The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 27, 1996, Page 3, Image 3
Limit of spending by executive candidates University of Nebraska None Kansas State University $883 University of Colorado at Boulder $850 University of Kansas ($700 recommended) None University of Texas $700 Texas A&M University $700 Jowa State University $500 Oklahoma State University $500 Texas Tech University $400 University of Oklahoma ($400 in student newspaper ads) None Spending Continued from Page 1 opment for the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska, said until recently, UNL also had spend ing limits in place. “Two years ago we had limits, but we found that candidates were spend ing more than they reported,” Beyke said. Beyke said if ASUN decided to impose spending limits once again, it would have to pass through the elec tion commission and ASUN. In this year’s campaign, the OF FICE and ACTION parties have agreed to spend no more than $2,000 each. Justin Firestone, OFFICE candi date for president, said his party was committed to keeping election contri butions by executive candidates at a relatively small number. “The $2,000 spending limit was on our platform,” Firestone said. “We decided why wait a year?” Kara Marshall, the ACTION can didate for second vice president, said she had contributed $500 to the elec tion, but believed that ACTION would not spend $2,000. Firestone said he had contributed $10 to his own campaign and would not pressure any of the OFFICE can didates to contribute any more than they felt they wanted to. cj>4.9 million education grant awarded from lottery profits uov. Ben Nelson announced Mon day the awarding of $4.9 million in Educational Innovation grants, which will serve 58,000 students in 66 Ne braska school districts. “Education is one of those institu tions that has never had enough money for research and development,” Nelson said. The Education Innovation Fund is created from Nebraska Lottery prof its. The money will fund audio-visual distance learning in Sandhills schools, a program at Omaha Public Schools to reduce dropout rates and behavior problems. It also will help pay for in creased parent involvement for lan guage and communication studies in the Scottsbluff School District. The latest award tops $ 16.9 million in total funds from the lottery, Nelson said. The fund has collected money from the lottery for almost three years. Nelson said he was pleased to see such a variety of creative programs in the grant proposals. Competitive grants were awarded for 23 programs — from distance learning in Sioux City and building a conceptual school at Raymond Cen tral to education gardening at OPS and technology training at Grand Island, Ord and Rising City. Distance learning was an important development in smaller school dis tricts, so those schools can expand their learning network, Nelson said. He said distance learning methods also could be cost effective in urban school districts. Teachers could broad cast their lessons to other schools that lack those classes. — Chad Lorenz Law & Order —- i A late-night trip to Super Kmart on Saturday turned into a parking lot brawl among at least three men, with one wielding a shovel. Gabriel Gossard, 18, told police he was in front of Super Kmart, 3300 N. 27th St., when Geneo Johnson punched him in the face, Lincoln police Sgt. Ann Heermann said. Johnson then ran inside the store and returned with a snow shovel, Heermann said. He allegedly swung it at Gossard and hit him in the head. Jeremy Conroy, 19, told police he tried to break up the fight when Johnson hit Gossard with the shovel. Heermann said. Johnson, however, told police a different story. He said he was outside the store when he was attacked by 20 people, including Gossard, Heermann said. Gossard allegedly brandished a hammer and swung it at Johnson, Heermann said. Johnson grabbed a shovel from inside the store to defend himself. Police are unsure if Johnson paid for the shovel. Johnson was arrested on suspi cion of felony assault and use of a weapon to commit a felony. Gossard was arrested on suspi cion of carrying a concealed weapon. A domestic dispute Saturday night left a Lincoln woman brutally beaten. Torrey Lee, 19, told police she and Matt Fedon, 19, were at his resi dence at 1620 Susan Circle when they started arguing about a phone call Fedon got from another female, according to police reports. Lee, who lives at a separate ad dress, gave police the following ac count: Fedon allegedly punched and kicked Lee and hit her over the head with a broom handle, breaking it. She tried to escape, but was repeat edly thrown, knocked down and kicked. Fedon then allegedly pulled a knife and cut Lee’s left hand and right thigh. The woman was finally able to escape as Fedon washed the knife in a sink. She called police and was taken to the St. Elizabeth Community Health Center, where she was given stitches for her cuts and treated for a bloody nose and bruises on her forehead. Police contacted Fedon at his residence and took him into cus tody. He was arrested for first-de gree assault and use of a weapon to commit a felony. — Chad Lorenz Spouse Continued from Page 1 said, the Dual Career Program was working with his wife to find her employment. “I came in to interview, and right away the department hooked us up with Kay (Kubicek),” Carlo said. “She sent out her resume and cover letter to places she showed interest in. “When I came back for my sec ond interview, my wife had an in terview set up.” Because of the assistance from the program, Carlo said, his wife now is employed at Lincoln’s His panic Community Center. But job placement doesn’t al ways run smoothly. Most people who use the pro gram find work, Kubicek said, but some can’t because of low demand for the job. “Our purpose is to be as honest with them as we can,” she said. “But there might not be much opportu nity for some jobs, such as cinema tography.” The program also cannot guar antee jobs, especially jobs through UNL, she said. Spanier had set up funds to give qualified spouses temporary jobs for one year, Kubicek said, but a permanent job at UNL is not guar anteed. “That’s been a problem,” she said. “If the spouse has no employ ment at the end of the year, the uni versity runs the risk of losing a fac ulty member they recently hired.” The program also makes sure spouses are not given special treat ment over other qualified appli cants, Kubicek said. The program works closely with UNL’s Office of Affirmative Action and its guide lines for hiring, she said. UNL has the only program in the Big Eight that specifically tries to find jobs in the city for spouses of newly hired faculty. Officials from other Big Eight schools said they did not have poli cies or programs to handle the hir ing of new faculty members’ spouses. At the University of Oklahoma in Norman, spouses who want to work at the university can submit resumes to departments, but jobs aren’t guaranteed, said Cindy Cash, assistant to the provost. Because of a hiring freeze at the University of Kansas, it’s hard to find positions for spouses, said Carol Prentice, assistant to the vice chancellor for academic affairs at KU. Representatives from some Big Eight schools said they did what they could to help spouses. “We don’t create jobs,” said Ri chard Wallace, vice president of academic affairs at the University of Missouri. “We do try to find jobs at the university if we can.” Mary Ann Evan, assistant to the provost at Iowa State University, said there was no policy to assist spouses. COUNTING DOWN H 8 DAYS UNTIL SPRING BREAK jkut©hut | TANNING $995 5 Sessions Best Tanning in Lincoln with the new WOLFF 'Wide* Body Beds 70th & Vine 466-5050 I Flmt pvMni coupon. Offer food through 3-15-96 [~ The"Next Best"""" i Thing to Arizona i Sun i i i j 10 sessions j only $ 1995 expires 12-31-95 ■ 1101 Arapahoe | (just behind McDonald's on S. 9th St.) -423^022_ i-— Need a Car for Spring Break? $pecial ill. 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