The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1996, Page 12, Image 12
rvonsmoKing remale needed to share 3-bedroom house in Northeast Lincoln. 10 min to city campus. $158.33+ deposit+1/3 utilities. Washer/dryer, no pets. Available 5/ 1. Leave message if interested. 467-4814. Urgent. Roommate wanted for May, June, July in big apartment. Close to Capitol—downtown. Furnished room. $200/ month + utilities. 435-1615. 1825 M St. Clean three bedroom plus parking. $600.430 9618,489-5168, and 476-3821. _ 2,3, and 4 Bedrooms Available In May Near campus, 432-0644,432-6644.' 3210 S Street. Four bedroom, two baths, central air, no pets. $650. 430-6328. 5 bedroom, 2 bath, 27th & Q. Laundry. For summer or longer. $940/month. Call 474-1304. v 5 BR 2 bath, 2331 U St., C/A, laundry, dishwasher, $995/ month. Reserve now or for fall. Phoenix Properties, 474 5327. _ 519 N. 35th. Five bedroom, two baths, garage. $750/ month. No pets. 430-6328. Open June 1st. 4-5 bedrooms. Next to campus. Washer dryer, dishwasher, and central A/C. 423-1535. Reserving Now for Summer or August. Nice houses, Close to campus. 432-0644, 432-6644. Share house for Summer. Own room, $l40/month plus 1/ 5 utilities. Call 435-3250. 3 and 4 bedroom duplexes, $800-$895. Available for May and Summer months. Call between 8-6pm, 435-7807. 3 BR, 2 full bath, washer/dryer, to sublease May through August. $730/month. Close to campus. 438-3914. !!!Affordable Apartments!!! 1,2,and 3-bedroom near campus. Summer leases avail able, $285 and up. Management One 477-2600__ ** SUMMER & FALL LEASES** Reserve 1 Bedroom ($329 up); 2 Bedroom ($379 up). Bask in the sun, poolside; Laundry; Bus; Quiet concrete construction. JONES APARTMENTS 475-7262 640 S. 20 "Campus Locations* Summer Leases Available One bedrooms various locations breakfast bar. all appli ances, personal patios, choose your style from $350 2 bedroom 2504 Vine, middle level, ceramic floors, break fast bar, roomy bedrooms, Sharp $455, 4300Cornhusker Hwy one-bedroom, top or lower level, all appliances, $355 Immaculate 2 bedroom lower and top level, washer and dryer hook up, all interior is white with oak trim, $525. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 1- BR, oak floors, french doors, nice, spacious, cat al lowed. $345/month. Available at convenience. 476-8035. 1107 L St, 1 BR, downtown. Remodled, only $280. Call Phoenix Properties, 474-5327. 1503 S. 22nd St. Spacious three bedroom with central air. Nice neighbor hood. Available immediately. $525. 450-2622. 1717 J Available May 1 2-bedroom, $350, heat, water, garage paid, 1 year lease, 483-2034. 1835 D. Large 1-bedroom. Great neighborhood. Hard wood floors, neat, air paid. $430. 435-8475. 1938 Garfield. Two bedroom. New apartment. No smok ing. No pets. Available May 1. $395. 486-1267. 2- Bedroom, Balcony/pool. May 1 thru July 31. 3-month remaining. $419/month + 250 deposit= $336/month. 645 S. 20th Street, 435-4032. 2- BR, 2323 T, available May 3-4 for sublease/lease. Half of May rent paid. $425/month. Close to campus, central air, appliances, laundry, parking. Call 438-1516. Leave message. 240 S. 26th, 2-BR, balcony, built in micro, newer, very nice, leave message. 483-2357. 3 BR, 2 bath, washer and dryer, no pets, 2540 W. 483 1130 or 483-6057. 3- bedroom apartment at Claremont. Available for sub lease in May. Deposit negotiable!! 477-0565. 3501 BALDWIN. Summer or 1 year leases. 2-bedrooms, large & clean. C/A, fireplace, laundry, 4-plex. $420.483 Apartments on Campus Large Efficences available. Nonsmoking, laundry, guar anteed parking, secure access, UNL shuttle stop, $350 per month. 477-6578. April and May openings Pine Tree Apartments. 1st and Adams. 2 and 3 bedroom $490-$630. 2540 W, 3-bed room, W/D, $610,535 West Saunders, 2-bedroom $450. 1814 F, 2-bedroom $415. Embassey Park Apartments, 31st & Old Cheney, 3-bedroom, $630-$645, 2-bedroom, W/D, $520,2-bedroom, 2-bath $520. No pets. 483-1130/ 483-6057 CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS ***IDEAL FOR STUDENTS*** Now leasing 1 BR and 3 BRs. Close to campus and downtown. First Come, First Serve. Call 474-7275 to set up appointment. Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy On Up To A Nice Warm Fire at Willowhaven Apts. Now available, 1 & 2-bedroom apts with fireplace or woodbuming stove and fully equipped kitchen. Call Now 476-6200 East Campus, large 2-Br, fireplace, balcony, all applianc es. Available May 1st, 423-0902. East campus. 3532 Huntington. 2 bedroom, fireplace, dishwasher, balcony. Lease plus $440. No pets. 486 1011. _ Efficiency. $230 + gas. Available immediately. Close to campus. Call 435-7882. leave message. For rent: large 1 bedroom apartment. $410, very nice. Call 436-8976.' Historic Havelock-Newer efficiency in historic bldy. Full kitch. 3/4 bath, Avail. 5-1, No smokers or pets. $300 mo + deposit. 466-8966, 423-5921. Large 1 bedroom apartment near City Campus. 2403 Lynn St. Off-street parking, rent is $285 plus deposit. 488 2088. Available now. May & August Leases East Campus, 36th and Huntington, 2-BR, fireplace, central air, appliances, laundry, parking, no pets, 489 9916. Three bedroom, roomy, nice, deluxe kitchen, laundry, and no pets. Available 5/1/96. $505-$590. 466-9526. Two bedrooom apartment available immediately. $405 per month plus deposit. Has dishwasher and washer/ dryer on premises. Close to UNL, downtown and Lewis softball complex. Nice view of state capitol. To look at, call 432-5602. On-Campus Summer Housing 31 furnished rooms. A/C, laundry, cleaned daily, atTrian gle Fraternity. Call Josh at 436-9447, Reserving Now. Nice houses, close to campus, 432-0644 or 432-6644. \ Planned Parenthood of Lincoln stafTlntormationon ALL OProS^O^Bed f0f houre: PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping cad us tor app&nt % extra-wide tanning beds. New bulbs, dean, comfoH abteatmosphere. Month unlimited $34®. SaHaira 464 _l_ —-—- • . 4230 Pn^resstve Ave. Quality resumes, professional rotters. Over 14 years experience, proven results. 4644)775._ ' Word Processing and More. Call 467-5586. WORDTAMERS i ■ Get a pouchful of Clinique helpers free with any Clinique purchase of $15.00 or more. Your Anytime Clinique gift includes: Golden Raisin Different Lipstick, Jet Black Naturally Glossy Mascara. Non-Aerosol Han spray. Gentle Exfoliator Rinse-Off Formula. Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion. Golden Lynx Soft-Pressed Eye Shadow all in a zip-top pouch One to a customer While supplies last. Visit our newest location: 13th & Q Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 CLINIQUE Tel. 402 476-0111 Fax 402 476-7755 -~~~ Store Hours: Monday-Saturday 9:00am to 6:00pm Allergy Tested. Thursday 9:00am to 8:00pm • Sunday 12:00pm to 5:00pm 100% Fragrance Free. :• - . C", 1 ■ ' 4 ' . ■ : - ■ ... : ; . ' - ' - ■ ' ■ ! ' - -