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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1996)
Executive Continued from Page 12 Platt also docs well because he has the most reasonable reaction — he panics. His hands become vibrating back massagers, and he sweats buck ets. He’s human, and it was a refresh ing change for once. Everybody else does well in their roles, but there just isn’t anything spe cial about “Executive Decision” be yond the wide range of cast members. Only the least-fussy action fans should rush to “Executive Decision.” The rest of us can wait for the cheap seats or video release. Film: “Executive Decision” Stars: Kurt Russell, Oliver Platt, John Leguizamo Director: Stuart Baird Rating: R (violence, language) Grade: C+ Five Words: Another lame “Die Hard” rip-off -:—-1 ITS NOT WORTH THE WEIGHT. -' u __r # For better health and fitness, exercise. ifp American Heart Association , ’ <• 1992. American' Heart Association $3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. _ Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be. 00s For Sale Used washer, dryer, refrigerator or range, delivered, guaranteed and payments of only $25 for three months. “Thai s a deal!' 466-6252._ Blue’s Bike & Fitness All 1995 bikes-buy one at regular price and receive the next bike at 112 price. Must be equal or lesser value. All new bikes receive lifetime tune-ups. Closest bike shop to campus 427 S 13th 3321 Pioneers. Cycle Works 27th and Vine has been declared the center of the bicycle universe. Everything for the 1 cyclist with clothing, shoes, accessories, and bikes 1 from Trek, Specialized, KHS, Klein, and Bontrager. Blowout deals on 95 bicycles. Cycle Works. 27th and Vine, ! _475-2453._* Apartment stuff for sale - moving. Sofa, lamps, kitchen stuff, etc. 1316 N 44th, Saturday, March 16, 8am - 4pm. TEVA Get yours for Spring Break at the Moose's Tooth, 40th & '88 Honda Prelude, 5-speed, sharp, asking $6200. ■ Resonable offers appreciated. 486-3314, John. '88 Honda Accord LXi, automatic, excellent condition, sharp, new tires, loaded. $8200.486-3314, Michael. '82 Buick Regal Umited. t-tops. spoke hubcaps, sharp, dean, very dependable. $2500, 795-3931 (local). 1991 Eagle Talon TSI, 5-speed, loaded, sunroof. 77k, $7000/obo. 435-2655. 1990 Nissan Sentra, 2-door, 4-speed, 53K. $3450.1990 ! Nissan Sentra 2-door, 4-speed. A/C nice. $3450. 1990 Mazda Protege 4-door, auto, air, 63K, nice. $4650. Baer's Auto Sales, 1647 S 3rd. 477-6442. i 200s Notices ALASKA SUMMER JOBS Fishing Industry. Earn to $3,000-$6,000+/month + bene- , fits. Male/Female. No experience necessary. (206)971 3510 extA57784 Camp Challenge Summer Leadership School So you <*dnl sign up for ROTC as a freshman or sopho- > more. Catch up at Army ROTC Camp Challenge, a PAID | six week summer course with college credit In leadership i training. Call 472-4269 for details. i CITY CAMPUS SESSIONS Monday, April 1, 1996: 11:00 am-12:30 pm: “Affirmative Action: Has Its Time Run Out?”: Presenter: Rev. Andrew Rollins: Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church ALL OTHERS 11:30-1:00 PM Tuesday. April 2. 1996: “Coalition Building and the Value of Diversity”: Presenter: Madeline Popa. International Students Organi zation Wednesday. April 3. 1996: Multiculturallsm: Fact or Fiction?: Presenter: Dr. Kunle Ojikutu: Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Thursday. April 4,1996: “Diversity: Toward a Better understanding”: This session involves cultural exercises and group interaction: Pre senter: John L. Harris: Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Friday, April 5, 1996: “Homophobia, Heterosexism, Racism: Common Enemies?: Presenter: Dr. Vern Williams: Gay, Lesbian, Bi Sexual Studnet Services EAST CAMPUS SESSIONS ALL 11:30-1:00 pm Monday, April 8. 1996: “Homophobia, Heterosexism, Racism: Common Enemies? Presenter: Dr Vern Williams: Gay, Lesbian, Bi sexual Student Services Tuesday, April 9, 1996: “Diversity: Toward a Better Understanding” This session involves cultural exercises and group interaction: Pre senter: John L. Harris: Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Wednesday, April 10.1996: Multiculturallsm: Fact or Fiction?: Presenter: Dr. Kunle Ojikutu: Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs ALL BROWN BAG SEESIONS ARE OPEN TO EVERYONE. FEEL FREE TO BRING YOUR LUNCH, BEVERAGES WILL BE PROVIDED. Any Questions Call John L. Harris at 472-3755 Sponsored the Racial Pluralism Action Team and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Collegiate 4-H Members nake sure you have both sides of the scholarship form lue March 27th. If not. call Paul at 436-8840. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING. Earn up to $2,000+/month. World travel. Seasonal & full ime positions. No exp. necessary. For info, call 1-206 >71-3550 ext. C57782 DISC GO ROUND Used CD’s, $5.9947.99. T-shirts, posters, imports, hacky sacks, music books, song books and CD towers. New CD’s $11.99412.99 DISC GO ROUND 50th and 0,486-0047, EASTERN EUROPE JOBS reach basic conversational English in Prague. Budapest >r Krakow. No teachingcertificate of European languages equired. Inexpensive Room & Board+other benefits. For nfo. call: (206) 971-3680 ext.K57781 EMERGING LEADERS TEACHING ASSITANTS ^plications to be an Emerging Leaders Teaching \ssitant are now available in the office of Student Involve nent, 200 Nebraska Union or 300 Nebraska East Union. \pplications are due to the office of Student involvement aw Nebraska Union Friday March 29,1996 by 5;00 p.m, English food. I have to buy bulk. If you want in on orders, all Matt, 1-402-786-2262. _ FREE FINANCIAL AID! Bver $6 billion in public and private sector grants & scholarships is now available. Ail students are eligible egardless of grades, income, or parent’s income. Let us telp. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 txt. F57784 Bet Paid to go to concerts and build your resume at the ame time! 708-499-2723. Guitar Instruction/Rental Zager Studio, 464-7771. Money For College!!!! Hundreds & Thousands of Grants Avaialbe to ALL Stu lents. IMMEDIATE Qualification. NEVER has to be re aid. CALL 1400-5854 AID. Hebraska Wesleyan Union Programs presents The Jeff )unham Show. Ventriloquist and comedian featured on rhe Tonight Show and Comic Ship Live. March 26,1996 >:00_pm. NWU O'Donnell Audrtonum 50th and Hunting on. Tickets $7.00 general admission. Purchase tickets at 4WU Student Center and Homers (13th and 0,61st and ?)• Nurse Scholarships Freshmen/sophomore m^^^udents, cash in on good grades. Apply now for ARMY ROTC Scholarships, Call 472-2468 for more information. RESORTS + CRUISE LINES now hiring for summer. Work in Calif, Florida, Caribbean, Hawaii, Rocky Mts. & more. Call Hotline 619-530-2534 for information. AXQ Thanks to the A-Chi-Os for BBQing and watching 90210 with us. Love, the men of Theta Xi AG MEN Congratulations to Clint Turnbull and Stacy Renner on your engagement. Good luck in the future. The Men of Ag Men AG MEN Congratulations to Doug Brummels and Jason Boner on your internships with FMC Corporation and to Marc Towle on your internship with Terra. The Men of Ag Men X® Congratulations to Chad Brown and Mike Hashman for being accepted to NHRI. Congratulations to James Rogers for winning the CFA election. Congratulations to Tom Schott for being accepted to Tau Beta Pi. Thank you to all of the Chi Phi's who attained a 3.0 or above. You guys really worked hard. Finally, have fun you brothers who are going somewhere for spring break. Don't get thrown into jail Hashman. KA© Congratulations to Jill Sundquist and Shane Kuck on theii unexpected pinning! You guys make a great couple! Sigma Nu - Thanks for the great time at P.O. Pears! Let’s get together again sometime! £?.l?9J?ya*'ons Jen Graff on her acceptance into UNMC Pharmacy School! We’ll miss you next year! ~~KA© Thanks for going with us to P.O. Pears. It was a great time! The Men of Sigma Nu To the freshmen of KKG, It just so happens that the freshmen of Sigma Phi Epsilon found your "Husker Howl” trophy. We would be happy to return it for a small reward. Let’s think “Fresh” Ladies. Love, the Sig Ep Freshmen DILBERT BY §©©ru’Ti’ ;*i]© . . ' . THE BUSINESS PLAN FOR > WE'LL GENERATE LOTS OF | LtHE LATIN WORD FOR^i YOUR START-UP IS j ^EDIA HYPE , GO PUBLIC £ "CLOSE YOUR EYES AND \ IDIOTIC BUT m GOING 1 AND AAAKE MILLIONS f OPEN YOUR SOUTH'' J TO PROVIDE THE * BY SHAFTING GREEDY 1 IS "PROSPECTUS." f J VENTURE CAPITAL T~? < AND IGNORANT » | , — ; FUNDING ANYWAY./b_J g INVESTORS. 1 / THIS IS ^-\ ' 1 ! // Li W AFRAID - s' \ ' s v La of dogs. £5GQ[j]@3S MIWMUi r just oct a peek at zey* f IT'S mot fair, muriel1.') ^oh- i ujotubts if rvc realm7. P/VKHeCIC! HE'S MAtlKKr WEIL KlEVES. MAKE AS 1 HlT THE OLASS CEILIU6-... ALMOST VOICE U/HAT t AKA, OUCH AS THC MALE f Ab A CI^FFe I'VE EVEN THOUGH vjE STARTED AK/I/MALS [ --) V/U\ SURE l HAVE ■ MT MH HEAD bru JVST AT TH€ SAME TIME) \-^-' \ Adouf EVERYTH I NO*... J Oww! That mean bug bit me...and now my finger f My Momma died last year., jnd you know it! You know, sometimes Milkman Dan gets the urge ^ is all red and it hurts. You’re mean, Milkman Oan! v, t— J to ^ cruei t0 those weaker and smaller than him Sr ' II self, and to be honest Karen..there’s not a darn / f kj„ h . / Heh. Settle down now. little lady...old Karen. Whydontyou Milkman Dan was 1 fl° and have your Mom l just pulling your leg. put some iodine on it? yy * Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0429 I ■ ' ... . . ; ^ ACROSS 1 Scraps for 47 Across 5 Work units 9 Dog in “The r Thin Man” 13 Michelangelo’s Mother of Sorrows 15 A tide 16 Calm 17 Stylish 18 Amphora, e.g. 19 “Winnie Pu” 20 A “purrfect” pet? 23 0rg. Robert Gates heads 24 Other things: Lat. 25 Theater, in Tivoli 28 Suffix with cash 29 Type of dance 32 Debates 33 Election winners 34 “Means of Ascent” author 35 Catafalques 36 Hoosier humorist 37 Hindu social class 38 Rosacea 39 Correspond ent’s second afterthought 40 Toboggan slides 41 Manx, e.g. 42 “O sole-’’ 43 In recent days 44 Looped handle 46 Friend, in Amiens 47 Pamperable pup? 54 Cossets 55 James Carter Jr. 56 Marquetry 58 “Honi-qui mal y pense” 59 Piedmontese city 60 Sight from Notre Dame 61 Head of a tale 62 A pair 63 Basenjis and Samoyeds DOWN 1 Harvest goddess 2 “Green Mansions” girl 3 Shipbuilding lumber 4 Severe censure 5 Begrudge 6Gaucho’s lariat 7 Reo’s requirement 8 Category lower than genus 9 This turns litmus red 10 Auctioneer’s cry 11 Ring slowly 12 Not aweather 14 Arrays 21 N.M. art colony 22 G. A. Nasser’s alliance 25 Pierre’s pipe Per ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE i i i i i i i i i — i i 26 Heather 27 Deputy 29 Sample 30 Russian workers’ cooperative 31 Precious, metered writing 33 Sources of instinctive energy 34 Alerted 36 Desertion of faith 37 Soft, thin leather 39 Nitwit / 40Quahog 42 Singer Davis 45 Main artery 47 Lhasa-, Tibetan dog 48 Laborer 49 Aural 50 Bone: Comb, form 51 Slipped 52 Muse of history 53 Pend 57 A referendum vote