Campus escorts offer safe walks By Mask Trampe Staff Reporter While many students are thinking about schedules and homework, the UNL Campus Escort Program wants to assure students that campus safety hasn’t been forgotten. Marco Ritzo, head of the Univer sity of Nebraska-Lincoln Campus Es cort Program, said the service’s vol unteers want students to tread a safe path home from class. Safety in numbers is the idea em ployed by the program, Ritzo said. This simple idea has proven effective in five years since the Residence Hall Asso -ciation started the program, he said. Ritzo said students can get escorts in three ways: —Call the program office at 472 1167 Monday through Thursday, from 6:30 p.m. to midnight. After hours, leave voice mail or contact the program director and request an escort. — to an emergency, students can use the blue phones on campus. The UNL police department puts callers in touch with the escort service. — Students with night classes can schedule escorts on a regular basis. When a student calls the escort of fice, a dispatcher contacts two volun teers for assistance. The volunteer es corts normally arrive anywhere on campus within five minutes of the call, Ritzo said. The volunteers are sent out in pairs — either two females or one female and one male. They carry heavy-duty flashlights, cellular phones and wear white jackets identifying them with the escort program. Ritzo measured the program’s suc cess by the increase in escort requests. Calls to the service have doubled in the past two years. About 50 to 75 people take advan tage of the service. Some call only once, while others call regularly. “It’s important that the word gets out,” Ritzo said. Gar crash Tanna Kinnaman/DN NO SERIOUS INJURIES resulted Saturday when a red pickup truck ran a stop sign hitting a Jeep Cherokee at 19th and P streets, Lincoln Police Officer Tim Kennett said. Four passengers were riding in the Cherokee. The truck hit the front end of the Cherokee and flipped. The truck driver revived minor scratches and was cited with negligent driving. A large brown and white dog riding in the cab was not injured^: I ^ Worth UP» * _■ Wtth *•.*«*•£ Of OntoTw°**'s, He* You Could Win Big!!! Fantastic Prizes Instantly! Enter Today! M3SM& iilll ’Jllk'k'kh'kh'M A =4V/il l\ »KH fil ^ijfi Z I =IW3 ft I m w **' *-7'' • ' ®« ' "- -f- ■,- :-■*-•• •- < ♦ , 7* rr-. ',/ ■* ENTER TO WIN! A STUDIO RTA 3-PIECE WORK CENTER Suggested retail price - $219.99 Drawing to be held: Friday, Sept. 6,19% CHS Nebraska Bookstore Art Department Upper Level a^iiiiiuMrtmTTii *D Die stuff your mom forgot to buy you. at Ground Zero's ^ ICOMICW&RI Dl Nebraska's source for Comics, Magic & collectible card games, sci fi memorabilia, Japanese animation and More!' And find great savings on comics with our Comic Club or any mer chandise with our Fallout Card! 233 N. 48th Suite Q/ \ between the ^ Target & 11 Super Saver. ^ 466-6066 J jilt’s your hangout, your turf, your stomping ground* Gat some style in it I Pier 1 will help you do it on a student budget. 15# OFF WITH VALID COLLEGE I.D. Sow through October 5, 1996. PiMlI MlHUtftte ra'iiquns Get funky. Get comfy. Get it together. ♦ Call 1-800-447-4371 tor the location nearest yon. Discount good or regular and clearance priced merchandise only.