The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 06, 1996, Page 3, Image 3

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    Travis Heying/DN
Rescue units were called to City Campus on Tuesday morning after a university
employee lost his balance and fell out of a tree. John Keeling, a crewman with Landscape
Services at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, was trimming trees outside the College of
Business Administration when he fell from the tree. Mike Franklin, who was working near
Keeling when he fell, said Keeling was conscious and may have cracked a rib in the 6-foot
fall. Keeling was taken to Lincoln General Hospital, treated and released.
Unmarried partners
may receive benefits
By Julie Sobczyk
Senior Reporter
At its monthly meeting Tuesday,
the Academic Senate examined a pro
posal to give insurance benefits to the
partners ot unmar
ried faculty mem
Agnes Adams,
chairwoman of the
senate’s Employee
Benefits Commit
tee, introduced the
idea of domestic
partner benefits to
the senate during her
annual committee report.
Domestic partners refers to indi
viduals in an intimate, long-term, ex
clusive, committed relationship simi
lar to marriage, Adams said.
PartncrsofUniversity of Nebraska
Lincoln faculty would receive benefits
such as health, dental, disability and
life insurances, she said.
Other universities, such as Stanford
University and the University of Iowa,
have such benefits, and the policies
work for them, she said.
Leo Sartori, professor of physics
and astronomy, said the domestic part
ner benefits were a good idea for UNL.
“This is something we should do,”
Sartori said. “It’s fair, and it’s been
successful on other campuses.”
Although the concept looks as if it
could work at UNL, Adams said, some
areas still needed to be worked out.
One unclear area is how to end the
benefits for a partner if a couple broke
up, she said, because the couple would
have no legal tics.
The Academic Senate will vote on
this concept at its April 5 meeting.
From there, the proposal will move to
the University-wide Fringe Benefits
committee to be more fully defined
and developed.
In other business, the senate:
• heard annual reports from the
UNL Campus Police Committee and
the Parking Advisory Committee.
• approved a proposal to change
the mail-in ballot structure for votes.
Half of the new ballots will have one
candidate listed first, and the other
half would have his or her competitor
listed. Concerns were raised about fair
ness in random placement of names.
• approved all names on the ballot
for upcoming committee elections.
Primary results
Bob Dote swept Tuesday’s primaries, including
five states where the winner takes aH delegates.
THE VOTE c/ / / / /</ y
**%%!£** 39% 90% 79% 8'4% 78% 57% 66% 72%
Oote. 45% 54% 40% 46% 53% 48% 67% 41%
^wander 10 5 13 ”77’ 5.8 20
Bwdtenan 21 * ” *15 ” ” 31 25 ” 21 ” ” ’25 ” ”' 0 ’ ”' 17”
Ooman 0 6 0 d 0 d 0 6
P»te» _ 21* ””id"” l2.15”” 13"””l4 "0”””t7”
Gramm 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6
Keyes 3 2 3 2 5 2 0 6
Lugar 1 i 6 3 1 2 3 ~ 14 ~
Taylor 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6
Delegates 14 zr 36 a 32 37 16 12
for the of of of of of of of of
winner: 27 27 39 15 32 37 16 12
Continued from Page 1
way to the Republican convention, but
acknowledged, “It’s an uphill battle
Buchanan’s core support splintered
in Tuesday’s voting, and it appeared
he would fail to match even his 1992
showing in Colorado, Connecticut,
Maryland, Massachusetts and Geor
Forbes trailed everywhere and was
focusing on the Thursday showdown
in New York.
“This has been a strange year,” said
a top Forbes campaign strategist,
former Sen. Gordon Humphrey. “Any
thing can happen.”
Dole officials disagreed.
“It’s over,” said one of Dole’s lieu
tenants, New York Sen. Alfonse
D’Amato of New York.
Dole was looking ahead.
“We need to get the party together
and aim at Clinton,” he told AP. “So
far, the guy has had a free ride while
we beat each other up but that is about
to change.”
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