The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 06, 1996, Page 12, Image 12

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    Classified 472.2588
Wednesday, March 6, 1996 Page 12
Self-Motivated? Be your own boss! Flexible schedule, no
cash investment. Earn $15-30/hour. Call 467-3785.
Stable, Part-time, A.M., cleaning horse stalls, 470-3967.
Student needed to do library research and copying for
research project in Ed. Psych. Need ASAP. Call 472
2434. $4.00/nr. for 12 hours per week. Month of March
through April. Easy work if you know the library and work
Valentino’s Downtown
232 N 13th
Now hiring for all AM and PM positions. Competitive
wages, flexible scheduling. Apply between 2-4pm.
We are looking for Super Sharp, Super friendly people
with super smiles to join our front desk team! Part-time
positions are now open - Friday and Saturday night
availability a must!
Part-time hours are also available in housekeeping, or
you can cross-train to work in both departments.
If you would like to work in a customer oriented team
atmosphere, and have the opportunity to earn a great
performance bonus, come join the Super 8 Teaml
Please apply in Person at:
West "O' Super 8 Motel
2635 West ‘O' Street
(19-27 years) for a 3-yr research study to examine the
effects of calcium supplementation. Paid $30.00 for each
of 8 visits. If you are a non-smoker, in good health, and
have a poor diet, you may qualify. Call Betty Chin, 402
280-4819, at Creighton University Osteoporosis Re
search Center.
Yard maintenance part-time, possible full-time summer
position, Call 466-7771 for interview time.
Hiring a day care teacher. Good hours, good pay. Apply
at 1445 E. 435-3096.
Need a change of scenary? Family in Merrimeck, NH, has
room for a female student. ‘Must enjoy helping with the
housework and being around young children.* Must have
excellent references. Please write Mrs. Steeves, #8
Windsor Dr„ Merrimeck, NH 03054.
NEW ENGLAND. Choose from over 40 camps. Instruc
tors needed: Tennis, Baseball, Hockey. Rollerblading,
Soccer, LaCrosse, Softball. Volleyball, Basketball. PE
Majors, Education Majors, Gymnastics. English Riding,
Lifeguard, WSI, Water-Skiing, Sailing. Windsurfing, Fit
ness, Archery, Mountain Biking, Pioneering,
Rockdimbing, Ropes, Dance. Piano Accompanist, Dra
matics, Ceramics, Jewelry, Wood Working, Photogra
phy, Radio, Nature, RN's, Chefs, Food Service. Arlene 1
800-443-6428; 516-433-8033.
All specialities: Athletics, Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exer
cise, Nutrition, Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 20+. CALL FOR
APPLICATION: 1-606421-4321.
CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/
girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sail
ing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf,
sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding.
Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $1250 plus.
Phone: 708-446-2444.
Large Christian Youth Camp
Has openings for the following positions: Cabin Leaders.
Horsemanship Instructors, Waterski Instructors, Life
guards, Activity Leaders, High Ropes Instructors, First
Aid Specialists. Office, Maintenance, Food Service. We
want staff who: love kids, like to have fun, are enthusias
tic, dedicated, enjoy the outdoor setting. Room, Board,
and Salary. Timbertake Ranch Camps, 2709 North S Rd.,
Marquette. Ne. 68854,308-946-3871.
Life Changing
Could be in store for you! Work at Camp Easter Seal in
Milford, Nebraska with people with disabilities. Hiring for
all positions. Salary, room and board provided. Call (402)
330-6660 for more information.
Counselor positions for talented and energetic students
as Program Specialists in all Team Sports, especially
Baseball. Basketball, Roller Hockey, Gymnastics, Field
Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball; 30 Tennis openings; also
Golf. Archery, Riflery, Pioneering/Overnight Camping,
Ropes and Rock Climbing, Weights/Fitness and Cycling;
other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Figure
Skating. Newspaper, Photography, Yearbook, Radio Sta
tion. Cooking, Sewing, and Rocketry; All Waterfront/Pool
Activities (Swimming, Skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Ca
noeing/Kayaking). Top salaries, room, board and travel.
June 18th-August 17th.
MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118
DANBEE (Girls): 1-800-392-3752
Do you like...
•Earning up to $7/ hour •Flexible Hours
•Promotions (and the pay to go with them)
Enjoy these benefits and be part of a great team, be a
KFC Home Delivery Driver
Qualifications: • Must be at least 18 years old • Must have a valid
drivers license • Must have your own vehicle • Must carry
minimum insurance.
For an application and more information 2100 n. 48th st.
stop by your nearest KFC Restaurant! 464-7469
The Daily Nebraskan is now accepting
applications for senior staff positions
for the fall semester. Applicants
\ must be students en
J rolled in at *east six
" J-^^p credit hours carrying at
least a 2.0 GPA. Appli
cants need not be journal
ism or communications majors,
and all interested students are
encouraged to apply.
Senior staff positions to be filled are:
□ Managing Editor □ Senior Reporters
□ Associate News Editors □ Photo Chief
□ Opinion Editor □ Senior Photographer
□ Night Editor □ Art Director
□ Wire Editor □ Cartoonist
□ Copy Desk Chief □ Web Editor
□ Sports Editor □ Asst. Web Editor
□ A&E Editor □ Supplements Editors
□ Night News Editors □ Columnists
Pick up applications at the DN, 34 Nebraska Union.
Deadline for applications is Thursday, March 14,5 p.m.
Interviews will be held after spring break.
UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admission or employment programs, and
abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same.
With Virginia's Camp Easter Seal for children and adults
with physical or cognitive disabilities. Male/female coun
selors and program directors including aquatics, horse
back riding, ropes course, sports, crafts and food service.
Salary, room board, workmans comp. Internships avail
able, all majors welcome to apply. Contact Kris Sorensen;
1- 800-365-1656. Camp Easter Seal; P.O. Box 5496;
Roamoke, VA 24012.
Summer Opportunities
Are you looking for a summer of adventure? Apply now for
six weeks of challenge and adventure. We will even pay
you. NO OBLIGATION For more information, Call Army
ROTC, 472-4269.
Summer Playground Staff
Parks and Recreation summer positions: Leaders, Asst.
Leaders, Craft Leaders. June 10 - August 2, Monday -
Friday, 9:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Conduct activities for grade
school children. Apply now at 2740 A St. 441 -7952. tOE/
Youth Baseball
Employment Opportunities
The Babe Ruth Baseball League needs umpires and
coaches for the summer. Leave a message at one of the
following numbers: 489-4252, 435-7088, 483-6214.
Specify if interested in afternoon umpiring or morning and
afternoon coaching.
UNL Office of Campus Recreation
10-40 hours per week. June 3-August 9, 1996. $4.75
$5.10 per hour. Qualifications: Previous experience relat
ed to youth sports and recreation is desirable. Lifeguard
also needed. Applications available at 55 Campus Rec
reation Center or 32 East Campus Activities Butkfing.
Applications due MARCH 29th.
$1750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. For Info
call 202-393-7723.
400s Housing
Publisher’s Notice
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to
the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to
advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial
status or national origin, or intention to make any such
preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne
braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real
estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates
against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby
Informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.
Female graduate student seeking N/S roommate to share
2- bedroomapt, no pets. Grad student preferred. Available
April t. Walking distance to city campus, dose to bus
route. $205+ utilities* $150/dep, 438-2667.
Female: $175/mo, utilities paid. 476-6994.
Large modem home is yours to share. Own bedroom,
batn, garage, cable, fireplace, minutes from campus.
$300/month. 435-7550.
9 /hr
Truly Guaranteed ''
• Or Apply In Person
1111 1111
M-F 11am-7pm
M/F roommate wanted for basement apartment through
summer. Near Wesleyan. $200/mo+ 1/4 utilities. Call
M/F roommate, $133/month + 1/4 utilities, nice house
between campuses. 2744 Vine, 438-2472.
Male, female to share nice one-year-old place. Minutes
from campus. $175 plus 1/5 utilities. 474-4292.
Furnished. All utilities. $150/month. 11th & B. 476-2676.
Leave message or call in afternoon.
Non-Smoking Female. Utilities and laundry included,
$150/mo. 26th & South Streets. 432-5573.
3,4,5, and 6 bedrooms, available in May, Near campus,
432-0644 or 432-6644.'_
3210 S Street. Four bedroom, two baths, central air, no
pets. $650. 430-6328.
3BR, 2-Bath. Real nice. $575,1205 Claremont. 432-6644
519 N. 35th. Five bedroom, two baths, garage. $750/
month. No pets. 430-6328.
6-bedroom. Available in May. 1426 N. 23rd. 2 baths.
Parking. $950. 432-0644,432-6644.
Close to campus. 2+ bedroom house, full basement,
garage. $600/mo. 474-1272.
Reserving Now. Nice houses, dose to campus for sum
mer or August 432-0644 or 432-6644.
Two bedroom. Nice. 1601 S. 25th. Wood floors. No
smoking. No pets. $525.486-1267.
We Love Students!
3-,4-,5- and 6-bedroom homes, all dose to UNL. Reserve
for summer and/or fall now and relax. 423-1535.
1009 Furnas Avenue. New 4-bedroom, 2-bath, 2-garage.
Washer/dryer. Appliances. Central Air. Available now.
UlAffordable Apartments!!!
Folsom & A, Brand New 2-bedroom, $475-$500
Various Locations 1,2 and 3-bedroom, $270-$540.
Management One 477-2600
!!We have
for your stuff!
1121N. 28th: Huge 1BR, grey or beige, ceramic floors, all
Usances, lots olclosets, on-site management.$350
3220 Apple: 1BR, lower or top level. Floor to ceiling
2615 Vine: 1BR, unique split level, lots of windows. All
utilities paid. Available April 1.$350
2920 P St: 1BR duplex, PERFECT. All appliances. Walk
out patio.$350
2BR 1 1/4 BA townhouse. Rose/beige. SHARP! Like a
4300 Comhusker Hwy: Close to shopping. 1BR, beige,
sharp design.$350
2BR, 1BA, beautiful white appliances. Oak trim through
out. Great neighbors.$510
4537 Prescott: 2BR, 2BA, fireplace, top floor, huge win
Cherry Hill Management
1 and 2 Bedroom units. Pool, Laundry, Bus, Concrete
(quiet) buildings. $369 up!
640 S. 20
1700 B St. #1, Two plus One bedroom, wood floors,
fireplace, Washer/Dryer, A/C, large windows. $575+ util
ities. 438-4914, evenings.
1938 Garfield. Two bedroom. New apartment. No smok
ing. No pets. Available April 1. $395. 486-1267.
2740 R. Two bedroom. Parking. Laundry. No pets. $350.
3600 Huntington Street. 2-bedroom, walk to East Cam
pus^Laundry^al^appliances. Parking. Available May 1.
Claremont Park Apts, is now leasing 1,2,3 BR’s for August
(some available in May). Spaces are limited. First Come.
First Serve. Shown by appt only. Call 474-7275.
Colonial Heights
One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available.
Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070.
Cozy On Up To A
Nice Warm Fire at
Willowhaven Apts.
Now available. 1 & 2-bedroom apts with fireplace or
woodbuming stove and fully equipped kitchen.
Caii Now 476-6200
Newer 2 bedroom 508 S. 25th. new carpet, clean, leave
message 483-2357.
Newer, clean buildings, off street Darking. 1922 K st„ 1
BD, $325 AND 2-BO $410.1230 Dst., 1-BO, $330.483
Reserve 2 BR units for summer. Bask in the
sun...poolside, laundry, $369 upl
Jones Apartments
640 S. 20
Sublet my leasel Nice two bedroom apartment, close to
campus, free cable, and in good neighborhood.
$390/1910 Knox S. Call 438-1766 or 477-7684.
Two-bedroom. 535 West Saunders. $450; 821 A. $400.2
bedroom; 2-bedroom. 1814 F. $415; Embassy Park
Apartments, 31 st & Old Cheney. 1,2 & 3-bedrooms. $395
$630. No pets. 483-1130. 483-6057.
I [
Spring Break Special
Six sidra wide beds. New bulb*. .80 day unlimited. Thte
week: $29.95. SaHaira, 484-8787.