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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1996)
i Icut ©hut UK i | TANNING | $995 5 Sessions Best Tanning in Lincoln with the new WOLFF 'Wide' Body Beds I 70th & Vine 466-5050 | Pleat* patient coupon. Offin pood thtouph 3-15-96 | March8 16 * Sleep Eat Sleep ® March 17 S3 Cancan! Florida! Home! At ALOHA TAN you 4 ( can tan your way: • 5 sessions for $12.00 • 10 sessions for $20.00 One month unlimited tanning for $19.95 (with your Student ID) 5555 So. 48th, Suite C - 48th &Hwy 2, 423-2134 11 MS UNTIL MG BREAK!!! Now would be the best time to make plans. TAN Without the Burn!! 3-5 Sessions to the Ultimate Golden Tan See the difference With practically no Tans last longer, after your first UVB, No risk of maintain a golden _sessfon/__ burning or skin tan with only 1-2 1 'i FREE 1 thickening! visits per month! lTAN 1 With Purchase of any Package 1 ^ ■ririrfri. ■ East Park Plaza ! v“XaC“£ I TffimW 200 N. 66th St. I with any other offer. I T/l|T£f 466-4131 ^Expires 3/31/96 Classified 4™ $3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex. sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. 00s For Sale Used washer, dryer, refrigerator or range, delivered, guaranteed and payments of only $25 for three months. Mhat's a deal!" 46<hB252. Blue’s Bike & Fitness All 1995 blkes-buy one at regular price end receive the next bike at 112 price. Must be equal or lesser value. All new bikes receive lifetime tune-ups. Closest bike shop to campus 427 S 13th 3321 Pioneers. More bikes than your dog has fleas. Killer deals on 95 models. New models from Klein, Bontrager, Trek, Spe cialized and KHS. See the midwest's largest selection of rigid, front suspension and full suspension mountain bikes, hybrids and yes, we have road bikes. Cycle Works, 27th & Vine. 475-2453. BE THE FIRST- CYRIX 686,100MHz P120-brand new in box, 2-year warranty. 540 HD, 8MG RAM, 14".28DP Nl SVGA Mon. 16 bit Sound card w/speakers.4XCDROM. MUST SELL. First $2495.00 takes. 489-0373. Mac LCII, 13" color monitor, StyleWriter printer, 28.8 modem, $800. 421-3913. Power Graphic Scientific Calculator, UN-USED, Radio Shack, EC-4034. Cheap!! OBO, Les at 465-4445. TEVA Get yours for Spring Break at the Moose’s Tooth, 40th & O. Wedding dress: Bianchi original. Satin Shantung, chapel length train, worn once, matching veil and double ruffled skirt. 483-5094, Janelle. BAND Together! [ ) Be a Health Aide. 100+ Health Aide positions open for the 1996-97 Health Aides: academic year! * Live on campus; * Provide minor first aid care in residence halls, Greek houses & co-ops; * Take the Peer Health 230 class both fall & spring semesters; * Act as a Health Center liaison; * Are a health referral and resource person for their living unit; * Receive a small stipend for the services they provide; Applications are available at the Community Health Education Dept., Rm. 12, University Health Center. For more information call 472-7440. UNL is an affirmative pction/equal opportunity institution. Three excellent Chili Pepper seats for sale at Ticketmaster prices. March 16, Kansas City. 488-2269 after 7 p.m. Wanted: Big 8 Tournament Tickets. Call Jeff at 1-800 387-6944. '89 T-bird LX, loadedl Low miles, auto, A/C, JBL stereo with CD. Thousands less than dealer! $7,995 OBO. 437 3136. 1991 Chevrolet Suburban 2500, full power, captains chairs, under 50,000 miles. 913-987-5496. 1987 Jeep Grand Wagoneer, full power, new tires, under 100,000 miles. 913-987-5496. 200s Notices 4 day, 3 night roundtrip cruise from Florida to Bahamas. I can't use it after all. You can for a great pricel 421 8237,leave message. Spring Break - Price War! CANT BEAT THISII South Padre Island Beachfront from $114. Includes Party Packages!! 1-800-FB-Padre (1-800 447-2373), http://www.student6xpress.com_ ALASKA SUMMER JOBS Fishing Industry. Earn to $3,000-$6,000+/month + bene fits. Male/Female. No experience necessary. (206)971 3510 ext.A57784 CRUISE SHIPS HIRING. - Earn up to $2,000+/month. World travel. Seasonal & full time positions. No exp. necessary. For info, call 1-206 971-3550 ext. C57782 DISC GO ROUND Used CD’*. $5.9947.99. T-shirts, posters, Imports, hacky sacks, music books, song books and CD towers. New CD’s $11.99412.99 DISC GO ROUND 50th and 0,486-0047. EASTERN EUROPE JOBS Teach basic conversational English in Prague. Budapest or Krakow. No teachingcertificate of European language: required. Inexpensive Room & Board mother benefits. Foi info. caH: (206) 971-3680 ext.K57781 Food For Thought Semester Theme: 'Feeding the Hunger: Addictions-Personal & Social’ Thursday, March 7 East Campus Union 12 Noon Brown Bag Colleen Babcock reviewing: Addiction and Grace by Gerald May Response by Pastor Otto Schultz Faculty, Staff & Grad Students Invited & Welcome JOKE JAM MODE STAMHJD COMEDY! b FROM COMEDY ON THE ROAD DARRIiTmEYER SHOWTIME, HBO, HE WATCHES THEM ALL ■ FRIDAY & STAURDAY MARCH 8-9 AT 8:00pm I THE DOWNTOWN DINNER THEATRE AT HUEY'S 13 A O End The Corruption of Your Student Government Vote OFFICE Today, March 6th FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 billion in public and private sector grants & scholarships is now available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F57784 Guitar Instruction/Rental Zager Studio, 464-7771. NEED A CHANGE OF PACE? How about spending the fall semester abroad? As a part of the 1996 Senshu Exchange Program, you can spend ten exciting weeks studying Japanese businees. lan guage, andculture at Senshu University in Tokyo, Japan. Findout more at the next information session! Wednesday, March 6, at 2:30 and 3:30 pjn., In CBA 125 Thursday, March 7, at 24)0 and 3:30 p.m„ In CBA 125 For more details, contact: Suzette Emmons, CBA 138, or phone 472-2310. Nurse Scholarships Freshmen/sophomore nursing students, cash in on good grades. Apply now for ARMY ROTC Scholarships, Call 472-2468 for more information. PRE-LAW STUDENTS! UNL Law College at the Arts & Acience Advising Center, 107 Oldfather, Wednesday, March 6,1:40-4:30.Call 472 4190 for appointment. PRE-MED STUDENTS! University of Osteopathic Medicine & Health Sciences at the Arts & Sciences Advising Center, 107 Oldfather, Wednesday, March 6, 10:30-1:30. Call 472-4190 for appointment. Pregnant Employees We are looking for volunteers to assist us in understand ing pregnant women's experiences in the workplace. Participation would involve completing an anonymous 20 minute questionnaire that would be mailed to you. For more information, call Michelle Clark at 464-5159. Scholarship Student Foundation Scholarship available in Student Invovlement Office, 200 NE Union. Due March 8. Spring Break Specials!!! Take advantage of your seeing break by joing the special programs International Affairs have organized for UNL international students. *Homestays In Rural communltltes: Genuine culture explorations in the Nebraskan farming communities (Au burn/Neligh). Delightful and enlightening interactions with host families. Visits to local governement and busi ness. Laughters and fun in the international night joining the efforts of international students and the community people. Leave IA at 5:00 p.m. Friday, March 15 and return to Lincoln the evening of Monday, March 18. Cost:$18for transportation. Food and lodging at FREE! *Vlsltto the State Capitol and the Nebraska Unicamer al Legislature: Great chance to understand American democracy through legislature!! Guided tour of the State Capitol Building. Presentation by the Director of the Unicameral Information Office. Information packet avail able for international students. Leave IA at 8:15 a.m. Tuesday, March 19 and return to IA by noon. FREE! *Tour of Lincoln Business: One-day tour of a variety of manufacturing, retail, and high-tech businesses in Lin coln. Leave from the north entrance of the City Union at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday March 20 return 5:15 p.m. Cost: $5 for lunch and transporation. •Trip to Grand Islsnd: Rare opportu ntity to appreciate the attractions of the third largest city in Nebraska - Grand Island: migrating Sandhill Cranes, museums of Native Americans, and thoroughbred horse racing. Leave IS at 7:00 a.m. Saturday, March 30 and return to Uncoln by 6:00 p.m. Cost: $15 for transportation, lunch, museum admission, and park fee. Limited Space, First Come, First Served. Come to the reception desk ot International Affairs or call 472-5358 as soon as possible to sign up for the programsII TASTE of MALAYSIA Every weekend. Order as late as Sat. evening (7:00pm). Call 474-3715- will deliver. THE OMAHA CAMERA SHOW March 9 & 10.10 AM-5 PM Radial Social Hall. 1516 N.W. Radial Hwy. BUY-SELL-TRADE Info. 402-558-9473 Vote for JASON OTT Teacher’s College Advisory Board *Your Voice of Reason And Change.* WOMEN S LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Saturday, March 9,9:00am-1:00pm. Don't miss this excit ing leadership conference! Keynote address, workshops, panel discussion. Registration forms in Student Involve ment, Women's Center, Culture Center, and ASUN. Pre registration deadline is March 6. Preregistration, $5.00, on site. $7.00. See you at the Conference! “CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDENTS“ ALL Civil Engineering students should plan to meet with their advisors at the early registration meeting on Wednesday, March 6, at 5:00 pm in W357 Nebraska Hall. Packets for Fall 1996 will be available. Students are reminded that they still must have their advisors approval before registering for classes. Refreshments will be served I Campus Red Cross Join us March 6 at 5:00 in the basement of the I Health Center. Ad Club Mock interviews. Wednesday. March 6.6 p.m.. Avery Hall 201. Biochemisrty Club Meeting Wed. March 6 at 5:45, room will be posted. CASNR Advisory Board Meeting Wednesday, March 6 at 6:00pm in the East Campus Union. Please note time change. FDC Important meeting, nominating next year’s board. Thurs day, 7pm, Barkley Center, East Campus. FINANCE CLUB MEETING WED. March 6. CBA RM 118 at 5:30. New Members Welcome. Pre-Vet Club Meeting Wednesday. March 6 at 7:00pm in the East Campus Union. Nominations for officers will be taken. Runners Club Meeting Thursday 8pm in Rec Center. Questions? Call Brad, 436-9677. Student Education Association Meeting: Wednesday, March 6,5:30pm, Room 51. Learn about teaching from current student teachers. TCAB/SEA Remember meeting tonight, Henzlik, room 51 at 5:30. Hear from current student teachers. TE) PI LAMBDA THETA HONOR SOCIETY Initiation and New Officer Elections: - Sunday, March 10th at 2:00pm in the Nebraska Union (room TBA). 'Please Dress Professionally 'Great Minds Think Alike.' Phi Mu Scholarship Week axq Congratulations to Carly Crow on her acceptance to Speech Path Grad School. We are so proud of you. Love, your sisters. ATT Congratulations to Scott Ford on his recent engagement. Thank you to all of those that helped with Pink Rose. Specially to Aaron Wulf. ' Congratulations to the Quadrathalon Tearn for placing 1 st in the meats division and 4th overall. Congratulations to Steve Auxier on his recent initiation to Alpha Gamma Rho. From Your Brothers at Alpha Gamma Rho. ATE Sunday night at the Playmore was a blast! Thanks for joining us, and let's do it again soon! 4 Love, the women of Tri Delta Aon Good luck to Sara Russell in the ASUN elections today. We're behind you all the way! Congratulations to Hwayne Knisley for becoming the most powerful man on campus, as the University Judicial Board Chairman. The men of Acacia AAA Congratulations to Kelly Smith for being accepted into Teacher’s College! We're so proud of youl A special thank you to our seniors for their contributions and supportl We love you guysl Have a great week! Love, Your Sisters (DA© Thank you for having us over on Fridayl We’ll have to do it again soon. Love, Pi Phi FH Congratulations to Lee Reinhardt, Brian Biauser, and Jason Kubik for being selected into the Innocents Soci ety. Your FarmHouse Brothers FH ' We had a great time watching Friends with you last Thursday! Thanks for coming ovr! _ Love, the ladies of Tri Delta Good Luck to Viet Hoang in the Election today. And once again, don't forget to write in Brian Beins as your CBA Senator. Let's try and get him more than 37 votes this time. Your brothers at Acacia GREEK YEARBOOK EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Applications for 1996-1997 available now at Greek Affairs. Deadline is March 15. KA ChiliFest ’96 March 10,1996,4-7pm $3.00 in advance, $4.00 at the door. All you can eat Chili and cinnamon rolls! All proceeds go to Local and National Prevention of Child Abuse. IIB<D Congratulations to Julie Circo for getting accepted into Social Work school. And to Paige Fetzien for getting into the Teachers College! Way to go. girls. • Love, your Pi Phi sisters ©X Good Luck to all of our memebers involved in the A.S.U.N. Elections! _ Your Brothers SA Thank you for a great dinner exchange. From the Men of Alpha Gamma Rho. Positions open Nebraska Union Board Athletic Dept. Comm. Deadline Wed., March 8 - 4:00 p.m. Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union. STUDENT ORGANIZATION AWARDS Nomination forms available at Student Involvement, res idence hall front desks and ASUN. REWARD YOUR MEMBERS AND OFFICERS I Complete a nomination and return it to Student Involvement. Deadline Is March 18. I want a woman who likes Objectivism: the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Write to room 4116,600 North 15th St, Lincoln, NE 68508-1296, From last Saturday night, to the lovely lady jogging in Cook Pavilion. You had my heart-a-racm’l Unfortunately, I can not be there this Saturday. I can only hope to see you again this Sunday - or the next Saturday - same time, same place. The guy in the Z-Cavarichi T-shirt Ooglah the Mook, Show me your pigtails and 111 let you play with