1 r 1¥ /v: Monday, February 5, 1996 Page 4 J. Christopher Haiti Doug Kouma. Doug Peters. Sarah Scalet. Matt Waite. Michelle Garner... Jennifer Mapes.... Netaraskan Editorial Board University of Nebraska-Lincoln .Editor, 472-1766 .Managing Editor .. Opinion Page Editor Associate News Editor Associate News Editor .Wire Editor .Columnist r Aaron Steckelberg/DN Warm welcome Chancellor should put students first UNL welcomes a new leader today. James Moeser, the 18th chancellor of the University of Nebraska Lincoln, takes over his official duties this morning. And he deserves a warm welcome from students, faculty and staff and the entire university community. If Moeser’s record at other institutions is indicative of what’s in store for UNL, the university will become stronger under his lead ersmp. Moeser has served as a college dean at both the University of Kansas and Pennsylvania State University, and he leaves a position as provost and vice president for academic affairs at the University of South Carolina in Columbia. In choosing Moeser, NU President Dennis Smith praised his keen understanding of undergraduate teaching and his clarity of judg ment. Both are needed and valued commodities on this campus. Moeser has said he will push for the creation of a separate hon ors college at UNL, targeting top students both in and outside of Nebraska. UNL’s need of strong academic standards and top-notch students is not in question. But neither should be the mission of this university. As a land-grant institution, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln must remain committed to the people who support it—the citizens of the state. Moeser should work to raise the academic standards of the uni versity, but keep open admission standards that allow all students at least a chance to succeed. He should recognize UNL’s status as the flagship campus in the NU system and fight to maintain it. He should stand tall in the wake of budget-cutting bureaucrats and lawmakers who would ax student aid, research grants and uni vciMiy lunumg. He should value diversity at UNL and take on a role as the sorely needed catalyst in sparking communication among all groups on campus. And most importantly, he should not forget that there would be no University of Nebraska-Lincoln without the 24,000 students who claim this campus as a second home. He should listen to and take seriously their concerns and invite them to take an active part in the running of this university. A lot to ask of one man? Maybe. But if he can accomplish what he has set out to do, Moeser may well be the best thing out of Co lumbia, S.C., since Hootie and the Blowfish. Editorial policy Staff editorials represent the official policy of the Spring 1996 Daily .Ne braskan. Policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. Editorials do not necessarily reflect the views of the university, its employees, the stu dents or the NU Board of Regents. Editorial columns represent the opin ion of the author. The regents publish the Daily Nebraskan. They establish the UNL Publications Beard to super vise the daily production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its students. Letter policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters will be selected for publication on the basis of clarity, originality, timeliness and space available. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit orreject all material submitted. Readers also are welcome to submit mate rial as guest opinions. The editor decides whether material should run as a guest opinion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be re turned. Anonymous submissions will not be pub lished. Letters should include the author’s name, year in school, major and group affiliation, if any. Re quests to withhold names will not be granted. Submit material to: Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448. r ROCKING CHMRSJ ■\r N(uto40-ROCK THE VOTE; ITS Rock the vote / J PM*/ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Tuned out I am as big a fan of the St. Olaf Choir as any choral musician. Historically, they are America’s pre eminent collegiate a cappella choir, and many of my highly regarded colleagues in the choral world are St. Olaf graduates. But I must ask why, when UNL boasts five very fine choral en sembles, open to students from throughout the university, does the uauy rNeurasK.an largely overioox us when on-campus concerts are presented? UNL choral groups have been invited to sing (usually as the result of taped competitive audi tions) at state, regional, national and international events. The Oratorio Chorus requires no audition whatso ever and sings masterworks with the University Orchestra and the Lincoln Orchestra Association. The University Singers have achieved particular acclaim and will be performing Bach’s St. John Passion at the conclusion of a regional choral conductors’ convention at the Lied Center in March. The Univer sity Chorale for women and the men’s Varsity Glee Club fill a particular niche for dedicated singers and, of course, the Scarlet and Cream Singers boast a large and potent musical outreach. Next year, a mixed-voice Concert Choir will be added to this list of ensembles. Try as we might, however, it is rare when we get an article, let alone a picture, describing our upcoming concerts. And on those occasions when something has appeared, it’s usually been the result of a last minute, frenzied call from a reporter with little knowledge of music who seems to be desperate to fill space for the next day’s edition and gets it all wrong. While I applaud the DN’s attention to this important off campus choral concert by a truly esteemed visiting choir, what are the rest of us singers right here in your own backyard—chopped choral liver? James F. Hejduk associate professor of music director of choral activities Self-help healthy I just had the pleasure of reading Steve Willey’s article on masturba tion. I was out of to\yn when it was printedJait ^Friday’s paper there was a letter from a man who seemed terrified of the act of masturbation! So I would just like to say to OAMRP/\r/Vp; MOT fW TO ^tvrsTC^^. ivJS- ANP 5 Wh A' !i £fi*~r \\\ ■£■'7 ^oVfc'T ‘THY fftltrhUOK'S YJifg H .l Let ters must be signed and include a phone num ber for verification.