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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1996)
MONDAY l4<CC3»M4«Umil44<C9»>M44<C3»»X44<C3»>X44<C33>M44<C3»»N44< WEATHER: Today - Mostly sunny, breezy & mild. South wind 15 to 25 mph. Tonight - Partly cloudy. Low in upper 30 s. _March 11, 1996_ What’s cookin’? . ~.,■■■■■ •iv»y.«a.<«-.i»w«■■■■■««.«ia»y.y« ■■■■■ .y....;**■■■......-. Travis Heying/DN Jill Staehr, a junior in the teachers college, pours a can of tomato sauce into a bucket Sunday afternoon during the Kappa Delta Chili Fest ’96. The sorority made 19 pots of chili, which was enough to feed up to 1,000 people. It held the annual event to raise money for the Local and National Prevention of Child Abuse organization. Elders calls for more sex education US. health system fails to educate students effectively By Michaela Pieler Staff Reporter Americans need more health education to become a healthier society, a former U.S. sur geon general told about 900 people at Nebraska Wesleyan University. Dr. Joycelyn Elders, surgeon general from 1993 to 1994, said the American health care system cost too much and delivered too little. In a one-hour speech in the O’Donnell Audi torium on Friday afternoon, Elders explained the problems of “Health Care in the 21st Cen tury.” Although the United States has the best doc tors, nurses and research programs in the world, she said, the country fails in actual ly keeping its people healthy. Elders, a native of Schaal, Ark., was the First African-American and second female surgeon general. She was asked to resign in December 1994 after she suggested education about mas turbation in schools. She now works as a professor of pediatric endocrinology at the University of Arkansas. Elders said the average American child watched 15,000 hours of television from lgin dergarten to 12th grade and only received^ 14 hours of sex education. A comprehensive health education in that time could prevent sexually transmitted dis eases such as AIDS, she said. “We tell them what to do in a car in the front See ELDERSon 6 Leitzel plans to stay at Nebraska By June Sobczyk Senior Reporter ~ Although she will visit an East Coast univer sity in about two weeks, Joan Leitzel, UNL senior vice chancellor for academic aff airs, said Sunday she had no —__ plans to leave Lincoln. “I’mnot looking for I'Wl tlOt another position,” lonbinp fnr Leitzel said. “My in- ^KingJOT tention is to stay. I’m OMOtheV very happy here.” . ... Tlie Lincoln Journal pOSltlOH. My Star reported Friday that intention is tO Leitzel was among four finalists for president of Stay. I TYl Very happy here” Leitzel confirmed JOAN LEITZEL that she would talk with ..... officials from that uni- senior 7106 versity in about two chancellor weeks. Ifpeoplecalltotalk ■■ with you, usually you say yes you will,” Leitzel said. “It’s very preliminary,” she said. “I’m not sure how many people they’re talking to, but surely more than one.” Officials from the University of New Hamp shire talked with her a month ago about visiting the campus, Leitzel said. But she did not apply for the presidency position, she said, or any other positions at other universities. Because she is in a high position at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Leitzel said, officials from other universities sometimes call her when they have job openings. “I have a highly visible position,” Leitzel said. “From time to time, people in my position do get inquiries.” Last August, Leitzel fil led UNL’s chancellor position until James Moeser took over in Febru ary. She was not among three finalists for that position. The Journal Star reported that more than 100 people applied for the presidency position at the University of New Hampshire. Officials plan to have the new president by next fall. Other finalists for the position are: Michael Baer, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at Northwestern University; Myron Henry, provost at Kent State University; and Richard Freeland, vice chancellor for aca demic affairs and president of City University of New York’s Research Foundation. Student’s fight for boxing club sets TKO By Matthew Waite Senior Editor " Chad Grace’s college life has been one big fight. He has fought all kinds of opponents in a boxing ring. He has traded blows in the squared circle for the better part of four years. But for the last year, he says, he has been in the tight of his college career. In one comer is Grace, a senior construc tion management major. In the other are University of Nebraska-Lincoln administra tors, letters, hearings and disappointments. And Grace recently found himself at the business end of what appears, from his end, to be a knockout blow. Grace is the president of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Boxing Club—a club made up of people interested in amateur boxing. The club is, however, not welcome to practice on campus. It hasn’t been since four years ago, when the Office of Campus Recreation dismissed it as a club team when then-adviser Clifford Walton resigned amid allegations of sexual assault — charges that never were proved. Grace’s past year has been a series of attempts to get back to campus. And boxing club members have now, it seems, exhausted their avenues of return, after a decision rejecting the boxing club was handed down Feb. 23 from James Gricsen, vice chancellor for student affairs. Campus officials maintain that amateur boxing causes brain injuries. Research evidence—what little there is that recognizes the difference between professional boxing and amateur boxing— is divided on the issue. And, in what some have said was a double standard, five combative arts clubs and four club sports that contain serious risk of permanent injury were listed as club sports that used campus recreation facilities. Fall from grac£* Grace’s struggle started before he J§j|§l came to campus as a freshman. The Boxing Club was suspended by the Office for Campus Recreation be cause it had no coach or adviser. Stan Campbell, director of Campus Recreation, led the charge to remove the club from campus. In a letter dated Sept. 8,1993, Campbell wrote Marlene Beyke, director of develop ment at the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska, explaining why the club had been suspended. After consulting Greg Clayton, director of risk management and benefits, and Dr. Russell LaBcau, medical director at the University Health Center, Campbell elimi nated the team. “It was decided the risk of injury associ ated with this sport was simply too great to allow it to continue as a Campus Recreation sport club,” Campbell wrote. According to Grace, no students were involved in the decision. The team was not notified until after the decision had been made. Campbell wrote that a position taken in 1983 by the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, along with a lawsuit settled out of court at the University of Colorado, were factors in the decision. But UNL’s risk management office approved the club’s insurance policy in 1988. The club was required to purchase insurance from the USA Amateur Boxing Federation, and the university would be “pleased” with the liability protection, according to a letter dated Nov. 10,1988. The positions Campbell cited that were taken by the two medical associations were established in 1983. In 1984, rule changes See BOXING u ♦