AMI Congratulations to all of our wonderful new Alphas....Jenny Rogers, Megin Schulte, Kim Spanel, Mandi Scheitzer, Michele Decker, Kara England and Lana Greene!! _ Love, your sisters Destination Unknown EX A Downtown YMCA hiring lifeguard for MWF 9am-1pm shift. Apply at 1039 P St. 434-9232. Earn $50 For one days work each month. Transportation needed. 483-0323 EMPLOYMENT - CITY OF WAVERLY The City of Waverly is accepting applications for Swim ming Pool Lifeguards for the 1996 Season through March 29, 1996. Applications available at City Office, 14130 Lancashire Street, Waverly, NE. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Farm help wanted for the summer, full or part-time. Must be knowledgeable in livestock production and have cropt production experience. Close to Lincoln. Call 782-2009.I FLEXIBLE HOURS GREAT EXPERIENCE FUN PEOPLE Student Involvement Student Staff applications for 1996 97 now available in 200 NU, 300 ECU, the Culture Center or the Women's Center. Application deadline extended to. April 1, interviews April 1-i2. Positions available: Campus Programs Assistant 1 Culture Center Activities Assistant Graphic Artist Women's Center Volunteer Assistant East Campus Program Assistant Student Leadership Assistant. Publication Assistant Chancellor's Leadership Class Assistant salaries range from $4.50-$5.00 per hour. Please return your application to 200 Nebraska Union. FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE “Are you tired of trying to find a job to fit your schedule? “Do you need more money than a part-time job pays? Pegler-SYSCO one of Lincoln's largest employers has the job opportunity for you. We are now hiring in our busy warehouse for order selectors. Staring pay is $7.25/hr. Hours are flexible. Job requirements include: Able to pass drug screen and physical. Must be able to lift lOOIbs and, must be 18 yrs. old. If you meet these requirements don't wait, apply today: Applications accepted Mon.-Fri. 7am to 5pm at: PEGLER-SYSCO 1700 Center Park Road AA/EOE i a i You can make a difference in the life of a young girl Apply for a summer start position at Day or Resident Camp with the Great Plains Girl Scout Oouncil in Omaha. Over 50 positions available at all levels. To apply: Visit our booth on April 3rd at UNL Summer Job Fair or Call or Write: 402-393-4200 7100 West Center Road, Suite 120 Omaha, NE 68106 Graduate Assistantships Student Involvement Graduate applications for 1996-97 now available in 200 NU, 300 ECU, the Culture Center or the Women's Center. Priority screening begins on Mon day, March 18, final deadline for receipt of application is April 15. Hotel The new Quality Inn Lincoln Airport is looking for the following positions. - Full-time night auditor (11pm-7am) - Part-time/full-time guest service representative - Full-time/part-time housekeepers No experience is required. We offer a competitive salary, medical and dental benefits, paid vacation, and 401K plan. Please apply in person at the Quality Inn Lincoln Airport, 1101 W Bond Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68521. I Can’t Believe It’s Yogurt Is looking for bright, energetic people to join our staff part time. We offer competitive wages and flexible scheduling. Ideal applicants must be able to work this summer. Please apply in person at 70th & VanDorn, Holmes Lake Plaza. Immediate openings at a growing, 24 year furniture retail er. Excellent training, benefits and commission structure. Opportunity to earn up to high $30's. Call Bob for details at 483-4561. JOB HUNTING? Call the SEIC Job Line! 472-8800 for jobs, jobs, jobs... Kare Bear Daycare has a part-time infant teacher position availabte immediately. Monday-Friday. 2:30-5:30pm, Apply at 720 Westgate Blvd. Lawn and landscape help needed. Must have neat ap pearance and good driving record. Cali Lawnscape 464 2631. Lincoln manufacturing facility needs a part-time telemarketing representative to handle lead qualifica tions for our Degausser Division. Rexible scheduling available, working 15-25 hours/week, $6.25/hour + bo nus. Apply in person at Garner Industries, 4200 N 48th, the week of 3/25. NANNY OPPORTUNITIES Earn excellent money! Live in new and interesting areas. Go with the best referral service. Over 5,000 successful placements. Room, board, car plus, 'San Francisco $175/week 'Virginia $250/week 'NYC $200/week 'Chicago $225/week 'Hawaii $200/ week* Many more positions. No cost to nannyl One year commitment needed. Call 1-800-937-NANI for free brochure. Need in-home assistance, flexible hours, cooking, light housekeeping, and few misc errands. Close to campus. Possibility for private 1-bedroom, private thermostat/off street parking. Call for interview, 435-4738, ask for Larry. Overnight freight company seeking full and part time drivers for morning and afternoon delivery and pick up of overnight letters and parcels in Lincoln and surrounding areas. Flexible hours; must be 21. $6 per hour. Apply in person to: 2200 West Adams (East of Airport terminal), from 3 to 7pm. _ __ PART-TIME INTERNET OPERATION SUPPORT SPECIALIST Lincoln Telephone is seeking a part-time professional to work in its Data Communications division. Will provide Internet Services support including first level telephone support and problem resolution, proactive network mon itoring and reactive network problem resolution. Week end hours, approx. 16-20 hours per week. Successful candidates will have strong interpersonal, written and oral communication skills. Candidates must have exceptional personal computer skills. In-depth ex perience with word processor, spreadsheet, operating system, and computer-aided drawing programs is re quired. Must be knowledgeable in the operation of dial modems and TCP/IP network protocols. Lincoln Telephone offers competitve compensations and benefits. If you’re qualified and interested in working in a fast-paced, continous learning environment, please send your resume or complete an employment application prior to April 3,1996. LINCOLN TELEPHONE Attn: Laurie Kortum 1620 “M” Street Lincoln, NE 68501 Fax (402) 436-4405 Internet Address: EOE M/F/D/V Visit Lincoln Telecommunications’ home page for more company information at: Part-time putting together information kits for trade pub lication. 10-15 nours/week. For more information, call Heather, 466-1888. Part-time groundskeeper needed immediately. Experi ence in lawn care equipment and maintenance preferred. Ajjpty at Claremont Park Apts.. 1341 N9th#6, orcall474 Part-time assistant teacher, afternoons, Monday-Friday. Join our exciting early childhood program! Little Kingdom, 5100 Old Cheney Rd. Part-time Job Immediate openings with summer hours available. Childcare assistance needed, 7:30-9:30am and/or 3:00 5:30pm, M-F to provide direct care of children. Also, all day sub positions available. Flexible days. Call Trinity Infant and Childcare, 475-9731. Part-Time Tellers NBC is accepting applications for part-time tellers at Havelock and Parkway Branches. Havelock hours are 7 am to 1 pm M-F 8:30 am to 12:00 pm on Sat. Parkway hours are 12 pm-5:45 pm M-F 8:30 am to 12:00 pm on Sat. Prefer six months teller experience with good customer service skills or a minimum of six months cashing checks and balancing transactions in the business environmemt. Please call the First Commerce Job Hotline 434-4700 for more details or call Human Resources 434-4147 to set up an appointment. RUNZA® NOW HIRING! 4610 N. 27th or 13th and E Runza® is currently accepting applications for Full-Time and Part-Time / Day and Evening shifts. Benefits in clude: 1/2 Price Meals, Paid Vacation. FLEXIBLE Sched uling, GREAT Wages, Buddy Bonus Program, Scholar ship Program, Advancement Opportunities, and much more!! DILBERT BY @©@ru’'iF j ‘ a 01 WALLY, m HOPING 8 AND IN THE GRAND | SO... ARE YOU YOU'LL AGREE TO ° TRADITION OF ENGINEER- * 5/yyxNG YOU WRITE ABOUT YOUR S ING, I EXPECT YOU'LL f DON'T DESPISE PROTECT FOR THE | GIVE THIS THE LOWEST . | /AE NOW? ,nc NnT NEWSLETTER... S PRIORITY, THUS FARING s uAa/tmt a ^ OESPISE VOO. | fAOrMNT - | HEW! (O O o» I © vO ii ^1___1 /j^fe23 you KMCOJ How THet SAy WELL, lastMiOHT, T HAD r WAS SW'MMWCr WITH AMD you LIVED to TELL! IF you HWf A A DREAM LUCE THAT! DolPH/mS A\Jb MERMAIDS, , WHEfiE you DIE. THEM WU , AmD THEM OUT OF MJWHERE FRAMKLy. T ACTUALLY MO KiDDlMb! KW EATBJ BVA SHARK! FEEL DECEIVED! will Die1. yeAH... 1 . , < 1 v ma. jfa» r&-J N «TV II I “ I I . ■ ■ _ . . _ . _ _ _ ‘ r-\ -\ I got kicked out of a funeral today. Jeez...I was only tryin’ to see ^J if them eyes were sewed shut. Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0505 ACROSS 1 Wire nail 5 WNW opposite 8 Postpone action i3Tops 14 High-flying org.? 16“-of star-cross’d lovers": Shak. it Sail’s corner 18 “The Good Earth” character 19 Court costumes 20 Quip: Part I 23 0rsk’s river 24 Kind of road or bird 25 Item lost by Arthur Sullivan? 28 Douglas or noble 29 Designer Cassini 33 Contour controller 35 Actor Guinness 37 “-Be Seeing You” 38 Quip: Part II 41 City south of Seoul 42 Forage fields 43 The ole’s are not for them 44 “-This a Lovely Day ...?”: Berlin 46 Fret 48 Oodles ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 49 Solo for Sutherland 51 Crosswordese case 53 End of the quip 60 Seabees’ motto 61 Butterfingers’ cry 62 Nutmeg’s coat 63 Ward off 64 Absolute 65 Fam. tree branch 66 “The Bells of St. 67 Author Passos 68 Lock name DOWN 1 One of the three B’s 2 Part 3 Freshly 4 Actress Colleen 5 Alone anagram 6 West Coast shrub 7 Biblical twin 8 Ankles 9 Artemis’s brother 10 Spongy cake 11 Prevaricates 12 Formerly, once 15 With wrath 21 Trying time 22 Seraglio 25 Twice CLI 26 Garden tenders 27 Senator Hatch 28 Bogus 30 Liquid measure, in London 31 Bender at the bar 32 Actress Sharon 34 Fits with 36 Misbehaves 39 Swimmer 40 Lone 4S Meretricious 47 “-more, my lady” 50 Grubs 52 Pachyderm’s pride 53 Swindler’s ploy 54 Scoria 55 Lulu 56 Wimbledon champ: 1956-57 57 Kind of code 58 “...let’s-all the lawyers”: Shak. 59 Part of a threat