The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1996, Page 10, Image 10

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    Artist’s paintings lurk in the basement
t - . . ,
By Patrick Hambrecht
Art Critic
Joe Broghammer’s pastel paintings all
tell a story of a cold, clammy basement
where half-human things arc tied up and
His “I fish” show is on display at the
Haydon Gallery, 335 N. Eighth St., until
April 27.
A strong feeling of self-ridicule and con
tempt cries out from many of Broghammer’s
paintings, particularly “A small town is pre
paring for the biggest art show it can afford.”
In it, a haphazard collection of garbage is
hung by ropes from the ceiling of an empty
stage, with a painted banner saying “Explor
ing One’s Inner Sel f, a Show By Larry Gerber
Obviously mocking a gallery show very
much like his own, Broghammer questions
the very point of his artwork in “A small
town.” Again in “Testing the Brick Wall
Theory,” an arrow sign points at the barely
alive objects in the painting, announcing
“the bad artists exhibit.”
The dim green light of a scummy pond
illuminates many of Broghammer’s paint
ings, including “Swimming with a fright
ened esophagus, as though we’re seeing his
pitiful creations underwater.”
The painting shows a naked duck-man
blindfolded and hanging from ropes, with a
docile expression on his billed face. Beaded
ropes arc stuck with fishhooks in his skin,
and knives lie carelessly tossed beneath him.
It’s hard to tell whether the mallard man is
underwater or not, but cither way, his situa
tion is unenviable.
There’s not much joy in Broghammer’s
paintings, only a dull sense of the pathetic
and the pitilul, as each of his ugly creatures
starves for sanity and attention in its own
dirty cellars.
The Haydon Gallery is open from 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Admis
sion is free.
From the Associated Press
PASADENA, Calif. — Angela Bassett,
whose career has taken her from the projects
to Broadway and Hollywood, won top hon
ors at the NAACP Image Awards for her
performance in “Waiting to Exhale.”
Bassett was named best lead actress and
Loretta Divine best supporting actress for
their roles in the film, about the lives and
loves of four close friends.
“Waiting to Exhale” was named best
motion picture of the year Saturday at the
27th annual awards ceremony.
The ceremony was taped at the Pasadena
Civic Auditorium and will be aired April 23
on Fox.
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Monday, April 8,1996 Page 10
02 Appliances
05 Bicycles
10 Books
13 Clothing
16 Computers
20 Furniture
30 Jewelry
40 Misc. For Sale
45 Musical Instruments
46 Office Furniture
50 Pets
55 Photo Equipment
60 Sporting Goods
65 Stereos/TVs
70 Ticket Exchange
90 Vehicles
200 Rides
203 Spring Break Trips
205 Career Events
210 Announcements
215 Meetings
220 Greek Affairs
230 Student Government
240 Personals
242 Pinning &
245 Lost & Found
250 Wanted
260 Fundraising
270 900 Numbers
300 Help Wanted
310 Child Care
320 Work Study Jobs
330 Summer Jobs
340 Internships
400 Roommates
410 Housing Wanted
420 Rooms/Rent
430 Houses/Rent
440 Duplex/Rent
450 Apartments/Rent
460 Summer Housing
470 Mobile Homes/Rent
480 Vacation/Rent
490 Homes/Sale
500 Adoption
505 Alterations & Sewing
510 Automotive
515 Bicycle Service
520 Bridal
525 Catering
528 Child Care
530 Cleaning/Laundry
531 Cleaning/Households
535 Computer Service
540 Entertainment
545 Gift Ideas
548 Hairstyling
550 Health & Fitness
553 Insurance
555 Instruction/Tutoring
558 Job Placement
560 Lawn care
565 Legal Services
573 Music Exchange
575 Photography
578 Pregnancy
580 Printing & Copying
582 Recycling
583 Religious
585 Rentals
588 Tanning
590 Tattooing
593 Travel
595 Typing & Resumes
$3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads.
$.15 each additional word.
$.75 billing charge.
Personal ads must be prepaid.
Found ads may be submitted free of charge.
DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
religion, age, disability, marital status or national
00s For Sale
Used washer, dryer, refrigerator or range, delivered,
guaranteed and payments of only $25 for three months
“That's a deal!" 466-6252.
95 GT RTS-3 full suspension mountain bike. Like new.
466-6860, leave message.
Used mountain bike. New tires and pedals. $75 or best
offer. 436-8915.
r~ _j
Imagewriter It good condition, $60. Macintosh Plus Com
puter, $100. Macintosh SE Computer, $120. Prices as
shown or best offer. Call 472-2578, ask for Kent.
Almost new Alpine car stereo, 3 disc changer, equalizer
and accessories. Call 466-2696 after 5pm.
'87 Chevrolet Cavalier, 4 doors automatic, mileage
80500, with 4 new tires, new muffler, new time belt, and
new fuel injection. Selling $2200. 475-2314.
1976 Volvo Station wagon. Good car for $475.474-4777.
200s Notices
ALASKA EMPLOYMENT-Fisheries, Parks, Resorts now
hiring! Earn to $3,00-$6,00/mol Airfare! Room/Boardl
FREE VIDEO w/program! State Licensed Service. Call
(919)932-1489, ext. A39.
Fishing Industry. Earn to $3,000-$6,000+/month + bene
fits. Male/Female. No experience necessary. (206)971
3510 ext.A57784 _
Camp Challenge
Summer Leadership School
So you didn’t sign up for ROTC as a freshman or sopho
more. Catch up at Army ROTC Camp Challenge, a PAID
six week summer course with college credit inleadership
training. Call 472-4269 for details.
- Earn up to $2,000+/month. World travel. Seasonal & full
time positions. No exp. necessary. For info, call 1-206
971-3550 ext. C57782
Ext. C2701
Teach basic conversational English in Prague, Budapest,
or Krakow. No teachingcertificate of European languages
required. Inexpensive Room & Board + otner benefits. For
info, call: (206) 971-3680 ext.K57781
Emerging Leader
Teaching Assistant
Application deadline has been extended to April 18
Applications are available in Office of Student Involve
ment, 200 Union.
Over $6 billion in public and private sector grants &
scholarships is now available. All students are eligible
regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us
help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495
ext. F57784 •
Come to the Union today and receive a free 10 oz. bag of
peanut or plain MS M's when vou fill out a NBC credit card
application (no annual fee for first year)
Guitar Instruction/Rental
Zager Studio, 464-7771,
Money For College!!!!
Hundreds & Thousands of Grants Availalbe to ALL Stu
dents. IMMEDIATE Qualification. NEVER has to be re
paid. CALL 1-800-585-8 AID.
UNMC Graduate Studies at the Arts & Sciences Advising
Center, 107 Oldfather, Wednesday April 10,1-4 Call 472
4190 for appointment.
Sunday, April 14th, 2:00pm. Three-person Teams. Free
Prizes awarded. All UNL Students eligible. To register go
to Honors Program office, 118 Neihardt. or e-mail honors
@unlinfo2.unl edu. Registration deadline is April 10th.
Unleashing the Power of Self
An interactive lecturette and discussion about alternative
styles of leadership. Special Guest Dr. Henry Sims.
Thursday April 11th 6:30-8:00pm. Free to UNL students.
$2 general public. Love Ubrary Auditorium.
Sponsored by Student Involvement and The College of
Human Resources and Family Sciences.
'A’ 'A 'A
Voter Registration
Monday- April 8
10am to 1pm
, East Campus Union
Tuesday- April 9
10am to 1 pm
* 'City Campus Union
Register and Make a Difference!
Sponsored by
Government Liaison Comm.
Which animal lays 13 million eggs a year?
What animal mates for more than 50 hours?
Which animal has the largest genitalia in proportion to
body size?
Answers aren’t in the Big Eight issue of Playboy,
theyre in
Entomology 108-Insects, Science, and Soceity
Fall 1996
Ag Ed Club
Meeting Tuesday, April 9th, 6:30pm, East Campus Union.
Officer elections and final Convention Planning.
Criminal Justice
Student Association
April 9th, 11:00am
Speaking on Crime and the State of Nebraska
City Union Regency Suite A
April 10, 8:00pm
Special agent Ed Humphries
from the FBI
in 1105 Niehardt
Student Education
Welcoming all Education Majors. Meeting 5:00pm,
Wednesday, April 10 in Henzlik, room 53. Speaker: Janet
Ehlers on career services and resumes.
Undergraduate Women
in Business
Business Woman of the Year Banquet, Tuesday, Apr. 9th.
6:30 p.m., NE Union, Regency Room. Members need to
be there at 6;15 P.M.
Applications are now available for Greek Yearbook Assis
tant Editors for the 1996-97 school year. Pick one up at the
Greek Affairs Office, 3rd floor union.
Are you ready for
Don't forget registration is due Tuesday, April 9th. We
want to see how good you can play. Be on the courts April
14th. Call 436-0697 for registration.
Attention Greeks
Does your summer job suck? If so, call me. Make $540/
week and college credit. 423-7545.
We hope you have a great week! You deserve it. We love
your sisters
Does Gambling Pay?
Hear about the gambling experiences and effects from an
ex-mobster from the Chicago area, who is under the
witness protection program.
April 8th, 1996
_ Nebraska Union Ballroom
AY 7
A belated THANKS for giving us our WIND. We’ll watch
Friends with you guys anytime!
Love, Phi Mu
Congrats to Mandy Johnson on being accepted into Phi
Eta Sigma and Alpha Lambda Delta Freshman
Honoraries! We are proud of you!
Love, your sisters
Congratulations to Pat Miller on his acceptance to study
at Senshu University in Tokyo, Japan next fall. Don't get
too caught up in Sumo Wrestling.
Good luck from your Triangle brothers
Have an impact on committees dealing with student
related concerns. Applications available at 115 Nebr.
Union for 29 different committee openings for next year.
Deadline for all positions is 4:00 p.m., April 10.
I want a woman who likes Objectivism: the philosophy of
Ayn Rand. Write to room 4116,600 North 15th St, Lincoln,
NE 68508-1296.
Lost: Black Hills Gold Cross Necklace, between Love
library and North parking lot, sentimental value. If found,
please call 421-2595.
Championship rings paying up to $1,000. 1-800-624
7243 pin# 1963139.
Wanted 23 Students. Lose 5-29 pounds this month. New
metabolism breakthrough. RN assisted. Guaranteed-free
gift. $35 fee. 1-800-777-7618.
3O0gm: JoEs
Attention Telemarketers
Earn $8.50/hr, Easy Cash & Fun Environment. Call Today
4 Start Tomorrow. JRW Sales 436-3080.
Dietary Aid
Applications are being taken tor a part-time evening shift
P?5*ltifL(5Pmr®:'l5pm), $5.63/hr. Evening and weekend
shift differentials. Vacation, sick-leave, and holidays.
Apply at: Uncaster Manor, 1001 South St., Lincoln, NE.
Claims Adjuster
We are seeking a college graduate to fill a trainee positioi
in our Norfolk District office.
This position offers the opportunity to build a career witl
ka eadlf19 domestic Property, casualty writer in Nebras
Qualified applicants must posess strong time manage
ment and communication skills and good analytical aoil
ity. A rural background and an aptitude in buildinq con
struction could be helpful.
This is a salaried position that offers an excellent benefi
package along with a company car. An excellent traininc
program is also provided.
Persons interested in this opening should send theii
resume and cover letter to:
Personnel Director,
Farmers Mutual of Nebraska
P.O. Box 81529,
Lincoln, NE 68501.
Early morning life guards needed. Must have current
certification and be reliable. Also need swim instructors
various times and days. Apply: Northeast YMCA, 2601 N
70th Street.
Earn $30 in 2 hours
Educational Testing Service now hiring consultants for a
GRE Item Bias Study. You must be a first year graduate
student and a US Citizen. For more information contact
Kris Yates at 474-0389 or at
Production Assistant
Full and part-time Production Assistant posi
tions available at Lincoln Cable Vision Qualified
applicants will have strong video production
skills and strong desire to learn. Positive attitude
and the ability to communicate effectively with
co-workers and customers a must. Apply in
person at CableVision, 5400 S16th St., Mon-Fri,
8am-5pm. CableVision Is an equal opportuni
ty employer M/F/D/V.
General construction, concrete, roofing, siding etc, car
pentry, $8/hour. Call Phoenix Properties, 474-5327.
FURNITURE AT AUCTIONS, Call 7pm-9pm only, 477
Journalism majors needed to put together promotional
pieces for a marketing and promotional firm. Call for
information 434-5010, ask for Frank.
Large law firm seeking self-motivated individual for part
time librarian. Previous library or office experience pre
ferred. Morning hours. Send resume to: Administrator,
1000 NBC Center, Lincoln, NE 68508.
Lawn mowing, 20 hours per week, $6/hour. Phoenix
Properties, 474-5327.
Night Owls
8pm-1 am Night stockers. Flexible hours. See night man
ager at Super Saver, 27th and Cornhusker.
Now accepting applications for day help, servers and
kitchen. Apply in person at Vincenzo's, 808 P Street.
Part-time car cleaner. Must work Sat and Sun, approx 11
hrs, $5.75/hr. Apply in person at Budget Rent A Car at
Part-Time Tellers
NBC is accepting applications for part-time tellers at
Havelock, Parkway, Superior, Rampark Branches. Have
lock hours are 7am to 1pm, M-F; 8:30am to 12:00pm on
Superior hours are 11am to 5:45pm and 1pm to 5:45pm,
M-F and Saturdays 8:30am to 12.
Rampark hours are 7am to 12:30pm, M-F; 8;30am to 12
on Saturday.
Parkway hours are 12pm to 5:45pm, M-F; 8:30 am to 12
on Saturday.
Prefer six months' teller experience with good customer
service skills or a minimum of six months cashing checks
and balancing transactions in the business environmemt.
Please call the First Commerce Job Hotline 434-4700 for
more details or call Human Resources 434-4147 to set up
an appointment.
PT Evening Sales
Monday-Thursday, 5pm-8:30pm, hourly plus commis
sion plus bonuses. 489-2081.
If you are seeking a career with one of Lincoln's top
employers... Now's your chance.
Our Sales Department is offering an opportunity of a
lifetime. We are going to invest time and money in YOU...
If you’ve always wanted to be a Marketing Associate in
one of the most exciting industries, but don't have all of the
qualifications, we will train you. Good work ethic manda
tory, with some Sales and/or Food Service helpful. Also
must be willing to relocate.
This is a Full-Time position which includes our excellent
benefit package. Applications for the SALES TRAINEE
are being accepted now. Don’t miss your chance... Apply
NOW. Applications will be accepted Monday - Friday
7am-5pm. Any resumes mailed in should be directed to
1700 Center Park Road
Lincoln, NE 68512
13th &E
i 2° GR^T Wa9es, FLEXIBLE Hours, 1/2 PRICE Meals,
Career Opportunities. Buddy Bonus Program, and a FUN
Environment make you smile? If so, apply at Runza today
, and see why we make so many people smile!
State Farm: A great place to work
Are you in need of a full-time/part-time job to finance your
education? If you can type 55 wpm or better, you may be
qualified for a Word Processing position with State Farm
Insurance Company.
We offer competitve salary, flexible hours, and a profes
sional work environment.
Apply in person or contact State Farm Insurance; West
Central Regional Office; Human Resources; 222 S 84th
Street, Lincoln, NE 68501,402-486-5222.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Posltlons available monthly. B.A. or B.S. degree re
quired. US$18,500-S23,400/year. Accommodation
and round-trip airfare provided. Send resume, copy of
diploma and copy of passport to: Bok Ji Corporation,
Chun Bang Bldg., 154-13 Samsung Dong, Kang Nam
Gu, Seoul, Korea 135-090.
Tel: 011-82-2-555-JOBS(5627) FAX: 011-82-2-552
ik ik ik
Fastest growing firm where the work environment is
stimulating and fun and where YOU CAN MAKE BIG
Starting with a guaranteed $6.50 rate, you can earn $8.50
with good performance. We also offer a $100 hiring
bonus, paid training, awesome non-cash bonuses and
flexible hours. In all, a great part-time position—see for
Apply in person or call Robin. EOE.
Suite 304 Golds Galleria
ik ik ik
Immediate opening for an experienced, responsible indi
vidual to assist with: answering the phone and greeting
the public, making copies, processing daily out-going
mail, preparing bulk mailings, some typing, data entry and
word processing. The position is 3-4 hours/day in the
afternoon; Monday - Friday. Starting wage $5.35/hour.
Send cover letter and resume to: Vice President, United
Way, 215 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln. NE 68508 by
April 19.
Wanted: Math Tutor for a 4th grader. Please call 420
The World-Herald is looking for a part time service assis
tant to assist with customer inquiries and the distribution
■ of the newspaper. Qualified applicant will promptly an
swer inquiries over the telephone. Hours are 5:00 a.m.
Noon. If interested call Tamie at 476-6100.
(19-27 years) for a 3-yr research study to examine the
effects of calcium supplementation. Paid $30.00 for each
of 8 visits. If you are a non-smoker, in good health, and
have a poor diet, you may qualify. Call Betty Chin, 402
280-4819, at Creighton University Osteoporosis Re
search Center.
ECE Needed
Applications now being taken. Partial rent credit for nicely
furnished downstairs apartment. Exchange for
afterschool evening childcare (1 child). Begins June, 1
year committment required. 465-4754.
The Elite Nanny Service! Call us to find the best jobs
available in the childcare field. One-year commitment
only. Nannies Plus 1-800-752-0078.
Students Wanted for
Fall Semester
If you LOVE to work with children and enjoy working in a
fun environmenL with flexible, hours, see Tish at the
ynjygjsityOijjdjCare. 1432 N St. for an apdication,
APPLY NOW! Hard-working student painters needed for
full-time, summer work. No experience necessary! Earn
$5-10/hr. Please complete application at the SEIC office
in City Union, or call 1-800-392-1386
College Pro Palm