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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1996)
FOUND: Your jogging watch foil from your bike while you were riding north on 17th St. Wed., Feb. 21, around 8:15 am. You were wearing a bright red, puffy coat. Contact David Bagby. 472-93%. Wanted 23 Students. Lose 5-29 pounds this month. New metabolism breakthrough. RN assisted. Guaranteed-free gift. $35 fee. 1-800-66^0841. FAST FUNDRAISER - RAISE $500 IN 5 DAYS - GREEKS, CLUBS. MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS. FAST, EASY - NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION. (800) 862-1982. ACCOUNTING CLERK II' (Part-time) Provide accounting/clerical support for the Daily Nebras ka business office. Duties include processing billing statements, paying expenses, notifying past due ac counts. preparing deposits/payroll, answering phones, taking classified ads, entering ad orders/updating ad manifest on computer. Two years accounting or book keeping experience or equivalency; type 35 wpm. Com puter experience preferred. Flexible hours between 7:00am-6:00pm Monday-Friday. $7.04 minimum hourly salary plus excellent benefits. UNL employment applica tion required by closing date of 12.-00 noon, March 8. Applyat 32 Canfield Administration Bldg. If you require an accommodation under the ADA, please call 472-2120. The University is an AA/EOE. Agricultural interests? Earn $15-$25/hr., part-time. Spring and Summer open ings. Animal and crop production products marketed. Free training sessions. Call 402-434-7580. Appointment Setters Wanted 'Part-time evenings 'Flexible schedule 'Paid training 'No selling 'Opportunties for advancement. Only the best need apply. Contact Amy at 477-0303. 'Appointment setters needed. Two shifts available, a.m. and p.m.; base pay plus incentive. Call 434-8150 for interview and location. Are you looking for a fun and challenging career? Lens Crafters offers benefits, good salary and the opportunity for advancement to highly energized individuals. Part time/full-time lab technician positions are available now. Evening and weekend hours are required. Apply in person at Gateway Mall. Assistant Energy Dispatcher NMPP Energy provides electricity, natural gas and utility related services to municipally-owned utility systems throughout the Midwest. Monitor electricity use via com puter. schedule electricity to meet loads, and maintain detailed records of energy use. Requires ability to enter data on computer spreadsheets, attention to detail and willingness to make decisions independently. We will train in dispatching. 3-4 shifts/wk: 11 pm-7am shift, Thurs day-Sunday. Must be able to work weekends and some holidays. Pay range—$7.42 to 9.98/hr. Includes part-time benefits and bonus plan. Apply in person or submit resume to NMPP Energy, Energy Square—Skywalk Lev el (formerly the Centrum), 1111 O Street, Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68508. Please call 474-4759 if you require accommodation in the application or hiring process. EOE Attention Telemarketers Earn $8.50/hr. Easy Cash & Fun Environment Call Today A Start Tomorrow. JRW Sales, 436-3080 COLLEGE BOOKKEEPER If you are a person who has a strong need to have things done just right and likes to make things happen, apply NOW for a part-time restaurant bookkeeper position, 15 25 hours per week doing the bookkeeping and in-store duties in an Amigos restaurant, 9am-1pm, 3-5 days per week and 7am-fpm on Monday. Must be person who enjoys a fast, intense pace and like to work hard. Up to $7.00 per hour pay and benefits. Apply now at Student Union, 14th & Q or 29th 6 Comhusker, DATA ENTRY POSITION Deeter Foundry Inc currently has an opening for a part time person to do data entry work. Ideal candkiate will have expereince in computer spreadsheet programs and will be available for work 3-4 hrs/day, preferably after noons. This position is year-round and starting wage is $7.50/hr. Interested individuals should apply in person to: Deeter Foundry 5945 N 70th. Detailer(part-time) Persons needed to pull cases of product and stock shelves at large grocery stores. Day and hours vary with store’s needs. 12-15hrs/week, weekends likely. Hourly rate. Many locations throughout the state, 421-1099. EOE Graduate Assistantships Student Involvement Graduate applications for 1996-97 now available in 200 NU, 300 ECU, the Culture Center or the Women’s Center. Priority screening begins on Mon day, March 18, final deadline for receipt of application is April 15. FULL-TIME & PART-TIME POSITIONS Are you seeking a job which provides a COM PETITIVE WAGE and an excellent TUITION REIMBURSEMENT program? If so. Lincoln Plating Company is for you. How great is this program? So great that you would make $7/hour combining your hourly rate and tuition reim bursement We are seeking full-time and part-time people to work between the hours of 3:30 and 12:00am. The work is production related and entails handling customer parts and working as a team. If interested, apply in person at: Lincoln Plating Company ' { 600 Wert E Street _ EOE Great Experience Flexible hours Fun People Student Involvement Student Stan applications for 1996 97 now available in 200 NU, 300 ECU, the Culture Center or the Women’s Center. Applications are due March 15, interviews week of April 1-12. A variety of positions will be available, salaries range from $4.50-$5.00 per hour. Please return your applications to 200 Nebraska Union. Help wanted, combine operators and truck drivers for wheat and corn harvest. Phone 806-364-0137. Home daycare. 10-15 hours/week. Call Karen at 486 1240. Iguana's is accepting applications for door people, waites, and barbacks. Apply Wednesday from 1 -3pm and 6-8pm at 1426 O Street. LaundryLand is hiring for 1:45 pm to 7:30 pm at 27th &Starr, 56th & Holdrege and 21st & J. Also available 7:15 pm to 12 at 48th & Old Cheney. Flexible hours, $5/hr to train. Apply in person. Lawn and landscape help needed. Mist have neat ap pearance and good driving record. Call Lawnscape 464 Manufacture has an immediate part -time opening for engineering file clerk, individual will be responsible for maintaining and distributingdrawing and blueprint files for engineering department. Flexible scheduling available working 20-24hrs/week, $5/hour. Apply to Personnel director Nebraska Boiler Company, 6940 Cornhusker Hwy, 68507,402-434-2000.__ National Bank of Commerce is accepting applications for a part-time encoder. Individual will be operating an encod ing machine and balancing transactions for computer processing. Prefer bank operations or encoding experi ence, or at least 6 months of 10 key adding machine experience. Must meet a minimum of 6,000 keystrokes per hour and be available six days a week with stated hours. Hours are 1pm to 8 pm, Monday and Friday (or unitl done): 4:30 pm to 8 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (or until done); 10 am to 4 pm, Saturday (or until done). Please call Human Resource Department for appoint ment, 434-4147. EOE Office Assistant/Secretarial Part-time positon open. Filing, greeting customers, an swer phone, typing, general secretarial duties. Computer knowledge helpful. 20-25 hours/week, Monday-Friday. Call 423-0120 from 9-noon. Ask for Vicki. Overnight freight company seeking full and part time drivers for afternoon delivery and pick up of overnight letters and parcels in Lincoln and surrounding areas. Flexible hours; must be 21. $6 per hour. Apply in person to: 2200 West Adams (East of Airport terminal), Wednes day, Thursday and Friday from 3 to 7pm. Part-time customer service opening at our 26th & 0 store. Flexible hours. Apply in person to Globe Cleaners, 21st AG. STUDY PARTICIANT REPRESENTATIVE Harris Laboratories has a VARIABLE-SCHEDULED po sition open. If you like taking on the phone, being in a team environment, and can work with a flexible schedule please apply. Duties include screening indMduais over the telephone to match requirements for pharmaceutical stuctes and entering data in computer database. Re quires HS diploma and data entry skills with 1 yr. telemarketing, customer service or sales experience preferred. Pleasecompteteaggicationat: Human Resources, J-SPR 621 Rose St. Lincoln, NE 68502 __AA/EOE ^ ^ ^ TELEMARKETERS Fastest growing firm where the work environment is stimulating and fun and where YOU CAN MAKE BIG BUCKS! Starting with a guaranteed $6.50 rate, you can earn $8.50 with good performance. We also offer paid training, awesome non-cash bonuses and flexible hours. In ail. a great part-time position— see for yourself Apply in person or call Robin. EOE. IMS 434-2626 Suite 304 Golds Galleria AAA Donate Plasma at NABI and Earn: •$25 for new customers ^Bonuses for those who qualify to •Up to $150 per month participate in our special Programs for return customers *For an appointment caU 474-2335 Free Parking At the Dnor IT'S A CAMP THING! Your opportunity to impact the lives of children CAMP FOSTER YMCA of the Okobojies Summer staff positions available Excellent training, room and board provided CALL 1-800-456-9622 Iowa's #1 Summer Camp PAID INTERNSHIP Good writing and editing skills, organized, able to work on multiple projects and meet deadlines. Now through sum mer and next semester. 15-20 hours per week (can increase during summer), flexible schedule, dose to dty campus, $7 per hour. Send resume or letter of application by March 12 to: Public Information Office, Nebraska Department of Economic Development, P.O. Box 94666, Lincoln, NE 68509-4666. Part-time Security Positions Saturday and Sunday sec ond shift. Friday and Saturday third shift. Call 473-1700 ask for John. Popeyes One cashier and one chicken prep person, Part-time evenings, 4-9pm. Above minimum wage. Apply 722 West OSt. Part-time application engineering assistant. Entry-level position for engineering student with background in heat and mass transfer. Individual will asssist application engineers to evaluate, select, and calculate performance, write up proposals, and follow-up with customers. Cus tomer contact involving industnal boilers and related auxiliaries. Mechanical or chemical engineering student preferred. Please call Personnel Director, Nebraska Boil er Company, 402-434-2000. DILBERT' BY ©©©tet m&m COULD YOU DO A DEttO OF THE NEW PRODUCT FOR OUR VP NEXT WEEK? -1 l s o o o < <D c/> S < Q < H H o 0 </) • E UJ 1 I vi WELL... THAT WOULD DELAY THE SHIP DATE, LOWER MORALE. AND CREATE AN UNENDING DEMAND FOR MORE UNPRODUCTIVE DEMOS... o >• z c ® ® o "O c CO o 3 ■ « LL ■o C D <o a> o> © v9 LOGICALLY, AND WELL SINCE YOUR NEED A OBJECTIVE 15 oAMK,Fo TO SHOW THAT THAT 5Ays U)E'RE4 DOING w Qy jy » VALUABLE , ‘ WORK... , r" 1 frf R0KJ ZD Oil /Avt> If HAy AN ARTIFICIAL 5A/(M/ MA£££ FOR <&MAA£R' AMO A 7AM&MI 7D K££P IT TfDW! 1 M fA/S/De THE OACIEK IS A GAME ROOM> /AA/D THERE'S A\J \ OMK/tMAX THEATER! DOiOU HAVEAV1 lOw WHAT this UWU) cost 7 DOESN'T MATTER’. \ SEE THE KJOKMEZN I lights Ptojeave? nes. 4t>t> SOME PIK/K now, A\Jb-mSW>. 1 IWSTA^T LASER. SHOU] \ Tlfj SUCKS A HCAt> l / LOOK I'M / One OF THOSE . 1 Elvis guys \now MIGRAINE/ &OY ^ / I GOT A 'BIG GREA5y\ Haircut a \ Fancy suit \ .A"D, blue \ V>w£DI5H SHOES) — ©GREG FIEftlNG Ithats Blue (SUEDE Shoes •YOU Q*?#! MO - 4 J *lN _ PlT^AD ENOUGH I GOT 1TII1S @<*/?#//>/ ■ HEADACHE,now I "SOT TO DEAL WITH “YOUR IDIOT MIS r—CONCEPTIONS !?f //don't be CRUEL. \ 'MIGRAINE yeor / ACROSS i Emulate Topsy 5 Desist's partner 10 Settled after a sky-dive 14 Radames’s beloved 15 Saints’circlets 16 Caron role 17 Georgia-born writer 20 Daisy chains, e.g. 21 Balzac’s “La Cousine-’’ 22 P.O. alternative 23 Freshly 25 Country lads 20 Frolic 30 Fireproof material: Abbr. 33 Rent 34 Ike’s wife 35 Brooklyn Preacher 36 Georgia-born writer 40 Country-club instructor 41 Staff symbols 42 Greet 43 Dictionary abbr. 44 Homeowner’s document 45 King Mark’s bride 47 Makes unctuous 48 Numero 49 Con game 52 Hatch artificially 57 Georgia-born writer ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 60 African succulent 61 “Exit, pursued by-Shak. 62 Contents of veins 63 “As the twig is 64 Sounds of surprise 65 Roused DOWN 1 Harsh criticism 2 Vex 3 Harem rooms 4 Desire 5 Great Pyramid builder 6 Brings home the bacon 7 One of the Kahns et al. 8 -Canals 9 Coin of Portugal: Abbr. 10 Nixon running mate 11 Fuzzy nuisance 12 “-Rhythm” 13 Auto necessity 18 Part of speech 19 Minded 23 Soprano Gluck etal. 24 Manicurist’s concern 25 Right parts 26 Fret 27 Firebug’s crime 28 Cuttlefish fluid 29 Walked like an expectant father 30 Regional 31 Kind of geometry 32 Ball star 34 Doles 37 Blue dye 38 Caroler's word 38 Rock group, with ■‘The" 48 Brings upon oneself 46 Essence 47 Start 48 Open a bottle 49 Cut cover 50 Yarn 51 Do a pressing chore 52 Sherbets’ cousins 53 Buffet 54 Flying: Comb, form 55 “Star-” 5« To be, in Roma 58 Emulate Xanthippe 55 Yuppie deg.