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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1996)
1 _II_I 02 Appliances 400 Roommates 05 Bicycles 410 HousingWanted 10 Books 420 Rooms/Rent 13 Clothing 430 Houses/Rent 16 Computers 440 Duplex/Rent 20 Furniture 450 Apartments/Rent - 30 Jewelry 460 Summer Housing 40 Misc. For Sale 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 45 Musical Instruments 480 Vacation/Rent 46 Office Furniture 490 Homes/Sale 50 Pets 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods - 65 Stereos/TVs 500 Adoption 70 Ticket Exchange 505 Alterations & Sewing 90 Vehicles 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 200 Rides 528 Child Care 203 Spring Break Trips ' 530 Cleaning/Laundry 205 Career Events 531 Cleaning/Households 210 Announcements 535 Computer Service oir 540 Entertainment 215 Meetings 545 Gift ldeas 220 Greek Affairs 548 Hairstyling 230 Student Government 550 Health & Fitness 240 Personals 553 insurance 242 Pinning & 555 Instruction/Tutoring Engagements 558 Job Placement 245 Lost & Found 560 Lawn care 250 Wanted 565 Legal Services 260 Fundraising 573 Music Exchange 270 900 Numbers 575 580 Printing & Copying 582 Recycling 583 Religious 300 Help Wanted 535 Rentals 310 Child Care 588 Tanning 320 Work Study Jobs 590 Tattooing 330 Summer Jobs 593 Travel 340 Internships 595 Typing & Resumes BREAK CZ=] i-1 i—-—\ • PER PERSON DEPENDING ON DESTINATION / BREAK DATES / LENGTH Of STAY 1-800-SUNCUASE TOLL n»« INFORMATION & PTSTPVATIOkS OR SURF OVER TO OM WEC SITE AT! http: / / 00s For Sale Used washer, dryer, refrigerator or range, delivered, guaranteed and payments of only $25 for three months. That’s a deal!” 466-6252. Cycle Works Get the best deals on the biggest selection of bicycles you've ever seen. Blow out prices on 95's and 95 prod ucts. Your complete bike shop with the largest selection of bikes, clothing, and accessories. Cycle Works 27th & Vine 475-2453. Specialized Rock Hopper. Brand New. Riden less than 1 month, only on campus. Must Sell! 436-8526 FOR SALE: Queen size waveless waterbed, 3-4 years old, good shape, $225. Call 476-6320/ask for Russ. Kangaroo hide. 6ft., including tail. Dark beige. $150/best offer. 476-9093. Top of the line Kenwood stereo system, only 2 months old, Best Offer! 464-8321/ask for Kerwyn. 2 Ozzy tickets. Make Offer, 420-2108/ask for Mike. For Sale: Cruise for 2 to Bahamas. 4 days / 3 nights. $275 OBO. Mark 475-5515. 200s Notices 7 SPRING BREAK SHOPPING DAYS LEFT! It’s not the SIZE of the ad that matters...It's the VALUE of the package! Don’t procrastinate! NOW is the time to guarantee the lowest rates and best hotel selection. Call Leisure Tours for travel packages to South Padre Island and Cancun. Group rates are available...1-800-838 8203. BAND Together! Be a Health Aide. 100+ Health Aide positions open for the 1996-97 Health Aides: academic year! * Live cn campus; * Provide minor first aid care in residence halls, Greek houses & co-ops; * Take the Peer Health 230 class both fall & spring semesters; * Act as a Health Center liaison; * Are a health referral and resource person for their living unit; * Receive a small stipend for the services they provide; Applications are available at the Community Health Education Dept., Rm. i 2, University Health Center. For more information call 472-7440. UNL is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. Associated ___Bioscience, inc. Earn Extra Cash and Perform a Life Saving Service "Donate Plasma" at ABI New donors receive $25.00 on 1st donation. $5.00 bonus for new donors on Sunday. Return donors earn $20.00 on 1st donation after 3 month lapse. Call Today for More Info: 475-8645 l UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER * 1442 "0" STREET J Spring Break ’96 5 Cancun from $429, Florida from $109, Guaranteed lowest 2 prices! Organize a group of 15 and go free. Call 800-648- 2 4849 for more info. On Campus contact: Katie @ 436- “ 7892 or Ty@ 467-4368. * $ Cruise Ships Hiring! Students Needed! $$$+Free Travel (Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii!) Seasonal/Permanent, No Exper. Necessary. Gde. 919-929-4398 ext Cl 096 N 3 & 2 Year - Army ROTC Scholarships Now available for all disciplines. If you have a 2.5 GPA or above, you may be eligible. For full tuition at UNL, plus $150.00 a month spending money. Call 472-4269 for more information. Alaska Jobs T Fishing Industry. Earn to $3,00046,000+ /month plus _ benefits. Male/ Female. No experience necessary. (206) f 971-3510, ext. A57783. y ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Fisheries, parks, |f resorts! Earn $3,000-$6,000+/month. Transportation! " Room/Board! FREE FISHERY VIDEO with program! {* S.E.I. (919)932-1489, ext. A39. ? li Attention Teachers College Students!!!! Students planning to student teach in the Fail, 1996 Semester applications are now available in 104 Henzlik Hall. A short orientation session on these applications will ae held Wednesday, February 14th at 3:30pm in Henzlik Hall 107. Applications need to be completed and re lumed by March 1st. Attention Student Organization ' V. Presidents ASUN will be sponsoring a Presidents' Roundtable Thursday, Feb. 15 at 4:30 p.m. - City Union Cruise Ships Hiring Earn up to $2,000+ /month. World travel. Seasonal and full-time positions. No experience necessary. For In formation call 1-206-971-3550, ext. C57781. DISC GO ROUND Used CD’s, $5.99-$7.99. T-shirts, poster*. Imports, hacky sacks, music < books, song books and CD towers. i New CD's $11.99-$12.99 DISC GO ROUND 50th and 0,486-0047. , DOLLARS & SENSE: FUNDRAISING TIPS FOR STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Thurs. Feb. 29 7-8 p.„ NE Union, RSVP Student Involve ment, 472-2454. FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion In private sector grants & scholarships is now available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800 -263-6495 ext. F57783. Guitar Instruction/Rental Zager Studio, 464-7771. OUTSIDE SUMMER JOBS) National Parks. Ranches. Rafting Companies, Beach/Mountain Resorts! Top Pay ♦benefits! FREE VIDEO with program! S.E.I. (919)932 1489, Ext. R39 PRE-RADIATION SCIENCE STUDENTS! UNMC Radiation Sciences at the Arts & Sciences Advis ing Center, 107 Oldfather, Friday Feb. 16,10-2. Call 472 4190 for appointment . " - p . i. I. PERSUNL (Peers Encouraging Responsible Sexuality at UNL) APPLY NOW to be a 1996-97 Peer Sexuality Educator! Are you interested in helping students and improving your communication and leadership skills? Peer Sexuality Educators learn to teach two programs: Contraceptive Methods & Issues, and STD/HIV: Social and Medical Aspects. PSEs receive a sti pend for presenting these programs. Peer Sexuality Educators are also ac tive in providing educational events on campus for World AIDS Day and National Condom Week. Requirements: * Take PH230, Section 5 in the fall; (A one-hour class offered through HPER) * Commit to the program for one year; * Attend all scheduled meetings/activities; * Assist in PSE recruitment for the following year; Apply by March IS, 1996 For more info, or to apply contact: Community Health Education, University Health Center, Rm. 12 472-7440 UNL is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Send your Special Valentine a balloon/candy/ 2 cookie bouquet! Priced from $15.95 and upl 2 FREE DELIVERY! JP Call Sue at Attic Treasures, 438-7774. JP a leadership recognition by tne uuiture Center omination forms are available at Student involvement, ulture Center and Multicultural Affairs. Students with Disabilities Subcommittee meeting Thurs- Feb. 15 4:30-115 Nebr. Union ULC ie first planning meeting for the 1996 University Lead ship Conference will be Feb 15th at 12:15 in the City nion, room will be posted. Any questions? Call Jim 'heeler at 472-8143. University Program Council you want to make a difference on Campus, UPC is the arfect leadership opporutnity for you. Applications are 3w available at 117 and 200 City Union or 300 East ampus Union. The deadline is Friday March 1, 1996. PC: You Ouohta Join! COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS An Open Forum on “DEALING WITH SEXUAL HARASSMENT: SENSITIVE TO IT? SICK OF IT? Wednesday, February 14 12:30-2:00pm Nebraska Union Main Lounge All UNL students, faculty, & staff welcome to a civil dialogue on this current Issue! Campus Red Cross Jome help at the last meeting before the blood drive. Vednesday, February 14th in the Union. Actuarial Science Club kfter exams get-together at P.O. Pears on Thursday at i:00. Relax with friends. Everyone Welcome. AIESECer’s Needed 'Paid internships aboard 'All Majors 'Practical Real World Experience 'Excellent Resume Builder 'Meet Corporate Executives 'Largest Student Organization World Informational Meetings, Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 5:30 Thursday, Feb. 15. at 8:00, in the City Union. CBA SAB Meeting, Wed., 5:30, CBA 140 Collegiate 4-H Valentine’s Day Meeting Come see “Happy Gilmore' and wear black if you're single! Meet at the Sheldon at 6:45. Questions? Call Emily 43&6087. Habitat For Humanity Thursday, Feb. 15th, 6:15pm, in City Union, room will be posted. IMA Student Meeting TONIGHT, 7:30 p.m.. City Union, Speakers: Leonard Murphy Baind, Kurtz, and Dobson. Society for Human Resource Managment Meeting Thursaday at 5, in the Union. Guest speaker will be Nancy Myers, Director of the UNL Employee Assistant Program. TCAB Meeting Feb. 15 at 5:30 in MBL Room 252. UNL Marketing Club Meeting Thursday, Feb. 15 at 6pm in the Student Union (room will be posted). AH majors and new members welcome! 4^—-“X ^—‘"X Congratulations to Shad Dahlgren for a successful bas Congratulations to Lowell Gould for becoming an official advisor of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity. Congratulations to Emily Wray on becoming overall Rush co-cnair. Way to Go! _Xi Love, Your Sisters AT Thank you to Delta Gamma for the great dinner exchange! The Men of Alpha Gamma Rho ATA To the DTs: The DT Stands for Delta Tau! Thanks for having us over for Friends & Foldgers last Thurs. You guys are the best. P.S. The PIT looked “picture perfect“-thanks Bronson. The Women of Gamma Phi Beta ATA What a surprise! We really enjoyed the singing telegram. Thank you! "Rte Ladies of Chi~0 FH From the girty wigs to the tight polyester pants, you guys mow how to throw a great weddings. We’ll marry you any jay. Thanks for a great timel Love Gamma Phi Beta ra>B \ huge congratulations to our singing star Katie Kenagy or making the Summer Worlds of Fun show. We are so oroud of you! Love, your sisters KA Hey Thanks ATO for the dinner exchange and night of aowling. What a bunch of fungis. The Women of Kappa Delta riBO Congratulations and best of luck to Michelle Heitzler, Brianna “Brice” Newland, Jason Riely, and the one and only Corey Rothrock for being selected to perform at the NCAA Cheerleading compaction in April. Watch them Live on NBC from Daytona Beach, Florida on the 5th and 6th. Keep the Spirit! Stunt your stuff Angie Coon! Good Luck in the UNL Spirit Squad tryouts! Pi Beta Phi Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Helen EAE Congratulations to the New officers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. President-Doug “How does my nair look?" Stevens, Vice President-Brent Robinson, Treasurer-Jeff Hastings, Secretary-Doug “Ice Cream" Jones, Pledge Educators-Matt Bender-on-over and Alex “right hand" Moon, Scholarship-Jay Uecker, Social Chairs(temporarily out-of service) Reid Borgman and Pat Pflipson, House Managers-Brian “Caveman" Hines and Chad “Butthold” Prient, Risk Manager-Johnny Hecox, Intramural Chair-Sammy Davis Detterman. Philanthropy Chair-Casey Van Housen, I.F.C. Delegate-Ryan Grattop, Intrasocial Chair-EricZllig, Bob at Arms, Song Chair-Matt Sylvan, Corespondina Secretary-Any Winkler, Campus Involvement-Mark “Swapmeet" Watkins, Computer Chair-Don “The Beast" Trouba, Alumni Relations-Brian “Hootie" Nielsen, Poop and Poop Room-Tommy Tollifson. Congratulations to the following men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon for receiving first semester Awards. Pedge of the Year- Jeff Faaborg, Sophmore of the Year Matt Bender, The True Gentleman Award-Brent Robinson, The Sigma Alpha Epsilon Zeal Award- J.D. Sherry. Phi Alpha from your Brothers EN~ Congratulations to the new initiates! From the Men of Sigma Nu. STUDENT ORGANIZATION AWARDS They're Here! Nomination forms for President of the Year, Treasurer of the Year, Adviser & Rookie Adviser of the Year, Outstanding Student Organization Officer & Member. Stop by Student Involvement. ASUN or residence hall front desks and complete one today. STUDENT ORGANIZATION ADVISER LIABILITY SESSION Thursday, Feb. 22,5 pm., NE East Union Info. & discussion on liability issues and responsibilities for student organization advisers. Ail advisers invited, RSVP to Sharon by Feb. 21, 472-1780. Sponsored by Student Involvement & UNL Risk Management. UNL Student Govemement Wed., Feb. 14 - 6:30 p.m. City Campus Union Information And Agenda Available -115 Nebraska Union I want a woman who likes Objectivism, the philosophy of Avn Rand. Write to room 4116,600 North 15th St, Lincoln, NE 68508-1296. ATTENTION CHRIS, You found my bag in Oldfather, I must have the wrong number, please call again. _ FOUND: Keys by Harper, Schramm, Smith, 2/8. Call 472 2588 to claim. FOUND: Necklace w/ key, along sidewalk across from parking services, call 472-4843 Found: Set of keys on 2/8/96 at the Northeast corner of Love Library. Call 472-2586 to claim. Wanted 100 Students. Lose 8-100 pounds. New metab olism breakthrough. I lost 15 pounds in three weeks. RN assisted. Guaranteed results. $35 cost. 1-800-579-1634. FAST FUNDRAISER - RAISE $500 IN 5 DAYS - GREEKS, CLUBS. MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS. FAST, EASY - NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION. (800) 862-1982. BE MY VALENTINE. Call Dateline. 1-900-884-9205 Ext 5050 $2.99/min. Must be 18 yrs. Procall Co. (602)954 7420. 300s Jobs Administrative Assistant/ Bookkeeper Part-time Employee sought for database entry, typing, filing, pre paring mailings, meeting set-up and answering phone calls. Accounting for payroll, accounts payable and cash reports. Required: Skills in organization, written and oral communication, spreadsheet and simple database ex perience. Macintosh preferred. $6/hour minimum. Please call Greg and Cindy at 477-5220.6am-5pm, 20/hrs week flexible. I “(Jet Pierced By A ProM Over 3 Years Experience BODY PIERCING ONLY CLEAN & STERILE PRIVATE Walkins & Appointments _305 S. 11th