The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1996, Page 16, Image 16

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    Classified 472.2588
Wednesday, April 24, 1996 Page 16
Summer Playground Staff
Parks and Recreation summer positions: Leaders. Asst.
Leaders,. June 10-August2, Monday - Friday, 9:15a.m.
-12:15 p.m. Conduct activities for grade school children.
Annlv nnw at P740 A St 441-79-1? FOF/AA_
“Summer Program”
Personnel Management/
If you are interested in management opportunities after
graduation you need to get experience now! Northwest
ern Mutual Life is a “Fortune 500” company and has a
program that, if you qualify, will help in preparing you for
life after graduation. For an interview call Missy at (402)
$1750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. For info
call 202-393-7723.
$257,000. My 2nd year Income 2 years out of college.
Not multi-level, just an honest way to make good
money. Call 800-946-1690. Free Info.
IMAGINE starting a business that requires: * No Capital
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Quotas' No Employees * No Customer Risk * No Expe
rience. For more information call Independent Represen
tative, Excel Telecommunications. 800-215-0388 PIN
400s Housing
Publ ishers. Notice
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to
the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to
advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial
status or national origin, or intention to make any such
preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne
braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real
estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates
against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby
informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.
2 female roommates wanted to share 5 bedroom house
$179/month + utilities. Call 477-4862.
2 roommates needed for large house. $150 + utilities.
Female, N/S to share duplex in South Lincoln. W/D,
Fireplace, Dishwasher. Very nice. $300/month, Available
now. 421-6812.
Male roommate to share 5 bedroom house in Capital
Beach. Five minutes from campus. $180 plus deposit.
Call 475-5305.
Need N/S Female to share large 2-bedroom, 2-bath
apartment with W/D. Off-street parking, security en
trance, no pets. $260+ 1/2 utilities* deposit. Call 465
5288, leave message.
Non-smoking female to share 3BR, 2BA. Nice house.
May-July $208 + 1/3 utilities. Melody 474-0862.
Nonsmoking female needed to share 3-bedroom house in
Northeast Lincoln. 10 min to city campus. $158.33+
deposit* 1/3 utilities. Washer/dryer, no pets. Available 5/
1. Leave message if interested, 467-4814.
One roommate needed for the summer. Secured en
trance, close to campus. Call 438-7510.
Roommate needed to share five bedroom house, own
room. $140/month. Close to campus. Steph, 476-3740.
Roommate needed to share nice house in Highland area.
$200/mo. 476-7425.
Roommate Wanted, Non-smoking male for 2-Bedroom
apartment, $172.50/month +1/2 utiltites. Avaialble May
1st, 435-8437.
Two female non-smoking roommates to share a four
bedroom two bath house in Northeast Lincoln. $200/
month including utilities plus deposit. Washer/dryer. No
pets. Available May 1st. Call 466-3432 or 467-4966.
Two roommates wanted for summer months. Furnished,
close to campus. Washer/dryer, garage. $160/month plus
1/5 utilities. 438-7061.
Two roommates wanted to share a four bedroom
Claremont Apt. for the Summer. Pool, laundry, and rec
facilities. Available May 1st. $210 + 1/4 utilities. Call 477
Wanted clean and responsible male/female roommate to
share 3 bedroom apartment. $235, includes W/D and all
utilities. 475-8474.
Wanted: Quiet non-smoking male to share house. Rent
$140 + 1/4 utilities. Call 486-0656.
48th and Adams. Room only, cable and utilities paid,
completely furnished. $195. 466-6252.
Female, non-smoker to share nice house, 20th & A area,
$250/month, includes utilities. Marcie. 476-8267.
"1428 N 14th, 3-bedroom $575. "1143 Charleston, 3
bedroom $600. "1141 Charleston, 4-bedroom $700. All
Plus Deposits. 474-1303, 430-5142.
1325 N 21st, 3 bedrooms, summer only, $575, may rent
free, 476-1279, leave message.
2226 R St. Ideal for students, 3 bedrooms, nice. $550/
month. No pets. Century Management Company, 484
2424 “W” 2 BA, 4 BR, parking, near campus, $750.
Available May. 432-0644 or 432-6644.
2612 Y Street, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CA, $575+deposit 464
4872 May move in.
5 BR 2 bath. 2331 U St. C/A. laundry, dishwasher. $995/
month. Reserve now or for fall. Phoenix Properties, 474
Between campuses. Available May:
*2938 Vine. 5-6 BR, 2-bath, W/D, parking. $875
No pets, 488-5446.
Campus Close
3210 “S” (as in Sam). Newly redone four bedroom, two
baths, c/a, $650.430-6328.
Reduced For Summer
1205 Claremont $500. 3 BR, air, and parking.
1314 N 24th $550. 3 BR, air, and parking.
836 V $550. 3 BR, air, and parking.
432-0644 or 432-6644.
Reserving Now for Summer or August Nice houses,
close to campus. 432-0644, 432-6644.
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There readdy, is a di^erence.
1300 Q Street *476-0111
Textbook Dept. • Upper Level
3 and 4 bedroom duplexes, $800-$895. Available for May
and Summer months. Call between 8-6pm, 435-7807.
room, 2-bath, A/C, W/D hookups, off-street parking, low
utilities, no pets/smoking: Available May 15, $540. Call
483-0671 before 9pm.
Students Welcome
Super-share 3 bedroom, between campuses, available
May 1-15. Fireplace, carpet, stove, fridge, dishwasher, 1
1/2 bath. $585 + deposit. 1335 N 22. 476-2595.
!!!Affordable Apartments!!!
1,2,and-3-bedroom near campus. Summer leases avail
able, $285 and up.
Management One
!!!Century Management Co!!!
"Summer Leases
"Walk to Campus
"Rent Starts at $219
Deer Park
Brand new, 7th and Superior. Floorplans ideal for room
mates. Pool. All have w/d hookups, garages available.
Rent starts at $460.
***1503 S 22 St.***
*1 Bedroom-$300
*3 Bedroom, C/A-$525
Nice neighborhood. No pets or smoking. One year
lease. Available May 1. 450-2622.
Reserve 1 Bedroom ($329 up); 2 Bedroom ($379 up).
Bask in the sun. poolside; Laundry; Bus; Quiet concrete
640 S. 20
1938 Garfield. Two bedroom. New apartment. No smok
ing. No pets. Available Aug 1, $395. 486-1267.
2740 R. Two bedroom. Parking. Laundry. No pets. $350.
3 BR, 2 bath, washer and dryer, no pets, 2540 W. 483
1130 or 483-6057.__
3-bedroom, 2-bath at Claremont Apartments. Will nego
tiate. 435-1850, leave message.
3525 Baldwin for sublease/lease. 2 bedroom, fireplace,
central air, laundry and parking. Rent negotiable. 464
9793 or 489-9916
3633 Baldwin. Close to campus. 2-bedroom, fireplace, D/
W, balcony. Off-street parking. $390,467-1522.
508 S 25th. Two bedrooms, dishwasher, modern, and
clean. Leave message 483-2357.
5619 Huntington, large 1 bedroom, W/D, summer lease.
Available any time. 465-5448.
Avail. May 1st-15th
Summer lease available
2504 Vine — 2 bd, sharp! peach or grey decor, all
appliances, breakfast bar, private deck, $450.
1121 N. 28th — Huge 1 bds, unique floor plan, beautiful
decor; grey, peach or mauve (Pool opens soon).
4300 Cornhusker — 1 bd from $350, top or middle level,
various floor plans, all appliances, choose your style.
1 bd townhouse, split level, huge bedroom, walk out patio.
2 bd. 11/4 bath townhouse, spacious living, eat-in kitch
en, sharp! $475.
Style of the 90's, paint still fresh, 2bd, W/D hookup, top
floor, grey or beige, ceramic floors, BEAUTIFUL! $520.
Waverly, NE — 15 minutes from Lincoln, small town
living. 1 bd redone, all appliances, walk out patio, $365.
Cherry Hill Management
3540 Huntington. Low rent, clean, 2 BR, C/A, W/D,
fireplace, and parking. 466-5705 or 489-9916.
Now leasing 1 BR and 3 BRs. Close to campus and
downtown. First Come, First Serve. Call 474-7275 to set
up appointment.
Close to downtown and UNL. 19th and K. Newer, clean,
2 BR. off street parking, $410. 483-6280.
Colonial Heights
One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available.
Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070.
Cozy On Up To A
Nice Warm Fire at
Willowhaven Apts.
Now available, 1 & 2-bedroom apts with fireplace or
woodbuming stove and fully equipped kitchen.
Call Now 476-6200
East Campus four bedroom, off street parking, heating
and A/C paid. Deposit/lease $595 per month. 466-2892.
Efficiency apartments, close to city campus. Water, heat,
gas paid. Available first week of May. 477-4490.
Efficient 1-bedroom, $300/mo+ $250 deposit. Available
immediately, 435-8083.
Large four bedroom, two bath, all utilities paid, redone,
and central air. 1746 Washington, $1040. 430-9012.
May & August Leases
East Campus, 36th and Huntington, 2-BR, fireplace,
central air, appliances, laundry, parking, no pets, 489
Need Privacy?
1-Bedroom near Capitol, security, no Smoking/Pets
Grads Welcome. Available May 20th. $220+utilities. 476
Need subleasers beginning of May. 3-bedroorrTat
Claremont. 477-2732.
Need to sublease at beginning of May, 3 bedroom apart
ment at Claremont. 438-7874; F
One bedroom close to campus. 1120 E St. or 2540 S St
Heat paid. Only $290.474-5327.
Pine Tree Apartments, 1 st and Adams, 2 and 3 bedroom
$460-$630. Embassy Park Apartments, 31st & Old
Cheney, 3-bedroom, $630, 2-bedroom, Washer/Dryer,
$520. 2540 W, 3-bedroom, Washer/Dryer, $610. 535 W.
Saunders, two bedroom, $420. No pets. 483-1130/483
Summer Leases
Three bedroom, roomy and nice. Deluxe kitchen, central
air, and laundry. No pets. 466-9526
2612 J St $540.
1256 S 26th $505. _
Summer Leases Available
Two bedrooom apartment available immediately. $405/
month+ deposit. Has dishwasher and washer/dryer on
premises. Close to UNL, downtown and Lewis softball
Complex. Nice view of state capitol. To look at, call 432
Summer Leases
One and two bedroom, FREE CABLE, and NO PETS. 521
N 25th and 1900 Knox. $330 and $430. 477-7684.
Summer lease. 2 bedroom, 1932 R St. $415, central air,
parking, washer/dryer hookups. 438-7930 or 475-3111.
Summer Sublease Claremont Park, 2&R, 1 BATH, Good
Location, Week after Finals. Scott or Dave, 438-3609.
Summer Sublease
Claremont Apartments. Large 3 BR. Available May 10th.
Check out date negotiable!!! 475-4249._
1 female roommate needed to share a 5 bedroom ranch
house. $179/month + utilities. 477-4862.
Acacia Fraternity has private rooms, snal or dbl are
available, most furnished. Kitchen, coin laundry, and
parking. Call Alan 436-6126.
On-Campus Summer Housing
31 furnished rooms. A/C, laundry, cleaned daily, atTrian
gle Fraternity. Call Josh at 436-9447.
Summer Housina
On-campus, cheap, W/D, free parking. Call 436-0120 or
436-0395 for information.
Summer Housing available at AG Men Frat. A/C, laundry,
kitchen facilities. Call Doug at 436-6328 for more info.
Wanted to sublease a 2 bedroom apartment/house for the
summer. Call Brandi at 308-381-7423
Reserving Now. Nice houses, close to campus, 432-0644
or 432-6644.
Adopt: A fabulous family filled with fun, love, and warmth
^ean^Richf^ewbcm B^enses paid. Please call
A loving alternative
We offer counseling and adoption services to help you
Home, 4600 Valley Bd. Suite 314,483-7879.
pregnant? Loving mom and devoted dad long to welcome
your newborn intoour happy home. Confidents and legal.
Jonna and Steve, 1-60<Ui4S-5715.
Gay Men’s Group
Meets year-round on . »to 7:30pm.
For information caH Dr. Di Counseling arte
Psychological Services.
IF Sanford Pollack
Criminal & Family Law
ere. Check*out Backtrack Records, 3833^outtf«th.
Lincoln Crisis Pregnancy
Free pregnancy test.conridential counseling. Call for
appt 47S-2S01_
Planned Parenthood
of Lincoln
Pregnancy testing and referral by professional and caring
staff. Information on ALL OPTKtefe. Certified counselors
available. Donations appreciated. Call for hours: 441
3300. Facts-of-Life Line: 434-1990.
PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping
hand. 4^e^egnancy test please caH us lor appoint
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Need help shipping furniture and personal items home?
CaH The Packaging Store. 420-1292.10% off all services
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Resumes By Ann
Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years
experience, proven results. 464-0775.
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