The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 01, 1996, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
Students may be seeking a voca
tional education career in primary
and secondary education, higher
education or in business and indus
try, Holder said. Faculty will pre
pare them for any of those areas,
she said.
Faculty in vocation education
have brought more reputation to
the program by reaching top lead
ership positions in the American
Vocational Association, a group of
40,000 members.
Within the past ten years, UNL
professors have served as two na
tional presidents and two division
vice presidents, Holder said.
James O’Hanlon, dean of the
Teachers College, said the educa
tion administration doctoral pro
gram at UNL had been ranked in
the top 54 of 250 to 300 programs
by the University Council of Edu
cation Administration.
O’Hanlon said the strength of
both programs was their ability to
match up with the needs of the
Sang Lee, chairman of the busi
ness management doctoral program,
said business management had been
rated high in faculty research, re
search grants and faculty leader
A study of research productivity
at Big Eight schools placed UNL
second in management information
systems, fifth in management sci
ence and fourth in general manage
UNL’s management professors
also have drawn the most external
research funding in the past five
years among the Big Eight and Big
Ten — a total of $2.8 million.
Management program faculty
have earned high positions in pro
fessional organizations, Lee said.
Management professors have
served as presidents of the Acad
emy of Management, an interna
tional association with 10,000 mem
bers, and the Decision Sciences In
stitute, which has 7,500 members
around the world.
The strength of faculty has given
students positions as professors at
the University ofWashington, Notre
Dame, Colorado State and Texas
A&M, Lee said.
“The student is our ultimate
product,” he said.
The management doctoral pro
gram is also well recognized inter
nationally, Lee said.
Its reputation has led to endeav
ors in Asia and Europe, such as a
recent undertaking with Deutch
Telecommunications in Germany,
Lee said.
Dcutch Telecommunications,
comparable to AT&T in the United
States with 230,000 employees, is
takingmanagement training via tele
vision from the UNL management
department, he said.
“Those are some indications of
how well-regarded we are.”
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Overcrowding clogs prison
Governor wants to alleviate problems
By Joshua Gillin
Staff Reporter II
Gov. Ben Nelson expressed con
cern Thursday about overcrowding ir
Nebraska’s prisons, and said the state
needed to build new units to help alle
viate the problem.
At a press conference Thursday
morning, Nelson said he wanted tc
implement three measures: building
three new modular units for prisoners
which would add 300 beds to the Ne
braska State Penitentiary; organizing
a work camp for non-violent, first
time offenders; and constructing a
youth facility in Omaha.
Nelson said the cost of constructing
the three modular units in 1997 would
be $5.3 million. Operating costs in
1998 would be $3.2 million.
The governor said his concern foi
prison overcrowding was caused by a
lack of support in the Legislature tc
fund the new units.
Lawsuits by inmates about prison
living conditions have also been a topic
of debate.
Nebraska has tried to dismiss law
suits brought by inmates who claim
conditions at state facilities violate
their constitutional rights. So far, a
U.S. District Court judge in Lincoln
has rejected those measures.
“The prison population is grow
ing, and our system is simply feeling
the growing pains,” Nelson said.
“Those growing pains could turn into
a significant ache if steps aren’t taken
Jack Falconer, assistant director of
administrative services for the Ne
braska Department of Corrections, said
the increasingprison population should
be dealt with soon.
“We seem to be in a growth indus
try,” he said. “People are being locked
up for longer sentences, and there are
fewer paroles.”
The Nebraska prison system is op
eratingat 143 percent designed capac
ity, and overcrowding is expected to
reach 174 percent by 1998, Nelson
He said the new units would not be
a long-term solution but were still nec
“We’ve never said this will solve
the problem (of overcrowding),” he
said. “This is a matter of money. This
is a matter of funding these programs.”
The Legislature’s Appropriations
Committee rejected the modular unit
proposal recently in favor of develop
ing a plan for a permanent facility.
But Nelson said the state could not
wait for a plan to be developed. He
said the units, which would be built by
inmates, could last up to 50 years.
The Appropriations Committee
plans to take another look at Nelson’s
proposal Monday.
The Associated Press contributed to this
Continued from Page 1
Senators agreed that low pay may
be holding state government back.
“We have a salary structure that
prevents so many qualified people from
running,” said Sen. George Coordsen,
a board member.
Sen. John Lindsay of Omaha said
that 10 senators ran for office unchal
lenged this year, possibly because po
tential opponents could not support
themselves and their families on a
senator’s salary.
Many times, only retirees, wealthy
people or those with affluent spouses
can afford to run, he said, which turns
the government into an exclusive club.
Lindsay said when he made the
decision to run for office four years
ago, the low salary almost made him
change his mind.
Even when the Legislature is not in
session, Lindsay said, he spends about
half his working days on government
projects or serving constituents. Sen.
Ernie Chambers of Omaha said he
would not expect anyone with a family
to be able to support themselves on the
salary of a legislator.
The amendment is scheduled for a
board vote early next week. The last
pay raise the legislators received was
in 1988.
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