The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 27, 1996, Page 10, Image 10

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    Lincoln Symphony has Russian flavor
By Emily Wray
Staff Reporter
The Lincoln Orchestra Association will of
fer the Lincoln Symphony up to the Russian
music gods tonight at the Lied Center for Per
forming Arts.
The 7:30 p.m. performance will be led by
Music Director Yong-yan Hu and will feature
works by two Russian composers.
- In the Violin Concerto in
Concert D by Igor Stravinsky, Reiko
Preview Watanabewi^betbe^eature^
“She was invited at the
recommendation of Yong
yan Hu, our music director,”
Executive Director Jeth Mill
said. “He worked with her at
Duluth, Minnesota, was im
pressed and had a wonderful
experience with her.”
The Tokyo-born violinist, in addition to
studying at The Julliard School, was the young
est grand prize winner in the history of the All
Japan Music Competition at age 14.
Since then, she has added a number of other
credits to her name and is widely praised for
her brilliant technique and expressive playing.
“She does bring her personal stamp to mu
sic,” Mill said.
Lives will be enriched by the experience, and
the audience will be charmed and impressed
with her playing, he said.
Watanabe, a virtuosic performer now in her
late twenties, started playing the violin at age
3, Mill said.
She studied with Suzuki and was schooled in
the Suzuki technical violin method.
Although she is unrecorded,. Mi 11 said that
maybe Watanabe would develop a cult follow
ing in Lincoln that would demand a record.
During her Lincoln stay, Watanabe also will
speak to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
ArtsToday class and will conduct a master class
with violin students.
Piotr Ilyicli Tchaikovsky’s rarely performed
masterpiece, the “Manfred” Symphony, will
close the concert.
Tickets for tonight’s performance are $28,
$23 and $ 18 and are half-price for students with
identification. They may be purchased through
the Lied Center box office at 4724747.
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Photo courtesy of the Lincoln Orchestra Association
Violinist Reiko Watanabe will be the featured soloist at tonight’s performance by
the Lincoln Orchestra.
Widow fights
U.S. release
of ‘Diabolique’
By Amy Barrett
Associated Press
PARIS — The widow of French film
director Henri-Georges Clouzot vowed
Monday to sue the producers of a U.S.
remake of her husband’s famed film,
The 1955 movie, a chilling tale that
recounts the murder of a schoolmaster by
his wife and mistress, earned Clouzot a
reputation as “France’s Hitchcock.”
The remake of the same title, not yet
released, was directed by American
Jeremiah Chechik and casts Sharon Stone
and Isabelle Adjani in the roles of the
schoolmaster’s scheming wife and mis
The film, produced by Morgan Creek,
was supposed to open the Cannes Film
Festival in May.
Ines Clouzot, Clouzot’s widow and
sole holder of rights to his films, told
France Info radio that the U.S. producers
bought the rights to the novel on which
her husband’s film was based, “She Who
No Longer Was,” by Pierre Boileau and
Thomas Narcejac, but not to his film.
“They have put me in this situation.
They have repeatedly said and written
everywhere that they were filming Henri
Georges Clouzot’s masterpiece,
& ’ Diabolique,”’ she said.
She said the remake contained many
elements her husband invented that were
not in the novel, such as making the as
sassins two women, locating the drama
in a school and murdering the victim by
drowning him in a bathtub.
The bathtub scene is one of the most
famous — and hair-raising — in French
Incs Clouzot said the producers only
contacted her after they had finished film
ing, and then offered her “a few miser
able dollars.”
“They can’t be allowed to produce a
pirated film like that. I have no choice but
to try and prevent its release,” she said.
li/lusic Reviews 1
Mr. Mirainga
MCA Records
Grade: B
■ : *•
Mr. Mirainga is a band that re
members the better days of alter
native, but can’t quite re-create
The band’s album “MCAD
11379” sometimes sounds like the
Pixies and Jane’s Addiction, but the
band is cursed by a weak lead
singer. The result is that it sounds
like almost every other whiny, na
sal, pretty-good alternative band.
Not to belittle the band mem
bers, because they are quite good.
Every song on the album is catchy
to some degree; they just aren’t dis
The lyrics are nutty, stream-of
consciousness ramblings. They are
lyrics for the sake of lyrics — they
don’t say anything, but you can sing
along for the hell of it.
The layout of the CD’s liner
notes is a minor achievement unto
itself. The lyrics are printed amid
1960s hardware ads, and are almost
indistinguishable (in font, at least)
from the descriptions of faucets and
fan belts.
“Safety First” is the best song.
It’s a catchy recitation of safety
aphorisms sung in an electronically
altered voice punctuated by Frank
Black-ish screeching.
“Loaded” is the best example of
one of Mr. Mirainga’s bass, bass,
gotta love that bass songs — of
which there are several. It’s, um, got
some good bass.
So, if you are a good singer,
maybe you should try out for Mr.
Mirainga. The band needs you, and
it is talented enough to maybe make
you famous someday.
— Kathleen Peistmp
Be descriptive. The more information you pro
vide the readers, the better your responses
will be.
Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered
Include the price of the items for sale.
Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or
a box. •
Run the ad for at least two days. Make sure the
ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday
students and the Tuesday-Thursday students.
00s For Sale
Dorm fridge. $75 OBO. 476-6741.
Jsed washer, dryer, refrigerator or range, delivered,
guaranteed and payments of only $25 for three months.
That's a deal I" 4686252.
-OR SALE: Queen size waveless waterbed, 3-4 years
M, good shape. $225. Call 476-6320/ask for Rips.
Vanted: Big 8 Tournament Tickets. Call Jeff at 1-800
5419 5429
• 7 nights hotel
. • Round trip air-fare
from Kansas City
JN • Daily parties, free
covers and discounts
200s Notices
Want ride to Chicago March 2 weekend. 472-3502 (days)
435-5633 (evenings).
Spring Break - Price War!
CANT BEAT THIS!! South Padre Island Beachfront from
Sm.lndudes Party Packages!! 1-800-Hi-Padre (1-800
“All University Party”
-Saturday, March 2nd. Indian Center-10th and Military.
Fishing Industry. Earn to $3,000-$6,000+/month + bene
3510«!tA577B4 *** ®Xperience neC8ssary (206)971
Bulimia Eating Disorder
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Begins March 7th. Call for more information. 488-7759 or
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Teach basic conversational English in Prague, Budapest,
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required. IrtexpensiveRoom & Board+otner benefitsTFor
info, call: (206) 971-3680 ext.K57781
Over $6 billion in public and private sector grants &
scholarships is now available. All students are eligible
regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us
help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495
ext. F57784
Graduate student to tutor organic chemistry and biochem
istry 4-6hr/wk to a college freshman student. Pay excel
lent. Call 421-9234, fax resume 421-9383.
The last day to enter Men's, Women's and Co-Rec Table
Tennis Doubles is February 27. Don't Delayl Enter now at
the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more
The last day to enter Men’s and Women's Table Tennis
Singles is Tuesday, February 27. Don't delayl Enter now
at tne Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for
more information.
Tuesday, February 27 is the last day to enter the Men's
and Women's Badminton Singles Tournament. Enter
now at the Office of Campus Recreation. For more
informaiton, call 472-3467.
We Need Your Help!
Student Government in conjunction with the Student
Employment & Internship Center office is writing a student
employee manual and grievance procedure. We need
input from you!!
Thursday- Feb. 29
4:30pm-City Union
Room to be posted
Student Foundation
Student Foundation Scholarship applications available in
student involvement. Due March §th.
Tax Reform, The Consumer
and The Economy
Roundtable discussion wAJNL Economists. City Campus
Union Centennial Room Feb 29, 7pm.
University Program Council
Applications are now available for Event Directors and
Programming Secretary at 117,200 Union and 300 East
Campus Union. The deadline is March 1st. Pick one up.
You Oughta Join!■
You still have time to apply! Applications available in
Student Involvement, Women's Center, Culture Center
ASUN. Return apps. to Student Involvement, 200 Nebras
ka Union by Feb. 29.
1996 Nebraska at Oxford
Don't forget about our second meeting on Tuesday, Feb
27 at 6 p.m. in the Union.
Diabetes Support Group
Meeting Wednesday, Feb. 28at University Health Center,
Conference Room F, 6:30-7:30pm. For students with
diabetes. Spouses and friends are welcome.
Every year the Chancellors senior honorary, the Society
of Innocents, awards scholarships to exceptional fresh
men who have exemplified qualities of scholarship lead
ershio. and service AH freshman •« JT_E
I. or theCuiitureCenier.
■ridav, March 1.