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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1996)
CAMP COUNSELORS OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLIM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MAS SACHUSETTS. PENNSYLVANIA. AND CALIFORNIA. All specialities: Athletics, Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exer cise, Nutrition, Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 20*. CALL FOR APPLICATION: 1-600-421-4321. CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/ girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sail ing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics. OR riding. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $1250 plus. Phone: 708-446-2444. CAMP COUNSELORS Join the exciting adventure and share the memories at SUMMER CAMP! Top ranked camps in Pocono Mountains of PA need counselors expenenced teaching water and land sports, WSIs/Life Guards, Tennis, Gymnastics, and morel Locat ed on the lakefront 2 hours from NYC. Call 215-887-9700. CAMP JOBS IN NORTHERN MINNESOTA Camp Buckskin has various positions available to help youth with academic and socail skill difficultires (ADHA, ADD, LD). Excellent practical experience. Internships available with salary+ room and board. Camp is located on a lake near Ely and BWCA. Contact: Tim Edmonds, (6121 930-3544. E-MAIL: camD.bLickskin© CAMP PROGRAM ASSISTANT Outdoor person needed who is enthusiastic and kids oriented to implement summer program activities for girls 6-12 at girls’ camp near Nebraska City. This is a seasonal position, June 3 to August 12. Camp stall do live at camp. Resident facilities accommodate female staff only. Min imum age 19. Current lifeguard training certification re quired. Will subsidize training fee if willing to take first available lifeguard training and pass. Camping experi ence preferred. Salary is $180 to $200 per week. Call Debby at Homestead Girl Scout Council. 476-7539 or 1 800-487-2578. (TDD) WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNI TY ORGANIZATION^COMMITTEDTODiyERSITY^^ Children’s Couselors. Activity Instructors, Horse people, Nanny, Bus Drivers, Cooks, Kitchen Manager, Kitchen Help for Mountain Summer Camp, 10063 Gold Hill Road, Boulder, CO 80302, (303) 442-4557. I’m looking for 3 students who want to run their own business, make $6,000 and get college credit. Call 423 4577._' Looking for strong person to help with disabled boy. Flexible part-time summer hours. For more info., please call Jennv. 488-5552, M-F, 1:30-6:30pm. p toi^aTNAW andea^^^^wJ M^y • Up to $80 cash in two weeks iBSIjill jSSi • Return donors qualify for bonuses |l|j * For an appointment call 474-2335 r^1 BioMedical Center Yeah, you. That's right. I'm talking to you. Are you going to be in Lincoln this summer? Interested in wealth beyond your wildest dreams? How about fame and glory? Well you won't get it at the Summer DN. What you will get is a chance to do something special. The Summer edition of the DN will be nothing like it has ever been. Weekly magazine format, killer art and stories that will rock your world. It will be all new — and nothing like the fall and spring issues. Interested? Well, we need writers, editors, photographers and columnists who are ready to take on a challenge, and willing to put their hearts into it. Applcatlons are available now at 34 Nebraska Union for: •Features Editor •Copy Desk Editors •Photo Chief •Staff reporters • Staff photographers ’ f _;_,_ QUESTIONS? I Contact Summer Editor Matt Waite at 472-2588. f NEED EXTRA INCOME? Earn up to $160 / month * Help Save Lives, Donate Plasma BONUSES PAID FOR NEW and RETURN donors (after 3 month lapse) CALL TODAY 475-8645 ) CENTEON | BIO-SERVICES. INC. I 1442 "O" St. J ctoS^1 sponsored by: Tfete ftegjUtf & <f- €U44en€HC€’. Need summer sitter, northeast Lincoln. Children ages 7 and 4. Full-time. Monday through Friday. If you are loving, caring, fun and wanting to enjoy summer at pool, parks, zoo, etc. please call 464-5958 after 4:30. Omaha Country Club Has a Summer Job For You!! Omaha Country Club is looking for hard working, motivat ed, individuals who enjoy working with the public. If you are that individual, Omaha Country club may have a job for you! We have immediate openings for Wait Staff, Bartenders, Mens Locker Room Manager, Mens and Ladies Locker Room Attendants, Golf Course Service Staff, Golf Course Grounds, Lifeguards and an Account ing Clerk position. Interested applicants may apply in person, Tuesday Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm at 6900 Country Club Rd. PREMIERE BROTHER-SISTER CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Counselor positions for talented and energetic students as Program Specialists in all Team Sports, especially Baseball, Basketball, Roller Hockey, Gymnastics. Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball; 30 Tennis openings; also Golf, Archery, Riflery, Pioneering/Overnight Camping, Ropes and Rock Climbing, Weights/Fitness and Cycling; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Figure Skating, Newspaper, Photography, Yearbook, Radio Sta tion, Cooking, Sewing, and Rocketry; All Waterfront/Pool Activities (Swimming, Skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Ca noeing/Kayaking). Top salaries, room, board and travel. June 18th-August 17th. Inquire: MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118 DANBEE (Girls): 1-800-392-3752 Seasonal work in Parks and Golf Courses available. Part time employment in grounds maintenance for the Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department. Postions available in janitorial, mowing, gardening, golf courses and related duties. Desire applicants to be 18 years of age or older. A valid drivers license in required for most positions. Starting wage of $5.25 or higher, depending on experi ence. Applybetween the hours of 8-4:30pm at the Lincoln . Parks and Recreation Adminstration Offices. 2740 A St., Lincoln, NE. _ EOE_ Summer Camp Opportunities Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki. located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions: Counse lors, Wranglers. Lifeguards, Waterfront Direc tors, Assistant Cook, Crafts Instructors. AdvertureTrail Guides, Nature Director, Archery and Riflery Instructors, Steward, Health Super visor, Maintenance. Call or write: YMCA Camp Kitaki, 1039 P Street, Lincoln, NE 68508. (402)434-9225 OR ask for one of our application packets at your Student Employment/Career Services Office. Summer Camp Counselors Prestigious New York, Pennsylvania and New England area children's camps seek counselors/instructors for: Waterskiing, Sailing. Windsurfing. Swimming (WSI's), Athletics. Tennis, Gymnastics. Lacrosse, Golf, Ropes Course. Climbing, Music, Art, Secretarial, etc... Salary, room and board, travel compensation. Great fun. friends, memories. 1-800-226-7489. -SCmmeSTwork-T Nebraska Book Company has many positions open. Stocking, Packing, Misc. Warehouse du ties. Rain or shine 40 hours a week, Daytime - no weekends. May through August - $6.00 per hour. We have a few openings now if you have hours open prior to final exams. Apply in person at: NEBRASKA JOB SERVICE 1010 “N” Street Mon. April 1 thru Frl. April 5 and Mon. April 8 thru Frl. April 12 8-11 AM and 1-4 PM EOE Losers and Slackers Don't call me. I'll take 6 more competitive students to make $1800/month. 1-800-873-8970. $1750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. For Info call 202-393-7723. Need cash flow? No investment no selling, no hype. 800-223-6477, ID # EV6132478. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. $250 deposit, $250 rent, half utilities, garage, quiet neigh borhood. Short or long term. 464-7399. 3 M/F roommates to share house near campus. $150/ month + 1/5 utilities. Washer/dryer. 435-844(f Female non-smoking roommate for 4-bedroom duplex, 2 bath, washer/dryer, garage. Available May. $231+ 1/4 utilities. 476-8916 DILBERT BY §©@'u,rii lAi'iilii'MQ THE EXECUTIVE REVIEW DOARD MEETING 15 CANCELED. I HOPE VOU DIDN'T WORK TOO HARD PREPARING,* . r 2 O o o <0 pAUsCl UNLIKE ALICE, f CONTROL) I SACO IT )FIST... ) CODING AND l OF... ) DID NO COORK VdEATH..*) CO HAT SOEVER. DID YOU SEE THAT CODING, IU14_ NOSTRA- WHAT DOES * THIS DO TO DAfAUS? HEADCOUNT? G00\> WEWS, Mites! WV£ f A COMPUTER PAlRd) HOU 1 f10UU se monitor dam] tauc about BIZARRE 56EN SELECTED Td B£ IM U/iTH A BEAR FROM TWE LI AM) MGHT S'I SdEA/TiSTS COURTSHIP RITUALS A VATI0WWID6 CAPTIVE DENVER 200. SHe'LL FLH n AND WIU)UFE EXPERT*, AS . BREEDlAJC- PROG-RAM ! Dom/n FDR A WEEC'5 VISIT... I l WELL. AS REGULAR. UlSrTDRS' I KNOUJ 1 IT S / ; --1^ V-——--H so Romantic r \ i t" 0* T* o o :> & Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0512 ACROSS 1 Seating for the amen corner 5 Bushy hairdos 10 Old Polish woman 14 Yearn 15 Raccoon’s relative 16 Muslim generals 17 Start of a quip 20 “Some Like It 21 Bucks’ mates 22 Green, in Grenoble 23 Frau’s counterpart 24 Little Red Schoolhouse book 26 Engine-room aides 29 Whalers’ casks 30 Clay-footed one? 31 Wasn’t healthy 32 Seal school 35 Quip: Part II 39 Take sustenance 40 Golf course 41 Fashion 42 Surface for bowlers 43 Dark glasses: Colloq. 45 Hawthorne products 48 Prepare mentally 49 Black or Valentine ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 50 Bart Simpson, for one 51 Tease 54 End of the quip 58 Lab heater 59 Playwright’s ploy 60 U.S. author: 1909-55 61 Parts of a div. 62 Fooled 63 Saucy DOWN 1 Walkway 2 Canyon phenomenon 3 One of a reporter’s five W’s 4 Matched items 5 Cast 6 Vestibule 7 Butts 8 A native American 9 Word in R.S.V.P. 10 Lox carriers 11 “I Enjoy Being 12 Moisten the roast 13 Michaelmas daisy 18 River south of Kassel 19 Work too hard 23 Gehenna 24 Farm structures 25 Look furtively 26 Cher to Sonny, once 27 Comic’s light bulb 28 Frost, for one 29 Perilous 31 Choreographer De Mille 32 Spur 33 Word with shoppe 34 Color changers 38 Fighting footballers 37 Aswan’s river 38 Gulf sultanate 42 Joe Louis and Omni 43 Scheduled 44 “... I-war”: ~ F.D.R. 45 Aspen aficionado 46 Discernment 47 Monkey’s uncle? 48 This often precedes a fall 50 Radar sight 51 Fad 52 Roman road 53 Bulbous vegetable 55 Shaver 56 Baton Rouge campus: Abbr. 57 Seance sound