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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1996)
ZAE Congratulations to our Intertube Waterpolo team for win ning the All Fraternity Championship, I<PE Congratulations to Andy Hofeling and Shari Reimer (Kap pa Delta) on their pinning and engagement. Best of Luck, Your Sig Ep Brothers Congratulations to “Brother of the Week* Andy Hofeling for one “Heck” of a week, and to the entire house for achieving a 3.195 overall GPA and being named “Scholar of the Week*. Get ready for the steak and beans. _Your Sig Ep Brothers To the boys of Potter St.: Damn the palmetto bugs, full speed ahead. Josh Cheryl: Merct pour le bonne anneal Pensez positif d'accord? Cancun - ici nous ailonsl See more Guillermo and Scott Have fun with the edible undies. Keep your faces out of each others butts. Kelly I want a woman who likes Objectivism: the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Write to room 4116,600 North 15th St, Lincoln, NE 68508-1296. Found: Watch found North of Mable Lee Hall on dirt pathway across from Cook Pavilion about 10:30am. Saturday, March 9th. To claim call Kim, 472-3674. Lost: Detachable face Pioneer stereo, lost in Nebraska Hail room W183 on Wednesday, March 13th. Reward. 435-8731. Wanted 23 Students. Lose 5-29 pounds this month. New metabolism breakthrough. RN assisted. Guaranteed-free gift. $35 fee. 1 •800-66^0841. 300s Jobs Disc jockey. Experience in stage, public relations or music Caif 434-2466 for application. Drafting lob • engineering student with drafting experi ence, 2-3 years of college remaining. Part time during school, full time in summer. Call 476-7545. Ask for Tom or Rob. Early morning life guards needed. Must have current certification and be reliable. Also need swim instructors various times and days. Apply: Northeast YMCA, 2601 N. 70th Street. EMPLOYMENT - CITY OF WAVERLY The City of Waveriy is accepting applications for Swim ming Pool Manager and Assistant Pool Manager for the 1996 Season through March 29, 1996, both subject to experience. Qualifications: Valid Pool Operator's Certif icate, Background in the Operation of a Public Swimming Pool and able to work well with the public. Applications available at City Office, 14130 Lancashire Street, Waveriy, NE. An Equal Opportunity Employer EMPLOYMENT - CITY OF WAVERLY The City of Waveriy is accepting applications for Swim ming Pool Lifeguards for the 1996 Season through March 29, 1996. Applications available at City Office, 14130 Lancashire Street Waveriy, NE An Equal Opportunity Employer. EMPLOYMENT - CITY OF WAVERLY The City of Waveriy is acceptingapplications for Baseball and Softball Director for the 1996 season through March 22,1996. Salary negotiable depending upon experience. Applications available at City Office, 14130 Lancashire Street. Waveriy. NE. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Hillcrest Country Club Hiring Golf Bag Room Staff. Please call 489-8181 to set up an appointment. JAX RESTAURANT Has part-time positions available for food and beverage servers. Apply in person at 27th & Hwy 2 (next to Shopko). Medication Assistant 3pm-11pm, Full and part-time positions available. Apply in person, Gramercy Hill, 6800 A Street. EOE. NE Dept, of Revenue Temporar^Dsta Entry Evening Shift Work Schedule: 4:30pm-8:00pm. Mon-Fri. from 4/8/96 & 5/17/96. Validation of tax returns by numeric data entry OR input alpha and numeric data from tax returns. RE QUIREMENTS: Ability to operate a 10-key entry pad to accurately enter data. Able to sit and do repetitive motions for the scheduled hours. Previous alpha/numeric line amount entry of data preferred. Skill level of 5,000 key strokes per hour with 90% accuracy. Required Data Numeric test may be taken at State Personnel State Application, Data Numeric test and SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE must be received on or before 4/1/96. Notify Personnel if you need accommodation in the selection process. Hearing Impaired TDD calls ONLY: 402-471-4693. ~ Apply to: 301 Centennial Mall South. Lincoln, NE 68509 OR any NE Job Service Office. NE STATE PERSONNEL 402-471-2075 AA/EOE Appointment setters needed. Two shifts available, a.m. and p.m.; base pay plus incentive. Call 434-8150 for interview and location. Aquatics Director Run a full aquatics program. Training is provided. Must be at least 21 years old. Boyscout Summer Camp. Apply at Cornhusker Council. 476-8846. Are you looking for a fun and challenging career? Lens Crafters offers benefits, good salary and the opportunity for advancement to highly energized individuals. Part time/full-time lab technician positions are available now. Evening and weekend hours are required. Apply in person at Gateway Mall. Carpet cleaning, production work. Must have telephone and good driving record. Hours: flexible around school schedule. For application, call 489-4511. Cycle Works is now taking applications for afternoon and weekend sales help. Cycle Works, 27th and Vine. Data Entry/Doc Proper (Full-time/Part-time) Person needed for 3 month job assignment, hourly wag es, and Windows knowledge helpfull, call for appoint ment, 471-7059. Delivery drivers — now hiring 5. Earn up to $10/hour. Apply within at Wise Guys Pizza or call 438-7777. Delivery drivers and wood shop assistants for spring and summer employment. Would like someone who will be available over spring break, part-time during the balance of the spring semester, and tnen full or part-time over the summer. Apply Lincoln Lumber Co., 932 N. 23. Dataller (part-time) Persons needed to pull cases of product and stock shelves at large grocery stores. Day and hours vary with store's needs. 12-15hrs/week, weekends likely, Hourly rate. Many locations throughout the state, 421-1099. EOE [ CRUISESHIPS/LANDTOURCO.'S 1 NOWHRINfi! Earn up to $2,500/month plus food, lodging, transportation. World Travel. No experience required. Many positions available. Male or Female. Seasonal/Full Time. (800) 638-6845, Ext.2119 Overnight freight company seeking full and part time drivers for afternoon delivery and pick up of overnight letters and parcels in Lincoln and surrounding areas. Flexible hours; must be 21. $6 per hour. Apply in person to: 2200 West Adams (East of Airoort terminal), Wednes day, Thursday and Friday from 3 to 7pm. Part time warehouse/delivery position at LinTel Systems. Must be able to drive manual transmission and have valid driver's license. Call 486-7235 between 4pm and 5pm. Part-time customer service opening at our 26th & O store. Flexible hours. Apply in person to Globe Cleaners. 21st & G._ _ Phone Volunteers Needed Excellent experience for human service majors. Lincoln Personal Crisis Service will hold a one day volunteer training session: Saturday, March 30th from 9am-4:30pm at Trabert Hall, first floor conference room. 2202 S11 th SL To register call 475-5171, leave your name and phone number. Quality child care assistance. Must be dependable. Call Kim, 430-9019. , Scientific Illustrator Salaried position in computer design of illustrations, advertisements, brochures, CDs, and/or maps as market ing materials for commercial geographic data and image processing software products. Experience and scientific background desired. Graduates of 1993 or later please include unofficial copy of college transcript. Application materials accepted by mail only. Send resume and sam ples of work to Microimages. Inc., 201 N. 8th Street. Lincoln, Ne 68508-1347. Self-Motivated? Be your own boss) Flexible schedule, no cash investment. Earn $15-30/hour. Call 467-3785. Temporary/full-time student, summer employment in agronomy research. Work outdoors maintaining crop plots and gathering data. Application deadline 3-22-96. Applications available in. 108 Keim Hall, East Campus (Mark Lorenz. 472-9210) EOE. Summer Editor In Chief I The Daily Nebraskan is accepting applications for the 1996 summer editor in chief. Applicants must have one year of newspaper experience, preferably at die Daily Nebraskan, ana be a student at the University of Ne braska-Lincoln this spring, summer or fall. *3 : The editor in chief formulates The Daily Nebraskan is pub editorial policy, determines lished weeldy during the two guidelines for tne daily opera- five-week sessions plus a New tion of the newsroom, hires the Student Enrollment issue, senior editorial staff, helps de- Applications are available in termine the content of the edito- the Daily Nebraskan office, rial page, prepares the editorial basement of the Nebraska salary budget and reports to the Union, and must be returned Publications Board. with writing samples by 3 p.m., March 15. NetiraJkan UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. TELEMARKETERS Fastest growing Arm where the work environment is stimulating and fun and where YOU CAN MAKE BIG BUCKS! Starting with a guaranteed $6.50 rate, you can earn $8.50 with good performance. We also offer paid training, awesome non-cash bonuses and flexible hours. In all. a great part-time position— see for yourself Apply in person or call Robin. EOE. IMS 434-2626 Suite 304 Golds Galleria The Athletic Business Office needs a student assistant to help maintain the department's IBM PC's and Novell network. Duties include diagnosing hardware and soft ware problems, installing software, and helping train PC users. To apply, go to 1T3 South Stadium or call Craig at 472-2273.__ We are looking for Super Sharp, Super friendly people with super smiles to join our front desk team! Part-time positions are now open • Friday and Saturday night availability a must! Part-time hours are also available in housekeeping, or you can cross-train to work in both departments. If you would like to work in a customer oriented team atmosphere, and have the opportunity to earn a great performance bonus, come join the Super 8 Team! Please apply in Person at: West “O’ Super 8 Motel 2635 West •Q" Street WOMEN NEEDED (19-27 years) for a 3-yr research study to examine the effects of calcium supplementation. Paid $30.00 for each of 8 visits. If you are a non-smoker, in good health, and have a poor diet, you may qualify. Call Betty Chin, 402 280-4819, at Creighton University Osteoporosis Re search Center. X-tra BEER $$ If you need some extra, come and work with us Part-time. We offer flexible scheduling, evening hours, $6.50/hr. All you have to do isgenerate leads for sales reps. No selling required. Call 477-0303 ask for Amy. Need childcare helper to watch adorable infant week days. 1pm-5pm in families home. Decent pay. Call 488 9480 for interview. CAMP COUNSELORS OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLIM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MAS SACHUSETTS. PENNSYLVANIA. AND CALIFORNIA. All specialities: Athletics, Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exer cise. Nutrition. Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 20+. CALL FOR APPLICATION: 1-800-421-4321. CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/ arts summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sail ing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery. archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $1250 plus. Phone: 708-446-2444. German and Spanish speaking group leaders needed for unique nature day camp, 10 miles south of Lincoln. Call 438-6668 A.S.A.P. for interview. GREAT SUMMER JOB!! Outdoors, Counselor in Maine, Co-ed Staff, ALL SPORTS. ALL ACTIVITIES! Openings: Land sports, water-front activities, creative arts, outdoor skills. Modem facilities, great pay. CALL NOW, 617-277 8080. Camp Cedar. Life Changing Experiences Could be in store for you! Work at Camp Easter Seal in Milford, Nebraska with people with disabilities. Hiring for all positions. Salary, room and board provided. Call (402) 330-6660 for more information. Now hiring summer lifeguard and assistant manager for the Abel-Sandoz pool. Applications available at the Abel front desk. Student Summer Employment Housing Custodial_$5.70/hr. Building Maintenance.$6.10/hr. Building Palnter...$6.10/hr. (paint test required) Apply at the maintenance office in your residence hall complex or at 1100 Seaton Hall on City Campus. SUMMER CAMP COUNSELOR JOBS With Virginia's Camp Easter Seal for children and adults with physical or cognitive disabilities. Male/Temale coun selors and program directors including aquatics, horse back riding, ropes course, sports, crafts and food service. Salary, room board, workmans comp. Internships avail able. all majors welcome to apply. Contact Kris Sorensen; 1-800-365-1656. Camp Easter Seal; P.O. Box 5496; Roanoke, VA 24012. The Country Club of Lincoln is now accepting applications for summer lifeguard positions. Apply in person Tuesday through Sunday between 10am and 5pm at3200 S 24 Street. Deadline for application is March 30. $1750 weekly possible malting our circulars. For Info call 202-393-7723. Omaha based marketing & distribution company is seek irrjyTiotivated people for Lincoln expansion. 800-468 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act. which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law or discnminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Female to share home, highlands, no pets, and non smoker. Call 477-7046. Female: $175/mo. utilities paid. 476-8994. Large modern home is yours to share. Own bedroom, batn, garage, cable, fireplace, minutes from campus. $300/month. 435-7550. M/F roommate wanted for basement apartment through summer. Near Wesleyan. $200/mo+ 1/4 utilities. Call 466-4534. MALE, Large beautiful home, wood floors, central air, washer ana dryer, all utilities paid. $270.00 month. 477 0227. Female, non-smoker to share nice Victorian house, 20th & A area, $190/month + 1/4 utilities. Marcie, 476-8267. 3,4,5, and 6 bedrooms, available in May, Near campus, 432-0644 or 432-6644. 3210 S Street. Four bedroom, two baths, central air, no pets. $650. 430-6328. 519 N. 35th. Five bedroom, two baths, garage. $750/ month. No pets. 430-6328. 6-bedroom. Available in May. 1426 N. 23rd. 2 baths. Parking. $850. 432-0644, 432-6644. Reserving Now. Nice houses, close to campus for sum mer or August. 432-0644 or 432-6644. We Love Students! Open May 4th: 3-4 bedrooms Open June 1st: 5 bedrooms Open August 1st: 6 bedrooms Close In, Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Central A/C 423-1535 1009 Furnas Avenue. New 4-bedroom, 2-bath, 2-garage. Washer/dryer. Appliances. Central Air. Available now. $800. 435-7807. !! (Affordable Apartments!!! Folsom & A, Brand New 2-bedroom, $475-$500 Various Locations 1,2 and 3-bedroom, $270-$540. Management One 477-2600 *** RESERVE FOR FALL *** 1 and 2 Bedroom units. Pool, Laundry, Bus, Concrete (quiet) buildings, $369 upl JONES APARTMENTS 475-7262 640 S. 20 1700 B St. #1, Three bedroom, wood floors, Washer/ Dryer, A/C, large windows. $575+ utilities. 477-2366, leave message. 2740 R. Two bedroom. Parking. Laundry. No pets. $350. 430-6328. 412 S 24th: Nice 1 bedroom, central air, dishwasher, ceiling fan, gas heat, fireplace, walk in closet. $370.438 7270. Apartments on Campus Large Efficences available. Nonsmoking, laundry, guar anteed parking, secure access, UNL shuttle stop, $350 per month. 477-6578. Apartments tor rent 3 MINS FROM CAMPUS. 1 bdr efficiency $199/mo., LARGE 2 bdr apt, off street, heat pd, full bath, front and rear entrances $299/mo. student rates w/ IDs (no pets, no kids). 489-0373. Available Now!! Newer 2-bedroom, FREE CABLE, No Pets. 1900 Knox, 477-7684. Claremont Park Apts, is now leasing 1.2,3 BR's for August (some available in May). Spaces are limited. First Come, First Serve. Shown by appt. only. Call 474-7275. Claremont Apartment Available Immediateiyl! Spacious 2-bedroom, Many amenities. Close to campus. $575475 6359. naunSS^and m Ek'i H r^T:m~''" iKM I Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor heated pool. 421-3070. *** SUMMER LEASES*** Reserve 2 BR units for summer. Bask in the sun...poolside, laundry, $369 upl Jones Apartments 475-7262 640 S. 20 Summer Sut)leese 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Claremont Park Apts. Call 475-4249. ★ Walk to Campus Available now Short term leases accepted 2504 Vine, 1BR, top floor, new carpet, $350. 2627 Vine, studio, perfect, $275. 1121N 28th, last one, top floor, gray carpet, ceramic floor, beautiful, $365 2615 Vine, 1BR, split level, lots of windows, all utilities paid. $350. 4300 Comhusker Hwy, 2BR, 1 and 1/4 townhome, split level, all appliances, walkout patio, like a house. $475 $495 1BR, lower level, beige carpet, $350. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857. A gift of life M»d love. A warm and secure couple wishes to adopt your Infantfs) Into their loving home. Expenses paid. ’Megan, we receive^ your message but unfortu nately the machine missed your phone number. We have a new machine now. Please call Again. Please call Anthony and Carol Ann 1-3pO-S58-26S9T Adopt: lifetime commitment. Love, security, and a caring extended tamtfy are what we offer vour newborn. AS expenses paid. Sean and Nancy 1-800-764-2433. ADOPTION A loving eftemattve We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best Mure tor you and your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1883. Nebraska Children's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. 27th and Vine, 475-2453. Lincoln Crisis Pregnancy Center Free pregnancy test,confidential counseling. Caff for appt 47S-2S01 _ Planned Parenthood of Lincoln staf? InlOTmabononALLOPTlSfS. Certified counselors available. Donations appreciated. Caff tor hours: 441* 3300. Facts-of-Ufe Line: 434-1890. PREGNANT? WRTHMGHT is a confidential helping Iwd^Freejjreqhancy test please call us tor appoint Indian Hills Community Church»If you would like to worship and serve in a local church based on God's word, we would Hka to have you) Sunday Services: 845 a.m. -Collage Group 10fl0a.m. and 5:50 p.m. Corporate Worship Tuesday Study: 8:00 p.m. at the Union - 3rd Floor Friday: 7:30 p.m. at the Church 1000 S. 84ttiSt. Worship at the Luthem Student Center (ELCA), across from Neihardt Hall, Sundays 9:30 and 11am, Wed 93Qpm. Mini Storage-Remember when your now ex-friend said it would be OK to park your now ex-bike in his garage. Summer Special-4th month free. Strong Box Salt Stems 2881 West O' 47frtt»ft. AH typing needs fitted at Computer Y^je^and Services 4230 Progressive Ave. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, provan resutts.464-0775. WORDTAMERS yVOfQrfOCBSSIna 483-4775,580-0268. Cellular.