The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1996, Page 8, Image 8
. Pick the Winner and Be a Winner! Clip & complete an original Daily Nebraskan bracket, then take to any of the advertisers on this page to enter our NCAA Contest. Entries due by 11 am, Thurs. March 14,1996. w 3RJRT9CWDS10QLLECTVLE5 ® Receive an additional 25% off each purchase with student I.D. (excludes packs ft boxes) Cards, posters, pennants, starting lineups, t-shirts, Nebraska gifts & memorabilia, and much more! 5563 So. 48th St Suite B S W Comer 48th & Hwy. 2 (next to Earl May) Hours: Mon-Fri. 11:00-8:30 Sat. 10:00-6:00 and Sun. 12:00-5:00 MhhWkfM' 1/2 Price Buffalo Wings Mon-Wed-Fri 4-7 pm x-s .1 Big Screen j Great > for Mall 1321 ’^Street ^aaygrrTTvrnTrrrtSn -•) ERSEY! Where The foe Shop | ~~ 467-2234 | 20%0fr| Any regular price item | exp. 3-31-96 Choose from our great selection of NCAA | T's, jerseys, and caps! | I Gateway Shopping Center I (inside Montgomery Ward) | s' SHE’S $g®ar&$rM # JibMmtifA// Present this coupon 1st pitcher for regular price 2nd for $1.00 6 Televisions Pool, Pinball, Pickle cards Tuesday 35 cents _ ‘-v\ •••' i'. WATCH THE GAMES ON OUR BIG SCREEN pins 8 other TV's SLAM DUNK SPECIAL!!! BUFFALO WINGS Two Convenient Locations Lower Level Nebraska Union Garden Level East Union First found v : Second round Regional '•M Semtfinats l March 14‘t5 • March 16.17 &£ (t)0cwn«3icol:30-i2 X ;iis)i Cdgal* 1544' ’'| 16) Ouk® 18-12 •• 5 ^w.w.v.w.v.v • ; :V'::| ($)€. Michigan 24-5......... I ::y InrfjjjnftpoUa^Jncl. | .v. March 14 &.16 : | \2) vit Corbitt. 24-6 -»•.• -•-.••••'■•• •'• 'V* $, j {4) uiCU.23^7 | ■13) Prinoatat 21-6 ’!.!:...; !X' • ■ yXXX i=D¥ 111 l^^silliil ;it)Bo«onCo*. 1W<rv-x-X;--v.-.v.vAx.v.::: :: (3) GaotgiaTach 22-11 . 14) Av«tw P»ay 16-10 „ Orlando, Fla, *?.?.... . March IS & 17 .* * " • --- -.;• r ;• 10) Oklahoma )7l2 • • -•• •.’• • ••>■'• • •jjy <2)CfMMMtt&&»4 I 15) UNC dra«Miboro2M-> mpp^iv ■ Fast ftuihartord, 3 j& \AfCCT NsarJarasy ^ -.Web•:;& X6\% Carolina 17121:?; *: ^ :>:f || A i Ivyl SiJIlllU* li I" ; ” • ;••;•:;■■ •• ■" ?£& ■ • Albuqusrqua, MM. • ^w#**#* -. .isjOwwiaw WSyrabuae24-6 .• ;-y: ^x' 13) MontanaSrtii'l. . I ' ■ WMrnmmMmi m Denver, Colorado: ® \ i ’ ' . March%2&24 5i?CSi-? :• . ;.,'. !I.'. I! ; t$lf|;:||:| (3) Arir0na.2iw " ^... •£’ ...... \ :j ;i*j Va^araiao2Vtp ... |:Vx;.':x: S*/;. iiiSjXiliyy:::;:::; j || |J5S»W *•••••. M 10) Santa Clara 1M .•.-.:;y.y.-.......x.y...-.-.v yxxx.xxxxx::;:;: 12) KaftfcW 264vj • ■ '■■ ■■■■ ■ ”••••.••. -x i'5)XoiirSi^si"ia-7. -. |-x-x v' -'-1.. . Wm&i&SM .............-::: j;:.:;.-. ;::..:..|.::::.'..:::v;; '•;■' :'{■ )sa»d ~ National j&s Championship f&$i Rjirttarfott), April .1 • \\\\\\\*;.;.*.*.*.v.vX\\vX;X\ ; : :: Semifinals Regional s Second round First found ••' ; Marofr;l 6-1?;:?■ • J:i.;: March • . EAST • ■>*; % B«. 11-16 (ft ... . Bradley 22'7 ft Stanford is* • ft IlirS iSSSSfi?- rSY'SSI® . • .. • • • • • • Alltanea* 16-12 -i; (12) ::j: • - y • • \. Maicjuetteia* .. & ft •.. Mortmou#>.2p*. • (ft ' •; Atlanta, Georgia • • • ’ • March?1 y::;t •: • l^th.CeroJina 20M.Qft:i ........ r... ... ...v .. Ne*ci|iejirtfc2i.a (ji). ^K/.ifoxaeiTechiZfi-t • ft . y.-.-.v.-.-.M.jiftwe30* (ft Bfchnwnd, \fe. New Meieco 27*4 or . Matcft 15A17 $ss™*™...0 • -Y;'•••: • ■-y.y-• Kwu* State 17'tl (ft 'i; ;*£;Georgetown 2fr7 ••• ft SS:Sl£li?0r<ff:- • ■-.WaferViiaytSi 22*^5). *Hlt. W^fRtf •;*% i; ' •• ■•■ - Satl Jbee5 <3KtB (ft W«c;*'G,ft.2S'3 ft ; ^W^tMe23*Vy,ift. I::::".:::! y.^.iy.jiix;xj ’ • Clifoinie 1T-t$ (ft • I /; i- i W-•?: ' §::*j£ • -! i-' ; •! i^S** *'"ft X• 'i.-''-*.y.*.*.y.y.y.y.*.yiyM*.y G*«WW ItM* (13) SS llliiS: ^uSSXH^jM :::MaJ!Ch:2!t-:8i:23:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::X:Xi-:$:X:X:X:X:X:::X >y.OTy....y.ww.w.w...^:; • :<$.] v^XyXyV TUJtt 22*:•.•& : Cft iv.wivi?: !•!':: xx-: jig; • ££:;*;!£;& • ViNer*** 25*£:£% ft:: :$&W$&: >wx->xwwxwxw fjwtfowM SHO . : ifft . :: Milwaukee,Wl MS. a v-i-xX-i' :iyiy:.y:;vf-ijyi jig /' i::.y-i-giyiy:"-r-y^y;'y Te«*20* y .{10} \./' ... ;. i’. VWce-Fareet.2!** ft’ liiiiipiiijyy;:-xy:;9y ;.-:yi;;:y;y;:;J lYi. Lewwwft l£l3.(l5) II BACKWOODS I IrJMRY ii BACKWOODS TERRITORY BRINGS YOU MARK DOWN MADNESS • UNL Student Discount.10% off with I.D. ■ Vasque Boots.10 to 50% off • Fleece Outerwear.Super Sale • All Back Packs and Tents.. 10% off! Stop in and see Lincoln's newest outdoor outfittei Alamo Center 56th & Hwy. 2 420-2244 DoyouOce... IT " •Earning up to $7/hour •Ftoxible Hours •Promotions (and the pay to go with them) Enjoy these benefits and be part of a great team, be a KFC Home Delivery Driver Qualifications: • Must be at least 18 years old • Must have a valid drivers license • Must have your own vehicle • Must carry minimum insurance. For an application and more information 2100 n. 48th St stop by your nearest KFC Raataurantl 464-7469 I I I I ! Expires j^5/3/96 Catch All the NCAA Tournament HOOPLA at P.O.Pears Lunch and Prink Specials Everyday Open Pally at 11:50am 311 So. Ninth St - 476-8551 Pig Screen *7 TYs To Catch Ail the ACTION