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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1996)
FOR SALE 000s ■ HOUSING 400 02 Appliances 05 Bicycles 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computers 20 Furniture 30 Jewelry 40 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office Furniture 50 Pets 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 65 Stereos/TVs 70 Ticket Exchange 90 Vehicles NOTICES 200s 200 Rides 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Affairs 230 Student Government 240 Personals 242 Pinning & Engagements 245 Lost & Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising 270 900 Numbers JOBS 300s 300 Help Wanted 310 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs 330 Summer Jobs 340 Internships 400 Roommates 410 HousingWanted 420 Rooms/Rent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Duplex/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sale SERVICES 500s 500 Adoption 505 Alterations & Sewing 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 528 Child Care 530 Cleanirig/Laundry 531 Cleaning/Households 535 Computer Service 540 Entertainment 545 Gift ideas 548 Hairstyling —.& Fiti 550 Health & Fitness 553 Insurance 555 Instruction/Tutoring 558 Job Placement 560 Lawn care 565 Legal Services 573 Music Exchange 575 Photography 578 Pregnancy 580 Printing & Copying 582 Recycling 583 Religious 585 Rentals 588 Tanning 590 Tattooing 593 Travel 595 Typing & Resumes 00s ForSale 2 Appliances For Sale Used washer, dryer, refrigerator or range, delivered, guaranteed and payments of only $25 for three months. 'That's a deal I* 466-6252. j SPRING BREAK I $419 M A Z A T I A N * i lyu >» TRIP INCLUDES: • 7 nights hotel • Round trip air-fare from Kansas City • Daily parties, free covers and discounts $429 C A N C U N Tiger Tours 1 -800-1.FAN E 99 (532-8399) SOUTH PADRE ISLAND PANAMA CITY BEACH DAYTONA BEACH KEY WEST STEAAABOAT VAIL/BEAVER CREEK HILTON HEAD ISLAND - PER PERSON DEPENDING ON DESTINATION / BREAK DATES / LENGTH OF STAY 1-800-StlNCNASC TOLL FKC MVOftMATION & KSftVATIOMS oa tm mb ti an m an «: 40 Misc. For Sale Kangaroo hide, 6ft, including tail. Dark beige. $150/best offer. 476-9093 days. 65 Stereos TVs For Sale Top of the line Kenwood stereo system, only 2 months old, Best Offer! 464-8321/ask for Kerwyn. 70 Ticket Exchange WANTED: 3 tickets to the NU vs. KU Men's basketball game. Call 438-3173 ask for Gale. 90 Vehicles For Sale 1985 Ford Escort, 2 door hatchback, sunroof, new tires,detachable face stereo. No rust. Runs great. Best offer. Call after 5pm, 464-7517. 200s Notice 203 Spring Break Trips Spring Break ’96 Cancun from $429, Florida from $109, Guaranteed lowest prices! Organize a group of 15 and go free. Call 800-648 4849 for more info. On Campus contact: Katie @ 436 7892 or Ty@ 467-4368. 210 Announcements $ Cruise Ships Hiring! Students Needed! $$$+Free Travel (Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii!) Seasonal/Permanent, No txper. Necessary. Gde. 919-929-4398 ext C1096 3 & 2 Year Army ROTC Scholarships Now available for all disciplines. If you have a 2.5 GPA or above, you may be eligible. For full tuition at UNI, plus $150.00 a month spending money. Call 472-4269 for more information. Alaska Jobs Fishing Industry. Earn to $3,000-$6,000+ /month plus benefits. Male/ Female. No experience necessary. (206) 971-3510, ext. A57783. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Fisheries, parks, resorts! Earn $3,000-$6,000+/month. Transportation! Room/Board! FREE FISHERY VIDEO with program! S.E.I. (919)932-1489, ext. A39. Attention: Minority Students Anyone interested in A.R.M.S? (Assuring the Retention of Minority Students) Program sessions will begin Febuary 13th, call the Cul ture Center, 472-5500 or just stop in for the first session. Feb. 13th, 3:30-5:00 p.m. Cruise Ships Hiring Earn up to $2,000+ /month. World travel. Seasonal and full-time positions. No experience necessary. For In formatlon call 1-206-971-$550, ext C57781. DISC GO ROUND Used CD’s, S5.99-S7.99. , T-shirts, posters, imports, hacky sacks, music books, song books and CD towers. New CD’s $11.99-$12.99 DISC GO ROUND 50th and 0,486-0047. Send your Special Valentine a balloon/ candy/cookie bouquet! Priced from $15.95 and upt FREE DELIVERY! Call Sue at Attic Treasures, 438-7774. FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion In private sector grants <■ scholarships is now available. All students are eligible regardess of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800 -263-6495 ext. F57783. Guitar Instruction/Rental Zager Studio, 464-7771. INTRAMURAL FLICKERBALL TOURNAMENT Tuesday, February 13 is the last day to enter Men's, Women s and Co-Rec Flickerball Tournament Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. For more information, can 472-3467.’ MUST SELL) Florida/Caribbean Vacation pkg^ 9 day, 8 night 2 people, $6QQ/OBO. Call NOWI(402)449-6341. OUTSIDE SUMMER JOBS! National Parks, Ranches. Rafting Companies, Beach/Mountain Resortsl Top Pay ♦benefits! FREE VIDEO with programl S.E.I. (919)932 1489, Ext R39 UNL COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS An Open Forum on ■DEALING WITH SEXUAL HARASSMENT: SENSITIVE TO IT? SICK OF IT? Wednesday, February 14 123D-2:00pm Nebraska Union Main Lounge All UNL students, faculty, & staff welcome to a civil dialogue on this current Issue! avj0t Spoil! sored 7^ a by: f e n&Uty it M:_=t s SB . 30KSP o /D m 215 Meetings Campus Red Cross Come help at the last meeting before the blood drive. Wednesday, February 14th in the Union. AIESECer’s Needed •Paid internships aboard — •All Majors •Practical Real World Experience •Excellent Resume Builder •Meet Corporate Executives •Largest Student Organization World Informational Meetings, Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 5:30 Thursday, Feb. 15. at 8:00, in the City Union. X Every year the Chancellor's senior honorary, the Society of Innocents, awards scholarships to exceptional fresh men who have exemplified qualities of scholarship, lead ership, and service. All freshmen are eligible to apply. Applications may be picked up at the Office of Student Involvement, 200 City Union, 300 East Union, Vice Chan cellor Griesen’s office (124 Admin), or the Culture Center. Completed applications are due Friday, March 1. The Publications Board will meet at 6 p.m., Tuesday, in the Nebraska Union to discuss Daily Nebraskan policies. All are invited to attend. UNL FFA Alumni Meeting Tuesday, February 13th at 7:30pm in the East Campus Union. 220 Greek Affairs FarmHouse Pride Week FH Congratulations to Ben Aken, Russ Ripa, Sam Beverage, Mark Shields, and Matt Timm, for being selected to SAA. The Brothers of FarmHouse. KEOK'F AXA XQ Love is Blind February 12 Congratulations to Travis Petree for acceptance into UNMC. Your brothers ©H Special thanks to Jayne Wade Anderson for coming to speak last week. 230 Student Government Student Government Positions Open Appointments Board Government Liaison Committe Information Services Comm. Publications Board Deadline for above positions Mon.-Feb. 12 Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union STUDENT ORGANIZATION AWARDS They're Here! Nomination forms for President of the Year, Treasurer of the Year, Adviser A Rookie Adviser of the Year, Outstanding Student Organization Officer A Member. Stop by Student Involvement ASUN or residence hall front desks and complete one today. STUDENT ORGANIZATION ADVISER LIABILITY SESSION Thursday, Feb. 22,5 pm., NE East Union Info. A discussion on liability issues and responsibilities for student organization advisers. All advisers invited, RSVP to Sharon by Feb. 21, 472-1780. Sponsored by Student Involvement A UNL Risk Management. 240 Personals I want a woman who likes Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Write to room 4116,600 North 15th St, Lincoln, NE 68508-1296. To tall Bakery man: Love our talks. I will miss you when you move, but we will always have Geology. Keep in touch. DN Girl ATTENTION CHRIS, You found my bag in Oldfather, I must have the wrong number, please call again. AMY Show your sweetie that you care, send a m tessage, you can share, no not candy, don't" you dare! Send a Valentine personal, even M with a photo if you dare! It WILL work! We \ swear! Send your Valentines’ with your name, ^ ddress, and phone number, via phone (472- g 2588), FAX (472-1761), or even E-mail “, or stop down and see . us! Deadline: Feb. 13th 2:00 pm. f nsai Tall blonde woman seeking disco-dancing, outdoors kind of man. Leave message at the DN for LW. It’s what you’ve been waiting for.... the Letter of the Day! 245 Lost & Found Found: Black monogrammed scarf in the Love Library in microforms area. Call 436-9057. FOUND: Keys by Harper, Schramm, Smith, 2/8. Call 472 2588 to claim. FOUND: Necklace w/ key, along sidewalk across from parking services, call 472-4843 Found: Set of keys on 2/8/96 at the Northeast corner of Love Library. Call 472-2588 to claim. Lost: Silver ring with diamond like stone. Extreme senti mental value. Turn in at Daily Nebraskan. 250 Wanted Wanted 100 Students. Lose 8-100 pounds. New metab olism breakthrough. I lost 15 pounds in three weeks. RN assisted. Guaranteed results. $35 cost. 1-800-579-1634. 260 Fundraising FAST FUNDRAISER - RAISE $500 IN 5 DAYS - GREEKS, CLUBS. MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS. FAST, EASY - NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION. (800) 862-1982. 270 900 Numbers BE MY VALENTINE. Call Dateline. 1-900-884-9205 Ext 5050 $2.99/min. Must be 18 yrs. Procall Co. (602)954 7420. 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted AAn If you like good food, good times, and a friendly work environment, BE OUR HASHERII Call 436-9304 for more information. Arts & Sciences Student Advisers Applications are available for Arts and Sciences Student Adviser positions in 107 Oldfather. Deadline is Monday, February 26,1996. Cashiers needed. Work close to campus. 3-7pm, Thurs days and Fridays, 10-6pm on Saturday. Various part-time shifts available. Apply 1745 O St. Daily Nebraskan Night Production Process editorial copy through Pagemaker and paste-up articles, photos and art for the next day's paper. Requires good typing and grammar skills and eye-hand coordina tion. Experience helpful. Must be able to work evenings and late nights. Apply at 34 Nebraska Union. Dollar-Rent A Car Counter/service agent needed to work afternoon and evening hours. Must be available during spring break. Please apply in person at the counter at Lincoln Municipal Airport. Earn Extra Money. lOhrs/week doing custodial work, apply in person, Rixstine Trophy Company. 2350 0 St. Full or part-time help on large grain farm, near Lincoln, non-smoking, must be experienced, 781-2064. Fusilli’s Part time, Mon - Fri, 10:30- 200. dose to downtown campus. Apply in person. Lincoln Square Food Court. 13th and Ost. 476-1304 GAIN VALUABLE ADVERTISING EXPRERIENCE AND GET PAID The Lincoln Journal Star has two part-time tem porary, Classified Ad-visor positions available in our classified dept. These postions will begin March 4,1996 ana will last through the end of Oct The right candidates will be helping our customers place dassified ads over the phone as well as, selling ads to local businesses on our feature pages These positions will be 20hrsAweek with a poten tial for more hours as business-demands. Flexibility In scheduling Is a must. Pay starts at $5.25/hour with great commision opportuni ties. For more information call Tracy at 473-7456 or apply in person, Lincoln Journal Star, 926 P St., 2nd floor. Applications will be accepted through Fri. Feb. 23,19%. Grisanti's Casual Italian Restaurant is looking for high energy, fun, upbeat, professional Associates. Mow taking applications for food servers and kitchen help. Apply in person. 6820 "O’ St. MONDAY NIGHT IS COLLEGE NIGHT 56TH & CORNHUSKER HIGHWAY POOL TABLES AND DART BOARDS 500 OFF ANY DRINK WITH THIS COUPON . HAPPY HOUR ALL NIGHT LONG COUPON VALID ONLY ON MONDAYS TO APRIL 30,1996 k Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0401 ACROSS 1 Be contrite 4 Avena sativa 7 Floor at the N.Y.S.E. 10 Anaconda 13 Jack Dempsey, the-Mauler 15 They mangle 17 Boyer-de Havilland film 19 People held in custody 20 Ugandan exile 23 Biblical king 24 Kite or Pate 27 Play by Osborne 33 Ophidian toxin Slanted, Scottish style Kind of coffee Like a bristle Barrio certifiers Foam, to Francois Inge drama, with “Come” Again, in music Helvetian capital U.S.S.R. snoops Londoner’s bumper guard Marquand novel Venetian merchant Claim finder Lao follower 34 35 38 39 42 45 48 49 50 51 56 62 83 64 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 8 8 8 8 B5 Inquire B6 Vetch B7 Caleb, e.g. DOWN 1 L.B.J.'s successor 2 Assembly-line org. 3 Bambi’s aunt 4 Hosea, Douay spelling 5 English choreographer Frederick 6 Japanese mat 7 Pack-a-lunch excursions: Var. 8 Dies 9 Soliloquy start 10-canto n “-y plata,” Mont, motto 12 Wood for skis 14 Do sums 18 State and univ. 18 Caledonian churches 20 Noren of baseball 21 U.K. river 22 Starts the fire 24 Late guest’s fare Caviar Aged Novelist Lofts Muslim moguls 30 Festival at Fareham 31 Some kind of nut 32 Special talent 36 That female, in Frankfurt 37 Twain portrayer 39 Collar 40 Geisha’s waistband 41 Austere fiddler? 43 Pulp or slick 44 Reflux 46 Bagatelle 47 Kind of sport 51 A Siouan 52 -cava 53 Goddess of strife 54 Catchall abbrs. 55 Nucleic acid, for short 56 Turner or Cole 57 Hosp. group 58 An Amerind 59 “-about time!" 60 Alley 61 Be nosy