The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 26, 1996, Page 17, Image 17

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Continued from Page 14
Prices at smaller places are
usually lower as well, for a vari
ety of reasons and fashions.
“I’ve gone to school for cook
ing for two years,” Cook said,
“and there are things you learn
from being in business over a
number of years, how to cut your
Most places like these have
hours that run from early morn
ing to mid-afternoon, but that’s
usually enough for everyone in
“I come in at 4:30 a.m., and I
do all the cooking,” Dixon said.
“By the time my day is done, it’s
been a 10-hour day at the mini
“On Friday nights, we have a
fish fry until 8 p.m., so I put
about 17 hours in on that day.”
Mueller was a bit more brief
on the subject.
“We gotta sleep sometime,”
she said, laughing.
Nobody’s planning on shut
ting down anytime soon, either.
“The only thing we want to
do is maybe expand someday,”
Mueller said.
And for Cook, it’s not so
much the business as the people
who keep it running.
“I just love it,” he said. “The
customers are so good, and I
can’t .say enough about the wait
“They’re a good bunch of
Danish wrss -vo
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Dan Pussey’s secret identity is revealed in these four panels from the comic collection “Pussey!” Artwork by Daniel clowes
Book 4
Daniel Clowes
Fantagraphics Books
Does this loser sound familiar?
Dan Pussey (pronounced Poo-say)
is America’s greatest comic penciller,
a celebrated cog in the comic book
assembly line with a choked, infantile
He appears at sci-fi and fantasy con
ventions, immersed in the nerd lore of
Star Wars while conning fens into buy
ing worthless celebratory crap.
If you wonder why human tragedies
like Pussey exist, read further.
It’s no secret that comic books are
for geeks.
As an art form, the paneled funnies
lave gone from cheap children’s lit
erature to a grotesque corporate mon
Though more than 100 titles are
produced each month, the issues are
virtually identical. Every comic fea
tures a select number of muscular men
and women in outrageous outfits who
beat people up with their “super pow
ers” to benefit the community.
Slight derivations in this format are
hailed as “highbrow” within the indus
try. In Neil Gaiman’s “Sandman,” a
pasty-faced hero who looks like a punk
rocker beats up demons and gods in
stead of street thugs. In “The Crow,” a
pasty-faced hero who looks like a punk
rocker becomes a demon to beat street
thugs. While this dumb farce contin
ues, genuinely innovative comics and
artists are marginalized or bought out
quietly by the industry.
So why do people still read them?
Dan Clowes probes this sick social
problem with devastating accuracy in
“Pussey” by Fantagraphics Books, cre
ating a self-critical comic that is at once
outstandingly hilarious and horribly
Clowes depicts the stunted, re
pressed imagination of the average
comic fan, as well as the Machiavel
lian business practices of comic indus
try giants like Marvel and D.C.
Using comics as an example, he
turns the failures of American culture
on its ear, showing the slick hypocrisy
present in the entertainment industry,
.self-inflated art world and dull suburbs
Constantly oblivious to any sort ol
meaningful artistic or spiritual intro
spection, Pussey’s idiocy speaks vol
umes about the failure of TV culture.
Far from being callous or cavalier,
Clowes’ critique is so devastating be
cause of its sensitivity to the emotional
retardation of the middle class. As in
Sinclair Lewis’ “Babbit,” he pays care
ful attention to the humanity in losers
like Pussey, exploring the full tragedy
of how homely Spock-ear wearing
geeks never really had a chance for
anything more.
In a sense, freaks like Pussey are
the living symbols of America’s imagi
native persona — fragile passive-ag
gressive geeks shrouded in the thin
capes of pop culture, rather than any
sort of meaningful spiritual or intel
lectually based culture. We as Ameri
cans are no better than these fools; we
just don’t take it to extremes.
Now that’s sad.
— Patrick Hambrecht
-y- ■
02 Appliances 400 Roommates
05 Bicycles 410 Housing Wanted
10 Books 420 Rooms/Rent
13 Clothing 430 Houses/Rent
16 Computers 440 Duplex/Rent
20 Furniture 450 Apartments/Rent
30 Jewelry 460 Summer Housing
40 Misc. For Sale 470 Mobile Homes/Rent
45 Musical Instruments 480 Vacation/Rent
46 Office Furniture 490 Homes/Sale
50 Pets -
55 Photo Equipment
60 Sporting Goods -
65 Stereos/TVs 500 Adoption
70 Ticket Exchange 505 Alterations & Sewing
90 Vehicles 510 Automotive
- 515 Bicycle Service
520 Bridal
- 525 Catering
200 Rides 528 Child Care
203 Spring Break Trips 530 Cleaning/Laundry
205 Career Events 531 Cleaning/Households
210 Announcements
215 Meetings Uslftldlas
220 Greek Affairs HairsWIina
230 Student Government £50 Hea?th & fitness
240 Personals 553 insurance
242 Pinning & 555 Instruction/Tutoring
Engagements 558 Job Placement
245 Lost & Found 560 Lawn care
250 Wanted 565 Legal Services
260 Fundraising 573 Music Exchange
270 900 Numbers 575 Photography
^_ 578 Pregnancy
580 Printing & Copying
582 Recycling
... . . 583 Religious
595 ^Wanted 585 Rentals
310 Child Care 588 Tanning
320 Work Study Jobs 590 Tattooing
330 Summer Jobs 593 Travel
340 Internships 595 Typing & Resumes
00s For Sale
Used washer, dryer, refrigerator or range, delivered,
guaranteed and payments of only $25 for three months.
Mhat's a deal!’ 466-6252._
Must Sell!! 16” 1996 GIANT ATX 890. Judy XC, front
suspension fork. $900. John 436-8060.
TREK 9000 pull suspension mountain bike. Shimano
DeoreXT, Must Sell I $895, David402-477-1911 anytime.
For sale: Clean, newer (one year old) microwave. $55.
Call 466-3155.
The buffalo advantage
Lower in fat, calories, and cholesterol than turkey. The
original 100% natural health food. Range fed and hor
mone free. 421-7546._
‘81 Chevy Citation, 4-door, $1100 OBO. Maintenance/
record available. 483-4911.
85 Dodge 600. 49,000 miles, good condition. $1500 or
best offer. 436-0031.
1994 Geo Prism, 4-door, 5-speed, air, 16K, clean. $7950.
1994 Mazda 323,2-door hatch, auto air, 28K, nice. $5650.
1987 Honda Civic CRX SI, 5-speed, moon roof, air, 80K.
$3850.1986 Honda Civic. 2-door hatch, SI, 5-speed, FM,
moon roof, 79K. $2950.
Baer s Auto Sales, 1647 S 3rd. 477-6442.
1993 Geo Metro, maroon, 5-speed, A/C, best offer. 466
2flfe iVofes
ALASKA EMPLOYMENT-Fisheries, Parks, Resorts now
hiring! Earn to $3,000-$6,000/mol Airfare! Room/Board!
FREE VIDEO w/program! State Licensed Service. Call
(919)932-1489, ext. A39.
Fishing Industry. Earn to $3,000-$6,000+ /month + ben
efits. Male/Female. No experience necessary. (206) 971 -
3510 ext A57785
Over $6 Billion in public and private sector grants &
scholarships is now available. All students are eligible.
Let us help. For more info, call: 1-800-263-6495 ext.
Receive 10% off April 26-27 by recycling wearable shoes
for charity. FOOTLOOSE & FANCY, 1219 P St.
Earn up to $2,000+/month. World travel. Seasonal & full
time positions. No exp necessary. For info, call 1-206
971-3550 ext. C57783___
Ext. C2701 __
Absolutely NO finals may be given during Dead Week.
Finals can ONLY be moved to another time DURING
FINALS WEEK with the unanimous consent of the class.
Quizzes are acceptable. Stop by the ASUN office, 115
Nebr. Union with questions or complaints or call 472
Europe! Spend the spring semester of 1997 on a UNL
semester abroad. No language requirement for the Ne
braska Semester Abroard in Czech Republic and Greece.
Study French in Besancon or German in Berlin. Plan
ahead! Information is available now. Internationa! Affairs,
Guitar Instruction/Rental
Zager Studio, 464-7771.
Macintosh Computer Graphics Class: Photoshop,
PageMaker, Premiere, Digital Photography; 4:30-7pm.
M-F. June 10-July 8, ART 199, 3 credits. 472-2631
Magic Wok
We are now open! Buffet starting this Friday.
3031 O St in the Parkwood Plaza. Take-out is
available in 8 minutes.
Meet Van Gogh, Turner, Leonardo, Manet and Monet.
Join a visual arts group and explore the galleries and
museums of London and Paris during the semester break,
Dec. 26-Jan. 12. Earn UNL credit. Contact International
Affairs, 472-5358.__
Money For College!!!!
Hundreds & Thousands of Grants Availalbe to ALL Stu
dents. IMMEDIATE Qualification. NEVER has to be re
paid. CALL 1-800-585-8 AID.
The Gathering
httpV/, scholarships, academic and
career resources, internships, sports, news, entertain
ment, travel, music, debates ana 1,000 links.
Wanted Volunteers For Thesis
Must be age 19+ and of Blraclal/lnterraclal Parentage.
IRB Approved! Call: (402) 438-3095. Leave Mesaagel
Work on your language requirement in Mexico. Places
are still available for a summer exchange program in
Monterrey or Queretaro. Live with family or in a dorm,
study Spanish language and culture and earn credit.
Contact International Affairs, 472-5358.
Congratulations to Quentin Kavan for getting second
place for Mr. Greek UNL contest.
We would also li'.e to congratulate our house sweetheart
Ann Brbyhili faf AOPi We lovb you'. ! ;
The Men Acacia
The ladies of Tri Delt would like to wish everyone good
luck on finals and have a great summerl
Congratualtions to Sam Sennett and Dani Frerichs (The
ta) on their recent pinning.
The Men of Phi Kappa Psi
Congratulations to the following Founders Day Formal
award recipients: Dan Demuth — Best Athlete: Julie
Kazmierski (Phi Beta Chi) —Triangle Sweetheart: Jeff
Youngman and John Farson — High GPA.
The Men of Triangle
Congratulations to the 1995-6 Mother Mac Scholarship
recipient Chris Rogers. We really appreciate all of the
hard work and dedication you have put into the house.
Best wishes for the future!
Your Triangle Brothers
Congratulations to Michael Volkmer for being elected
ASME secretary and Ricky Provaznik for being elected
ASME vice president. Make us proud!
Your Triangle Brothers
“30 Running p-sants, 10 deer a grazing, 16 funny smells.
1 b_h @McDonalds!“ Thanks to waterproof mascara,
we made it, the trio! What a team! P.S. Look out for duck
I want a woman who likes Objectivism: the philosophy of
Ayn Rand. Write to room 4116,600 North 15th St, Lincoln,
NE 68508-1296.
Brook Was Drafted First, By God s Team!
By the time you read this, I'll be done with you-know-what.
Tnanks for putting up without me.
Found: Woman's Carriage Watch at Reunion parking lot
on Friday. Please claim at the Daily Nebraskan._
Paying $500 for '95 Big Eight ring, $1000 for '96 National
Champs ring. ConfidentiaiHity assured. Call Collect 402
Wanted 23 Students. Lose 5-29 pounds this month. New
metabolism breakthrough. RN assisted. Guaranteed-free
gift. $35 fee. 1-800-777-7618.
300s Jobs
40 hours weekly, daytime hours, $6.00/hr„ Temporary,
May-August, Mi sc. warehouse duties; stocking, packing,
etc. Don’t miss the Company Picnic!
Nebraska Book Company
4700 S. 19th St.
People who love working outdoors. Nebraska Nurseries,
Inc.. 7801 Pioneers Blvd., is hiring for landscape planting
and field maintenance work. Positions are seasonal and/
or permanent. Farm background preferred. Apply in per
son between the hours ot 8:00am to 4:00pm M-F. Ph.
Aircraft Detailer
Part-time afternoon evenings. $6.00 to $8.00 per hour.
Call 479-1688.
Alexander’s Bears needs sales help. Temporary to start.
Could become permanent. Call 466-5066.
Apartment complex maintenance work available now
part-time, full-time during summer. Flexible schedule.
Bob, 476-2772 evenings.
Apply Now! Earn $5/Hr+ for easy job - advertising. Call
435-2855 for more info.
Appointment setters needed. Two shifts available, a.m.
and p.m.; base pay plus incentive. Call 434-8150 for
interview and location.
Assistant needed for small consulting business. Miscel
laneous office duties. Must be well-organized and able to
work independently. Skills should include general com
puter knowledge and word processing (45+ wpm). Day
time, 35-40 hours weekly during the summer. Part or full
time options possible this fall. $7.50/hr. Send resume and
availaBlility to Tim Isaacson, 4901 S 47th, Lincoln, NE
Athletic Attitude
Outgoing, aggressive, team oriented leaders needed. PT/
FT opportunity. Call for appointment (402) 488-8308.
Supplemental Instructor
The Hewit Academic Center for Student-Athletes is seek
ing qualified graduate students for the temporary posi
tions of Supplemental Instructor. Successful candidates
must have strong teaching skills, interpersonal qualities
and the ability to foster group dynamics. Organizational
skills are necessary to develop instructional materials,
lesson plans and practice exams. This position requires
Monday through Thursday evening work and Monday
through Friday morning hours. Apply in person at 300
West Stadium with BarB or Gaila. These Supplemental
Instructor positions will be classified as student workers.
Attention Students _
The Nebraska Republican party is looking for individuals
who are energetic and relate well over the phone.
Telemarketers needed to start work immediately. Hours:
Sunday-Thursday, 5-9pm. Call Kris 475-2122 from 2
ATTN. COLLEGE STUDENTS. Seeking 2 more students
who want to earn $1920/mo and get out of Nebraska for
the summer. Call Rob 423-5167 for info.
Campus Recreation is now hiring for Lifeguard positions,
Weight Room Supervisors, and Super Circuit Supervi
sors. Apply in person at the Office of Campus Recreation
at 55 CRec. For more information please call 472-3467.
Carpenters needed
430-8369 or 488-2237.
Claims Adjuster
We are seeking college graduates to fill trainee positions
in our North Platte and Norfolk District offices.
These positions offer the opportunity to build a career with
the leading domestic property, casualty writer in Nebras
Qualified applicants must posess strong time manage
ment and communication skills and good analytical abil
ity. A rural background and an aptitude in building con
struction could be helpful.
These are salaried positions that offer an excellent benefit
package along with a company car. An excellent training
program is also provided.
Persons interested in these openings should send their
resume and cover letter to:
Personnel Director,
Farmers Mutual of Nebraska,
P.O. Box 81529,
Lincoln, NE 68501.
Deeter Foundry Inc. currently has an opening for a part
time person to do regular handy-person/dean up work.
Duties will indude: cleaning, painting, and some light
building repair work. We offer a flexible work schedule and
a starting wage of $7.50/hour. Full time hours may be
available dunng the summer. Interested individuals
should apply to:
Deeter Foundry Inc.
5945 N. 70th, 68507
Summer Positions Available
The healthcare industry's leading provider of market
research is looking for Coders, individuals responsible for
assigning alpha codes to survey responses. Accuracy
and close' attention to detail required. Choose as few as
20 hrs/wk or up to 40 hrs/Wk. Day hours available, but
some nights and weekends may be required. For more
information, please contact Melissa at 475-2525.
National Research Corporation
Gold’s Galleria
1033 O Street
Dependable, motivated, and hard working person with
large animal knowledge needed for growing customer
service business. Full-time and part-time positions avail
able. Apply in person at Your Animal's Best Care/ Omaha
Vaccine Company. 3030 L St., Omaha, Nebraska.
Dietary Aid
Applications are being taken for a part-time evening shift
position (5pm-8:15pm), $5.63/hr. $.20 shift differential.
And $.55 weekend differential. Vacation, sick-leave, and
holidays. Apply at: Lancaster Manor, 1001 South St.,
Lincoln, NE.
Don’t Wait Until
the Last Minute!
Come join our team. The Knolls Country Club has the
following positions available: Consession stand, dining
room/banquet servers, pantry, host/hostess, buffet atten
dant/bussers. Excellent working conditions. Call 423
2843 for more information.
Early morning life guards needed. Must have current
certification and be reliable. Also need swim instructors
various times and days. Apply: Northeast YMCA, 2601 N.
70th Street.
Earn $100 in 2 days
We need 100 fun-loving, clean-cut people. Administer
team building games at a seminar in Omaha.
May 6,1:00pm - 4:00pm.
May 7,10:00am - 5:00pm.
Dress code: Black shorts or slacks. A T-shirt is
provided. To apply, bring 2 forms of ID and 2 work
references. Norrell Staffing Services 488-6400.
5615 0 St. EOE
"Are you tired of trying to find a job to fit your
"Do you need more money than a part-time job pays?
Pegler-SYSCO one of Lincoln’s largest employers has
the job opportunity for you. We are now hiring in our busy
warehouse for order selectors. Staring pay is $7.25/hr.
Hours are flexible. Job requirements include: Able to pass
drug screen and physical. Must be able to lift 100lbs. and
must be 18 yrs. old. If you meet these requirements don't
wait apply today.
Applicaions accepted Mon-Fri. 7am to 5pm at:
1700 Center Park Road
Full or part-ime donut fryer. Hours are from 11 p.m. to 7
a.m. Staring wage is $7.50. Apply at 70th and 0 Hy Vee
Remember when our
Football team won the
big one?
And the Volleyball team?
And the Basketball team?
April 30
in the Daily Nebraskan