The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 14, 1996, Page 2, Image 2
IrIF YOU PLAY YOUR i CARDS RIGHT I'LL I GIVE YOU A ROLE 1 IN A COMIC I’M | STARRING IN. I , GONNA ^ :BE FAldus'. Going Out of Business Sale «* ** 65% to 90% off entire stock (Including fixtures) Comics' Ink 1401 N. Cotner Blvd. 466-7766 Park by Day $1.00 Don't Fight For Parking Enter at 8th & S Streets, 1 Block West of Memorial Stadium Contact: 1033 "O" Street, Suite 120,474-2274 UNSECURED ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELY NO NO APPLICATION SECURITY FEES DEPOSIT 1-800-810-5436 _call for a quick 3-minute pre-approval_ tradamarfc of VISA IntamaHonal Itnrtct Aaaooiatlon | TREKusa TREK 850 •Full cromoly frame and fork •Matrix Rims built tough in the USA Forbes pulls out of race, pledges support to Dole WASHINGTON — With just 76 delegates to show for his $30 million investment, Steve Forbes decided Wednesday to abandon his bid for the Republican presidential nomination and throw his support to GOP front runner Bob Dole, aides said. Forbes planned a Thursday after noon withdrawal announcement in Washington, said campaign manager Bill Dal Col. A senior Forbes aide, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Forbes would endorse Dole and pledge his help in defeating President Clinton in the fall. Dal Col said one reason Forbes put off the formal announcement for a day was so that his family could join him. “No doubt about it — it helps,” Dole said when asked about the effect of Forbes’ withdrawal. He declined further comment until Forbes makes his remarks Thursday. Forbes had vowed as recently as Wednesday morning to stay in the race through the March 19 Midwestern recent weeks that he wants to take his flat-tax message to the voters. But in the face ofTuesday’s defeat, he talked openly about getting out of the race if he didn’t have a strong showing in next week’s Rust Belt pri maries, setting in motion a series of night-and-day consultations that led to his decision to withdraw. And after spending much of the day closeted in a Washington hotel room with advisers, Forbes accepted their judgment that the chances for a vic tory in Illinois, Ohio, Michigan or Wisconsin were bleak, given Dole’s big lead. Forbes then began considering quitting sooner and contacted several associates outside his senior campaign staff before making his decision, sources said. A key issue was when and where to make the announcement. Forbes considered returning to his New Jer sey home to withdraw, but eventually decided to stay in the capital, accord ing to a source familiar with the de liberations. Consulting with Forbes during the day were former Sens. Malcolm Wal lop and Bob Kasten. Former Housing Secretary Jack Kemp — whose offer to serve as a bridge between Forbes and Dole enmeshed the campaign in controversy during its final days — also attended some of the sessions. Forbes’ decision came after the euphoria of winning the Delaware and Arizona primaries evaporated in the face of a string of resounding defeats. Since Arizona, Forbes has not spent much money on television advertising, a sign to campaign watchers that he had reached the limit of how deep he was willing to dig into his personal fortune to finance his campaign. Overall, Forbes spent more than $30 million, nearly all his own money, to earn 901,000 votes during the pri mary season — 16 percent of those cast, putting him third behind Dole and Pat Buchanan. NefcJraskan FAX NUMBER 472-1761 The Daily Nebraskan(USPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448, Monday through Friday during the academic year; weekly during summer sessions. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-1763 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For information, contact Tim Hedegaard, 436-9253, 9 a.m.-l 1 p.m. Subscription price is $50 for one year. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St.,Lincoln, NE 68588-0448. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, NE. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT _1996 DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 V :'-L .1 . . s ■ on't let this spring leave you broke and left out of all the fun. Go anywhere Greyhound® goes for a maximum round trip Jfare of $129. For a limited time only, from February 26th until April 15th, students who show a valid student ID can travel to any of our 2,400 destinations. So this spring, take your break on Greyhound. For more information call 1.800.231.2222. • I . • • ■ - ■ ... i • > ••• ' j - ■: . ' JgfGo Greyhound. and leaMB Vie driving to us. hnp7A»«^ound.coni Q1W6 Owytiaund llnw, Inc. Sew fwIricMon. and fcnilUDiw maypply. ftteo »ubi»cMo ct*ng» «i»heul naHo