The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1996, Page 3, Image 3

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    Law & Order
Police investigate two deaths
The bodies of two men were found Friday
afternoon less than a mile apart in west Lincoln,
but officials have not linked the two deaths.
Lincoln Police are investigating one death as
a potential homicide; the other was declared a
drowning accident.
The two men have been identified,but police
are not releasing their names until relatives can
be notified, Lincoln Police Cpt. Jim Pcschong
said Sunday.
“We believe they may be transients,” he
The body of an adult male was discovered
around noon, floating in Salt Creek near West O
Street about two blocks from the People’s City
John Col born, chief deputy Lancaster County
attorney, said Sunday that autopsy reports
showed the man drowned, probably by acci
There was no evidence linking the deaths,
Col born said.
The second body was found about seven
blocks north underneath a Salt Valley Boule
vard overpass. The body was lying along an
embankment next to railroad tracks when it was
discovered by an employee of Pease Bindery,
111 Oakcreek Drive.
Pcsehong said the body was believed to be a
man in his 20s or 30s. He said the cause of death
was not known, but foul play is suspected.
“It’s a little early to tell at this time, but we
will be proceeding along that line (homicide) as
we normally would,” he said.
Lincoln Police arrested a 30-ycar-old man
Thursday night in connection with the alleged
assault of a 12-year-old girl.
The girl was walking with a 13-year-old girl
on Plum Street between Ninth and 10th streets
at 9:50 p.m., Lt. Lee Wagner said.
A man allegedly jumped in front of them,
grabbed the 12-year-old around the waist and
made a lewd comment, Wagner said.
The 12-year-old shook free of his hold, and
both girls ran.
Based on their description, police arrested
Wilbur Hicks at his nearby home on the 800
block of Peach Street.
— Chad Lorenz
Continued from Page 1
ing arts and CBA — also will be filled next
semester, he said.
But he said it would be hard for anyone to
take Leitzcl’s place at UNL.
“It will be a fast learning curve for me, and
there will be big shoes to fill,” Omtvedt said.
“Joan Leitzel has done a tremendous job, and I
am honored to follow her. I’m not inheriting any
problems, and nothing is broken that needs to be
Omtvedt first came to UNL in 1975 as the
head of the animal science department. Seven
years later, lie was appointed dean of agricul
ture research at IANR.
He later became the interim vice chancellor
for lANRand wasnamed to the position perma
nently in 1988.
“It’s really been an exciting position,” he
said. “I’ve seen tremendous changes at IANR,
and it’s been very enjoyable.”
While he is serving as interim senior vice
chancellor, Omtvedt said, he will still keep his
duties at IANR.
Ted Hartung, associate vice chancellor for
IANR, will be retiring soon, Omtvedt said, and
Omtvedt didn’t want to interrupt his retirement
So Omtvedt will remain at IANR, although
he will be appointing ah assistant vice chancel
lor soon to help him out at IANR.
The search for a permanent interim senior
vice chancellor should take about six to nine
months, Omtvedt said.
“Dr. Moeser and I agreed that we have to get
it filled soon,” he said. “So many things are
happening, and it’s such a dynamic time for
Brian Foster, dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences, has been named chairman of a search
committee to find a permanent senior vice chan
cellor, Omtvedt said.
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