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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1996)
Classified.™™ Tuesday, April 2,1996 * Page 12 7-year-old girl needs Elementary Ed/English major to tutor with reading skills. Must be good w/kids have excellent references/recommendations. 464-9781 leave message. Arts & Sciences Student Advisers Applications are available for Arts and Sciences Student Adviser positions in 107 Oldfather. Deadline is Friday April 5, 1996. Attention Telemarketers Earn $8.50/hr, Easy Cash & Fun Environment. Call Today & Start Tomorrow. JRW Sales 436-3080. Da Bone Now taking applications for kitchen help. Learn how to BBQ. Flexible schedules, competitive wages, free meals and FUN. Apply at It's the Pits, 49th and Holdredge. anytime. Gift shop at Sears at Gateway Mall now accepting appli cations tor part-time sales associates. Flexible hours and competitve hourly rate. Apply at Keys N Engraved Giftshop, lower level of Sears. ^ V You can make a difference in the life of a young girl Apply for a summer staff position at Day or Resident Camp with the Great Plains Girl Scout Council in Omaha. Over 50 positions available at all levels. To apply: Visit our booth on April 3rd at UNL Summer Job Fair or Call or Write: 402-393-4200 7100 West Center Road, Suite 120 Omaha. NE 68106 Help wanted for full-time or part-time lawn service. Call Tom 432-2069. IMMEDIATE PT POSITIONS AVAILABLE MOVING FURNITURE AT AUCTIONS, Call 7pm-9pm only, 477 9256 Information Superhighway is exploding. One company is growing at a rate of 500 percent a year. They are offering residual income for persons who would fike extra money or work full-time. There will be a small meeting on 4/3 at 4pm at 1845 Pepper Ave. Be there to tap into this company right now! JOB HUNTING? Call the SEIC Job Line! 472-8800 for jobs, jobs, jobs... Laundryland is hiring for the 1:45-7:30pm shift at 21st & J and 27th & Starr. $5/hr to start, apply in person. Lawn and landscape help needed. Must have neat ap pearance and good driving record. Call Lawnscape 464 2631. Lawn maintenance service needs part-time help now! Possible full-time for right person during summer. Must be neat .clean, and depenable. Farm experience a plus. For interview call 466-7771. Need in-home assistance, flexible hours, cooking, light housekeeping, and few misc errands. Close to campus. Possibility for private 1-bedroom, private thermostat/off street parking. Call for interview, 435-4738. ask for Larry. Needed Immediately! A few NICE people to walk around advertising. Earn $5-12.50/hr. Call 435-2855. Now accepting applications for day help, servers and kitchen. Apply in person at Vincenzo’s, 808 P Street. Now hiring for all positions, stop in between 2 and 4 to fill out an application. Bum Steer Steaks. 6440 O Street. 467 5110.__ Overnight freight company seeking full and part time drivers for morning and afternoon delivery and pick up of overnight letters and parcels in Lincoln and surrounding areas. Flexible hours; must be 21. $6 per hour. Apply in person to: 2200 West Adams (East of Airport terminal), from 3 to 7pm. Part-Time Tellers NBC is accepting applications for part-time tellers at Havelock and Parkway Branches. Havelock hours are 7 am to 1 pm M-F 8:30 am to 12:00 pm on Sat. Parkway hours are 12 pm-5:45 pm M-F 8:30 am to 12:00 pm on Sat. Prefer six months teller experience with good customer service skills or a minimum of six months cashing checks and balancing transactions in the business environmemt. Please call the First Commerce Job Hotline 434-4700 for more details or call Human Resources 434-4147 to set up an appointment. Part-time Job Immediate openings with summer hours available. Childcare assistance needed. 7:30-9:30am and/or 3:00 5:30pm, M-F to provide direct care of children. Also, all day sub positions available. Flexible days. Call Trinity Infant and Childcare. 475-9731. PART-TIME Year-round inside working with hand tools and machines on solid surface materials. Possible summer overtime. 434-6009 for interview time. Part-time help wanted ASAP. Must be able to work Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Apply at N Street Liquor, 1835 N St, 8am-5pm only. Permanent part-time sales position available for outgo ing. personable individual. Golf knowledge a plus. Please apply at Play It Again Sports, 6450 O Street. Spring and summer farm help needed. Close to Lincoln. 665-2567,665-3641. State Farm: A great place to work Are you in need of a full-time/part-time job to finance your education? If you can type 55 wpm or better, you may be qualified for a Word Processing position with State Farm Insurance Company. We offer competitve salary, flexible hours, amd a profes sional work environment. Apply in person or contact State Farm Insurance: West Central Regional Office; Human Resources: 222 S. 84th Street, Lincoln, NE 68501,402-486-5222. Equal Opportunity Employer Summer Help Assistant Manager needed for self storage units in West Lincoln. Good starting pay. Must have basic computer skills, reliable and able to work every weekend. Call Jim, 476-9292 M-F. The Athletic Business Office needs a student assistant to help maintain the department's IBM PC’s and Novell network. Duties include diagnosing hardware and soft ware problems, installing software, and helping train PC users. To apply, go to 113 South Stadium or call Craig at 472-2273. The Romantic is in need of part-time help for Gateway booth opening May 6th. $4.50. Apply at 400 N 48th, Suite C04. Tomorrow! A Job You Want Fair Part-time & Summer & Internships Wednesday, April 3.19% NE Union- City Campus 9:30a m-3:00pm For more info, call SEIC, 472-1452 Warehouse Jobs Great part time opportunity working 2pm-8pm, M, W, TH in our warehouse. We offer competitive pay, free parking, close proximity to campus and excellent working condi tions. Additional hours, summer work and career ad vancement may be available for outstanding performers. If you enjoy a fast pace, hard work and take pride in completing your work accurately and on time, you may be the person we need! Please apply at: Lincoln Poultry 20th & M Streets WOMEN NEEDED (19-27 years) for a 3-yr research study to examine the effects of calcium supplementation. Paid $30.00 for each of 8 visits. If you are a non-smoker, in good health, and have a poor diet, you may qualify. Call Betty Chin, 402 280-4819, at Creighton University Osteoporosis Re search Center. - 'iROtr SHOUilfcv’VE BEEN!!Pl" MC>J5>BI-! 1||||&ll, it’s NOTqro late! f Sion up now the compete in JlpTHE ' Women OE the Bio 121 Calendar Opivipetition! |ff Wo&dy’s _^PUB street m ———■J I ^ ^le Sountiuj Slut of JWk Wishes to fill full and part-time positions of banquet help to work day and/or evening hours. We offer the following benefits: $5.75-$6.00 Per Hour Plus Gratuity • Free Meals Excellent Working Conditions • Flexible Schedule Apply in Person at 3200 South 24th Street Tuesday thru Sunday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. SUMMER IN CHICAGO Child care and light housekeeping for suburban Chicago families. Responsible, loving, nonsmoker. Call Northfield Nannies, (847)501-5354. APPLY NOW! Hard-working student painters needed for full-time, summer work. No experience necessary! Earn $5-l0/hr. Please complete application at the SEIC office in City Union, or call 1-800-392-1386. College Pro Painters CAMP COUNSELORS OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLIM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MAS SACHUSETTS, PENNSYLVANIA, AND CALIFORNIA. All specialities: Athletics. Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exer cise, Nutrition, Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 20+. CALL FOR APPLICATION: 1-800-421-4321. CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/ girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sail ing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $1250 plus. Phone: 708-446-2444. CAMP COUNSELORS Join the exciting adventure and share the memories at SUMMER CAMP! Top ranked camps in Pocono Mountains of PA need counselors experienced teaching water and land sports, WSIs/Life Guards, Tennis, Gymnastics, and more! Locat ed on the lakefront 2 hours from NYC. Call 215-887-9700. Children's Couselors, Activity Instructors, Horse people, Nanny, Bus Drivers, Cooks, Kitchen Manager. Kitcnen Help for Mountain Summer Camp, 10063 Gold Hill Road, Boulder, CO 80302, (303) 442-4557, I’m looking for 5 studnets who want to run their own business, make $6,000, and get college credit. Call 423 4577. PREMIERE BROTHER-SISTER CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Counselor positions for talented and energetic students as Program Specialists in all Team Sports, especially Baseball, Basketball, Roller Hockey, Gymnastics, Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball; 30 Tennis openings; also Golf, Archery, Riflery. Pioneering/Overnight Camping, Ropes and Rock Climbing, Weights/Fitness and Cycling; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Figure Skating, Newspaper, Photography, Yearbook, Radio Sta tion, Cooking, Sewing, and Rocketry; All Waterfront/Pool Activities (Swimming, Skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Ca noeing/Kayaking). Top salanes, room, board and travel. June 18th-August 17th. Inquire: MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118 DANBEE (Girts): 1-800-392-3752 Summer Camp Opportunities Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki. located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions: Counse lors, Wranglers, Lifeguards, Waterfront Direc tors, Assistant Cook, Crafts Instructors, Adverture Trail Guides, Nature Director, Archery and Riflery Instructors, Steward, Health Super visor, Maintenance. Call or write: YMCA Camp Kitaki, 1039 P Street. Lincoln, NE 68508! (402)434-9225 OR ask for one of our application packets at your Student Employment/Career Services Office. i • < summer opportunities Are you looking for a summer of adventure? Apply now for six weeks of challenge and adventure. We wiA even pay you. NO OBLIGATION For more information. Call Army HOTC, 472-4269.' Summer Playground Staff Parks and Recreation summer positions: Leaders, Asst. Leaders,. June 10 -August 2, Monday - Friday, 9:15 a.m. -12:15 p.m. Conduct activities for grade school children. Apply now at 2740 A St. 441-7952. EOE/AA SUMMER WORK Nebraska Book Company has many positions open. Stocking. Packing, Misc. Warehouse duties. Rain or shine 40 hours a week, Daytime - no weekends. May through August - $6.00 per hour. We have a few openings now if you have hours open prior to final exams. Apply in person at: NEBRASKA JOB SERVICE 1010 “N” Street Mon. April 1 thru Fri. April 5 and Mon. April 8 thru Frl. April 12 8-11 AM and 1-4 PM EOE Tomorrow! A Job You Want Fair Part-time & Summer & Internships Wednesday, April 3,1996 NE Union- City Campus 9:30am-3:00pm For more info, call SEIC, 472-1452 $1750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. For info call 202-393-7723.__ Education majors earn money and free educational books. Usborne Books seeking consultants. Unlimited income potential. 438-7209. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act. which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. _ 2 F Roomates need to share 3BD, 2BH, W/D. $243+1/3 utlit. Aval. May 1. Call Tammy or Marie at 421 -9026. Male N/S roommate for 2BR. Quiet, responsible student. Available May. 474-2151- leave message. Male or Female roommate for 2-bedroom apt, quiet clean, non-smoker, $220/month + 1/2 utilities, 465-4962/ leave message. Nonsmoking female needed to share 3-bedroom house in Northeast Lincoln. 10 min to city campus. $158.33+ deposit+1/3 utilities. Washer/dryer, no pets. Available 5/ 1. Leave message if interested, 467-4814. One female roommate needed to share 4BR, 2BA, house from May to August. Furnished bedroom. $196.25/mo. + deposit+ 1/4 utilities. 435-7872. Roommate Wanted, Non-smoking male for 2-BR apt., $172.50/month +1/2 utiltites. Avaialble April 1st, 435 1825 M St. Clean three bedroom plus parking. $600.430 9618, 489-5168, and 476-3821. 2611 R St, large 4-BR, $800; 633 N. 26th. large 6-BR, $950; 4200 Baldwin, 6-BR, $800, 489-6948. 3,4, and 5 Bedrooms Available In May Near campus, 432-0644, 432-6644, 3018 S St. $775. Four bedroom, two bath, and central air. Call430-9618, 477-5222, and 489-5168. 3210 S Street. Four bedroom, two baths, central air, no pets. $650. 430-6328. * 4322 N 60th. 2-bedroom plus, house newly remodeled, garage, full-basement, no pets. $600+ deposit. Available 5/1.476-2313,466-8966. 519 N. 35th. Five bedroom, two baths, garage. $750/ month. No pets. 430-6328. 839 New Hampshire, 4-BR; 1136 New Hampshire, 4-BR; 1036 Y, 2-BR plus. Available August 1st. 435-5565. Brand New Built, 4-BR, 2-BA. double garage. $950. Call 430-6328. 2980 Dudley, ready May 1st. 4315 Orchard, ready August 1st. Reserving Now for Summer or August Nice houses, dose to campus. 432-0644, 432-6644. We Love Students! Open June 1st: 4-5 bedrooms Open August 15: 3 bedrooms Close In. Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Central A/C 423-1535 3 and 4 bedroom duplexes, $800-$895. Available for May and Summer months. Call between 8-6pm, 435-7807. Students Welcome Super-sharp 3 bedroom, between campuses, available May 1-15. Fireplace, carpet, stove, fridge, dishwasher. 1 1/2 bath. $585 + deposit. 1335 N 22. 476-2595. UIAffordable Apartments!!! 1,2,and 3-bedroom near campus. Summer leases avail able. $285 and up. Management One 477-2600 *** SUMMER & FALL LEASES ★** Reserve 1 Bedroom ($329 up); 2 Bedroom ($379 up). Bask in the sun, poolside; Laundry; Bus; Quiet concrete construction. JONES APARTMENTS 475-7262 640 S. 20 1503 S. 22nd St. Spacious three bedroom with central air. Nice neighbor hood. Available immediately. $525. 450-2622. 2323 T, 1-BR, available in April for sublease/lease. April rent paid. $310/mo. Close to campus, central air. appli ances, laundry, parking. Call 477-0849. Leave Message. 240 S. 26th, 2-BR, balcony, built in micro, newer, very nice, leave message. 483-2357. 3501 BALDWIN. Summer or 1 year leases. 2-bedrooms, large & clean. C/A, fireplace, laundry, 4-plex. $420.483 3524 Huntington, 2-bedroom apt., dose to campus, laun dry fadlity, parking, dishwasher. C/A, call 464-9593. 3525 Baldwin available in May for sublease/lease. 2 bedroom, fireplace, central air, laundry and parking for $395.464-9793, leave message. Apartments on Campus Large Efficences available. Nonsmoking, laundry, guar anteed parking, secure access, UNL shuttle stop, $350 per month. 477-6578. CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS ***IDEAL FOR STUDENTS*** Now leasing 1 BR and 3 BRs. Close to campus and downtown. First Come, First Serve. Call 474-7275 to set up appointment. Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy On Up To A Nice Warm Fire at Willowhaven Apts. Now available, 1 & 2-bedroom apts with fireplace or woodbuming stove and fully equipped kitchen. Call Now 476-6200 East Campus, large 2-Br, fireplace, balcony, all applianc es. Available May 1st, 423-0902. May & August Leases * East Campus, 36th and Huntington, 2-BR, fireplace central air, appliances, laundry, parking, no pets, 489 9916. Need subleases beginning of May. 3-BR at Claremont. 438-7632, leave message. Three bedroom, roomy, nice, deluxe kitchen, laundry, and no pets. Available 5/1/96. $505-$590. 466-9526. Two bedrooom apartment available immediately. $405 per month plus deposit Has dishwasher and washer/ dryer on premises. Close to UNL, downtown and Lewis softball complex. Nicfe view of state capital. To look at call 432-5602. On-Campus Summer Housing 31 furnished rooms. A/C, laundry, cleaned daily, at Trian gle Fraternity. Call Josh at 436-9447. FteservjngNow. Nice houses, close to campus. 432-0644 ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. and Vine, 475-2453. Unde Bob and his camoarder are fine, but if you wouid like FOREIGN STUDENTS it's firm to consider your immigration options. Cal) the Law office of Van Argyrakisfora confidential consultation. 402-346-8408. Lincoln Crisis Pregnancy center Free pregnancy test.confidential counseling. Call for Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Pregnancy testing and referral by professional and caring staff Information on ALL OPTIONS. Certified counselors available. Donations appreciated. Call for hours: 441 3300. Facts-of-Ufe Urn: 434-1990. PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT to a confidential helping tend. ^Frwywgnancyt88t’ P*®“® can tm for appoint Mini Storage-Remember when your now ax-friend said it woukJ be OK to park your now ex-bike in hia garage. 8NUINIWI 9pvCvr4UiIVHHvlll ITW. fgrteffwgg All typing needs filled at Computer T)rj>e and Services 4230 Progressive Ave.