, 35 mm • New, improved • Excellent for multi-purpose use KODAK GOLD Ultra 400 Film, 35 mm / • Enhanced multi-purpose film for a wide range of light & action Tfw-e, reafflu, is a difafjmKoe, 1300 Q Street • 476-0111 Gateway Mall at Ben Simons email f> <1 DO Great pioneers don’t hesitate. MDA NOT research pursues every possible avenue. ENTER mm L J Muscular Dystrophy Association 1-800-572-1717 BOWLERS! JOIN THE FUN JOIN A LEAGUE! s^JJEAGUE STARTING PATE & TIME k^Husker Doubles.Monday, September 16 at 7pm Big 8 Doubles.Tuesday, September 17 at 7pm r NiteOwls.Wednesday, September 18 at 8pm Pin Pounders...Thursday, September 19 at 6pm Thursday Trios .Thursday, September 19 at 8pm Each league consists of 6 teams, 4 persons per team except: doubles leagues (2 per team), and trios leagues (3 per team). Teams and/or individuals must preregister at the East Union Lanes N1 Games. Those eligible are UNL students, faculty, staff & their friends. For more information, contact Ray at 472-9627 or Lanes N* Games at 472-1751. vf - ■ • ■ - - —--——-— -———i