**__ News Digest Edited by Michelle Gamer Wednesday, April 3,1996 Page 2 Tax questions? Call Telefax lot recorded information on about 150 tax topics, 2-1 hours a day. And the winners are... Matt Priest & Kentucky Matt wins a T-shirt from Backwoods Territory I_I Outdoor Outfitters, Otj'tWiS^RS Alamo Ctr, 5601 5.56 —-■ 420-2244 Congratulations! What's a reason to go wild with ldeasf\«Por you | PRIEND, of course! Think of the most creative graduation gift for your friend (within $50] and you could win a wonderful PRIZE for your FRIEND! It’s really simple. Just get your pencils ready and come on down to the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union to collect an entry form. Entries are due April 15,1996 FBI opens investigation into videotaped clubbing LOS ANGELES (AP) — The FBI opened a civil rights investi gation Tuesday into the videotaped clubbing of two illegal immigrants, and the Mexican government con demned the beating as a “flagrant violation” of the rights of its citi zens. Sheriff’s deputies clubbed the immigrants Monday after chasing a battered pickup crammed with people suspected of sneaking across the border. TV news helicopters captured the beating on video in broad daylight. During the chase, the pickup reached speeds of 100 mph, its shabby camper top disintegrating in the wind to reveal the people crammed inside. The truck finally stopped on the side of the freeway and the passen gers in back ran away. One deputy, holding his baton two-handed like a baseball bat, was videotaped clubbing the driver on the back and shoulders, even as the driver fell, face down, on the ground. When a woman got out of the cab, the same deputy beat her in the back with the baton, then grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to the ground. At least one other deputy struck her with his baton. Neither person, both Mexicans, appeared to resist or attempt to get away from the white officers. Andrian Flores Martinez, 26, the driver, had bruises and a possible broken elbow, authorities said. He was jailed, while 33-year-old Leticia Gonzalez, who was bruised on her face and arms, was released Tuesday to the custody of her law yer, David Ross. The sheriff’s department identi fied the deputies Tuesday as Tracy Watson and Kurtis Franklin and said both were suspended without pay. Franklin has been with the de partment for 20 years, Watson for five. “I’m not going to stand up here and say that there was no force used, because you would laugh me out of the room,” Lohman told re porters. “We saw it, we saw the same videotape that everyone’s seen, and we’re embarrassed.” Both the Los Angeles and Riv erside sheriff’s departments were investigating. The clubbing hap pened in South El Monte in Los Angeles County but the pursuit be gan in Riverside County. Mexico’s Department of Foreign Relations said it had “expressed its indignation” and ‘energetically condemned this flagrant violation of the human rights of its nation als” in a letter to the State Depart ment. Netwraskan http://www.unl.edu/DailyNeb/ FAX NUMBER 472-1761 The Daily Nebraskan(USPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board, Nebraska Union 34.1400 R St., Lincoln. NE 68588-0448, Monday through Friday during the academic year; weekly during summer sessions. _ .. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-1763 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For information, contact Tim Hedegaard, 436-9253,9 a.m.-11 p.m. Postmaster lend Sdresschangesfo the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union34,1400 R St..Lincoln. NE 68588-0448. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln. 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