FRIDAY I WEATHER: TJF f Today - Becoming mostly M V ■ sunny. Northwest wind 10 |\ /J I I to 15 mph. JLm JL Tonight - Partly cloudy, COVERING THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA SINCE 1901 VOL. 95 NO. 13JT 7 low in the lower 20'S_ — .- _April 5,1996_ Travis Heying/o/sj Melissa Landis, a part-time environmental studies major, speaks to a small crowd in the Crib on Thursday during National Day without Violence. The activities in the Nebraska Union were sponsored by Nebraskans for Peace. ‘Heads and hearts’ Groups come together to promote peace By Erin Schulte and Michaela Pieler Staff Reporters " “Peace in the Home” is an ironic name for one of Laurie McClain’s songs. The lyrics describe a situation familiar to McClain and women all across the country: creeping around one’s home and emotions to avoid physical or mental abuse from a husband. McClain brought her songs to the Crib in the Nebraska Union on Thursday as part of the National Day without Violence celebration. The celebration lands on the anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King Jr., said Greg Rosenboom, a member of Nebras kans for Peace. Universities around the country planned activities for the day, he said. McClain said abused women often needed encouragement to leave abusive relationships. “Songs offer women a gentle way to step outside of the situa tion,” McClain said. “They see themselves in the songs.” And individual peace is the be ginning of world peace, she said. “World leaders’ lives are a mess,” McClain said. “Peace needs to start with each of them.” Government legislation on crime will not prevent viplence, and that’s why National Day without Violence was created, Rosenboom said. Only education and understand ing achieved through such events will stop society’s problems, he said. “If I raise my hand to hit you, legislation isn’t going to stop me,” Rosenboom said. “You have to get into peoples’ heads and hearts.” That’s what organizers of the celebration wanted to accomplish, he said. Nebraskans for Peace joined Amnesty International, Ecol ogy Now and the Women’s Studies Association in setting up exhibits and giving presentations. Rosenboom said the day brought many different student groups to gether. “Violence touches any group of people,” Rosenboom said. “There arc alternatives to the way the world goes. We want to promote such issues as conflict resolution and nonviolent conflicts.” Scott Wesely, state coordinator for Nebraskans Against the Death Penalty, said the press promoted executions. “The press was all over the Otey execution,” Wesely said. “They were coming at it as if it were a football game.” He said alternatives to the death penalty should be researched. Crime prevention, education and teaching children how to solve con flicts without violence are all vi able optionslo the death penalty, he said. “We’re thirsty for blood, thirsty for revenge, and we haven’t really even even tried anything else,” Wesely said. Gregg Williams, education spe cialist at Multi-Cultural Affairs, said violence served only to divide people. “We have nothing to talk about as long as we live in anger,” he said. “1 hope we can move this day with out violence to a month, to a year and to a life without violence.” Suspect charged with possessing bomb components By Nicholas K. Geranios The Associated Press HELENA, Mont. — Investigators found a partially assembled pipe bomb, chemicals and meticulous notes on making explosives in the mountain cabin of the former Berkeley math professor suspected of being the Unabomber, federal officials said Thursday. Theodore John Kaczynski, 53, was charged Thursday with possessing the bomb components and was held with out bail. Appearing before a judge, Kaczynski, bearded and thin, said he was mentally competent and couldn’t afford his own lawyer. The charge made no mention of the Unabomber’s string of bombing at tacks, which killed three people and injured 23 in 18 years. Federal offi cials said the charge was designed to hold Kaczynski while agents build a case. The FBI again searched Kaczynski’s hand-built, 10-by-l 2-foot cabin Thursday. Federal officials said the search could last several days. “It’s going very slowly because we’re not sure if it’s booby-trapped,” saida federal agent speakingon condi tion of anonymity. “We have an explo sives ordnance team X-raying every thing before we touch it.” The cabin has no electricity or run ning water, which would appear to match the Unabomber’s aversion to modern society and technology. FBI agents had been staking out Kaczynski’s cabin near the Continen tal Divide for several weeks, ever since his mother and brother in the Chicago area notified authorities that they had stumbled across some of his old writ ings. Kaczynski was taken into custody by federal agents Wednesday so they could search his cabin in the wilder ness 50 miles northwest of Helena. A key question went unanswered: How could Kaczynski, described by See KACZKNSKI on 2 Washington gneves the death of Brown By John Diamond the Associated Press WASHINGTON — A stunned capital was in mourning Thursday. Flags flew at half-staff and grief hung over the Commerce Department on a sunny spring day that should have held the promise of new life. The bodies of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and his entire entourage had been found, recovered from a Wednesday plane crash in Croatia. A grieving President Clinton, whom Brown helped win the White House in 1992, ordered flags flown at half-staff in the nation’s capital. On Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange ob served a moment of silence. Clinton called Brown’s widow early Thursday to notify her the secretary’s body had been identified, said presi dential spokesman Mike McCurry. The president and first lady joined other administration officials at a brief memorial service at nearby St. John’s Episcopal Church. The ceremony was closed to the public, and police blocked off nearby streets as passersby stopped to watch. Afterward, Clinton said it was “a very moving memorial service, not only to grieve but also to celebrate the life” of Brown and the other victims. “We thank God for their life, we pray for their families and we came to gether in our grief and redcdication.” At the Pentagon, Air Force Lt. Gen. Howell Estes III said search crews were trying to determine the number of people on the plane. A passenger list for the flight showed 33 Americans and two Croatians but, as of Thursday, only 33 bodies had been recovered. Contrary to reports from Croatia, Estes said he did not believe the Air Force passenger plane carried a voice or data recorder. He also defended the relatively old technology used to guide the plane toward the Dubrovnik air port before the crash. “It is a kind of an approach that’s been around for a while, there’s no question about that, but it’s still a very valid approach,” Estes said. “Many aircraft have landed at the airport there at Dubrovnik with no difficulty. If we thought it wasn’t a safe approach, we wouldn’t allow our aircraft to use it.” The Air Force and the National Transportation Safety Board dis patched a team to Dubrovnik to inves tigate Wednesday’s crash near the Adriatic coast. See BROWN on 3 Lied director Marquis wants to keep UNL job by June sooczyK Senior Reporter The executive director of the Lied Center for Performing Arts has had a change of heart. In January, C. Bruce Marquis an nounced he would resign as director, but now he says he’d like to stay — even though the university is wrapping up a search for his replacement. “I have been greatly heartened by the enthusiasm that has been shown by audiences at the spring events,” Mar quis said. “I was encouraged that there was indeed support for the artistic vi sion I sought to bring to the Lied.” Marquis had said he was resigning because his artistic vision for the Lied Center differed from that of the university’s. But the past season has excited him, he said,and he’d like to continue work ing on his vision for the Lied Center. His vision, Marquis said, is bring ing cultural diversity to performances and broadening the audience’s hori zons. See MARQUIS on 7 Spirit plates bill cruises on By Ted Taylor Senior Reporter A bill that would make Comhusker spirit plates available to Husker fans in Nebraska sailed through another easy victory Thurs day in the Legislature But senators adopted two major amendments before the quiet cho rus of “ayes” advanced LB 1264, sponsored by Omaha Sen. Kermit Brashear. A one-word change to the bill by Sens. David Bernard-Stevcns of North Platte and Chris Beutler of Lincoln will allow all state college and university facilities to receive money for improvement and re pair. Initially, additional funds after the first $5 million would have been divided equally among the cam puses for athletic facilities only. “At least now it’s dealing more with education,” Bemard-Stevens said. “It sends a good message that we’re trying to helpall education.” Brashear has said the $70 plates would have the potential to gcner ate more than $1.2 million in the first year alone. Thirty dollars of the plate costs will go to the Department of Motor Vehicles cash fund, while the re maining $40 will go to a Spirit Plate Proceeds fund. Those funds would be distrib uted in three ways. —The first $3 million would go to a scholarship fund that will help former athletes pursue postgradu ate or graduate studies at any uni versity system campus. See PLATES on 7