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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1996)
Classified^ Monday, March 11,1996 Page 16 , . r - ■ -_ Part-time application engineering assistant Entiy-level and mass transfer. Individual will assslst application engineers to evaluate, select, and calculate performance, write up proposals, and follow-up with customers. Cus tomer contact involving industnal boilers and related auxiliaries. Mechanical or chemical engineering student preferred. Please call Personnel Director, Nebraska Boil er Company, 402-434-2000. Part-time delivery driver needed. Requirefnents: valid drivers license, dean record and knowledge of Lincoln streets. Ask for Bev, 475-3031. PART-TIME TELLER SOUTH RIDGE OFFICE Part-time teller position available at our new South Ridge branch near 27th and Old Cheney St. This individual will perform teller transactions, balance a cash drawer, and work the drive-up window. Quaiificaitons needed: Effec tive communication skills, a customer service and/or sales background, math aptitude and 20 wpm typing speed. Work schedule: Mon. And Fri. 12:30-6:00 p.m., Thurs. 1:00-6:00 p.m. and every Saturday mom. Apply at our Human Resources Department from 9-4 p.m. Monday through Thursday. March 11 through 14. First Fedreal Lincoln Bank 13th & N Street Lincoln, NE An Equal Opporutnlty/Afflrmatlve Action Employer M/F Phone Volunteers Needed Excellent experience for human service majors. Lincoln Personal Cnsis Service will hold a one day volunteer training session: Saturday, March 30th from 9am-4:30pm at Trabert Hall, first floor conference room, 2202 S11 th St. To register call 475-5171, leave your name and phone number. Popeyes One cashier and one chicken prep person, Part-time evenings, 4-9pm. Above minimum wage. Apply 722 West OSt. Scientific Illustrator Salaried position in computer design of illustrations, advertisements, brochures, CDs, and/or maps as market ing materials for commercial geographic data and image processing software products. Experience and scientific background desired. Graduates of 1993 or later please include unofficial copy of college transcript. Application materials accepted by mail only. Send resume and sam ples of work to Microimages, Inc., 201 N. 8th Street, Lincoln. Ne 68508-1347. Self-Motivated? Be your own bossl Flexible schedule, no cash investment. Earn $15-30/hour. Call 467-3785. TEACH ENGLISH IN KOREA Positlons available monthly. B.A. or B.S. degree re quired. US$18,500-$23,400/year. Accommodation and round-trip airfare provided. Send resume, copy of diploma and copy of passport to: Bok Jl Corporation, Chun Bang Bldg., 154-13 Samsung Dong, Kang Nam Gu, Seoul, Korea 135-090. Tel: 011-82-2-555-JOBS{5627) FAX: 011-82-2-552 4FAX(4329). ★ ★ ★ TELEMARKETERS Fastest growing firm where the work environment is stimulating and fun and where YOU CAN MAKE BIG BUCKS! Starting with a guaranteed $6.50 rate, you can earn $8.50 with good performance. We also offer paid training, awesome non-cash bonuses and flexible hours. In all, a great part-time position— see for yourself Apply in person or call Robin. EOE. IMS 434>2626 Suite 304 Golds Galleria The Country Club of Lincoln is now accepting applications for summer lifeguard positions. Apply in person Tuesday through Sunday between 10am and 5pm at3200 S 24 Street. Deadline for application is March 30. We are looking for Super Sharp, Super friendly people with super smiles to join our front desk team! Part-time positions are now open - Friday and Saturday night availability a must! Part-time hours are also available in housekeeping, or you can cross-train to work in both departments. if you would like to work in a customer oriented team atmosphere, and have the opportunity to earn a great performance bonus, come join the Super 8 Team! Please apply in Person at: West “O’ Super 8 Motel 2635 West “O" Street Summer Editor In Chief The Daily Nebraskan is accepting applications for the 1996 summer editor in chief. Applicants must have one year of newspaper experience, preferably at the Daily Nebraskan, ana be a student at the University of Ne braska-Lincoln this spring, summer or fall. The editor in chief formulates The Daily Nebraskan is pub editorial policy, determines lished weekly during the two guidelines for the daily opera- five-week sessions plus a New tion of the newsroom, hires the Student Enrollment issue, senior editorial staff, helps de- Applications are available in termine the content of the edito- the Daily Nebraskan office, rial page, prepares the editorial basement of the Nebraska salary budget and reports to the Union, and must be returned Publications Board. with writing samples by 3 p jn., March 15. Nel?ra£kan UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. FIND YOUR PLACE ATTHE DN The Daily Nebraskan is now accepting applications for senior staff positions for the fall semester. Applicants must be students en rolled in at least six credit hours carrying at least a 2.0 GPA. Appli cants need not be journal ism or communications majors, and all interested students are encouraged to apply. Senior staff positions to be filled are: □ Managing Editor □ Senior Reporters □ Associate News Editors □ Photo Chief □ Opinion Editor □ Senior Photographer □ Night Editor □ Art Director □ Wire Editor □ Cartoonist ’ □ Copy Desk Chief □ Web Editor □ Sports Editor □ Asst. Web Editor □ A&E Editor □ Supplements Editors □ Night News Editors □ Columnists Pick up applications at the DN, 34 Nebraska Union. Deadline for applications isThursday, March 14,5 p.m. Interviews will be held after spring break. UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admission or employment programs, and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. WOMEN NEEDED (19-27 years) for a 3-yr research study to examine the effects of calcium supplementation. Paid $30.00 for each Of 8 visits. If you are a non-smoker, in good health, and have a poor diet, you may qualify. Call Betty Chin, 402 280-4819. at Creighton University Osteoporosis Re search Center. X-tra $$ Work Part-time or Full-time generating sales leads. $6.50/nr Paid Training Call 477-0303, ask for Amy. NANNIES!! The Elite Nanny Service! Call us to find the best jobs available in the childcare field. One-year commitment only. Nannies Plus 1-800-752-0078. Need a change of scenary ? Family in Merrimeck, NH, has room for a female student. 'Must enjoy helping with the housework and being around young children.* Must have excellent references. Please write Mrs. Steeves, #8 Windsor Dr., Merrimeck, NH 03054. Need childcare helper to watch adorable infant week days, 1pm-5pm in families home. Decent pay, Call 488 9480 for interview. 500 SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES IN NY, PA, NEW ENGLAND. Choose from over 40 camps. Instruc tors needed: Tennis, Baseball, Hockey, Rollerblading, Soccer, Lacrosse, Softball. Volleyball, Basketball, Pt Majors. Education Majors, Gymnastics, English Riding, Lifeguard, WSI, Water-Skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Fit ness, Archery, Mountain Biking, Pioneering, Rockdimbing, Ropes, Dance, Piano Accompanist, Dra matics, Ceramics, Jewelry, Wood Working, Pictogra phy, Radio, Nature, RN's, Chefs, Food Service. Arlene 1 800-443-6428; 516-433-8033. CAMP COUNSELORS OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLIM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MAS SACHUSETTS, PENNSYLVANIA, AND CALIFORNIA. All spedalities: Athletics, Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exer dse, Nutrition, Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 20*. CALL FOR APPLICATION: 1-800-421-4321. CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/ girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sail ing. waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $1250 plus. Phone: 708-446-2444. Life Changing Experiences Could be in store for you! Work at Camp Easter Seal in Milford, Nebraska witn people with disabilities. Hiring for all positions. Salary, room and board provided. Call (402) 330-6660 for more information. Need P-T help, day hours, M-F, Adult Day care, call 477 0552. Student Summer Employment Housing Custodial_$5.70/hr. Building Maintenance.$6.10/hr. Building Palnter„.$6.10/hr. (paint test required) Apply at the maintenance office in your residence hall complex or at 1100 Seaton Hall on City Campus. SUMMER CAMP COUNSELOR JOBS With Virginia's Camp Easter Seal for children and adults with physical or cognitive disabilities. Male/female coun selors and program directors including aquatics, horse back riding, ropes course, sports, crafts and food service. Salary, room board, workmans comp. Internships avail able. all majors welcome to apply. Contact Kris Sorensen: 1-800-365-1656. Camp Easter Seal; P.O. Box 5496; Roamoke, VA 24012. Summer Mom Supervise summer activities of two charming, well-be haved girls, ages 9 and 10, and handle light household duties in a beautiful West Omaha home. Perks include; private pool membership, meals and free time during day. Will consdider a live-in situation. Must have an upbeat and fun personality, enjoy children, have reliable trans rjrtation and good driving record. Please call Renae after p.m. at 1-402-330-9874. This summerMake between $3500 and $10,000 based on how hard you work. Also college credit and career place ment. Call 423-7545. Youth Baseball Employment Opportunities The Babe Ruth Baseball League needs umpires and coaches for the summer. Leave a message at one of the S numbers: 489-4252, 435-7088, 483-6214. interested in afternoon umpiring or morning and i coaching. YOUTH CAMP STAFF UNL Office of Campus Recreation 10-40 hours per week. June 3-August 9, 1996. $4.75 $5.10 per hour. Qualifications: Previous experience relat ed to youth sports and recreation is desirable. Lifeguard also needed. Applications available at 55 Campus Rec reation Center or 32 East Campus Activities Building. Applications due MARCH 29th. $1750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. For Info call 202-393-7723. Omaha based marketing & distribution company is seek ing^motivated people for Lincoln expansion. 800-468 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act. which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law or discnminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. 1701 D St., Nice 1-bedroom, QUIET, owner occupied tri plex, $330 + deposit and utilities, 475-4474. Female: $175/mo, utilities paid. 476-8994. Large modem home is yours to share. Own bedroom, bath, garage, cable, fireplace, minutes from campus. $300/month. 435-7550. M/F Roommate to share large house. Must like cats. Smoker welcome. $250/montn. Utilties paid. 464-2395. Male, female to share nice one-year-old place. Minutes from campus. $175 plus 1/5 utilities. 474-4292. MALE, Large beautiful home, wood floors, central air. washer ana dryer, all utilities paid. $270.00 month. 477 0227, N/S roommate to share house, $200/month + utilties. C/ A, W/D, quiet neighborhood. 474-6654 Nonsmoking roommate preferred; beginning May 1st; to share two bed, two batn; laundry on floor, pool, tennis court lots of space; $270 plus 1 /2 utilities plus 1/2 deposit. 436-9250.__ Roommate needed: Nice apartment near city campus; $212.50 mo.; call 438-4182, leave message. Available immediately. Roommate Wanted, Non-smoking male for 2-BR apt, $172.50/month +1/2 utiltites. Avaialble April 1st, 435 8437. Furnished. All utilities. $150/month. 11th & B. 476-2676. Leave message or call in afternoon. Non-Smoking Female. Utilities and laundry included, $150/mo. 26th & South Streets, 432-5573. 3,4,5, and 6 bedrooms, available in May, Near campus, 432-0644 or 432-6644. 3210 S Street. Four bedroom, two baths, central air, no pets. $650.430-6328. 3BR, 2-Bath. Real nice. $575,1205 Claremont 432-6644 519 N. 35th. Five bedroom, two baths, garage. $750/ month. No pets. 430-6328. 6-bedroom. Available in May. 1426 N. 23rd. 2 baths. Parking. $850. 432-0644,432-6644. Close to campus. 2+ bedroom house, full basement, garage. $600/mo. 474-1272. Reserving Now. Nice houses, dose to campus for sum mer or August 432-0644 or 432-6644. Two bedroom. Nice. 1601 S. 25th. Wood floors. No smoking. No pets. $525. 486-1267. -5 We Love Students! 3-,4-,5- and 6-bedroom homes, all dose to UNL Reserve for summer and/or fall now and relax. 423-1535. 1009 Furnas Avenue. New 4-bedroom, 2-bath, 2-garage. Washer/dryer. Appliances. Central Air. Available now. $800. 435-7807. !!!Affordable Apartments!!! Folsom & A. Brand New 2-bedroom, $475-$500 Various Locations 1,2 and 3-bedroom, $270-$540. Management One 477-2600 !!We have SPACE for your stuff! 1121N. 28th: Huge 1BR, grey or beige, ceramic floors, all |ppliances, lots of closets, on-site management.$350 3220 Apple: 1BR, lower or top level. Floor to ceiling windows.$350-$375 2615 Vine: 1BR. unique split level, lots of windows. All utilities paid. Available April 1.$350 2920 P St: 1BR duplex, PERFECT. All appliances. Walk outpatio..„.$350 2BR 1 1/4 BA townhouse. Rose/beige. SHARP! Like a house.$475 4300 Comhusker Hwy: Close to shopping. 1BR, beige, sharp design.$350 2BR, 1BA, beautiful white appliances. Oak trim through out. Great neighbors.$510 WALK TO UNION COLLEGE 4537 Prescott: 2BR, 2BA, fireplace, top floor, huge win dows.$470 Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 *** RESERVE FOR FALL*** 1 and 2 Bedroom units. Pool, Laundry, Bus, Concrete (quiet) buildings, $369 up! JONES APARTMENTS 475-7262 _640 S. 20 Perfect 10 Nalls 3601 O Street • 476-1006 $2 OFF of FILL (Reg. SIS) $5 OFF of FULLSET (Reg $30) Valid ForNcw Customers w/Lcc Only 1938 Garfield. Two bedroom. New apartment. No smok ing. No pets. Available April 1. $395. 486-1267. 2740 R. Two bedroom. Parking. Laundry. No pets. $350. 430-6328. 3443 S Street, 2-BR apartment, A/C, $285/month +utili ties. 475-0123 or 472-0279. Claremont Park Apts, is now leasing 1,2,3 BR's for August (some available in May). Spaces are limited. First Come, First Serve. Shown by appt. only. Call 474-7275. Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy On Up To A Nice Warm Fire at Willowhaven Apts. Now available, 1 & 2-bedroom apts with fireplace or woodbuming stove and fully equipped kitchen. Call Now 476-6200 Newer 2 bedroom 508 S. 25th, new carpet, clean, leave message 483-2357. Newer, clean buildings, off street parking. 1922 K st., 1 BD, $325 AND 2-BD $410.1230 D st., 1 -BD, $330. 483 6280 *** SUMMER LEASES *** Reserve 2 BR units for summer. Bask in the sun...poolside, laundry, $369 upl Jones Apartments 475-7262 640 S. 20 Sublet my lease! Nice two bedroom apartment, close to campus, free cable, and in good neighborhood. $390,1910 Knox S. Call 438-1766 or 477-7684. April and May openings Pine Tree Apartments, 1st and Adams, 2 and 3 bedroom $490-$630. 2540 W, 3-bed room, W/D, $610,535 West Saunders, 2-bedroom $450. 1814 F, 2-bedroom $415. Embassey Park Apartments, 31st & Old Cheney, 3-bedroom, $630-$645,2-bedroom, W/D. $520,2-bedroom, 2-bath $520. No pets. 483-1130/ 483-6057 f 1 it’s not too late to beat die two up rush. Get your bike on as makes. Competitive prices and the fastest turn around in town. Cycle Works, 27th & Vine, 479-2453. _s_